Jekyll vs RefineryCMS? - ruby

I know many Ruby users are using Jekyll but I wonder what the benefits that will bring over RefineryCMS?
Could someone highlights the differences and pros/cons for each.

I'm one of the core developers on Refinery CMS.
The architecture of each project is vastly different. Here's a few things Refinery CMS has:
Web based interface (just go to /refinery to login and edit content)
Visual content editing (but also supports editing in plain HTML)
Stores it's content in a database (MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL - your choice)
Suitable for non technical people to edit
Supports Rails 3
Supports localisation in 11 languages (and you can add your own)
Support and docs: IRC, Google Group, Tutorials, API docs, Github repository
I can't be authoritative about Jekyll (maybe mojombo can answer) but it looks like:
Static content editing
Stores it's content in files
Developer focused, not suitable for an end user to edit
Markup based editing
Will load slightly faster as the pages are static
I hope that helps weigh it up. It all comes down to your project requirements.

Well, jekyll is 100% static. All files are generated into static HTML. Jekyll is amazing for small sites that don't really need dynamic content. With jekyll you write the content in your own text editor.
I haven't tested RefineryCMS, but it is more like what you would think of as a content management system with data stored in a database managed through a web interface. If the site is going to be managed by non-tech people, I'll say jekyll is a no-go and that refinery is a better choice.

RefineryCMS is fully Rails 3.0 compatible and they offer great support over IRC. Furthermore RefineryCMS is a fully featured CMS with a localizable interface while Jekyl is not. It all depends on your projects needs.

The best thing to do would be to install them both and play. You will soon see they both serve two completely different purposes. Refinery is a CMS and Jekyll is a static site generator . Jekyll is not built for content management.


Jekyll or Hugo theme with multilanguage support

I'd like to start designing a website using Jekyll or Hugo. The plan is to publish it on GitHub or GitLab pages.
After hours of searching I'm pretty confused about all the facts. Hugo support natively a multilanguage utility while Jekyll not. There are some plugins for Jekyll but plugins are not supported on GitHub pages anyway.
With Jekyll I tried to follow this solution without any concrete solution for the translation of the layouts while with Hugo I've found the instruction pretty confused (but that's my fault).
What I'm looking for is a theme (Jekyll or Hugo it doesn't matter) that is already designed with 2 (or more) languages.
Beside the official Hugo instructions for creating a multilingual site, you also have:
multilingual examples which has been recently updated
multilingual mode
themes with multilingual already baked in as (from the Hugo themes list site):
Plus, with Hugo 0.87 (Aug. 2021), you also have Date/time formatting layouts and localized string for the current language.
As well as the themes that VonC linked to, there is the Beautiful Hugo theme which I recently updated to work with multilingual sites.
I also recently made an example of a multilingual Hugo site in hugo-multilingual-example at Github, so you can compare that with the example in the Hugo repository that VonC linked to.
With Hugo, you should ignore the "Create a Multilingual Site" tutorial, as it was made before the native multilingual support was added, and is now outdated. Instead, you should base everything on the "multilingual mode" documentation.
Hopefully that should be enough to get you started, but let us know if you have any other problems.
I localized a Jekyll theme to output to German and Japanese here. It depends what requirements you're trying to support. We sent out translated files to a translation agency and then reimported them back into the project.
My strategy in defining the theme was to put each language in its own collection. Each collection defines default values for top nav and footer to be in that language.
Additionally, I used a different config file for each language. The language's config file defined strings for that language. File names and URLs remained in English.

How do I integrate nanoc and Twitter Bootstrap/Zurb Foundation?

I am making a fairly big website. Mostly on culture of a particular place.
Are static sites a good idea?
How do I integrate nanoc and some framework? There are a couple of github repos on this, but I wanted to this from scratch in order to learn. Otherwise, I am afraid I might not be able to fix something that goes wrong later.
PLease help~
I've recently decided to make a reasonably sized site using nanoc and Zurb Foundation myself, so I can tell you my thoughts on this:
A static site is a good idea in many situations, but they do have obvious limitations (with everything being static!). The typical use of a static generator like nanoc is for a blog, for which most of the limitations aren't a problem (especially with services like Disqus for comments). I personally decided to use nanoc to save hosting/maintenance costs initially (using Amazon S3 to host a static site is cheap and scalable compared to a VPS), because I don't need any of the dynamic stuff yet, and to learn something new!
I've written a few posts on my blog (link in my profile) about how I've integrated foundation from scratch with nanoc. I can't comment for bootstrap, but my steps were:
Use the nanoc tutorial to create a site
Use compass to integrate foundation into your site, by creating a compass.rb that has a require "zurb-foundation" line as well as config for your asset paths (mine is here)
Run a compass install foundation -c compass.rb to populate the foundation stylesheets, images and javascripts into your asset directories
Update your Rules file to include compass, and process the stylesheets accordingly
That is a high-level overview - there's step-by-step detail on my blog if you're interested in going the foundation route.

Content Management System - PHP - Asp.Net

I am new to open source Content Management System tools. I got a website using Joomla for content management. Now, I am just thinking to Umbraco or Dotnetnuke (any based) frameworks to use. Will it be a complex to do this migration. Can you suggest pros and cons for this idea.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks !
For Umbraco ...
Most of your client-side code like HTML, CSS and JavaScript can just be copied straight over, but as expected it may require some fiddling.
As for the data, it might be worth looking into the CMSImport module for Umbraco. As long as you can convert the source data into one of the formats recognised by the module, you should be able to upload your content with ease. I've had no personal experience with this module, but should be worth a shot.
It really depends on the size of the site and the functionality requirements. For smaller sites, it may be as easy as implementing the skin based on the original design (or, if a custom design isn't needed, selecting a free or 3rd party skin) and then manually migrating the content. For really large sites, you should be able to write scripts to migrate the content. I'm not aware of any products that do this. You'll also probably need to select some modules to use for things like forms.

Github use ruby on rails?

I know uses Rails.
But what template language does Github use? And what css framework does Github use?
Yes, Github uses Ruby on Rails.
When asked about the technology stack that they use to Sam Lambert, Director of technology he said:
MySQL is our core data store that we used for storing all data that powers the site as well as the metadata around the users. We also use Redis a little bit for some non-persistent caching, and things like memcached.
C, Shell, Ruby — quite a simple, monolithic stack. We’re really not an overcomplex shop, we don’t intend to try and drop new languages for every small project.
Here's a link to see the projects that power Github.
The original question was somewhat confusing and seemed to conflate Github with Rails. My answer below aimed to clarify the difference. The changes/clarifications made to the question later (after I posted my answer) have lead to the answer below to no longer respond to the question as (now) posted, but I cannot delete the answer as it has been marked as accepted...
It's hard to tell from the wording, but I think you're confused about several languages/tools that are found in Rails. Maybe this will help:
Git ( a version control tool ( used frequently in Rails projects. It's used to manage the source code in your projects (versions, branches with different functions, etc.)
Github ( is a place you can store source code that is managed with Git
the default language used in Rails views is called ERB (introduction example here:
rails 3.1 uses Sass to create CSS files by default (
Those are the languages you've mentioned having trouble with, and they're a portion of the languages you'll need to familiarize yourself with if you want to use Rails to its full extent.
You can learn more about Rails online (for example:,, or with books ( and are 2 good books. The first one is easier for beginners, the second one goes into more detail and is for more advanced readers).
It appears github has moved towards converting their monolith from rails into microservices made in other languages. Doubtful rails is completely out of the picture IMHO.

Best way to create a blog with static pages in Ruby

I just visited the Static Website Generation on Ruby toolbox and I don't know which of applications listed there is best suited for a little blog engine. Basically I need:
an index page with 1..5 of latest articles with shortened content;
possibility to add few main pages and a menu to access them (breadcrumb optional);
show articles
show/search archives
commenting system - Disqus Ok
tag-list cloud - optional
Look&Feel via layout
Important all content will be translated in 3 languages!
I can host on my own server, so side processing is possible.
First I'll try nanoc => blog's source on github
I think nanoc worth a try it has everything you specified, even if is not the best ranked on ruby toolbox its actively developed and highly customizable.
nanoc is a tool that runs on your local computer and compiles documents written in formats such as Markdown, Textile, Haml… into a static web site consisting of simple HTML files, ready for uploading to any web server.
and thats true :) I use it for a while not specially for a blog, but it has also helpers for that...
check out jekyll, it should work well for this.
Try my own "serious" - apart from archive search and tag cloud, it has everything you specified, plus the basic install should take you something like 5 minutes on heroku (and maybe 10 on your own server via Rack). It also has syntax highlighting, Disqus comments, Google Analytics and other goodies.
gem install serious
Disclaimer: It does not produce static html pages you can upload to your php vhost, though. But it uses caching and is really easy to setup and works on the free plan on heroku.
