How do I force Xcode to link to a custom version of a system framework? - xcode

I have a project that uses OpenAL. The project is built against the 10.5 SDK, and the version of the OpenAL.framework in 10.5 causes some problems. I want to link to a custom-built version of the OpenAL.framework that resides in my source tree.
However, Xcode resolutely refuses to do this. No matter what I try, it insists on linking to the framework located at /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenAL.framework/OpenAL. Here are a couple of things I've tried without success:
Set the path to the framework directory in a variety of ways (relative, absolute) using -F.
Pass the linker the -Z flag to eliminate default link paths, then explicitly pass /System/Library further on in the link process, to ensure that it sees the system paths after my custom library path.
Build my library using a prelinking pass, and explicitly pass the library inside the framework to THAT.
According to man gcc, passing the -F parameter should be sufficient to ensure that a link path is searched before the default paths. Either this isn't happening correctly or I'm misunderstanding the problem, and it seems too simple and obvious to be a linker problem :-)


macOS: Load one or other system framework at run time based on availability

I'm working on a macOS tool which uses Apple's Safari framework. When running in macOS 10.13, the tool links to and loads it from
and all works fine. But when running in macOS 10.12.6, some behaviors are missing. Based on some probing with DTrace, I think that this is because my tool needs to load instead the latest Staged framework, which is here:
This is apparently what Safari does, because if I attach to Safari with lldb and run image list, in 10.13 the list includes only the former path, and in 10.12.6 only the latter.
I tried the following:
NSBundle* stagedBundle = [NSBundle bundleWithPath:#"/System/Library/StagedFrameworks/Safari/Safari.framework"];
That returns nil in 10.13 because there is, at this time, no such directory. However, in 10.12.6, I get a stagedBundle, and then:
NSBundle* privateBundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:[BookmarksController class]];
[privateBundle unload];
[stagedBundle load];
The unloading and loading apparently works, because if I log -description of those two bundles, before running that code the Private bundle is (loaded) and the Staged bundle is (not yet loaded), but after running that code those states are swapped, as desired.
But it is not effective. (1) If I again invoke -bundleForClass:, passing a class known to be in both frameworks, it gives me the Private bundle. (2) If I invoke -respondsToSelector:, passing a selector which is known to exist only in the Staged framework, I get NO.
I tried calling _CFBundleFlushBundleCaches(), as suggested here, but that did not help.
I've also tried changing my target's FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS, and installing the Staged framework on my Mac and linking to it, but since this post is already too long I'll just say that this resulted in more heat than light.
How can one selectively load a framework in this situation?
I've tried another approach. After re-reading Apple's Framework Programming Guide, even though it seems really dated, I decided that this framework needs to be weakly linked. Did this:
In the code, removed those NSBundle -load and -unload calls
In my tool's target,
In Build Phases > Link Binary with Libraries, removed path to the Safari Private framework, because this was a strong link.
In Build Settings > Other Linker Flags added -weak_framework Safari
In Build Settings > Framework Search Paths, listed paths to both frameworks' parent directories, with the Staged path before the Private path, because I want this one to load in macOS 10.12.6, where both exist.
It makes sense to me, builds and runs in both 10.13 and 10.12.6, but it is apparently still loading the undesired Private framework in 10.12.6. NSLog reports that as the bundle's path, and a class does not respond to a selector known to be in Staged framework only.
Any other ideas?
First, a disclaimer: I'd strongly suggest you don't rely on loading private frameworks in any application that you ship to users. It's fragile and unsupported.
That said, if you really want to do this, my suggestion would be to use the same technique that Safari itself uses to select between the two copies of the framework, which is dyld's DYLD_VERSIONED_FRAMEWORK_PATH environment variable.
To quote the dyld man page:
This is a colon separated list of directories that contain potential override frameworks. The dynamic linker searches these directories for frameworks. For each framework found dyld looks at its LC_ID_DYLIB and gets the current_version and install name. Dyld then looks for the framework at the install name path. Whichever has the larger current_version value will be used in the process whenever a framework with that install name is required. This is similar to DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH except instead of always overriding, it only overrides is the supplied framework is newer. Note: dyld does not check the framework's Info.plist to find its version. Dyld only checks the -current_version number supplied when the framework was created.
In short, this results in dyld performing a version check between the framework being loaded and the one in the versioned framework path, with the higher version being loaded. If the versioned framework path doesn't exist or the framework in question doesn't exist within it, the original framework path will be used.
Safari makes use of a second dyld feature to simplify its use of DYLD_VERSIONED_FRAMEWORK_PATH, the LC_DYLD_ENVIRONMENT load command. This load command allows DYLD_* environment variables to be specified at link time that will be applied by dyld at runtime prior to it attempting to load any dependent libraries. Without this trick you'd need to set DYLD_VERSIONED_FRAMEWORK_PATH as an environment variable prior to your application being launched, which typically requires a cumbersome re-exec to achieve.
Putting these two building blocks together, you end up adding a configuration setting like:
OTHER_LDFLAGS = -Wl,-dyld_env -Wl,DYLD_VERSIONED_FRAMEWORK_PATH=/System/Library/StagedFrameworks/Safari;
You can then either link statically against /S/L/PrivateFrameworks/Safari.framework, or attempt to load it dynamically at runtime. Either should result in the appropriate framework being loaded at runtime.
To address some of the misunderstandings your question reveals:
The unloading and loading apparently works, because if I log -description of those two bundles, before running that code the Private bundle is (loaded) and the Staged bundle is (not yet loaded), but after running that code those states are swapped, as desired.
Unloading shared libraries containing Objective-C code isn't supported. I suspect the only thing it does is result in a "loaded" flag being toggled on the NSBundle instance, since at dyld's level it is ignored.
In Build Settings > Framework Search Paths, listed paths to both frameworks' parent directories, with the Staged path before the Private path, because I want this one to load in macOS 10.12.6, where both exist.
Framework search paths are a concept that's only used at compile-time. At runtime, the library's install name is what tells dyld where to find the binary to load.

How can I tell why my program requires a specific shared library?

I'm working on an OS X application using a third-party framework. This framework is distributed both as shared objects and static objects. For my purposes, I want to use the static objects because I can't rely on the presence of the library on other systems.
However, when I build the application with Xcode, something decides it needs the shared objects, and when I run it, dyld tells me off before I even get to my program:
dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libshared.dylib
  Referenced from: /Users/me/Library/Developer/Xcode/snip/
  Reason: image not found
I ran otool -L on the executable, and sure enough, it tried to link against the shared objects (which aren't even installed on my system). However, when I ran it on the thirty-some .a files that I link against, none of them indicated any dependency on them.
Apple's ld -v is just a tad verbose: it displays the library search paths but doesn't produce any other kind of useful output.
How can I find what tried to link against the shared objects?
otool -L does list the libraries against which any object links.
This specific instance was caused by an Xcode bug (known as rdar://2725744 to the ones blessed with Apple bug database access, and not fixed as of Xcode 6.1.1) where if you try to link against a .a static library with Xcode but there's a .dylib (or .so) dynamic library with the same name in the same directory, the linker will pick the dynamic one.
When you instruct Xcode to link against a static library (say /some/path/to/my/libFooBar.a), it adds -L/some/path/to/my -lFooBar to the linker invocation. However, with it, ld first searches for a dynamic library called libFooBar.dylib, and it will fall back to the static library only if it can't find the dynamic one.
If you added the framework is listed in the "Build Phases" of "Link Binary with Libraries" and it has the setting of "Required" that could explain why the launch fails.
Try changing the setting to "Optional". Then if nothing uses the framework, it should launch fine. (If something tries to use the framework, but fails to check for it first, it might crash.)

Making framework private with install_name_tool being ignored

I have written a simple application using the GPhoto2 Framework, and this works so long as the framework is in the location where it was originally compiled. I would like to move this inside the app bundle, though, so it does not need separate installation, so I need to make it work relative to this main executable.
Unfortunately the framework is not an Xcode project. It uses a script to build, so I cannot simply change the installation directory build setting, which is the solution that I have frequently seen while searching for an answer. Being quite new to Xcode and Mac programming it is also beyond my abilities to know how to convert the framework into an Xcode project.
The other advice I came across was to use install_name_tool to update the library ID and dependencies, replacing the absolute paths with ones of the form "#executable_path/../Frameworks/GPhoto2.framework". The framework is not a single binary, but contains a number of .dylib and .so libraries, but updating all of these has only been half successful.
I have set Xcode to copy the framework into the app bundle when it builds it. Then if I remove the framework from its originally compiled location the application fails to load, with the report generated by OS X saying the libgphoto2 library can no longer be found, as to be expected.
If I then use install_name_tool to update the references in all of the framework libraries inside the app bundle, and also in the app binary itself, then the application will load but fails to find any camera connected. Using otool I am able to verify that all references have correctly been changed.
But if I replace a copy of the framework to its original location it then works properly again, recognizing connected cameras, regardless of whether that framework uses relative or absolute locations. Clearly it is still looking at this location despite loading. I have even tried removing each of the individual library files from the framework in its original location in turn to see if the problem was just the result of a dependency in of these, but no matter which is missing the app will not work.
Incidentally, if I build the app using an updated version of the framework, it fails saying it cannot find the library "#executable_path/../Frameworks/GPhoto2.framework/prefix/lib/libgphoto2.2.dylib"
Am I doing something wrong or missing a step, or is what I am trying to do impossible for frameworks created outside Xcode?
In case someone comes across this future, the answer to my question was that I was doing nothing wrong. The problem was that the .so files were being loaded by libtool ltdl, at it requires absolute paths so these were being set at build time.
I patched the files gphoto2-abilities-list.c and gphoto2-port-info-list.c so that at runtime it would combine the relative library paths with the executable location. As a result I also needed to increase the FILENAME_MAX constant to allow it the mail application to run from, for example, the Desktop. But this, along with the use of install_name_tool allowed me to add GPhoto2 as a framework inside my application without needing any external dependencies.
The final problem of not being able to build my app in XCode with the framework after using install_name_tool remained, but for that I just used the original framework build, then after compilation I updated the references in the copied framework at the same time as I updated the ones in the main executable.

Add runtime library search paths to pre built binary

I'm trying to package a pre built binary into a Mac OS application bundle and I need to change the dylib and framework search paths for the executable. Unfortunately I can't rebuild the binaries at this point which makes means I have to find a work arround rather than using the correct search paths from the outset. Does anybody know how I can do this?
I assume that you want a permanent change to the executable. You can get temporary changes using the environment variables described in dyld(1). But for a permanent change, you can modify the executable using install_name_tool(1). See Creating Working dylibs for a good short writeup on how to do it. See the dyld(1) page for the replaceable variables you can use, such as #executable_path and #loader_path.

RPATH must exist at compile time

Please forgive me if I'm missing something obvious here. I'm developing some applications for another platform, and all of my proprietary libraries are installed to /app/lib. To facilitate this, I specify a runtime library path for each of my binaries as "/app/lib". This works fine; however, it requires that the path "/app/lib" exist in my build environment when linking (even though that directory is empty). I'm using NetBeans, which might be complicating matters, but I can see "-Wl, -rpath /app/lib" being passed to gcc.
I'd like to avoid the need to create an empty "/app/lib" in my build environment, but I don't want to change the file structure on my target platform. If I delete /app/lib from the build environment, I get an error when building that it can't be found. Is there a way to specify a runtime search path without the need for it to exist at link time?
I think the option you are looking for is -Wl,-rpath-link,/path/to/libraries. You need to use both options at once.
The linker will then use -rpath-link to find the libraries at link-time, but it'll encode the -rpath value into the binary for use at run time.
The syntax should be "-Wl,-rpath -Wl,/app/lib" ("-Wl,-rpath,/app/lib" works too). This is a bug in NetBeans. The reason why it's not more critical (and why I didn't notice this before) is that link-time search paths appear to carry over into runtime. Because NetBeans isn't placing a comma between -rpath and /app/lib, /app/lib is being interpreted as a link-time search path. As a result, my dependent libraries are still found at run-time in the appropriate location, but because it's a link-time dependency, the linking fails because /app/lib doesn't exist.
