jQuery grid plugin - js and css path - jquery-plugins

In the how to install section of the jQuery Grid plugin, it is said:
Step 3: Under the myproject folder,
create two additional directories
named js and css
Are these names a suggestion or a strong restriction?

They are suggestions. You will specify the locations of the js file and the css files within your HTML.


Aurelia: Using KendoUI Core

I downloaded kendoui core from Telerik's website. Folder has a js directory with separate files for each widget. I want to integrate kendoui with systemJS in my Aurelia app(built on top of skeleton-navigation). I was able to do this with JQueryUI as follows:
--Created a "jquery-ui#1.11.4" folder containing the jqueryUI JavaScript lib in github folder in jspm_packages folder
--Created a file called "jquery-ui#1.11.4.js" that exports the lib above like so:
module.exports = require("github:github/jquery-ui#1.11.4/jquery-ui.js")
--Defined jqueryui in my config file: "jquery-ui": "github:github/jquery-ui#1.11.4"
Now, if I want to use any widget, like the datepicker, i do this:
import { datepicker } from 'jquery-ui';
How do I do this for kendoUI? I read somewhere that the "kendo.core.js" file contains all widgets but it seems too lightweight and using it alone didnt work. It also has a complementary .map file. What is it for?
UPDATE: As suggested in the answer below, I decided to include kendoUI and jQuery with the script tag in my index page. Also instead of importing the whole kendoUI library (kendo.ui.core.min.js->670KB) I just included the files needed for kendoUI's date picker that I needed (kendo.core, kendo.popup, kendo.calendar and kendo.datepicker->99.1KB). Incase anyone wants to use this approach, Remember that jQuery will have to be imported in index.html too and before any kendo files. Also, kendo.core should be imported before the others and datepicker after everything else(I.e. last)
The solution you are using for adding jQuery UI is not one that will scale. You should never write anything to the jspm_packages folder, as that folder is jspm's to use as it wishes. Also, you can simply install jQueryUI using JSPM (jspm install jquery-ui).
Your first option is to install KendoUI Core using jspm with jspm install kendo-ui.
If you'd prefer to go it alone, you should probably just load the kendo files using a <script> element. There's nothing wrong with doing this. These files are made to be used as global variables loaded using script tags, so don't fight it.
Again, there's nothing wrong with using script elements to load legacy (read non-modular) js files.

How to add custom css file in YT Framework Joomla Template

I am using YT Framework on Joomla2.5, I want to add new css file fot the template SJ+, but I could not find any documentation for the framework.
I have general understanding that, as the css will be builded every time I install any component or module, so in order to implement our custom css, I need to add my css in a specific file, but I am unable to find where to keep that file and with what name.
I have tried by adding a "custom.css" file in template's css folder.
For any template if you need to add your custome css code you need to first find index.php file in your template directory,
If you found html code in index.php then add your css code to index file using tag. or add
if you do not found html code in index.php file then you need to find component.php file in template root folder.
and follow the same thing as for index.php
After looking deeper into each of the css file I came to solution for loading of custom css for YT Framework templates.
Keep your custom css in a file named "your_css.css" file under the css folder of your template, this is the functionality of the YT frame work that after loading all the css files required by the template, it loads this css file at the end so that all the default and dynamic css will be overloaded with all the stylings you have written in your_css.css file

How do I use a custom CSS stylesheet for Telerik?

I'm using Telerik grids, and want to customize the CSS. I've used Telerik's stylebuilder but I don't know what to do with it once I download the zip. Telerik says that I should
Simply add the files from this archive to your project, and your custom skin is ready go.
But I have no idea where in the project to add them, or even how exactly this is done. I moved the CSS files into the stylesheets folder (I'm using MS Visual Studio 2010) and linked to them, but no dice.
I've also read through this this and this but am still thoroughly confused.
Try the following:
Export theme from style builder, example classic.zip.
Contents of classic.zip
Folder: classic
File: telerik.classic.css
Extract zip to your project's content folder, c:\path to your project\Content\
Modify your master page style sheet regsitrar to include telerik.classic.css instead of the supplied style sheets.
<%= Html.Telerik().StyleSheetRegistrar()
.DefaultGroup(group => group.Add("telerik.common.css")

How do you override a setting in the root media folder of Joomla 2.x

Basically I have a module I installed, it is in the modules folders as well, but the css I need to change is in the media folder. How to I override this, do I use the HTML folder in my template folder somehow?
Probably the simplest way is to have a specific CSS file in your template, with selectors that override the standard module CSS. Unfortunately, Joomla doesn't have a standard way of checking for template versions of module or component CSS, in the way it does for view files.
Use the CSS hierarchy to have your override CSS rules loaded AFTER the default module CSS rules, and they will take precedence. Make sure your override CSS file is the last one loaded by the template.
How is the original CSS file loaded? Does the module load it in its template file or someplace else? If it is loaded in the template, just override the template file and change the lines that load that file. If it's not loaded in the template, it is probably loaded just before rendering the template. In this case, the solution is also to override the template and load your own css file which will contain rules to override the ones in the original file. In this case, unfortunately, the original file will be loaded in addition to your css file. It amounts to an extra http request but it's probably not a big deal.

Jqgrid in a asp.net page in a subfolder not working due to js and css file paths

I have implemented jqgrid within asp.net 3.5 vs2010. It is working fine as long as the asp.net page is onthe root folder, but when I move the page to a subfolder it tries to look for the js and css files with the foder under subfolder. The js and css files are in a folder under the root folder.
I am using the folowing code to reference to jquery files:
What it does is it appends the subfolder name to the path and the application is not able to find the js and css files. e.g /Scripts/jquery.jqGrid.js
How do I reference the js and css files under the html tag of asp.net page?
If you use developer version of jaGrid you have to modify the variable pathtojsfiles from the jquery.jqGrid.js depend on the path where you place jqGrid on your site.
I recommend you to include all files listed in jquery.jqGrid.js instead of using jquery.jqGrid.js. See this and this answers for more information.
