How to track which tables/views/etc depends from a table, in Oracle - oracle

How to know which objects (tables/views/etc) uses a certain table?
I have to replace my table PRICE.
So, is there something like?
select system.dependencies from PRICE

from user_dependencies
where referenced_name = 'PRICE'


Find which oracle database object inserts data into a particular table?

I want to find the name of the stored procedure, package, function or trigger which is inserting data into a particular table, is there any inbuilt object so that i can use it. I am searching the name of the object from last 2 hours. Kindly help.
You cannot find the inserted PL/SQL block, but you can try out to identify the procedures/functions referring it. And increase your chances of finding.
dba_dependencies proc_syn, dba_synonyms syn_tab, dba_tables tables
AND proc_syn.referenced_name = syn_tab.synonym_name
AND syn_tab.synonym_name = tables.table_name
AND syn_tab.owner = 'PUBLIC'
order by
proc_syn.referenced_owner, syn_tab.table_name;
The above query would return the table objects, that refer this table.
Note, this would return, when you use STATIC queries only. Any dynamic queries, is completely out of hand.
You can try by analyzing all the source of your DB with something like this:
select *
from dba_source
where upper(text) like '%TABLE_NAME%'
The pro of this approach is that you will get even dynamic code; the con is that you'll have even select, update, ...
If the table is statically referenced you can check the ALL_DEPENDENCIES view
This will find all usages, not only insert
You can also search within source code:
This will find the usage only if INSERT and your table are on the same line.
However if the command is built more dynamically then you will not find it that simply.
You can use user_source or user_dependencies table as below.
Using table user_source
select * from user_source
where upper(text) like '%<YOUR TABLE NAME in UPPER CASE>%'
You can select from user_source , all_source , dba_source depending on user you have logged in and permission that user have.
Using table user_dependencies
SELECT NAME FROM user_dependencies WHERE referenced_name = '<YOUR TABLE NAME in UPPER CASE>'
SELECT referenced_name FROM user_dependencies WHERE name = '<YOUR TABLE NAME in UPPER CASE>'
You can select from user_dependencies , all_dependencies , dba_dependencies depending on user you have logged in and permission that user have.

List of Oracle views using specific table name

I wish to find a list of all views under specific schema using mentioned table name.
e.g. if view1 and view2 uses table1, using table name "table1", I wish to find view names "view1" and view2".
Please let me know, how can I do it.
and referenced_name like '%table_name%'
and referenced_type = 'TABLE'
Use this query:
FROM all_dependencies
AND referenced_type = 'TABLE'

Column name is masked in oracle indexes

I have a table in oracle db which has a unique index composed of two columns (id and valid_from). The column valid_from is of type timestamps with time zone.
When I query the SYS.USER_IND_COLUMNS to see which columns my table is using as unique index, I can not see the name of the valid_from column but instead I see smth like SYS_NC00027$.
Is there any possibility that I can display the name valid_from rather than SYS_NC00027$. ?
Apparently Oracle creates a function based index for timestamp with time zone columns.
The definition of them can be found in the view ALL_IND_EXPRESSIONS
Something like this should get you started:
select ic.index_name,
from all_ind_columns ic
left join all_ind_expressions ie
on ie.index_owner = ic.index_owner
and ie.index_name = ic.index_name
and ie.column_position = ic.column_position
where ic.table_name = 'FOO';
Unfortunately column_expression is a (deprecated) LONG column and cannot easily be used in a coalesce() or nvl() function.
Use the below to verify the col info.
select column_name,virtual_column,hidden_column,data_default from user_tab_cols where table_name='EMP';

Oracle: Is there a way to get the column data types for a view?

For a table in oracle, I can query "all_tab_columns" and get table column information, like the data type, precision, whether or not the column is nullable.
In SQL Developer or TOAD, you can click on a view in the GUI and it will spit out a list of the columns that the view returns and the same set of data (data type, precision, nullable, etc).
So my question is, is there a way to query this column definition for a view, the way you can for a table? How do the GUI tools do it?
You can use user_tab_columns (or all_tab_columns and dba_tab_columns respectively) regardless if table_name refers to a view or a table.
View columns appear in all_tab_columns, so you can query them just as you can tables.
Just simply write this query:
For example if the table/view name is "department" Then just write:
SQL> desc department;
This will give the list of all fields, it's type and default Null info of the table or view.
you can use the ANSI catalog views, should work for most RDBMs
select *
from information_schema.columns c
join information_schema.tables t on c.table_name = t.table_name
where table_type = 'view'

How to check modality/cardinality on a relationship in Oracle

I am attempting to reverse engineer a Database that is in Oracle. I have been able to find the main keys and the referential integrity rules that correspond to the Foreign Keys but cannot locate where the modality/cardinality rules are stored.
Any help regarding to which table to look in or a sample query would be greatly appreciated.
What do you mean by modality / cardinality rules?
FK relationships are always 1:N as far as Oracle is concerned. I guess one could enforce a 1:1 by having two FK relationships on the same fields but in opposite directions.
The only other 'rule' concerning cardinality are unique keys, but I think you already have those. If not, this might help:
Depending on the setup of the database you also might find heuristics about the cardinality of values in columns:
select * from user_tab_col_statistics
Especially the value 'NUM_DISTINCT' might be of some value.
If you are looking for more information in the data dictionary, I recommend this select for starters
select * from dict
where lower(comments|| '#' || table_name) like '%whatareyoulookingfor%'
I think you will have to check for referring columns being nullable:
SELECT column_name, nullable
FROM user_tab_cols
WHERE table_name = '<TABLE_NAME>'
and for unique indices on referring columns:
SELECT idx.index_name, col.column_name
FROM user_indexes idx
JOIN user_ind_columns col ON ( col.index_name = idx.index_name )
WHERE idx.uniqueness = 'UNIQUE'
AND idx.table_name = '<TABLE_NAME>'
