What is an easy way to display graphs in Ruby? - ruby

I am looking at some graphing options, and would like one that has the cleanliness of Sparklines gem but that doesn't require Rmagick. I'd like one with some clear tutorials, too.

Check out http://railscasts.com/episodes/223-charts as a possible solution.

What's the problem with Rmagick? I'm just thinking a little more info might help, but because of that restriction I guess my answer probably won't suit you either--I'd say switch to JRuby and use any of the packages available on the jvm.

I use win32ole to get Excel to create graphs. Probably more suitable if you're on a desktop rather than a web server.


Anything better than ruby alchemy for extracting keywords?

I've currently written an algorithm in Ruby based on the arc90 readability code to extract an article from a web page.
Now that I have the article, I want to extract keywords and specific information from it (names, author, etc)
I heard Alchemy was a great ruby gem for doing this though it consumes a lot of resources. Are there any better gems I can use for this?
fast, leightweight and easy-to-use gem for extracting keywords from longer content:
i use it in production, works like a charm.
The question is a bit older, but i'll leave this here for others who will come from google to see this question.
There is an OpenCalais gem which provides similar capability. In addition to entity extraction it can also detect events and relations between entities. It's not lightweight, though I couldn't tell if it's better or worse than Alchemy as I haven't used the Alchemy gem. Hope this helps.

Ruby GUI (non-complex layouts)

I've done quite a bit of research on Ruby GUI design, and it appears to be the one area where Ruby tends to be behind the curve. I've explored the options of MonkeyBars, wxRuby, fxRuby, Shoes, etc. and was just wanted to get some input from the Ruby community.
While they're definitely usable, the development on each seems to have fallen off. There is not a great deal of useful documentation or user bases that I could find on any (minus the fxRuby book). I'm just looking to make a simple GUI, so I don't really want to spend hundreds of hours learning the intricacies of the more complex tools or attempt to use something that is no longer even being developed (Shoes is the type of application I'm looking for, but it's extremely buggy and not being actively developed.) Out of all of the options, which would you guys recommend as being the quickest to pick up and that still has some sort of development base?
I don't know what you mean by Shoes being extremely buggy. It works perfectly fine for building your own little application :-)
Yes there are problems with shoes3 and packaging/installer. However the community is one of the nicest I ever saw. Always nice and helpful figuring out problems. You can reach the mailing list at shoes#librelist.com.
If you're looking for basic information Nobody Knows Shoes and the shoes manual are your best friends.
However we are currently working on shoes 4 - which is a complete rewrite having multiple backends in mind - first backend being jruby/swt
So I would definitely recommend shoes :-)
Shoes on!
I've been looking at similar needs and am considering picking up a javascript gui library like Dojo or Sproutcore; or using JRuby + Netbeans for a Java based GUI.
For me, Aptana was a nice environment to start trying the javascript libraries to test the pain starting the learning curve. I'm still trying to find time to finsh my comparison.
might help
limelight looks interesting
You might try:
DialogBlocks to create an XRC file using wxWidgets / wxRuby
xrcise - to create a ruby file to load the XRC
I am faced with the task of writing many small GUI's and a few
that are complicated. The above has worked for me. While the
above works on Windows, I can only vouch for the Linux implementations
which work very nicely.
FYI: DialogBlocks will run you about $100. It will create C++
or XRC files. It is also good at switching platforms. I think
there's a demo version.
My version info:
ruby 1.9.1p243
wxWidgets 2.8.10
wxRuby 2.0.1
DialogBlocks 4.28
wx_sugar 0.1.22 (for xrcise)

How to get started with Ruby programming language with Java background?

I am intermediate in java but as one of the company requirements they are looking for JAVA+RUBY programming language..
Can anybody help how to get started with Ruby I need to get it done in next one month so that I can crack the interview of the company...
I wanna know how does Ruby work like compiler, is it platform independent or how does byte code generated..
I must be able to write the small level programs in Ruby..
Like in java First I need to download JDK den getting started with programs..
How about Ruby what all I need to install in my computer..
To Ruby From Java
To Ruby From Other Languages
Download Ruby
The Pickaxe book
Why's guide
Kind of surprised no one has mentioned JRuby yet.
One of its strengths is the ability to natively call Java classes, so you can use a lot of the frameworks from Java that you're already familiar with.
Downloading the Ruby Koans is another great way to learn
Pragrog books are always good:
Start here:
Once you do the 15 minute walk-through, go here:
Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide
To Ruby from Java:
That is the official site for Ruby and will be able to point you to language downloads and other resources.
How about the Ruby language web site: http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/
Also, I would advise you not to try and come across as a ruby expert in the interview after only playing with it for a month. It's better to err on the side of honesty, because a good interviewer will be able to tell when you are faking it... or worse, it will show when you start working.
Ruby is a cool language... have fun!

Creating on-demand, print-quality PDFs (preferably in Ruby if feasible)

What's your fast and reliable (as in "stable") solution to create on-demand, newspaper-like (as in "using advanced layout or typesetting") PDFs out of an application on a Linux server?
Therefore: No, HTML2PDF is not the solution I'm looking for. ;-)
And if it's not Ruby-based: Is there a way to steer your solution out of a Rails application? Preferably over a webservice or a something-2-Ruby-bridge-kind-of-thing?
Thanks a lot for your suggestions!
There's a similar question and the rtex gem suggested there looks like what I'm looking for. I'll keep this question unanswered to look if there are other suggestions.
Typesetting well is hard.
If you can't find a ruby typesetting library, you may want to look at running a background pdflatex. LaTeX source is pretty easy to generate programmatically.
How useful this idea is will depend a bit on how complicated your documents are, and how much you care about the quality of output. If you have simple text only, and only want something a bit better than html, you probably have more options.
Prawn is designed for this type of thing, and it's under current development.
With php I've had great luck with FPDF. I generate a few thousand high quality reports everyday with it. Never misses a beat and is pretty quick. With php running on a webserver, I imagein it wouldn't be too hard to setup ruby to feed the php page the data required to generate and then ruby pick up the result.
EDIT: It looks like there is a port for Ruby. http://zeropluszero.com/software/fpdf/

Ruby and WS-Security

I'm having troubles finding good Ruby libraries that implement WS-Security. I've seen wss4r but have yet to use it (and the documentation is a bit light on it). What libraries do you use for this task, or is there a better alternative?
I don't work with soap much myself, but this ruby extension is on my list of things to try: here. Might want to check it out.
