What is the status of the Sparkle framework? [closed] - macos

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Closed 9 years ago.
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The latest beta is 2 years old. Most blog comments on Andy's website too.
Is there a new version, living somewhere else? Or an alternative to Sparkle as a whole?
It works for me now, I'm just wondering if there are going to be any further updates to Sparkle, or the promising SparkleCaster app.

It's very much alive. See the Q&A site for the Sparkle framework here. You can ask your question directly to Andy and he'll answer you pretty quickly. The git repository here is actively maintained, too.


is there a OS dev framework that uses the menubar? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am thinking in build an application that stays at the menubar in OSX and the clock in Windows.
I would like to know if any of the cross-platforms frameworks (like wxwidgets, qt etc) are able to help me accomplish this.
Or is this so OS specific that I would have to build one app for each?
Qt can happily do this for you. See the QSystemTrayIcon class, as well as it's setContextMenu() function.

Are there any wrapper to get Tumblr data? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm a newbie in Tumblr.
Now, I need to get Tumblr data, such as post, photos...
I found the official document here : http://www.tumblr.com/docs/en/api/v2
This way is OK, but I wonder are there any wrapper client to getting these data ?
Such as Facebook SDK for Facebook.
You can use the official SDK from Tumblr to develop you app. You can reference at: https://github.com/tumblr/jumblr

Backbone-Rails Tutorials [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Where is a good place to get started learning how to use Backbone in Rails? It seems to be all the rage nowadays. I know some basics of Rails and Backbone but I'm by no means an expert.
There are railscasts on this topic. Its not a free episode though.
backbone on rails part1
backbone on rails part2
and another screencast

API Documentation Manager and Browser for Windows [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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The other day i found about a cool utility : Dash – Snippet Manager, Documentation Browser
This utility is collection of documentation of popular frameworks.
However this is avaialble for Mac OS X only. Is there some tool/utility available for Windows as well ?
P.S Must have utility for Mac boys....
I know only Zeal but this one looks not so far advanced like Dash is.
Anyways it can be usefull: Zealdocs.org

Computer vision library for Ruby [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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What library do you recommend for computer vision in Ruby?
Since OpenCV is quite widely used I'd probably have a look at Ruby/OpenCV.
Edit: I just remembered an interesting blog post about OpenCV in Ruby from a couple of month ago, this should get you up to speed with the lib:
I am the main developer of the HornetsEye library. It runs under GNU/Linux and it provides image processing operations as well as extensive integration of I/O libraries.
