Implementing identifying relationships with EF4 - visual-studio-2010

I'm currently in a situation where I need to delete entities without having access to the associated ObjectContext. I read about identifying relationships and they seem to be exactly what I need: I want to delete an object, once it is no longer referenced by its "parent" object.
I am using Visual Studio 2010 Premium to generate my database from an edmx file. As far as I understand, I need to include the foreign key of my "parent" object in the primary key of my "child" object table. However, I cannot find a way to tell Visual Studio to do this.
Can someone please help me out on this? Am I completely on a wrong path or am I just missing a setting somewhere?

I finally figured it out:
Go to your Child entity and create a scalar property ParentId. Set this property as entity key (making it a primary key, together with your Id property of your Child entity). Next go to your ParentChild relationship and add a referential constraint. Principal for the constraint is your Parent and Dependant is your Child. Dependant property must be the property you just created on your Child (i.e. ParentId). Save everything and you're good to go.
Basically this is described as "scenario 2" in this blog post:

No, you are in the right path. What you need to do is in the EDM designer, after creating your 2 entities (Parent and Child), right click on the Parent Entity and select Add => Association... and then specify Multiplicity and Navigation property names, and click Ok. You'll see that VS create an association in between which will result on a relationship between these 2 table later on when you generate a database from your model.
Do not create a property like ParentID on your Child entity as it will be automatically created by the designer once you create the association.
Furthermore, you can right click on the association in the EDM designer and Select Properties and Select "Cascade" on "End2 OnDelete" option so that the child will be deleted when the parent is deleted.


CRM 2016 - How to create a parent-child relationship with multiple parent types?

I have an entity - EntityZ, which has a ParentId where ParentId could be EntityA.Id, EntityB.Id or EntityC.Id. Is it possible to create this in MS Dynamics CRM 2016? If yes, how? I've looked but couldn't find a similar question or any help on the web.
An entity can be the child party in only one full parental relationship. When you are looking for a way to cascade record ownership, deletion a.o. between mutiple parent - child entities you can create configurable cascading relationships.
As Arun Vinoth pointed out you can design your entity as an activity type. However, this may conflict with the semantics of activity records in CRM. Also, doing this would make it possible to associate the child entity to any entity that is enabled for activities.
There’s a trade off to achieve this. Custom entity as Custom Activity
Creating custom entity EntityZ as custom activity and EntityA, B, C can act as parent.
EntityA or B or C can be chosen as RegardingObjectId of EntityZ.
This has security limitation like EntityZ will be visible to everyone as this will be listed like other activities (Email, Phonecall, Task, etc)
I think it is worth nothing that Dynamics 365 does contain and out-of-box "polymorphic" customer field.
This field can link to either an Account or Contact:
And while it can be kludgy, another option would be to create 3 lookups and only populate one. Once one is populated you could hide the other two. Or, you could have a "Parent Type" option set to determine which lookup to show.
It would be a bit messy to show three lookups in a view, with only one populated, so you might also want a Parent Name text field in to which you could concatenate the type and name. You could use a workflow to populate it, and then use it in views and reports.

Making entity framework treat views with many-to-many relationships, like it does tables with many-to-many relationships

I have three views that I've manually created in the DB.
First view is "Region", the second is "FIPS" and the last is a many-to-many between them called "Region2FIPS". These are all views, and I only need read access the data, so I'm not worried about having updateable views.
I have added each of these views to Entity Framework, and created the appropriate associations between them.
Region to Region2FIPS is a 1 to many.
FIPS to Region2FIPS is a 1 to many.
The "Region2FIPS" view contains only two columns, one called "FIPSID" the other "RegionID". These column are associated with their respective views in the relationships I defined above.
When this type of association is made on tables in the DB, Entity Framework knows that it is a many-to-many relationship and it creates a navigation property on "Region" called "FIPS" that I can use to navigate through the child collection of FIPS. It does likewise for "FIPS" to "Region".
However, when done manually, with views, it does not exhibit that behavior. Instead, my "Region" object has a collection of "Region2FIPS" objects, which each have a navigation property called "FIPS" which is of type "FIPS". And my "FIPS" object has a collection of "Region2FIPS" objects, which each have a navigation property called "Regions" of type "Region".
I assume this has something to do with the fact that I can't create foreign key references on the views, so entity framework doesn't realize the many-to-many relationship. But I thought that if I manually created the many-to-many relationship between the views it would recognize it and properly handle the navigation between the types. Is there a way for me to force it to do this?
It's possible, but the designer doesn't really help you here. You have to do the mapping manually.
One fairly easy way is to use Code First mapping. But this means your model has to be Code First to begin with. If you're writing a new model, just do that.
If you're using DB First mapping, however, you will have to do the mapping manually. Your SSDL will probably already be correct, once you define the "primary keys" of the views. You would then have to remove the "Region2FIPS" objects from the CSDL (not just from the designer!) and manually patch up the MSL.
Perhaps the easiest way to do this would be to use the designer to automatically map real DB tables (not views) with a similar schema and then replace the table names with view names in the EDMX, using the XML editor.

MVC3 - Error setting up Controller with Entity framework

The steps I go through...
Add new ADO.NET Entity Data Model > Generate from DB > Setup new connection string to adventureworks db > Next > Select table "DatabaseLog" > Finish. Verify DatabaseLog is visible in the edmx view.
Right click controller > Add controller
TemplateController with read/write actions and views, using Entity
Model class
New data Context > Accept default name
Click Add.
Produce Error:
"Unable to retrieve metadata for 'DatabaseDocumentor.models.AdventureWorksDWEntities'.
System.Data.Edm.EdmEntityeType: EntityType 'AdventureWorksDWEntities' has no key defined. Define the key for this entitytype.
System.Data.Edm.EdmEntitySet: EntityType: EntitySet 'AdventureWorksDWEntities' is based on type 'AdventureWorksDWEntities' that has no keys defined.
I tried again using AdventureWorks (not AdventureWorksDW) and this time it worked. But, I still don't understand what to pick when generating a controller. I have 3 options:
Here I picked Controller with read/write actions and views, using Entity. This is easy enough to understand. I want to have my tables generated for me so I pick this option.
This is what I want to model. In this case I want to model the "Department" table. So I choose Department.
This one is real fuzzy to me. I chose *Name*Entities. This is the value in the web.config connection strings area. Why do I need to choose my connection string as the context? I only know context as "an object that I use to get to my entities" in C#. So, here it's hard for me to visualize. Do I need to always choose my connection string for the context?
This issue can occur when the Context is not correctly chosen from the dropdown. The context should be the value stored in the web.config
<add name="NamedEntitiesCs1"
that also contains the Model you want to generate.
I found what the issue is...
I have a 3 tiered architiecture I'm using with each of the below projects in one solution.
No matter what, even though my wcf service references my model, the startup project (1) is not "smart" enough to recognize the metadata to create the Controller. In this case, you must include a reference to your project that includes your edmx model.
You must also ensure that the connectionstring also resides in the startup project (1) via the web.config file, in order to get the connection for the metadata.
I found the answer, the model class should have a key, that is an ID property i.e
public int ID { get; set;}
save the changes and the build or rebuild the solution.
That should be able to work out.
your property in your Model for the ID must be declared as public. rebuild and try again, it should work

Linq to SQL .DBML Child Property Problem

I have a 1:1 relationship between table 'A' and 'B' in my .DBML. The FK in the database is in place and the .DBML diagram shows an association line between 'A' and 'B'. However, I cannot get the code generator to create a child property in the 'A' entity. All I have is the FK column. In the Association properties, I have ChildProperty set to true. However, the code generator will not create the child property. I have dropped and added the two tables several times.
Anyone have any ideas?
The O/R designer will refuse to create an association property if a primary key is missing on one of the associated tables. Make sure all of your associated tables have a primary key.
Not sure, but I think what you call 1:1 is actually seen by the DBML as 1:* because the list can "have" many of your fk-table, e.g. one empley oyee can have one city, but each city can "have" many employees.
AFAIK a primary key in each table is a prerequisite without which the DBML will not "work". An error is issued when saving it. Your project will compile, but you'll see the errors later. HTH

Linq To Entity SelfReferencing Relation Mapping

How do you map a table called category with Id as Primary Key which has self reference called ParenCategoryId using LinqToEntity?
Create a FK that points from ID to ParentCategoryID. EF should pick up the navigation property from there. The name will be useless though so you will have to do some extra work (through a code generator or T4 template) to rename it to something more suiting like "ParentCategory".
