automatic installation of common magento extensions at project kickoff - magento

There are some Magento Connect extensions that I find myself installing every time I create a new project, such as Fontis_Recaptcha, Mass_Product_Relater, HM_DeveloperToolbar, ModuleCreator, Alanstormdotcom_Layoutviewer, etc. What's on your list?
Does anyone know of a capability to automate the installation of a base set of modules? In the same way that Mage itself installs all its modules. I guess a bash or phing script to automate PEAR? Thoughts?

I would take another approach. Install a clean installation and add all your extension. When your done export the DB and zip all the files. Then you should be able to use the files and the DB as a base for all your magento installations...
I do the same with Joomla, have not tried that with magento yet, but it should work.

Cant you just use the auto installer script as provided and maintained here:
and edit it to install your desired extensions
ie just add ./pear install xxxxxxx at the end of the script.


Installing Julia packages using a .toml file?

I am totally new to Julia!
I would like to install a large number of packages for a project I'm joining.
The project comes with a "Project.toml" file
It seems like there should be a nice way to install all the packages I need for the project, perhaps using the Project.toml file
However, I have not yet found any site that indicates how I might be able to do this.
Could anyone please let me know if what I am doing is possible, and if so, point me to a reference that would show how?
If your Project.toml is located in a folder, like myproject/Project.toml, you can simply start Julia with julia --project=/path/to/myproject, and it will automatically detect the Project.toml file in myproject.
The first time you activate this project, in the REPL, you can switch to Pkg mode by typing ], and type the command instantiate. This will cause the package manager to download and install all of the packages listed in Project.toml and their dependencies.
Another way to switch between projects during interactive use is to run activate /path/to/myproject in Pkg-mode in the REPL.
How to install julia packages from a Project.toml
First, you will have navigate to the folder containing your Project.toml.
cd ../your-folder-containing-the-project.toml-file
in your terminal:
julia --project=.
julia --project=. -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()
The other answers went already to the point, but I want to add another important aspect.
If this project comes "only" with a Project.toml file, you will be able to install "sone version" of these packages, eventualy the Project.toml may also give you a range of versions known to work with the project you have been given.
But if this project comes also with a Manifest.toml file you will be able to recreate on your pc the exact environment, will all the exact versions of all dependent packages recursivelly, of the guy that passed you the project, using the ways desctibed in detail in the other answers (e.g. ] activate [folder]; instantiate).

Can't install any theme Prestashop

I have install fresh versions of Prestashop and on my Linux computer and I can't install themes on any them. I have tried with these free themes Apparel and ST002 and I always get some error with a module of the type:
"Cannot install module XXXX. The module is invalid and cannot be loaded."
I think it has to do with something in my Prestashop installation, not with the themes themselves. But I don't have any idea where to start looking, could you please help me? This is getting me mad.
Thank you!
I had a similar problem. I was trying to install the theme by putting the theme's directory into the "themes" directory of my prestashop.
But the proper way to install a theme is by providing a zip file to the administration interface.
If you put the directory manually in "theme" you will also have to manually copy the modules inside the dependency directory of your theme to the "modules" directory of your prestashop.
Manually copying modules might not be enough since it won't call the "install" method on the modules.
Did you check the specs/requirements of the theme? Maybe the theme you want to install is not compatible with the current Prestashop version you using. Especially the version 1.7.6, there's alot of changes/update made.
After much try and error I have found a solution. I have taken each module folder under the dependencies directory of the theme and make a zip file with it. Then I have installed each module with the zip from the administration module dashboard. After installing all the modules, I'm able to install the theme without errors and everything works fine.
Check if those modules(which give errors) exist in a theme dependencies directory and remove them one by one from the directory and all dependencies from theme.yml file in a config directory. It just may be that themes are outdated and contain outdated modules

Installing Magento security patch SUPEE 6285 - v

I am trying to install the SUPEE 6285 on Magento v
We do not have a SSH to our server. When I try to Method 1 found on I get a blank page when I run the patch on the browser.
After looking at the FAQS I see that I should have an install.php file under app/code/core/Mage/Install/Controller/Router/Install.php however I don't have a Router directory.
Any advise on how to install the patch?
First solution (recommended):
Use Magento connect and upgrade your store to the latest Magento version by check for upgrades. The latest version contains this security patch (SUPEE 6285) and another features all together.
Second Solution (Install patch manually):
Download SUPEE 6285 - v
Use an FTP client to upload the specific patch to the root of your Magento folder.
Create a PHP file called applypatch.php that will run the patch for you.
upload it to the root of your Magento folder. Make sure to use the right patch name here.
Visit the file at, and check if the output looks as expected.
Unfortunately, there's no 'easy' way to install these patches without shell access, but there's two ways to do it.
Install patch through PHP
Use an FTP client to upload the specific patch to the root of your Magento folder.
Create a PHP file called magentopatch.php that will run the patch for you, and upload it to the root of your Magento folder. Make sure to use the right patch name here, if you don't use the patch for version 1.8.x-1.9.x
Visit the file at, and check if the output looks as expected.
Install patch manually
The .sh file contains a 'DIFF' patch. These show what lines were removed and added. While I don't advise it, you should be able to manually download the files through FTP, and edit these files in your editor of choice, and then reupload them again through FTP.
The format isn't too hard to interpret, so you can do this for all the files and shouldn't take more then a few minutes.

How do I use Interactive Magento Console

I have downloaded IMC and don't know how to use it. I am using Denver it is the same like wamp, xamp and so on. I was reading developer book of Magento And there are following notes that describes how to connect to magento folder.
Please help me how can I do it if I use on my local computer Wamp|Xamp|Denver!?
=========================Developer book==========================================
For this purpose, I have created the Interactive Magento Console (IMC), which is
a shell script specially created for this book and inspired by Ruby's own Interactive Ruby Console (IRB). Follow these steps:
The first thing we will need to do is to install the IMC. To do so, download
the source files from and
extract them under your Magento test installation. The IMC is a simple
Magento shell script that will allow us to test our code in real time.
Once you extracted the script, log in to the shell of your virtualbox.
Next, we will need to navigate to our Magento root folder. If you are using
the default vagrant box, the installation is already provided; the root folder
is located under /srv/www/ce1720/public_html/, and we navigate to it by
running the following command line:
$ cd /srv/www/ce1720/public_html
Finally, we can start the IMC by running the following command line:
$ php shell/imc.php
If everything is installed successfully, we should see a new line starting with
magento >.
I'm actually the original author of that script. The readline functions are not available on Windows, which the version of the script that was "borrowed" relies upon. I've since added some fallback support which uses stream_get_line to read STDIN. You can get the latest version here:
This fallback support isn't as handy as using readline but it could still come in handy.
After all of the preparation in this book, you should delete this code in shell/imc.php
pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, array($this, 'sigintShutdown'));
pcntl_signal(SIGINT, array($this, 'sigintShutdown'));
And now, it works.

chef mysql install specific version

I want to install mysql v5.5.27 and php v5.3.15 but opscode doesn't show how to do this.
I've checked the recipes and saw the attributes and modified them but still no results.
Is there a way to force this?
Thanks in advance!
For PHP, if you want to install a different version from what is what is available in the distribution's official repository, you can use the compile from source install method instead of package (default).
Simply change default['php']['install_method'] to 'source' and run the default recipe. Alternatively explicitly run php::source ;-)
NOTE: You also need to change the default['php']['url'], default['php']['version'], default['php']['checksum'], etc to suite your needs.
For MySQL, as Mark said, it is up to the distribution (the version from its repository), looking at the mysql::server there isn't easy way to change it, as there is no such option as PHP (install by compiling from source) like the PHP cookbook.
The cookbook only has logic for choosing the version when installing on windows. On Linux the cookbook simply installs the mysql package supported by the package repositories associated with your distro.
