Question about a terminology which implements something like this list.Add(new{a=1, b=2}) - linq

What is the terminology for the usage of "new" in:
list.Add(new{a=1, b=2})
And what type should I replace the T in List getList if I want to use the list as the returned value? I don't want to replace T with "object" because I want to parse it in Linq query.

Since you did not specify a type: new {1), it's called object initializers with anonymous types. (MSDN Explaining them) The Object Initializer part is where you do { a=1, b=2}.
If you want to be able to reference a type, you will have to create a type and stuff the values in.
new MyType() {
If you are just going to be pairing two items look into using the Pair Class. There is also a Triplet Class just in case you might want to store 3 items.


Predefining an array of tuples

I am attempting to populate an array of tuples in a for-loop. The array needs to be predefined.
I am trying to do something along the following lines:
for class in keys(classes)
In the specific case, classes is a dictionary of type Dict{String,Tuple{Int64,Int64}}. For e.g. classes=Dict("Item1" => (5000,10000), "Item2" => (5000,10000))
The type-definition of broadcasting operation pmap(...) when class is Item1 is an Array{Tuple{Float64,Float64,Float64,Array{Float64,1}},1}. What is an appropriate way of preallocating arr?
arr[Item1] will be of type Array{Tuple{Float64,Float64,Float64,Array{Float64,1}},1}. So, I presume arr would have to defined as an Array{Array{Tuple{Float64,Float64,Float64,Array{Float64,1}},1}}, or something to this extent. But, I couldn't come up with the right notation for defining this.
It seems like I have overthought this; defining arr as a Dict{String,Array{Tuple{Float64,Float64,Float64,Array{Float64,1}},1}} was helpful.

What's the usage of

As you can see in the title , I'd appreciate it if somebody can tell the usage of the Class .
There's a inside enum Type ,how to use it?
public static enum Type {
BETWEEN(2, "IsBetween", "Between"), IS_NOT_NULL(0, "IsNotNull", "NotNull"), IS_NULL(0, "IsNull", "Null"), LESS_THAN(
"IsLessThan", "LessThan"), LESS_THAN_EQUAL("IsLessThanEqual", "LessThanEqual"), GREATER_THAN("IsGreaterThan",
"GreaterThan"), GREATER_THAN_EQUAL("IsGreaterThanEqual", "GreaterThanEqual"), BEFORE("IsBefore", "Before"), AFTER(
"IsAfter", "After"), NOT_LIKE("IsNotLike", "NotLike"), LIKE("IsLike", "Like"), STARTING_WITH("IsStartingWith",
"StartingWith", "StartsWith"), ENDING_WITH("IsEndingWith", "EndingWith", "EndsWith"), NOT_CONTAINING(
"IsNotContaining", "NotContaining", "NotContains"), CONTAINING("IsContaining", "Containing", "Contains"), NOT_IN(
"IsNotIn", "NotIn"), IN("IsIn", "In"), NEAR("IsNear", "Near"), WITHIN("IsWithin", "Within"), REGEX(
"MatchesRegex", "Matches", "Regex"), EXISTS(0, "Exists"), TRUE(0, "IsTrue", "True"), FALSE(0, "IsFalse",
"False"), NEGATING_SIMPLE_PROPERTY("IsNot", "Not"), SIMPLE_PROPERTY("Is", "Equals");
// Need to list them again explicitly as the order is important
// (esp. for IS_NULL, IS_NOT_NULL)
private static final List<Part.Type> ALL = Arrays.asList(IS_NOT_NULL, IS_NULL, BETWEEN, LESS_THAN, LESS_THAN_EQUAL,
Part is internal to Spring Data. It is not intended to be used by client code. So if you don't implement your own Spring Data Modul you shouldn't use it at all nor anything inside it.
A Part is basically an element of an AST that will probably result in an element of a where clause or equivalent depending on the store in use.
E.g. if you have a method findByNameAndDobBetween(String, Date, Date) parsing the method name will result in two parts. One for the name condition and one for the DOB between condition.
The type enum lists all the different types of conditions that are possible.
The parameters of the elements are the number of method arguments required and (possibly multiple) Strings that identify this type inside a method name.

Mapping concrete types

What is the idiomatic way to define something like map[type]interface{}?
As far I can see the type (as keyword) is not something comparable so can not be used as a key in a map. Maybe I'm going in the wrong way, so U would accept any suggestion.
Example motivation
Let's assume in the application model I have type called Person, being stored in a table named "person" of a rdbms.
If I would like to link the entity object Person to the the table name. Things that by definition doens't come together, so it is wise to avoid polluting the Person struct with "not-naturally-related" (this is where my java-OO-based mind appears) [pointer|value]-recieve methods, so a map could be in handy here, right? (maps are great for associating things from differents worlds or sets, right?)
var tableNameByType map[type]string = map[type]string{
Person: "person",
This statement causes the compiler to yell at me complaining about expected type, found 'type'. I have tried used instead of type, interface{} and struct, with no better results.
Use reflect.Type as the key:
var tableNameByType map[reflect.Type]string = map[reflect.Type]string{
reflect.TypeOf(Person{}): "person",
You can get the name for a type using:
name := tableNameByType[reflect.TypeOf(Person{})]
... or the name for value v using:
name := tableNameByType[reflect.ValueOf(v).Type()]
You can avoid instantiating the struct value by replacing reflect.TypeOf(Person{}) with reflect.TypeOf((*Person)(nil)).Elem() in the above code.

Kotlin Instantiate Immutable List

I've started using Kotlin as a substitute for java and quite like it. However, I've been unable to find a solution to this without jumping back into java-land:
I have an Iterable<SomeObject> and need to convert it to a list so I can iterate through it more than once. This is an obvious application of an immutable list, as all I need to do is read it several times. How do I actually put that data in the list at the beginning though? (I know it's an interface, but I've been unable to find an implementation of it in documentation)
Possible (if unsatisfactory) solutions:
val valueList = arrayListOf(values)
// iterate through valuelist
fun copyIterableToList(values: Iterable<SomeObject>) : List<SomeObject> {
var outList = ArrayList<SomeObject>()
for (value in values) {
return outList
Unless I'm misunderstanding, these end up with MutableLists, which works but feels like a workaround. Is there a similar immutableListOf(Iterable<SomeObject>) method that will instantiate an immutable list object?
In Kotlin, List<T> is a read-only list interface, it has no functions for changing the content, unlike MutableList<T>.
In general, List<T> implementation may be a mutable list (e.g. ArrayList<T>), but if you pass it as a List<T>, no mutating functions will be exposed without casting. Such a list reference is called read-only, stating that the list is not meant to be changed. This is immutability through interfaces which was chosen as the approach to immutability for Kotlin stdlib.
Closer to the question, toList() extension function for Iterable<T> in stdlib will fit: it returns read-only List<T>.
val iterable: Iterable<Int> = listOf(1, 2, 3)
val list: List<Int> = iterable.toList()

Gson, How to write a JsonDeserializer for Generic Typed Classes?

I have a class that holds a generic type, and it also has a non-zero arg constructor. I don't want to expose a zero arg constructor because it can lead to erroneous data.
public class Geometries<T extends AbstractGeometry>{
private final GeometryType geometryType;
private Collection<T> geometries;
public Geometries(Class<T> classOfT) {
this.geometryType = lookup(classOfT);//strict typing.
There are several (known and final) classes that may extend AbstractGeometry.
public final Point extends AbstractGeometry{ ....}
public final Polygon extends AbstractGeometry{ ....}
Example json:
"geometryType" : "point",
"geometries" : [
{ ...contents differ... hence AbstractGeometry},
{ ...contents differ... hence AbstractGeometry},
{ ...contents differ... hence AbstractGeometry}
How can I write a JsonDeserializer that will deserialize a Generic Typed class (such as Geometires)?
p.s. I don't believe I need a JsonSerializer, this should work out of the box :)
Note: This answer was based on the first version of the question. The edits and subsequent question(s) change things.
p.s. I don't believe I need a JsonSerializer, this should work out of the box :)
That's not the case at all. The JSON example you posted does not match the Java class structure you apparently want to bind to and generate.
If you want JSON like that from Java like that, you'll definitely need custom serialization processing.
The JSON structure is
an object with two elements
element 1 is a string named "geometryType"
element 2 is an object named "geometries", with differing elements based on type
The Java structure is
an object with two fields
field 1, named "geometryType", is a complex type GeometryType
field 2, named "geometries" is a Collection of AbstractGeometry objects
Major Differences:
JSON string does not match Java type GeometryType
JSON object does not match Java type Collection
Given this Java structure, a matching JSON structure would be
an object with two elements
element 1, named "geometryType", is a complex object, with elements matching the fields in GeometryType
element 2, named "geometries", is a collection of objects, where the elements of the different objects in the collection differ based on specific AbstractGeometry types
Are you sure that what you posted is really what you intended? I'm guessing that either or both of the structures should be changed.
Regarding any question on polymorphic deserialization, please note that the issue was discussed a few times on already. I posted a link to four different such questions and answers (some with code examples) at Can I instantiate a superclass and have a particular subclass be instantiated based on the parameters supplied.
