Magento: Change default product image with PNG - magento

In order to replace default product image in Magento, we have to replace images in this folder:
There are 3 files:
I need to replace those files with PNG. Where is the code that I can change the .jpg part?

In the admin, under System > Configuration > Catalog > Product Image Placeholders, you can upload any file you want.

Just do add information to the reply - the images are stored originally in the path: bdebela/skin/frontend/base/default/images/catalog/product/placeholder.
Names and sizes:
image.jpg (262 x 262)
small_image.jpg (125 x 135)
thumbnail.jpg (50 x 50)

I have uploaded placeholder images from admin but still not showing. I have cleared cache from backend, deleted /media/catalog/product/cache folder with no luck.
Finally, I fixed it by copying my new placeholders at skin/frontend/default/MY_THEME/images/catalog/product/placeholder.
where MY_THEME is my currently active theme.


Laravel 8 UniSharp File Manager 3 - image uploaded but not showing

When I upload some files with LFM, the images are uploaded in a new folder created in storage/app/public/photos/shares and thumbnails in a nested folder thumbs. BUT the images thumbnails are not showing in the FM, only the filenames under a blank image.
1/ How can I fix that?
2/ Under the images there is a little blue box with number 1 inside . What is that? I can I get rid of it?
3/ I also find strange that the images are stored in a "shared" folder although this is set to false in the /config/lfm.php. Do I have to edit unisharp/laravel-filemanager/src/config/lfm.php as well? Or should I delete the one in /config?
'allow_shared_folder' => false,
'shared_folder_name' => 'shares',
4/ I also do not want that location for the upload. Instead I want the images stored in /public/images/uploads and same for the files into /public/files/uploads. Where do I change these paths?
change your APP_URL="localhost" to your port (for ex : APP_URL=
In config folder
open filesystem.php
replace './storage' instead of storage_path('app/public')

Is it possible to manually import product images to Nopcommerce

currently the import function is not working for product images, so is it possible to FTP the images onto the site. I noticed that stock images are stored in the /wwwroot/Content/Images/Thumbs/. So if I was to add product images would they go there?
you have 2 options,
1) storing on the local drive or CDN: in this case NC should convert your images in its format and name convention. Therefore when you import 1 image (do a test on the admin panel) you can see how it is stored under Images folder.
you can see the Libraries\Nop.Services\ExportImport\ImportManager.cs, funciton is called ImportProductsFromXlsx. this function is normally reading from xlsx file and looping through each defined line. you can create your own funciton by using this which can read from your DB (get path information all you need) and let to convert each images.
2) Store as binary into picture table: this is same procedure as described above. all you have to do is the define in the settings that you want to store as binary.
The actual issue was there some sort of problem importing the images with the product details. So instead I created a path for the product images, in the products details and then manually placed all the images into the wwwroot/Content/images/Thumbs/ folder. It seemed to have worked!

Magmi import images with different file extension

I am using Magmi to import products into Magento.
I upload all images to local folder (media/import) where files are either .jpg or .gif.
Images are named:
[sku.jpg] OR [sku.gif]
I have now configured Magmi so it imports all jpg images and this works fine.
This is how my CSV looks (only image columns):
I am then using "value replacer" plugin to insert .jpg behind every sku in image columns. This also works fine.
Is it possible to also search for .gif in same import, so it either finds a sku with file extension .jpg or .gif ?
This is untested, but I'm sure you'd be able to do something like this:
+{{ (file_exists({item.sku} . '.gif') ? {item.sku} . '.gif' : {item.sku} . '.jpg') }}
I don't know the full location of the images, so it might need tweaking a bit, but the idea behind it should be correct.

Drupal Commerce Product image is not shown in View Mode Node:Product List

I'm starting with Commerce Kickstart 2 together with demo store.
I added a product and upload one image, this product has one of the demo store variation types (Bags & Cases) and the product display type associated.
It seems simple since I didn't change nothing. But when I click in main menu the products already there are listed fine, with product image, only my new product don't show the image.
I see in variation types Bags & Cases that the Images field, Column Format, is defined as image delta, Image style: product_medium. And that is the point. In MySite/sites/default/files/styles directory are the styles of images. In that directory there is the product_medium directory where the images showed when in View Mode Node:Product list (the list of bags listed when click in To carry).
Well, the fact is when I create the product there is no option to load an image that will saved in MySite/sites/default/files/styles/product_medium directory. And that's the problem. Since when I manually copy the image to that directory, the image is showed up.
Where I define this product_medium image?
You don't have to manually copy the images. 'product_medium' is an image style, which is already created when you automatically installed the demo store. So, once you upload an image, the image will be saved in the product_medium folder.
Are you sure that you have given correct permissions to the sites/default/files directory, which being the full permission?

How can I reuse the uploaded images in Magento for another product?

Using Magento, is there a way to reuse the uploaded image for a product so that I can assign the same image to a different product?
You could assign the same image to the file using the export import. But this only works well if you are using one image. What you could do is export your products, set the image to be the same file on them all and reimport. That would set the image to be the same file.
Since the values are ultimately just stored as string paths in the database, the solution to this would center around changing that database value rather than using the Magento uploader (since we know that will duplicate the image).
There's a magento extension extension that makes this very easy
