NSMutableDictionary with weak-references: warning when using CFRetain as a callback - cocoa

I'm trying to create a mutable dictionary that has weak-references for the value objects (the keys behave normally).
This is how i'm trying to do it:
+ (id)mutableDictionaryUsingWeakReferencesWithCapacity:(NSUInteger)capacity
CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks keyCallbacks = {0, CFRetain, CFRelease, CFCopyDescription, CFEqual, CFHash};
CFDictionaryValueCallBacks valueCallbacks = {0, NULL, NULL, CFCopyDescription, CFEqual};
id<NSObject> obj = (id)(CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, capacity, &keyCallbacks, &valueCallbacks));
return [obj autorelease];
Unfortunately I get a warning (Initialization from incompatible pointer type)in when declaring the keyCallbacks, and i've tracked it down to using CFRetain and CFRelease. For some reason these callbacks do not match the required prototypes (CFDictionaryRetainCallback and CFDictionaryReleaseCallback)
In the documentation it says that an example CFDictionaryRetainCallback should look something like this:
const void *MyCallBack (
CFAllocatorRef allocator,
const void *value
But the existing CFRetain is declared as
CFTypeRef CFRetain(CFTypeRef cf);
It's missing the allocator parameter and that's why I think the compiler gives a warning: it's not a perfect match in the signature of the function.
Has anybody tried to do something like this?

Don’t Do That. Use NSMapTable.

if you just want the default CFRetain/CFRelease behaviour, this should work:
void MONDictionaryReleaseCallback(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const void* value) {
#pragma unused(allocator)
if (0 != value) {
the retain callback should be easy to implement from there.

I managed to get it working using the kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks constant instead of manually declaring the key callbacks.
The code now looks like this:
id<NSObject> obj = (id)(CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, capacity, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &valueCallbacks));
However, i'm still curious why isn't my initial code working

If you don't mind playing with the runtime a bit, this is something I'm working on for a project of mine (it works ATM but it's a bit sloppy). It dynamically creates a new subclass of any object you add and set that object's class to the subclass. The subclass keeps an array of objects that should be notified whenever the object is deallocated. The dictionary adds itself to this array so that it can remove the object if it's ever deallocated.


Questions regarding GetWindowPlacement return data

I'm a bit unsure of the meaning of some of the return values from a call to the GetWindowPlacement() function, so I'd like your help, please.
I'll be calling this to obtain the normal dimensions of a hidden window.
First, where do the values of the showCmd field come from? In the Microsoft documentation of the return structure (WINDOWPLACEMENT structure, all the descriptions of the possible values use verbs/action words; e.g., "SW_MAXIMIZE: Maximizes the specified window", or "SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE: Displays a window in its most recent size and position."
I want to obtain the dimensions of the hidden window without unhiding/restoring it first, so with the verbs it seems that I would have to call SetWindowPlacement() with showCmd set to SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE before calling GetWindowPlacement. Is that correct?
So do I understand correctly that the primary (and perhaps only) way that field gets its various values is by an explicit call to SetWindowPlacement() somewhere?
My second question relates to the rcNormalPosition return values. Do those data include the window decorations, or are they client values?
Thank you for your time!
The meaning of the showCmd member of the WINDOWPLACEMENT struct is a bit confusing because Win32 is reusing the SW_* commands used by ShowWindow().
Luckily, the meaning is documented on the GetWindowPlacement() function.
If the window identified by the hWnd parameter is maximized, the
showCmd member is SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED. If the window is minimized,
showCmd is SW_SHOWMINIMIZED. Otherwise, it is SW_SHOWNORMAL.
So, based on which of those 3 values is returned, you can tell whether the window is currently maximized, minimized or, normal (restored). And if you'd like to know what the normal placement is, you can just use the rcNormalPosition member. You do not need to call SetWindowPlacement() at all.
However, heed the warning that GetWindowPlacement() returns workspace coordinates rather than screen coordinates, which differ based on taskbar position and size. This is not a problem if you are only using the coordinates returned by GetWindowPlacement() to call SetWindowPlacement(). Otherwise, you might have to find a way to convert from workspace to screen coordinates.
I found these 2 functions to work for me.
void MyDialog::LoadDialogPlacement()
static WINDOWPLACEMENT last_wp = {};
// Load last stored DB version
if (memcmp((void *)&last_wp, (const void *)wp, sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT)) == 0) return;
memcpy((void *)&last_wp, (const void *)wp, sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT));
delete[] wp;
void MyDialog::SaveDialogPlacement()
static WINDOWPLACEMENT last_wp = {};
if (IsWindowVisible())
wp.length = sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT);
if (memcmp((void *)&last_wp, (const void *)&wp, wp.length) == 0) return;
memcpy((void *)&last_wp, (const void *)&wp, wp.length);

Problems using a std::map containing a class without copy operator (Gdiplus::Image)

It seems I am trying to fill a std::map with objects that are not copyable, and I have not achieved to do it yet.
General problem
I want to use std::map in order to store some objects of a type called Image (More precisely, it is Gdiplus::Image). I cannot write things like:
map<string, Gdiplus::Image> loadedImages ;
Gdiplus::Image newImage( CString("totoro.png") );
loadedImages.insert(std::pair<string, Gdiplus::Image>( "totoro", newImage ) );
Function "insert" seems to be the problem here. The compiler says:
'Gdiplus::Image::Image' : cannot access private member declared in class 'Gdiplus::Image'
I am not sure that it is the right explaination, but it seems that "Image" lacks of a public method used in function "insert". (Copy operator ? Copy constructor ?).
What I have tried
I tried to use references in the map, but it seems putting references in containers never works. I tried to use raw pointers, but I had got errors when I tried to delete all the images in the destructor. I happened across this other (and quite similar) question and I have begun to care about smart pointers. So now, I am trying, as recommended in the answer, with std::shared_ptr. However, my case is slightly different.
I want to write a function "find" that returns an image. "find" gives the image found in the map if the key (its path) exists, else it loads the image, add it to the map and returns it. So I cannot create a new image inside the parenthesis as I need the pointer.
The only version I came up with, that can compile is:
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <Gdiplus.h>
using std::map ;
using std::shared_ptr ;
class CDrawer
void drawImage(string p_pathToPicture)
map<string, shared_ptr<Gdiplus::Image>> m_loadedImages ; // Keep every image in memory instead of loading them each time. Each image has its path as a key.
Gdiplus::Image* findImage(string& p_path); // get the image from the map if the image is already loaded, else load it.
(Drawer.cpp) (Constructors and destructors are empty)
void CDrawer::drawImage(string p_pathToImage)
// get the bounding rectangle of the image
Gdiplus::Image* l_image = findImage(p_pathToImage);
// Draw the image.
Gdiplus::Image* CDrawer::findImage(string& p_pathToImage)
auto iterator = m_loadedImages.find(p_pathToImage);
if (iterator == m_loadedImages.end() ) // image not found, so we have not already loaded it
shared_ptr<Gdiplus::Image> l_newImage( new Gdiplus::Image( CString( p_pathToImage.c_str()) ) ); // Load the image (I know I have to add error code)
m_loadedImages.insert( std::pair<string, shared_ptr<Gdiplus::Image>>( p_pathToImage, l_newImage ) ); // Add the image to the list
return l_newImage.get() ;
else return iterator->second.get() ; // image found, so it is already loaded and we provide the existing one.
But it gives the following error during run time, when the destructor of Drawer is called:
Unhandled exception at 0x00C18CEE in MyProgramm.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x02F36D78
Does someone knows where I am wrong, or if there is a simpler or better solution?

AS2, Referencing a Changing Object Name

so I was wondering if there was a way to reference different objects on stage with he same method to save repeating lots of lines of code. This is what I have right now
function bossKilled(i:Number):Void {
trace("Boss Killed!");
kills ++;
_root["pirate"+i+"Active"] = false; //name of variable would be pirate1Active
_root["pirate"+(i+1)+"Active"] = true; //name of variable would be pirate2Active
bossDeath._x = _root["pirate"+i+"Active"]._x;
bossDeath._y = _root["pirate"+i+"Active"]._y; }
However, this reference does not actually affect the variables. I was wondering if this was possible, and if so, what am I doing wrong?
Not sure what you try to achieve ... pirate1Active is a BOOL. A BOOL has no _x or _y property (nor any other).
If you are not sure where to find your objects in the object tree, you can use the debugger or add some traces on the MCs timeline, like trace (_parent);
Consider switching to AS3, it is much more object oriented and has better tools support.

UITextInputDelegate methods not functioning correctly

I'm working on iOS 8 custom keyboard extension right now, and there are some issues in using UITextInputDelegate Methods.
Does this right: selectionWillChange: and selectionDidChange: methods should be called when user long-presses typing area? And textWillChange: and textDidChange: methods should be called whenever the text is literally changing?
Actually, what I observed is that, when I changed selection in text input area, textWillChange: and textDidChange: are called, and I cannot get a clue that the other two methods are called in what condition. If anyone knows about the usage of these delegate methods, please let me know.
It's not working for me either... what I am currently doing is just using textWillChange and textDidChange which does get called, as you mentioned, when you change your selection... (they get called BEFORE and AFTER) And then comparing the: self.textDocumentProxy.documentContextBeforeInputself.textDocumentProxy.documentContextAfterInput From BEFORE (textWillChange) to the AFTER (textDidChange) to see if selection range or length changed at all.
Something like this (set the 4 NSStrings below in your .h file of course... haven't tested this exact snippet because I wrote it from scratch just now on SO.com but I'm sure the principle works if I made any errors)
- (void)textWillChange:(id<UITextInput>)textInput {
beforeStringOfTextBehindCursor = self.textDocumentProxy.documentContextBeforeInput;
beforeStringOfTextAfterCursor = self.textDocumentProxy.documentContextAfterInput;
- (void)textDidChange:(id<UITextInput>)textInput {
afterStringOfTextBehindCursor = self.textDocumentProxy.documentContextBeforeInput;
afterStringOfTextAfterCursor = self.textDocumentProxy.documentContextAfterInput;
BOOL didSelectionChange = NO;
if (![beforeStringOfTextBehindCursor isEqualToString:afterStringOfTextBehindCursor]) {
didSelectionChange = YES;
if (![beforeStringOfTextAfterCursor isEqualToString:afterStringOfTextAfterCursor]) {
didSelectionChange = YES;
if (didSelectionChange) {
NSLog(#"Selection Changed!");
I had the same problem with the functions specified in the UITextInput protocol not being called. The reason as far as I can discern is due to the fact that the inputDelegate is set at runtime. According to the ios docs:
The UIKit provides a private text input delegate, which it assigns at runtime to the inputDelegate property of the object whose class adopts the UITextInput protocol. link
The fix which works in my case is to reset the inputDelegate in the function:
textField:(UITextField *)textField shouldChangeCharactersInRange:(NSRange)range
replacementString:(NSString *)string
by the following line:
[myUITextField setInputDelegate:self];
where self implements the UITextInputDelegate protocol.

Passing NSTextField Pointer to IOUSBInterfaceInterface182 Callback

I'm doing an asynchronous read from a USB printer. The read works correctly. My trouble is updating a NSTextField from within the callback.
// Setup... then:
NSLog(#"starting async read: %#", _printerOutput);
NSLog(#"_printerOutput pointer = %p", _printerOutput);
result = (*interface)->ReadPipeAsyncTO(interface,
The callback is defined as:
void USBDeviceReadCompletionCallback(void *refCon, IOReturn result, void *messageArg)
NSTextField *printerOutput = (__bridge NSTextField *) messageArg;
NSLog(#"_printerOutput pointer = %p", printerOutput);
The pointer loses its value when inside of the callback.
starting async read: <NSTextField: 0x10221dc60>
_printerOutput pointer = 0x10221dc60
_printerOutput pointer = 0x0
I've looked in many places trying to mimic different ways to pass in the pointer. There can be only one correct way. :)
Another variation on the theme: (__bridge void *)(_printerOutput). This doesn't work, either.
I understand that the callback is of type IOAsyncCallback1.
Other URLs of note:
http://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=another+usb+notification+example&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8 and updating UI from a C function in a thread
I presume _printerOutput is an NSTextField*?
First, is there a particular reason why are you passing an NSTextField** into the callback? (Note the ampersand in the last argument you're passing to ReadPipeAsyncTO.)
Second, I'd avoid ARC with sensitive code, just as a precaution.
Third, from what I see, last argument of ReadPipeAsyncTO is called refcon. Is it a coincidence that callback's first argument is called refCon? Note you're trying to get a text field from messageArg, not refCon.
To extend on my third point…
ReadPipeAsyncTO has an argument called refcon. This is the last argument.
Please pass _printerOutput there. Not a pointer to _printerOutput (do not pass &(_printerOutput)) -- _printerOutput is already a pointer.
Now finally. Look at the first argument of the callback. It's called refcon. In fact -- let's see what Apple docs say about this callback:
The refcon passed into the original I/O request
My conclusion is that your code should read:
void USBDeviceReadCompletionCallback(void *refCon, IOReturn result, void *messageArg)
NSTextField *printerOutput = (__bridge NSTextField *) refCon; // <=== the change is here
NSLog(#"_printerOutput pointer = %p", printerOutput);
Can you, please, try this out? I get a feeling that you didn't try this.
Small but possibly important digression: Were it some other object, and if you didn't use ARC, I'd suggest retaining the _printerOutput variable when passing it into ReadPipeAsyncTO, and releasing it in the callback.
But, since the text field should, presumably, have the lifetime of the application, there is probably no need to do so.
ARC probably loses track of the need for the object behind the pointer to exist once it's passed into C code, but it doesn't matter, since the pointer is still stored in the printerOutput property. Besides, once a pointer is in C code, nothing can just "follow it around" and "reset it".
Confusion when it comes to understanding and explaining the concepts is precisely why I said "avoid ARC with sensitive code". :-)
