How to replace inadmissible solutions? - algorithm

I'm building a genetic algorithm to maximize a mathematical function.
The initial population is randomly selected, lets say of 20 individuals.
The best is kept for the next generation.
18 tournaments are made so that afterwards individuals can be randomly
selected to form nine pairs.
From the nine pairs, nine children are 'born'.
Here is my problem. Several of these children don't meet admissible
I've decided do remove these elements from the next generation.
The advice I need is regarding the replacement of the individuals that
are removed due to be inadmissible.
I've thought of generating new individuals randomly.
Do you have other ideas?

depends on what you want done, you can either keep generating with random pairs until you get 9 'acceptable' 'children' or you can just throw them out and only have the 'acceptable' children advance. That would be more evolutionary.

Why don't you implement some kind of ad-hoc crossover so that generates 'admissible' offspring?
This is standard practice. but if this suggestion is not suitable, can you please articulate what you mean by 'not admissible'?

I don't use sexual reproduction, which I think is what you're doing. I have the good ones survive to the next generation unchanged, and the bad ones replaced with mutations of the good ones (usually creating the "children" from each of the ones better than a threshold in sequence, so the children aren't all related to the same "good" individual). Note that by mutation, I mean making random small changes to the properties of one of the good "creatures", not creating a new totally-random individual. This, in my mind at least, simulates individuals asexually reproducing and small amounts of mutation being introduced into the children's DNA. Figuring out just how much mutation is needed is something you'll have to experiment with. Larger populations with many more generations and a lower mutation rate seem to work better, but that isn't always the case.


How to deal with unfeasible individuals in Genetic Algorithm?

I'm trying to optimize a thermal power plant in a thermoeconomic way using Genetic Algorithms. Creating population gets me with a lot of unfeasible Individuals (e.g: ValueErros, TypeError etc.). I tried to use Penalty Functions, but the GA get stucked in first populations with a feasible Individual fitness and it doesn't evolve. There's any other way to deal with it?
I will be grateful if anyone can help me
Thank in advance
Do not allow such individuals to get part of the population. It will slow down your convergence but you will garantee that solutions found are fine.
You may want to look into Diversity Control.
In theory, invalid individuals may contain advantageous/valid pieces of code, and discarding them just because they have a bug is wasteful. In diversity control, your population is grouped into different species based on similarity metric (for tree structures it's usually edit distance), then the fitness of each individual is "shared" with other members of the group. In such a case fitness = performance/group_size. This is usually done to prevent premature convergence and to widen the exploration.
By combining your penalty function with diversity control, if the group of valid individuals becomes too numerous, fitness within that group will go down, and the groups that throw errors yet are less numerous will become more competitive, carrying the potentially valuable material forward.
Finally something like the rank-based selection should make the search insensitive to outliers, so when your top dog is 200% better than the other ones, it won't be selected all the time.

Genetic algorithm - new generations getting worse

I have implemented a simple Genetic Algorithm to generate short story based on Aesop fables.
Here are the parameters I'm using:
Mutation: Single word swap mutation with tested rate with 0.01.
Crossover: Swap the story sentences at given point. rate - 0.7
Selection: Roulette wheel selection -
Fitness function: 3 different function. highest score of each is 1.0. so total highest fitness score is 3.0.
Population size: Since I'm using 86 Aesop fables, I tested population size with 50.
Initial population: All 86 fable sentence orders are shuffled in order to make complete nonsense. And my goal is to generate something meaningful(at least at certain level) from these structure lost fables.
Stop Condition: 3000 generations.
And the results are below:
However, this still did not produce a favorable result. I was expecting the plot that goes up over the generations. Any ideas to why my GA performing worse result?
Update: As all of you suggested, I've employed elitism by 10% of current generation copied to next generation. Result still remains the same:
Probably I should use tournament selection.
All of the above responses are great and I'd look into them. I'll add my thoughts.
Your mutation rate seems fine although with Genetic Algorithms mutation rate can cause a lot of issues if it's not right. I'd make sure you test a lot of other values to be sure.
With mutation I'd maybe use two types of mutation. One that replaces words with other from your dictionary, and one that swaps two words within a sentence. This would encourage diversifying the population as a whole, and shuffling words.
I don't know exactly how you've implemented this but one-point crossover doesn't seem like it'll be that effective in this situation. I'd try to implement an n-point crossover, which will do a much better job of shuffling your sentences. Again, I'm not sure how it's implemented but just swapping may not be the best solution. For example, if a word is at the first point, is there ever any way for it to move to another position, or will it always be the first word if it's chosen by selection?
If word order is important for your chosen problem simple crossover may not be ideal.
Again, this seems fine but I'd make sure you test other options. In the past I've found rank based roulette selection to be a lot more successful.
This is always the most important thing to consider in any genetic algorithm and with the complexity of problem you have I'd make doubly sure it works. Have you tested that it works with 'known' problems?
Population Size
Your value seems small but I have seen genetic algorithms work successfully with small populations. Again though, I'd experiment with much larger populations to see if your results are any better.
The most popular suggestion so far is to implement elitism and I'd definitely recommend it. It doesn't have to be much, even just the best couple of chromosome every generation (although as with everything else I'd try different values).
Another sometimes useful operator to implement is culling. Destroy a portion of your weakest chromosomes, or one that are similar to others (or both) and replace them with new chromosomes. This should help to stop your population going 'stale', which, from your graph looks like it might be happening. Mutation only does so much to diversify the population.
You may be losing the best combinations, you should keep the best of each generation without crossing(elite). Also, your function seems to be quite stable, try other types of mutations, that should improve.
Drop 5% to 10% of your population to be elite, so that you don't lose the best you have.
Make sure your selection process is well set up, if bad candidates are passing through very often it'll ruin your evolution.
You might also be stuck in a local optimum, you might need to introduce other stuff into your genome, otherwise you wont move far.
Moving sentences and words around will not probably get you very far, introducing new sentences or words might be interesting.
If you think of story as a point x,y and your evaluation function as f(x,y), and you're trying to find the max for f(x,y), but your mutation and cross-over are limited to x -> y, y ->y, it makes sense that you wont move far. Granted, in your problem there is a lot more variables, but without introducing something new, I don't think you can avoid locality.
As #GettnDer said, elitism might help a lot.
What I would suggest is to use different selection strategy. The roulette wheel selection has one big problem: imagine that the best indidivual's fitness is e.g. 90% of the sum of all fitnesses. Then the roulette wheel is not likely to select the other individuals (see e.g. here). The selction strategy I like the most is the tournament selection. It is much more robust to big differences in fitness values and the selection pressure can be controlled very easily.
Novelty Search
I would also give a try to Novelty Search. It's relatively new approach in evolutionary computation, where you don't do the selection based on the actual fitness but rather based on novelty which is supposed to be some metric of how an individual is different in its behaviour from the others (but you still compute the fitness to catch the good ones). Of special interest might be combinations of classical fitness-driven algorithms and novelty-driven ones, like the this one by J.-B. Mouret.
When working with genetic algorithms, it is a good practice to structure you chromosome in order to reflect the actual knowledge on the process under optimization.
In your case, since you intend to generate stories, which are made of sentences, it could improve your results if you transformed your chromosomes into structured phrases, line <adjectives>* <subject> <verb> <object>* <adverbs>* (huge simplification here).
Each word could then be assigned a class. For instance, Fox=subject , looks=verb , grapes=object and then your crossover operator would exchange elements from the same category between chromosomes. Besides, your mutation operator could only insert new elements of a proper category (for instance, an adjective before the subject) or replace a word for a random word in the same category.
This way you would minimize the number of nonsensical chromosomes (like Fox beautiful grape day sky) and improve the discourse generation power for your GA.
Besides, I agree with all previous comments: if you are using elitism and the best performance decreases, then you are implementing it wrong (notice that in a pathological situation it may remain constant for a long period of time).
I hope it helps.

What is the name of this mechanism in the genetic algorithm?

In each evolution generation, a new population is constructed by the genetic operators.
In my implementation, I combine the new population and the old population together, and then sort all of them by the fitness. Among them, the top 100 ranked genomes are returned as the population for the next evolution generation (Suppose the population consists of 100 genomes).
This mechanism works well in my implementation. So, what is the name of this mechanism? I have read about it but forget its name. Could anyone tell me and give some references?
This is a form of crowding. For example, NSGA-II (a multi-objective GA) uses a crowding mechanism more or less identical to the one you described.
But it's a form of elitism too.
It's elitism - see info at Wikipedia
Elitism usually leads quicker to a better solution as "good" solutions are not lost. However in certain solution spaces you may not reach the global optimum. In some of my GA's I used a larger population instead of elitism to carry over good gens. Also reinitialization (when genoms start to become similar) can help to find the gloabl optimum. You may give it a try.

Elitism in GA: Should I let the elites be selected as parents?

I am a little confused by the elitism concept in Genetic Algorithm (and other evolutionary algorithms). When I reserve and then copy 1 (or more) elite individuals to the next generation,
Should I consider the elite solution(s) in the parent selection of the current generation (making a new population)?
Or, should I use others (putting the elites aside) for making a new population and just copy the elites directly to the next generation?
If the latter, what is the use of elitism? Is it just for not losing the best solution? Because in this scheme, it won't help the convergence at all.
for example, here under the crossover/mutation part, it is stated that the elites aren't participating.
(Of course, the same question can be asked about the survivor selection part.)
Elitism only means that the most fit handful of individuals are guaranteed a place in the next generation - generally without undergoing mutation. They should still be able to be selected as parents, in addition to being brought forward themselves.
That article does take a slightly odd approach to elitism. It suggests duplicating the most fit individual - that individual gets two reserved slots in the next generation. One of these slots is mutated, the other is not. That means that, in the next generation, at least one of those slots will reenter the general population as a parent, and possibly two if both are overtaken.
It does seem a viable approach. Either way - whether by selecting elites as parents while also perpetuating them, or by copying the elites and then mutating one - the elites should still be closely attached to the population at large so that they can share their beneficial genes around.
#Peladao's answer and comment are also absolutely spot on - especially on the need to maintain diversity and avoid premature convergence, and the elites should only represent a small portion of the population.
I see no reason why one would not use the elites as parents, besides perhaps a small loss in diversity. (The number of elites should therefore be small compared to the population size).
Since the elites are the best individuals, they are valuable candidates to create new individuals using crossover, as long as the elites themselves are also copied (unchanged) into the new population.
Keeping sufficient diversity and avoiding premature convergence is always important, also when elites are not used as parents.
There exists different methodologies used in order to implement elitism, as pointed out also by the other valid answers.
Generally, for elitism, just copy N individuals in the new generation without applying any kind of change. However this individuals can be selected by fitness ranking (true elitism) guaranteeing that the bests are really "saved", or they can be chosen via proportional selection (as pointed out in the book Machine Learning by Mitchell T.). The latter one is the same used in the roulette selection, but note that in this case the individuals are not used for generating new offspring, but are directly copied in the new population (survivors!).
When the selection for elitism is proportional we obtain a good compromise between a lack of diversity and a premature over-fitting situation.
Applying real elitism and avoiding to use the "elite" as parents will be counter-productive, especially considering the validity of the crossover operation.
In nutshell the main points about using elitism are:
The number of elites in the population should not exceed say 10% of the total population to maintain diversity.
Out of this say 5% may be direct part of the next generation and the remaining should undergo crossover and mutation with other non-elite population.

Genetic algorithms -- what are the benefits of sexual, as opposed to asexual, genetic algorithms?

Intuitively I'd think that if I want to find the "best" set of parameters, I can simply take the best performing 1 guy from a subset of lots of children, make that guy generate 100 children similar to himself, pick the best performer and repeat. What purpose does it serve to pick specifically the best 2 and crossbreed? For that matter, why not select 3, 4, or 10 parents ("orgy-derived" zygotes) from which to create each generation of children?
"from a subset of lots of children" - how were those children made, and what mechanism makes them different from each other? "generate 100 children similar to himself" - if not exactly like himself, then what mechanism makes them similar, yet not identical?
Sexual reproduction is a mechanism that answers these questions. Through sexual reproduction you create new combinations, made up of the genes of fit individuals. Just using random mutation alone as a mechanism for creating diversity and new combinations is what it says - random - a shot in the dark. Sexual reproduction creates new combinations using the genes of successful individuals, which is not simply random.
Questioning which is better, sexual vs. asexual is a good question, and there are a lot of articles on this topic of sexual vs. asexual, and not all favor sexual. There are successful asexual mechanisms, although I'm not sure if the alternative you proposed in your question is among them.
Think of it this way: your best performing guy is maybe better-than-average in, let's just say, 3 areas out of 10. Small variations of him (his asexually-reproduced kid) are probably going to have advantages in those same 3 areas: maybe 4 and maybe 2, depending on mutation. But the best performing guy and the best performing girl are better in perhaps 5 areas out of 10 (he's better-than-average in 3, she's better-than-average in 3, and maybe there's 1 where they overlap) and so if they had a good number of children one of them might be better-than-average in 5 areas (and perhaps one of them might inherit no advantages -- such are the breaks). And if that 5-areas-of-advantage kid mates with another 5-area-of-advantage kid, then while there's more chance of overlapping advantage, there's still a good chance (in our "10 gene" world) that the grand-child will have even more advantageous genes).
It's the recombination of several characteristics in a complex environment that's really at the heart of the genetic algorithm. It's not intuitive, because we don't generally think that twiddling every knob on the control panel at once is a good way to optimize, but if you have a lot of parameters and they're quite independent, it can be.
The fewer parents you have, the more likely you are to get caught in a local optimum-- potentially a not-very-good local optimum-- for a very long time. With only one parent, the only search mechanism left is individual mutation.
The more parents you have the less likely you are to capture whatever it was about the original parents that caused them to be selected for reproduction in the first place. The details will depend on exactly how your n-ary crossover works, but intuitively, the more parents you have, the less genetic material you are likely to have from any one particular parent, and the less likely the children are to inherit (and thus improve upon) any beneficial multi-chromosome traits of their parents.
This is related to the Schema Theorem.
Technically, you can have orgy-derived zygotes in your population, but there is no mathematical proof (at least to my knowledge) that they improve either diversity or the final result found by your algoritm. Besides, orgy operators (to use your term) are more complicated that the simple two parent kind, and are not easily prone to understanding by students. Hence, they are not advertised (does not mean that they are not allowed).
Actually, you can use a mix of both single and double parent in your GA. As one answer already pointed out, the single parent element is equivalent to a local search and technically you would be implementing a memetic algorithm, which is usually an improvement on the simple GA.
