With the LibPurple chat_add_users callback, how do I get a display image from a PurpleConvChatBuddy? - libpurple

In the LibPurple chat_add_users callback, you get a list of PurpleConvChatBuddy object's describing all the chat users. What is the best way to get the buddy icon / or user info photo for each of the users?
I can't find any nice way to connect a PurpleConvChatBuddy object to a buddy icon, the best I can come up with is to request the userinfo and then figure out the 'photo' entry in the returned values. This does not seem to be the best way to handle it in a generic way.


dropzone.js - how to control where thumbnails appear

I have a nice drop down area, but if I set that to class"dropzone" then the form elements are not sent.
If I add class"dropzone" to the form, then the form elements are sent, but the thumbnails appear under the form, the submit button, etc.
How please do I tell dropzone to use my template at id "#dropzone_thumbs_here" or class ".dropzone_thumbs_here". Do I have to fully write my own thumbnail handler? Or send form details separately? Or is there a better method !!
Sorry, I missed the answer because in the documentation it was under tips and not configuration.
In the config parameters, just added:
previewsContainer: "#myPreviewContainerID",

Magento website popup from a observer

I have an observer listening to the controller_action_predispatch event. This is because I'm doing some geo ip related logic for each page customers are visiting.
I want to show a light-box popup to get customer's input as a part of the logic.
Part of the issue that I'm facing here is at this stage layouts are not loaded. :(
Is this possible to do? If so whats the best efficient way of doing it?
Look at
That event might work better
So I had to go with a different event to access the layouts from my Observer. Best one for me was listening to controller_action_layout_generate_blocks_after event. Then I grab a block,
$myblock = $observer->getLayout()->getblock('myblock');
And then use that value to popup my light box to get the user input.

"Read" Event for Mailitem in Outlook 2007 VSTO VB.NET

Okay, this is a bit of a tricky one...
I am programming an add-in for MS Outlook 2007, using VS 2010 and VSTO, and VB.NET. My goal is to prompt the user to print off emails that they receive from certain email addresses. (This would be done with a simple MsgBox.)
Specifically, I would like the prompt the user when they are done reading the email. My concept is that it should work similarly to the "Read Receipt" functionality in Outlook. (You know, those annoying things..."The sender has requested a receipt that you have read this email blah blah")
So, the user reads the email, and then when they go to close the Inspector (or change focus to a different item if they are in Explorer view) the MsgBox pops up. I have noticed that the timing on this matches when the email becomes "read".
I have been chasing this across Google and MSDN and tutorial websites for a few days, here's what I've found:
Round 1:
The Mailitem object has an UnRead property, and it also has a PropertyChange event. I can use AddHandler for PropertyChange on every Mailitem in the Inbox, tying them into a single Subroutine that checks the argument of the PropertyChange event to make sure it's UnRead. Seems fairly workable, except that PropertyChange doesn't pass the calling object's identity, so I have no way of knowing what email in the Inbox just lost "unread" status.
In fact, none of the Mailitem events seem to pass their identity, probably because someone (MS I guess) assumes that you have a direct pointer to the Mailitem object in the first place. So this route doesn't seem to work.
Round 2:
I can grab all of the Mailitems in the Inbox into a collection, then restrict them to just the Unread ones.
Dim inbox As Outlook.MAPIFolder = Nothing
Dim WithEvents unreadItems As Outlook.Items
inbox = Me.Session.GetDefaultFolder(Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderInbox)
unreadItems = inbox.Items.Restrict("[Unread]=true")
Since unreadItems was Dimmed WithEvents, I could write a Sub to Handle unreadItems.ItemRemove, which would work fine. But the ItemRemove event has no object argument! Doh!
Round 3:
Let's say I do the opposite: I get the inbox contents and restrict to [Unread]=false, then use the .ItemAdd event. This would work to a degree, except that it would theoretically call whenever an "[Unread]=false" item was dumped into the Inbox by the user from any folder, not just a change from the Unread to Read group within the Inbox. So, unless I'm misunderstanding something here, also not an option.
Round 4:
Now, something I also thought of was simply Dimming the Inbox items collection WithEvents and going off the .ItemChange event, but this event doesn't really specify what changed about the object, so no dice.
In closing, I'm pretty darn stumped with this. I am very close to backing down from my goal. A lame alternative is to alert the user when they receive an email from one of the designated addresses (because I believe the Application.NewMail event won't give me any hassle). But then, I will have to simply alert the user--I won't prompt them to print an email they haven't even read yet.
This alternative is undesirable and I figured that I would present my problem for inspection and suggestion.
P.S. I'm coming from making iPad apps with Objective-C, where I'm building most of the object hierarchy myself...it's weird to have to deal with COM objects that have such limitations.
I'm not quite sure how you want your UI to behave, because it's not quite clear when the user is done reading their email. One way to look at it is that they are done when they have looked at it, meaning that the inspector window has shown the mail and the user is switching to another one. To catch that, you would probably be best off watching events from the inspector, not the mail items.
The other way to look at it is that a mail is read whenever it is marked as Read. Be aware that the user may actually turn off the option to mark items as read automatically! This can be done in Tools->Options->Other->Reading pane, like this:
Also, the user may select items and mark them as read manually, so you need to think about what you want do in that case.
If you want to watch for the change in "read" property of the MailItem, you are very close in round 1. The thing you need to add is that you shouldn't tie all of your handlers to a single subroutine in a single object instance. Instead, you can create your own class, something like this (C# code):
class ItemWatcher
// The Outlook mailitem to watch for
private Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MailItem itemBeingWatched = null;
public ItemWatcher(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MailItem item, Form1 parentForm)
itemBeingWatched = item;
itemBeingWatched.PropertyChange += new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.ItemEvents_10_PropertyChangeEventHandler(itemBeingWatched_PropertyChange);
void itemBeingWatched_PropertyChange(string Name)
// Respond to property <Name> in the object itemBeingWatched having changed
Then you need to create a collection of your ItemWatcher classes and set them to watch your emails.
Note that you will also need to watch for items you need to add/remove from your collection of watched items, when a new mail arrives or an old mail is deleted/moved.

Display Messages in ASP.NET MVC 3

I am using MVC 3 Razor for my website. My requirement is that I want to show display friendly messages to the user on Success/Failure of the request, on the View itself, don't want to re direct the user to another View. I want like I could customize the display like Green color with some Success image and Red color for failure and respective image.
What would be the best approach?
It sounds like you want to know if a request failed or succeeded based on user input. If you are posting data to the server, you want to consider using the AjaxHelper the BeginForm-method takes an argument of AjaxOptions.
On the AjaxOptions you can specify OnSuccess and OnError among others and when one of these are called, you can call the corresponding JavaScript.
If this on the other hand is not enough, you might want to inspect the data that came from the server and based on that decide if the request succeeded or not, you want to use jQuery and their ajax-components. Here's an example of how to use the jQuery-option:
$.post("/MyController/MyAction", function(data) {
// Check what data contains.

MVVM Light: Where do I instantiate a class from a model and how do I update/access it?

Right now, I'm working on my first WP7 app and have run into some questions, which I haven't been able to answer despite reading what I could find online. Please consider an app that has a main page, a parameters page and a results page. In the parameters page, the user can enter or update numbers in various textboxes. Hitting the back button takes the user back to the main page, where there is a button called "Calculate". Hitting that button should take the data, perform a calculation with it and take the user to the results page presenting a grid with the results.
In a file called Calculator.cs I have a class called Calculator inside a folder called Models. I also have my MainViewModel.cs, ParametersViewModel.cs, and ResultsViewModel.cs files inside the ViewModels folder and the corresponding MainPage.xaml, along with Parameters.xaml and Results.xaml inside a folder called Views. I'm assuming that all the data will be manipulated within the instance of the Calculator class and then a results set will be returned and directed to Results.xaml. I'm just at a loss as to where to instantiate the Calculator class, pass it data, then retrieve the results. I'm also somewhat puzzled how I will trigger the automatic navigation to the Results page when the calculation is done.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
UPDATE: Passing a complex object to a page while navigating in a WP7 Silverlight application has some more info on the same subject. I can go into App.xaml.cs and add something like this:
public class Foobar
public string barfoo = "hah!";
public static Foobar myfoob = new Foobar();
Then access it from a ViewModel page, e.g. AboutViewModel.cs, like this:
public AboutViewModel()
string goo = App.myfoob.barfoo;
But at this point I'm still uncertain what unforseen effects that might have. I'm going to tackle serialization/tombstoning at this point to see what happens with either this approach or by using the same DataContext across pages. Otherwise, one of the posters in the link above mentioned serializing the params and passing them between pages. My concern there would be whether or not there is a character limit as with HTTP GET. Seems there is: URI Limits in Silverlight
There are of course lots of possible designs - and lots of them are correct in different ways!
Here's one I might use:
The Calculate button press should trigger the Navigate to the Results page
On navigate to, the Results page should show some animation (maybe just a progress bar)
On navigate to, the Results page should create a new ResultsViewModel, passing in the MainViewModel as parameters
the constructor (or some init method) of the ResultsViewModel should spark up a thread to do the calculation
when this calculation is complete, then the relevant properties of the ResultsViewModel will get set
at which point the databinding on the Results page will clear the animation and show the results
Other solutions are definitely available - will be interested to read what other people suggest and prefer.
As an aside, one thing to watch out for on your Results page is tombstoning - could be an interesting challenge!
