Magento - local controller is not working - magento

I have a question regarding Magento's local directory.
I am trying to override a core controller - Mage/Contacts/controllers/IndexController.php.
So I copied IndexController.php to /app/local/Mage/Contacts/controllers/
but Magento is still using core file. I can confirm it because I see 404 page when I rename Mage/Contacts/controllers/IndexController.php to IndexController.php_.
Please advise me.

Copying a controller into the app/code/local path doesn't work unfortunately due to Magento's autoload architecture. It does work with Blocks, Models and other objects, but not controllers.
There is a detailed walkthrough of how to override a controller on the wiki. And a blog post by #prattski
Try following those, then come back with any specific questions.


Magento Module config.xml

I'm learning Magento extension developing, Already understand enough to start with PHP OOP, MVC and Zend framework.
Now i need to understand the concept of config.xml file in the /etc folder in my module, Already found table explain each entry like what is ,, .. etc.
But i need to understand in more details how it works.
An example of what in my mind is to add for example (new payment method) it will be easier to explain with example.
Already created my controllers, models, blocks .. etc folders.
Anybody can explain it in details or provide me with resources?
I found this quite useful as a starting point
I'm still learning module development but the module works

What is the use of Controller overriding in Magento?

In magento what is the use of overriding a controller?? In java, it can be helpful to call the super class method to the sub class. So is both the overridings are same?? If so, when and where we will override the controller? I knew that magento itself provides modules at app/code/core/Mage path. So instead of this at what situations we will over ride the controllers?
I searched for the google and it shows how to override a controller and I havent find about why to override a controller in magento?
Can anyone explain me about this??
Overriding Controller it mean we can override the Magento Core Controller(app/code/core/Mage/) into Our Custom Magento Module(app/code/local/).
you can implement your custom operations While Overriding Magento Core Controller in custom modules.
Below are the reference for Magento Controller Overriding
Magento override controller
Adding to the answer given by #Man kingdom
Overriding a controller avoids messing or playing with core files which magento does not likes.
Even you're overridden controller is false you have a option left to recover from default core files.
Moreover overriding a controller helps you a lot when you want to upgrade your magento version.
Following url's I always refer:
Link 1
Link 2
Hopes this helps you.

Overriding Joomla core component file

I am trying to override the com_content/views/article/view.html.php file in joomla using the instructions given in this page
It says I have to create a folder named 'code' in base directory and create the same directory structure. I tried it , but its not working. Can someone confirm whether its working.
Where should I create code folder? Is it on root of joomla installations?
PS- The edit is working correctly when applied on core file
You can override (nearly) any class in Joomla, if your class with the same name is loaded first. To ensure that, you need to create a system plugin.
Here is an example for root/components/com_content/views/article/view.html.php:
class plgSystemOverride extends JPlugin
public function onAfterRoute()
JLoader::register('ContentViewArticle', 'path/to/override.php', true);
CAVEAT: Overriding a core class can lead to problems with other extensions, if you're not very careful. For views, though, any interferrence with other extensions is less likely.
You can't override component controllers, models and views in core Joomla! without using a 3rd party plugin.
The plugin you need can be found here:
The code folder then goes into your Joomla root unless you're overriding a back-end view in which case it goes into /administrator
Hope this helps :)
You can use the Class Overrider Plugin
just adding some simple human reading commands

Need documentation for Magento Models (Mage::getModel())

I've read Alan Storm's guide here on Magento ORM principles and how to access the data. I'm writing a plugin to export data from magento.
Where do I find documentation for the different types of models available in Magento?
For example,
What are the other allowable models in getModel?.
There's some information in the API documentation, like product.list, and if I were to guess, then I would say that this some how translates over to the getModel call, but i'm not sure how. Can anyone link me? google searches for "getModel documentation" and
"Magento models" produce no relevant results.
Here are the links I have looked at:
DB Diagram
SO Question
getModel and getData methods
Alan Storm's guide
So far, Alan's stuff has been the most helpful.
Help me, #Alan Storm :)
You should dig into code. Using getModel you're able to get an instance of each class of each module which is located in Models directories. In catalog/product_option_a_b_c expression, the fitst part (catalog) references to module and the second part references to Product/Option/A/B/C.php file in the Models directory of catalog module. So if you want to get an instance of Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address class, you need this: Mage::getModel('sales/quote_address')
you probably know that magento is comprised of several MVC modules so according to its standard each module has a Model directory. getModel() uses this structure to find which model you want to load. basically the call is in this format:
remember not to include model directory and use underscore to separate directories. also the name of the directories are in lowercase however in reality they start with uppercase.

Overriding magento cms controller for noRoute action

I'm looking for example of overriding cms controller for noRoute action. I'm trying to make my 404 page send me an email when it happens.
I have followed this tutorial and did everything exactly as written but nothing happens.
I googled some more and found this which also doesen't work for me.
My Magento version is
Could anyone give me any link to some tutorial or example code? Thank you very much!
I've did some try/error research and managed to create my module. After a lot of search I found that Magento uses custom No-route controller for 404 pages (this page is GOLD: This can be set as following:
Under "System -> Configuration -> Web -> Default Pages" I've changed the setting for Default No-route URL which now points to my custom made controller.
I've basically copied contents from the existing CMS IndexController and added my own logic (sending email and showing search form). That's it, it works form me.
Thanks to everyone.
mXperts skuroute extension - get it and edit the controller.
