redirect user to palm appcatlog by application id - webos

how to redirect user my other application in palm appcatlog. or
redirect user to particular app by application id

You do by using the Application Manager service... here's an example that would run in a scene event handler:
this.controller.serviceRequest('palm://com.palm.applicationManager', {
method: 'launch',
parameters: {
id: '',
params: {
scene : 'page',
target: ''
where MYAPPID is replaced by the application ID of the app you want to open the App Catalog to view.


Azure/Msal authentication inside PowerApp Component Framework returns AADSTS50177 error

I created a simple PowerApps Component Framework using the pac pcf init command.
After successfully packaging and importing this skeleton PCF application to my demo tenant I tried to add MSAL authentication to it.
I used the #azure/msal npm package to write a typescript configuration and login without adding React or Angular npm packages. I only used #azure/msal and package added during the pcf create process.
The final goal was to use the token received from the msal authentication make a request on a authorized method in my Wep Api.
The problem is that my Web Api is not located in my demo tenant and the user that is used for msal authentication is from the demo tenant and does not exist on the tenant of my Web Api.
I cannot change the login user in the popup window as it only displays the error message, and the guest user that was added to the demo tenant, that has access to the Web API cannot have Certificates added to it through portal azure or portal office admin center pages.
This is my login configuration(I will omit the tenant names and client id for the work tenant):
import { AuthenticationParameters, Configuration, UserAgentApplication } from '#azure/msal';
import { AuthOptions, CacheOptions, FrameworkOptions } from "#azure/msal/lib-commonjs/Configuration";
public init(context: ComponentFramework.Context<IInputs>, notifyOutputChanged: () => void, state: ComponentFramework.Dictionary, container:HTMLDivElement)
// Add control initialization code
const auth: AuthOptions = {
redirectUri:'redirect uri',
validateAuthority: true
const cache: CacheOptions = {
const framework: FrameworkOptions = {
protectedResourceMap: new Map([
['web api url',['https://tenantid/clientid/uniquename (scope)']],
['CRM work sandbox',['CRM work sandbox user impersonation permission(scope)']]
const config: Configuration = {
auth: auth,
cache: cache,
framework: framework
const params: AuthenticationParameters = {
authority: '',
'CRM work sandbox user impersonation permission(scope)'],
redirectUri:'web api redirect uri'
const userAgentApplication = new UserAgentApplication(config);
const login = userAgentApplication.loginPopup(params).then(data => {
let user = userAgentApplication.getAccount();
if (user) {
// signin successful
} else {
// signin failure
}, function (error: string) {
// handle error
console.log('Error' + error);
The error message displayed:
AADSTS50177: User account 'user name' from identity provider
'' does not exist in tenant 'name'
and cannot access the application 'client id'(name of registered
app in portal azure) in that tenant. The account needs to be
added as an external user in the tenant first. Sign out and
sign in again with a different Azure Active Directory user account.
Is there a way to test this without adding the pcf or account in my work tenant ?

Single sign on in Teams application between tabs and the bot

Using the Bot Framework w/ Microsoft.Bot.Builder v4.6.3
Is it possible to have users sign in only once using the web-based authentication flow, doesn't matter if they sign in via tabs or via bot conversation? If they sign in via a link from a tab, I'd like to have the bot know about this.
I have tried the following for test, omitting any security checks:
All pages are with the following js files imported:
On load, the tab page executes microsoftTeams.initialize();
Add a button to the tab page:
<button onclick="authenticate()">Authenticate</button>
The authenticate function contains the following:
function authenticate() {
url: window.location.origin + "/tabs/tabAuthStart",
width: 600,
height: 535,
successCallback: function (result) {
// The debug function just displays what's sent to it using document.write()
failureCallback: function (reason) {
The tabAuthStart page contains the following script which is executed on page load:
const mgr = new Oidc.UserManager({
userStore: new Oidc.WebStorageStateStore(),
authority: '<my-identity-server>',
client_id: '<my-id-srv-client>',
redirect_uri: window.location.origin + '/tabs/tabAuthCallback',
response_type: 'id_token token',
scope: '<my-requested-scopes>',
accessTokenExpiringNotificationTime: 10,
automaticSilentRenew: true,
filterProtocolClaims: true,
loadUserInfo: true
After a successful sign in at the identity provider, I'm redirected back to /tabs/tabAuthCallback
On load, the /tabs/tabAuthCallback executes the following code:
var mgr = new Oidc.UserManager({ userStore: new Oidc.WebStorageStateStore(), loadUserInfo: true, filterProtocolClaims: true });
mgr.signinRedirectCallback().then(function (user) {
// I expected something involving a bot to happen after calling this
idToken: user.id_token,
accessToken: user.access_token,
tokenType: user.token_type,
expiresIn: user.expires_at
}).catch(function (err) {
microsoftTeams.authentication.notifyFailure("UnexpectedFailure: " + err);
The pop-up window is closed and the successCallback function from the tab is executed successfully with the user information that I have sent. However, the bot is not in any way notified about this (as far as I know). I have set a breakpoint in the bot controller action resolved by POST /api/messages but it's never hit.
Do I need to handle this manually? I.e. pass the user info to the back-end? But even if so, how do I know which Teams user to associate this user info (i.e. access token) to?
If this is possible to do in a reliable and secure way, would it also be possible in the opposite direction, i.e. having the user token available to the tab if they have already been authenticated from a bot conversation or a messaging extension? Is there a reliable way to identify a Teams user who's navigating tabs, in order to obtain their access token from the back-end, assuming the back-end already obtained them via the authentication mechanism?

How to send specific user ID from bot framework emulator v4?

I need to send a specific user ID from the bot emulator ( I use this textbox (see on a picture below)
But nothing sent. There is absolutely another guid in activity.From.Id.
Is it possible to sent message from emulator with a specific user ID?
The short answer is, if you are using Direct Line to generate a token from a secret and you specify user Id there (see attached code), then Emulator should favor that value over any value you pass in thru the Emulator settings.
In my personal testing, the User ID setting seems to be overriding any other pre-existing value.
It should be noted, however, that if you specify a User ID value in settings, you will need to close the tabbed conversation and start it anew by re-entering the messaging endpoint and AppId/AppPassword (or reconnecting to your .bot file, if used). Simply pressing "Restart conversation" will not cause Emulator to pickup the User ID setting.
Hope of help!
// Listen for incoming requests.'/directline/token', (req, res) => {
// userId must start with `dl_` for Direct Line enhanced authentication
const userId = (req.body && ? : `dl_${ + Math.random().toString(36) }`;
const options = {
method: 'POST',
uri: '',
headers: {
'Authorization': `Bearer ${ process.env.directLineSecret }`
json: {
user: {
Id: `${ userId }`
};, (error, response, body) => {
if (!error && response.statusCode < 300) {
console.log('Someone requested a token...');
} else {
res.status(500).send('Call to retrieve token from DirectLine failed');

How to send push notification from azure to windows mobile cordova app

Hi i am using azure process to send the push notification to windows 10
above version hybrid app and i use the below code to send the notification
i got this document there
pushRegistration.on('registration', function (data) {
this method is not firing is there any process to register before to send
You have to implement a registerForPushNotifications method an call it every time user opens the App:
var pushRegistration = null;
function registerForPushNotifications() {
pushRegistration = PushNotification.init({
android: { senderID: 'Your_Project_ID' },
ios: { alert: 'true', badge: 'true', sound: 'true' },
wns: {}
If pushRegistration.on is not called, maybe registration is not complete or there is some error.
Create a breakpoint or print some message in:
pushRegistration.on('error', handleError);
And take a look if it's something wrong.
Also, you can check if there is some missing configuration following the Notification Hubs Diagnosis guidelines: cloud code check user before allowing login

I am using the following code to allow login from my iOS and Android apps. One of our paying customers has hundreds of users (who all use the same domain in their email i.e who need to be stopped from using the app immediately.
I cannot re-publish the client app as it takes time for review etc. How can I prevent login from a certain group of users from cloud code.
Parse.User.logIn(user.username.toLowerCase(), user.password, {
success: function(user) {
user.set("platform", ionic.Platform.device());
user.set("os", ionic.Platform.platform());, {
success: function(user) {
error: function(err) {
console.log('error setting device');
Is there is beforeSave on the session class?
