Git: File Rename - macos

I wanted to rename a folder from "Frameworks" to "frameworks", but git would not let me add the new lowercase name. I guess it treats filenames case insensitive, does it?
A git add frameworks/ -f didn't help

You can try:
"git mv -f foo.txt Foo.txt" (note: this is no longer needed since git 2.0.1)
to set ignorecase to false in the config file.
But the issue of case (on Windows for instance) is described in the msysgit issue 228 (again: this should now -- June 2014 -- work with git 2.0.1)
there is always an option to set ignorecase to false in the config file that will force Unix like Git semantics on top of NTFS.
Git supports this behavior but it is not the default - from NTFS point of view a.txt
and A.txt are the same thing - so Git tries to preserve that as most users would expect
As a better workaround, you can
git mv foo.txt foo.txt.tmp && git mv foo.txt.tmp Foo.txt
, which also changes the case of the file as stored on disk.
This blog post illustrates the same issue on MacOs during a rebase:
The default on Mac OS X file systems is that they are case-insensitive. FFFFFF.gif is the same as ffffff.gif.
If you delete the file in question, just from the file system, not from the Git index, mind you, you can merge the branch in question, and have it restore the file as if nothing happened.
The steps are pretty simple:
$ rm file/in/question.gif
$ git merge trunk
Anyhow, remember what git mv stands for:
mv oldname newname
git add newname
git rm oldname
, so if newname and oldname clash, you need to make them different (even if it is only for a short period of time), hence the git mv foo.txt foo.txt.tmp && git mv foo.txt.tmp Foo.txt

If you happen to host on Github, you can use the rename function on their website. Had to change the casing for 5 files and found it worked really well.

I was having a similar problem and couldn't get a new folder name (different case) to change on remote repos. I found that the easiest solution was just to move the file out of the repo and commit. Triggering a delete action. Then re-add and when I added, it came in with the proper case.


Folder capitalization not changing on branch switch

I'm working on a python project and want to rename a (package) folder to small letters, let's say from Myackage to mypackage. As git is case-sensitive and Windows is not, I followed the solutions taken from here and espacially here.
My procedure was as follows:
git mv Mypackage tmp
git mv tmp mypackage
git commit -m "Change capitalization of package name"
This changes the folder Myackage to mypackage with success (for both, git and Windows). But if I switch to another branch, I expect the folder to change back to Mypackage (with capital letter!), as it was before. Background is, that all the imports of the package are also case-sensitve in python and i need this renamng acompanied with adaptions of the imports.
I've tried both, core.ignorecase set to true and false, but no matter what I try, if I checkout an older branch, the folder remains in form of small letters (mypackage) and I run into issues within python.
I've set up a small example with only one Folder and one file and could succesfully change the capitalization of the folder. It also shows the desired behaviour, that upon branch switch the capitalization of the folder in Windows changes, yet still this won't work for my python project.
Could it be, that, e.g., submodules, play a role here?
I've checked the case sensitivity attribute for both cases via:
fsutil.exe file queryCaseSensitiveInfo .
Both folders claim, that case-sensitivity is deactivated. Still for one project folder name capitalization changes, but for the other folder not.
The attribute case sensitivity is available on Windows 10 but after April 2018 Update and only affect the specific folder to which you apply it. It isn’t automatically inherited by that folder’s subfolders. However, if you use WSL to create folders it's enabled by default and available in that way to Windows. [1]
Although you can use the Git Unite [2] tool to match the case of the current folders with the git index.
If you use the rename approach, try using it with git commands like in "Rename files and folders with git"[3]
git mv foldername tempname && git mv tempname folderName
I found a way to reproduce your behavior :
if my CaSeD folder contains some extra files (untracked files for example), git will not change the case of my folder name when I jump between commits.
Is this the case in your setup ?
If this is your issue : you could go with a post-checkout hook, which forcibly renames the folders according to what is stored in HEAD after a checkout.
One way to get the full list of paths to directories from commit HEAD is :
git ls-tree --name-only -d -r HEAD
If you match this list with a similar list extracted from your local file system (ls -r ? find . -type d ? some python function from os.* ?), you can spot what folders need to be recapitalized.

On Windows git can't handle files with the same name but in different case properly

I use git on windows. In my project I changed case of filename. After that checkout of previous commits failed (commands are in Git Bash):
mkdir repofolder
cd repofolder
git init # create empty repo
git config core.ignorecase false # turn on case-dependent filenames
# create 'readme.txt'
$ echo "blahblahblah" > readme.txt
$ git add readme.txt
$ git commit -m "+readme.txt"
# rename it to 'README.txt'
$ git mv -f readme.txt README.txt
$ git commit -m "readme.txt => README.txt"
$ git status
On branch master
nothing to commit, working directory clean
$ git checkout HEAD~1
error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout:
Please move or remove them before you can switch branches.
Why git doesn't allow to checkout previos commits?
You face with the same problem when delete one file and append another one with the same name, but different case. No matter how many commits you do: one (removing and appending in the same commit) or two commits (in first commit you remove file, in second you add another one).
On Windows git can't handle files with the same name but in different case properly
Git on Windows can't handle it because Windows itself can't handle it (emphasis mine):
As part of the requirements for POSIX compliance, the Windows NT File System (NTFS) provides a case-sensitive file and directory naming convention. Even though NTFS and the POSIX subsystem each handle case-sensitivity well, 16-bit Windows-based, MS-DOS-based, OS/2-based, and Win32-based applications do not.
In truth, Windows does have some level of support for NTFS case-sensitivity, but it's pretty flaky:
However, if you attempt to open one of these files in a Win32 application, such as Notepad, you would only have access to one of the files, regardless of the case of the filename you type in the Open File dialog box.
Other inconsistencies also exist. The Windows NT Command Prompt and File Manager correctly display the names of the files. However, normal commands, such as COPY, fail when you attempt to access one or more filenames that differ only in case.

Untrack all files on git

In the move from C9 to hosting on my Macbook via SSH, I've had to re-download Kohana and change some other things just to get my site working; I don't want those to be committed. Is there any way to untrack all tracked files so only future changes are committed? Or is there something else I should be doing?
I'm on a Macbook running Mountain Lion with Apache and PHP turned on.
Even simpler:
cd /root/directory/of/your/local/repo
git rm --cached -r .
(space - dot)
Even even simpler:
git clone url/for/Kohana /different/local/path
git rm --cached File
Will delete the file in the index, so it will no longer be tracked, but won’t physically delete it. This will untrack the file only for current branch
Use this git command. After you do this, git stops checking the file for possible modifications.
git update-index --assume-unchanged <filename>
At any time, you can track again by setting --no-assume-unchaged flag
git update-index --no-assume-unchanged <filename>
But these command do not affect the remote repository.
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "untrack all tracked files so only future changes are committed". As you need to track files so they can be committed.
If all you just want to do is not track Kohana and the other downloads, then just remove them from your working directory using git rm --cached <file> or even better create a .gitignore file.
There are many helpful posts on stackoverflow to assist you with creating a .gitignore file for your project. By using this, you can exclude an entire folder easily.
For Mac, it would also be helpful if you could see hidden file as the . file is hidden. This page shows you how to see hidden files on Mountain Loin -

Can't ignore UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate

I'm using Git for Xcode 4 project version control. I've explicitly added ProjectFolder.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcuserdata/myUserName.xcuserdatad/UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate to .gitignore, but Git it won't ignore it. Any ideas why this is so?
Git is probably already tracking the file.
From the gitignore docs:
To stop tracking a file that is currently tracked, use git rm --cached.
Use this, replacing [project] and [username] with your info:
git rm --cached [project].xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcuserdata/[username].xcuserdatad/UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate
git commit -m "Removed file that shouldn't be tracked"
Alternatively you can use the -a option to git commit that will add all files that have been modified or deleted.
Once you've removed the file from git, it will respect your .gitignore.
In case that the ignored file kept showing up in the untracked list, you may use git clean -f -d
to clear things up.
git rm --cached {YourProjectFolderName}.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcuserdata/{yourUserName}.xcuserdatad/UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate
git commit -m "Removed file that shouldn't be tracked"
WARNING first try git clean -f -d --dry-run, otherwise you may lose uncommited changes.
git clean -f -d
All Answer is great but here is the one will remove for every user if you work in different Mac (Home and office)
git rm --cache */UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate
git commit -m "Never see you again, UserInterfaceState"
Had a friend show me this amazing site Enter the IDE of your choice or other options and it will automatically generate a gitignore file consisting of useful ignores, one of which is the xcuserstate. You can preview the gitignore file before downloading.
In case the file keeps showing up even after doing everything mentioned here, make sure that this checkbox in Xcode settings is unchecked:
"git clean -f -d"
worked for me!
Here are some demo & short cuts if you uses GitHub, the basic ideas are the same.
1. Open terminal like this
2. Paste the below command to terminal followed by a space and then paste the path of the .xcuserstate file simply like this
git rm --cached
3. Make sure you have the correct git ignore and then commit the code :)
This works for me
Open the folder which contains the project file project.xcworkspace from the terminal.
Write this command: git rm --cached *xcuserstate
This will remove the file.
For me nothing worked, but this
add this line to your gitignore
Here is one more simple solution if you are using the source tree app.
here are the instructions
1.Right-click on the file which you want to add to the git ignore list and select stop tracking.
again right-click on the same file and you will notice ignore option is now enabled then click on ignore button.
now you can reset or commit your changes for the same file it depends on whether your changes are important or not. changes in the future will not be tracked for the selected file.
Here is a very nice explanation of how to remove the files in question recursively from your git history:
Very useful, because otherwise tools tend to 'hang' while trying to show the diff on those huge files that shouldn't have been checked in the first place...
Here's what you can do (in short) to get rid of the largest stuff:
cd YourProject
git filter-branch --index-filter 'git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch -r YourProject.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace' HEAD
# see what you want to do with your remote here...
# you can: git push origin master --force
# or you can delete it and push a fresh new one from your cleaned-up local...
rm -rf .git/refs/original
git gc --prune=now
git gc --aggressive --prune=now
Worked very nicely for me :)
For xcode 8.3.3 I just checked tried the above code and observe that, now in this casewe have to change the commands to like this
first you can create a .gitignore file by using
touch .gitignore
after that you can delete all the userInterface file by using this command and by using this command it will respect your .gitignore file.
git rm --cached [project].xcworkspace/xcuserdata/[username].xcuserdatad/UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate
git commit -m "Removed file that shouldn't be tracked"
You can also ignore files from Xcode preferences itself.
Generate gitignore file from
Go to Xcode -> Preferences -> Source Control -> Git -> Add all ignore items in the list...Even though UI is not really useful & you have to add all items individually but adding ignore files here surely works.
I think it would be better to write like this.
git rm --cache *//UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate**

Change case of a file on Windows? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to make git ignore changes in case?
(6 answers)
Closed 10 months ago.
There are a couple of files in our git-controlled codebase that I'd like to rename. Specifically, I just want to change the case of the file, so that becomes, for example. The catch: I'm on a Windows box, and the filesystem thinks those are the same file name.
How can I get Windows and Git to recognize that change and check it in?
The change of the file name should not be ignored, but committed to git.
To rename the file you can use the standard git mv command.
Since Windows treats files with only changes in case as identical, you have to pass the -f option to force a rename:
git mv -f
If instead you want to ignore case changes, have a look at the question
How to make git ignore changes in case?.
If you are on a FAT file system your only choice is to do a two stage rename:
Rename to
Rename to
Back in the days when we used Perforce we had exactly this problem and this was the only solution we could come up with.
The following steps allowed me to change the case on Windows:
Add ignorecase = false to [core] in .git/config;
Move the files you are going to rename out of your project directory;
Add the deletes to the index;
Move all files back to their original location and change the case of the files and/or directories;
Add all "new" files to the index;
Remove ignorecase = false added at the first step.
This way you have a single commit that contains the rename and it makes it easy to change e.g. an entire directory.
In my opinion one simple way is missing. You can do this for a single file, a specific directory or even the whole repository. Just rename your files in any way you like before and than execute these commands:
git rm --cached <file name or directory>
git add <file name or directory>
If you want to affect also the sub-directories, you have to use the -r flag:
git rm -r --cached <directory>
git add <directory>
Be careful. Doing this can lead to changes that are impossible to merge. Git gets confused when merging on Windows because it can't decide whether the old Uppercase name and the new lowercase name are the same file or not (for Git they are not, but for the filesystem they are). To merge you have to do some manual workaround like deleting the files before merging.
See Git rebase issue with files of same name but different case
I'm not sure if this issue is worse than having an unconventionally-named file in your project for ever and ever, but it is worth knowing about if there are lots of users with lots of branches which will all need to be merged eventually.
With NTFS (or FAT), a single git mv command does not solve the problem.
This question shows a technique that works:
git mv and only change case of directory
