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Closed 12 years ago.
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Easy interview question got harder: given numbers 1..100, find the missing number(s)
Hi guys, I wasn't sure where to ask this but since this is an algorithmic question here it goes. I've come face to face with a math problem and can't seem to get over it for the last couple of days. It goes like this:
You are given an adding machine that
sums a set of N+1 digits consisting of
positive integers 1 to N as it's given
the numbers (e.g. the machine is given
3 as the first number and outputs 3.
It's then given 6 as the second number
and outputs 9. It's given 11 as the
third number and outputs 20. Etcetera
until it has processed N+1 numbers).
One (and only one) of the digits is
repeated. How do you determine which
number is repeated?
It seems like a trick question and I'd be really annoyed if it is just that a question to which the answer is 'not possible' - any ideas here?
Subtract (1+2+..+N) = N*(N+1)/2 from the sum.
EDIT: in case N is not known, find the largest triangular number smaller than the given sum and subtract.
If you know N and the sum S, the answer is d = S - N*(N+1)/2.
This is because the sum of all numbers from 1 to N is a triangular number, and each number from 1 to N occurs once (except for one that is repeated).
If you do not know N, you can take N = floor((sqrt(8*S+1)-1)/2. That can be deduced from a quadratic equation (n^2 + n)/2 = a.
Ok, you have:
X = 1 + 2 + ... + N + p, where 1<=p<=N
X = N(N+1)/2 + p, 1<=p<=N
S(N) = N(N+1)/2
And you know that
S(N) < X < S(N+1), because 1<=p<=N
You can find N, by finding the S(N) such that S(N)X.
If you have found S(N), subtract it from X and you find the duplicate number.
Given number of test cases T and an integer N, you need to find four integers A,B,C,D , such that they're all factors of N(A|N,B|N,C|N,D|N), and N=A+B+C+D. Goal is to maximize A * B * C * D. If it's not possible to find such four factors simply return -1.
Input format for the problem is:
First line contains an integer T(1<=T<=40000), represents the number of test cases.
Each of the next T lines contains an integer N (1<=N<=40000, N^4 will not exceed 64 bit integer).
This question is on Hackerearth under recursion category, but i'm not able to understand the algorithm in the editorial( editorial link:-
In the editorial it's been solved using unit fractions but i'm not able to understand the algorithm( I've provided the editorial below if you are not able to open the above link, I'm not able to understand the points marked with ***). Brute force solution results in TLE(Time Limit Exceeded). Please provide algorithm or pseudo-code using DFS or backtracking.
My brute force approach:- calculate the factors of a number 'n' in O(sqrt(n)) and store them in an array, then traverse the array to get A,B,C,D using four for loops. But for T(1<=T<=40000) test cases it gets TLE.
Editorial(If you are not able to open the above link):-
Consider the equation N = A+B+C+D , if we divide the equation by N , we get 1 = 1/A' + 1/B' + 1/C' + 1/D' , here A',B',C',D' are all intergers, because A,B,C,D are factors of N.
So the original problem is equal to divide 1 into four unit fractions.
We can enumerate the unit fractions from large to small.
*** If we need to divide X into Y unit fractions, and the last unit fraction is 1/Z, we can enumerate unit fractions between 1/Z and X/Y(because we are enumerating the largest remaining fraction), and recursively solve.
*** After find all solutions to 1 = 1/A' + 1/B' + 1/C' + 1/D' (about 20 solutions if the numbers are in order), we can enumerate them in each test case. If A',B',C',D' are all factors of N, we can use this solution to update the answer.
Time Complexity: O(T), where T is the number of Test cases.
*** If we need to divide X into Y unit fractions, and the last unit fraction is 1/Z, we can enumerate unit fractions between 1/Z and X/Y(because we are enumerating the largest remaining fraction), and recursively solve.
Answer: We are trying to find out all the combination from 1 = 1/A + 1/B + 1/C + 1/D. Initially, we have X=1 and Y=4, and we are enumerating A as the largest factor, which should be no less than X/Y = 1/4. Because this is the first element, there is no last fraction 1/Z. Suppose we chose A=3, so last fraction 1/Z is 1/A=1/3, and X=1-1/3=2/3, and Y=3. Now we shall choose 1/B from [X/Y, 1/Z] = [2/9, 1/3]. And do the same thing for the next steps.
*** After find all solutions to 1 = 1/A' + 1/B' + 1/C' + 1/D' (about 20 solutions if the numbers are in order), we can enumerate them in each test case. If A',B',C',D' are all factors of N, we can use this solution to update the answer.
Answer: Because 1/A should be no less than 1/4, so A could only be 2, 3, 4. If A==4, then A=B=C=D, only have one solution. If A==3, [X/Y, 1/Z] = [2/9, 1/3], so B could only be 3 or 4, if B ==4, then next round C should be 4 where [X/Y, 1/Z] = [5/24, 1/4]; if B=3, then C could be 4,5,6 because [X/Y, 1/Z]=[1/6,1/3]. If A==2, [X/Y, 1/Z] = [1/6, 1/2], B could be 3,4,5,6. You could do the rest calculation using the code, feel like we could cut off many search branches. (Ignore my enumeration order, you should start from A=2. )
The time complexity of your code can be improved by using only 3 for loop and applying binary search to find the fourth number as time complexity of the binary search is log(n).
Time complexity = O(n^3*(log(n)) and according to the
constraints of question it should able to pass all the test cases.
Given the following pseudo-code, the question is how many times on average is the variable m being updated.
A[1...n]: array with n random elements
m = a[1]
for I = 2 to n do
if a[I] < m then m = a[I]
end for
One might answer that since all elements are random, then the variable will be updated on average on half the number of iterations of the for loop plus one for the initialization.
However, I suspect that there must be a better (and possibly the only correct) way to prove it using binomial distribution with p = 1/2. This way, the average number of updates on m would be
M = 1 + Σi=1 to n-1[k.Cn,]
where Cn,k is the binomial coefficient. I have tried to solve this but I have stuck some steps after since I do not know how to continue.
Could someone explain me which of the two answers is correct and if it is the second one, show me how to calculate M?
Thank you for your time
Assuming the elements of the array are distinct, the expected number of updates of m is the nth harmonic number, Hn, which is the sum of 1/k for k ranging from 1 to n.
The summation formula can also be represented by the recursion:
H1 = 1
Hn = Hn−1+1/n (n > 1)
It's easy to see that the recursion corresponds to the problem.
Consider all permutations of n−1 numbers, and assume that the expected number of assignments is Hn−1. Now, every permutation of n numbers consists of a permutation of n−1 numbers, with a new smallest number inserted in one of n possible insertion points: either at the beginning, or after one of the n−1 existing values. Since it is smaller than every number in the existing series, it will only be assigned to m in the case that it was inserted at the beginning. That has a probability of 1/n, and so the expected number of assignments of a permutation of n numbers is Hn−1 + 1/n.
Since the expected number of assignments for a vector of length one is obviously 1, which is H1, we have an inductive proof of the recursion.
Hn is asymptotically equal to ln n + γ where γ is the Euler-Mascheroni constant, approximately 0.577. So it increases without limit, but quite slowly.
The values for which m is updated are called left-to-right maxima, and you'll probably find more information about them by searching for that term.
I liked #rici answer so I decided to elaborate its central argument a little bit more so to make it clearer to me.
Let H[k] be the expected number of assignments needed to compute the min m of an array of length k, as indicated in the algorithm under consideration. We know that
H[1] = 1.
Now assume we have an array of length n > 1. The min can be in the last position of the array or not. It is in the last position with probability 1/n. It is not with probability 1 - 1/n. In the first case the expected number of assignments is H[n-1] + 1. In the second, H[n-1].
If we multiply the expected number of assignments of each case by their probabilities and sum, we get
H[n] = (H[n-1] + 1)*1/n + H[n-1]*(1 - 1/n)
= H[n-1]*1/n + 1/n + H[n-1] - H[n-1]*1/n
= 1/n + H[n-1]
which shows the recursion.
Note that the argument is valid if the min is either in the last position or in any the first n-1, not in both places. Thus we are using that all the elements of the array are different.
I found this question on topcoder:
Your friend Lucas gave you a sequence S of positive integers.
For a while, you two played a simple game with S: Lucas would pick a number, and you had to select some elements of S such that the sum of all numbers you selected is the number chosen by Lucas. For example, if S={2,1,2,7} and Lucas chose the number 11, you would answer that 2+2+7 = 11.
Lucas now wants to trick you by choosing a number X such that there will be no valid answer. For example, if S={2,1,2,7}, it is not possible to select elements of S that sum up to 6.
You are given the int[] S. Find the smallest positive integer X that cannot be obtained as the sum of some (possibly all) elements of S.
Constraints: - S will contain between 1 and 20 elements, inclusive. - Each element of S will be between 1 and 100,000, inclusive.
But in the editorial solution it has been written:
How about finding the smallest impossible sum? Well, we can try the following naive algorithm: First try with x = 1, if this is not a valid sum (found using the methods in the previous section), then we can return x, else we increment x and try again, and again until we find the smallest number that is not a valid sum.
Let's find an upper bound for the number of iterations, the number of values of x we will need to try before we find a result. First of all, the maximum sum possible in this problem is 100000 * 20 (All numbers are the maximum 100000), this means that 100000 * 20 + 1 will not be an impossible value. We can be certain to need at most 2000001 steps.
How good is this upper bound? If we had 100000 in each of the 20 numbers, 1 wouldn't be a possible sum. So we actually need one iteration in that case. If we want 1 to be a possible sum, we should have 1 in the initial elements. Then we need a 2 (Else we would only need 2 iterations), then a 4 (3 can be found by adding 1+2), then 8 (Numbers from 5 to 7 can be found by adding some of the first 3 powers of two), then 16, 32, .... It turns out that with the powers of 2, we can easily make inputs that require many iterations. With the first 17 powers of two, we can cover up to the first 262143 integer numbers. That should be a good estimation for the largest number. (We cannot use 2^18 in the input, smaller than 100000).
Up to 262143 times, we need to query if a number x is in the set of possible sums. We can just use a boolean array here. It appears that even O(log(n)) data structures should be fast enough, however.
I did understand the first paragraph. But after that they have explained something about "How good is this upper bound?...". I couldnt understand that paragraph. How did they deduce to the fact that we need to query 262143 times if a number x is in the set of possible sums?
I am a newbie at dynamic programming and so it would be great if somebody could explain this to me.
Thank you.
The idea is as follows:
If the input sequence contains the first k powers of two: 2^0, 2^1, ... 2^(k-1), then the sum can be any integer between 0 and (2^k) - 1. Since the greatest power of two that can appear in the sequence is 2^17, the greatest sum that you can build from 18 numbers is 2^18 - 1=262,143. If a power of two would be missing, there would be a smaller sum that was not possible to achieve.
However, the statement is missing that there may be 2 more numbers in the sequence (at most 20). From these two numbers, you can repeat the same process. Hence, the maximum number to check is actually (2^18) - 1 + (2^2) - 1.
You may wonder why we use powers of two and not any other powers. The reason is the binary selection that we perform on the numbers in the input sequence. Either we add a number to the sum or we don't. So, if we represent this selection for number ni as a selection variable si (either 0 or 1), then the possible sum is:
s = s0 * n0 + s1 * n1 + s2 * n2 + ...
Now, if we choose the ni to be powers of two ni = 2^i, then:
s = s0 * 2^0 + s1 * 2^1 + s2 * 2^2 + ...
= sum si * 2^i
This is equivalent to the binary representations of numbers (see Positional Notation). By definition, different choices for the selection variables will produce different sums. Hence, the number of possible sums is maximal by choosing powers of two in the input sequence.
In how many ways can you arrange a sequence of 'n' (1 to n) numbers such that no number occurs at the index represent by its value?
For eg
1 can not be at first position
2 can not be at second position
n can not be at nth position
Please give a general solution. Also solve it for n=6.
Its not a homework.
You want fixed point free permutations, also known as derangements. The formula for their number is slightly more complicated than for the number of permutations that may have fixed points.
Let P(n) be the number of such arrangements for n numbers.
For 123456....n
Cases are of the form
Now 1 can be anywhere at the rest (n-1) positions.
If 1 is put at the position of the number replacing it...
then first and the replaced numbers are fixed.
Then total cases = (n-1) * P(n-2)
Else if
1 is also restricted not to be at a particular position (positions in above cases)
Then total cases = (n-1) * P(n-1)
P(n) = (P(n-1) + P(n-2)) * (n-1)
with P(1) = 0
and P(2) = 1
The number of derangements (fixed point free permutations) of n things is round(n!/e) where e is the base of natural logarithms. Here round means nearest integer function. This is described in the Wikipedia article, but in a manner that could stand clarification.
For n = 6 one easily calculates there are round(264.87...) = 265 derangements.
In effect you've asked a frequently covered question from MathSE.
This question already has answers here:
Closed 12 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to check if a number is a power of 2
fastest way to find a given number 'n' can be expressed as 2^m
ex: 16= 2^4
naive solution: divide given number by 2 until the remainder becomes 0 (if successful) or less than two (if not successful)
Can someone tell me whats the other fastest way to compute this ?
Fastest way:
if (n != 0 && (n & (n - 1)) == 0)
If the number is a power of two, it will be represented in binary as 1 followed by m zeroes. After subtracting 1, it will be just m ones. For example, take m=4 (n=16)
10000 binary = 16 decimal
01111 binary = 15 decimal
Perform a bitwise "and" and you'll get 0. So it gives the right result in that case.
Now suppose that n is not exactly 2m for some m. Then subtracting one from it won't affect the top bit... so when you "and" together n and n-1 the top bit will still be set, so the result won't be 0. So there are no false positives either.
EDIT: I originally didn't have the n != 0 test... if n is zero, then n & anything will be zero, hence you get a false positive.