Order of function modifiers in C# - syntax

I would like to know if there is a standard to set the order of function modifiers in C#. i.e.
public static void Method()
static public void Method()
this both work well, BUT
when I code:
public void static Method()
I receive the following error:
Member modifier 'static' must precede
the member type and name
Method must have a return type

Method declarations must always follow this pattern:
[modifiers] returnType methodName([parameters])
There is no rule regarding the order of modifiers, but they must always precede the return type.
I don't think there is any standard order, people just do as they please... Personally I prefer to put the access modifier (public, private, etc) first, then the static modifier (if any), then the virtual, abstract or override modifier (if applicable).
See the C# spec for details (§10.6)

The problem is that void isn't a modifier - it's the return type. All the modifiers have to come before the return type.
I'm pretty sure there is a convention for the ordering of genuine modifiers, but I don't know where it's documented.
I would always write the accessibility (public etc) first.

There is no specific order for method modifiers.
Following is the formal grammar from the C# Standard specification ...
Methods are declared using method-declarations:
method-header method-body
attributesopt method-modifiersopt partialopt return-type member-name type-parameter-listopt
( formal-parameter-listopt ) type-parameter-constraints-clausesopt
interface-type . identifier


C# Attribute or Code Inspection Comment to Encourage or Discourage Call to Base Method from Virtual Method Override

I'm working on a C# project in Unity with Rider.
I sometimes see a base class with an empty virtual method, and then a derived class that overrides that method. The method override has an explicit call to base.MethodName() even though the base method is empty.
public class A
public virtual void Method1() { }
public virtual void Method2()
// Important logic performed here!
public class B : A
public override void Method1()
// Do something else ...
public override void Method2()
// Do something here ...
When looking at the method in Rider's IL Viewer, the call to the base method is included, even though the method is empty.
Are there any method attributes or code inspection comments in C# or Rider that could:
Generate a compiler or code inspection warning when calling a base method that is empty.
Generate a compiler or code inspection warning when not calling a base method that is not empty.
For example:
public class A
public virtual void Method1() { }
public virtual void Method2()
// Important logic performed here!
I can imagine a scenario where multiple derived classes override a method and one or more mistakenly failed to call the base method, which might result in unexpected behavior. Or situations where there are unnecessary calls to an empty base method, which may be wasteful, but unlikely to break anything.
While I'm primarily inquiring about whether such attributes or code inspection comments exist, I am also curious to know of how people might handle these situations, such as simply always calling the base method from an override, keeping important logic out of base virtual methods, or using some other method of communicating whether a base method call is unnecessary or required.
Generate a compiler or code inspection warning when calling a base
method that is empty.
In c#, as far as I know, there is no warning for an empty method. So, I think there is no warning when calling a base method that is empty.
But you are free to write one for you: Write your first analyzer and code fix
Generate a compiler or code inspection warning when not calling a base
method that is not empty.
Not in C#, and I think is not a good idea to force a derived class to call a base method. I can understand that in your scenario, it would be great if all your derived classes method call always the base method, but it will be a very uncommon case. And generally when we need tricky (not intuitive) rules, that means our solution is not very clear, or it will be error-prone.
keeping important logic out of base virtual methods
If you need A.Method1 to be called, maybe let it as a virtual method is not a good idea. You have a virtual method when you want to give to your derived classes the opportunity to use it OR to overwrite it with a more adapted version.
I propose you a solution that maybe you can adapt to your scenario.
abstract class A
public abstract void Method1();
public virtual void Method2() { }
public void MustBeCalled()
// Here you can put the logic you had in Method1, you need to execute this code, so this method can't be overwrited.
public void TemplateMethod()
// Do something else ...

Overriding standard ID scalar

I want to use UUID as an identifier but standard scalar ID is coerced as string.
So have to parse uuid from string everywhere I use ID type.
I wonder is it possible to override ID type with my own implementation?
This scalar type has some special meaning or I can just use my own scalar called UUID as identifier?
We can not override the available scalers, please refer this link for discussion.
You can define a UUIDScalar in your code, for the same you will have to override the following methods
public Object serialize(Object dataFetcherResult) {
public Object parseValue(Object input) {
public Object parseLiteral(Object input) {
Reference: Making custom scalars in graphql java
Luckily the code for making custom scalar for UUID is available online, you can use this PR

final class and final member functions

Say I have the base class:
struct Base
virtual void foo();
and the derived class is final struct A final : public Base. Does it make sense to make the member functions final as well? I've seen in several places e.g.
struct A final : public Base {
void foo() final;
I am not sure it provides any value in this case as if the class itself is final I guess all the member functions are final by default as well. Am I missing something? Are there any guidelines?
In case a struct or a class (A in your case) is final, you cannot declare another one inheriting it. Therefore, there's no need to also declare any methods as final.
Maybe this is a convention in some places to be clear that this method also cannot be overridden (just as a "reminder" for the final of the struct).

Why is the Java 8 Optional class final? [duplicate]

I was playing with the following question: Using Java 8's Optional with Stream::flatMap and wanted to add a method to a custom Optional<T> and then check if it worked.
More precise, I wanted to add a stream() to my CustomOptional<T> that returns an empty stream if no value is present, or a stream with a single element if it is present.
However, I came to the conclusion that Optional<T> is declared as final.
Why is this so? There are loads of classes that are not declared as final, and I personally do not see a reason here to declare Optional<T> final.
As a second question, why can not all methods be final, if the worry is that they would be overridden, and leave the class non-final?
According to this page of the Java SE 8 API docs, Optional<T> is a value based class. According to this page of the API docs, value-based classes have to be immutable.
Declaring all the methods in Optional<T> as final will prevent the methods from being overridden, but that will not prevent an extending class from adding fields and methods. Extending the class and adding a field together with a method that changes the value of that field would make that subclass mutable and hence would allow the creation of a mutable Optional<T>. The following is an example of such a subclass that could be created if Optional<T> would not be declared final.
//Example created by #assylias
public class Sub<T> extends Optional<T> {
private T t;
public void set(T t) {
this.t = t;
Declaring Optional<T> final prevents the creation of subclasses like the one above and hence guarantees Optional<T> to be always immutable.
As others have stated Optional is a value based class and since it is a value based class it should be immutable which needs it to be final.
But we missed the point for this. One of the main reason why value based classes are immutable is to guarantee thread safety. Making it immutable makes it thread safe. Take for eg String or primitive wrappers like Integer or Float. They are declared final for similar reasons.
Probably, the reason is the same as why String is final; that is, so that all users of the Optional class can be assured that the methods on the instance they receive keep to their contract of always returning the same value.
Though we could not extend the Optional class, we could create our own wrapper class.
public final class Opt {
private Opt() {
public static final <T> Stream<T> filledOrEmpty(T t) {
return Optional.ofNullable(t).isPresent() ? Stream.of(t) : Stream.empty();
Hope it might helps you. Glad to see the reaction!

Why is generated override code for generic method incorrect?

I have an abstract generic class
public abstract class Foo<TType>
with an abstract method
public abstract object DoSomething(TType arg = default(TType)) {}
Now, the inherited class
public class BabyFoo : Foo<string>
when I want to override DoSomething and start typing "override " to get the intellisense/generator to write a method skeleton I expected
public override object DoSomething(string arg = default(string))
or even
public override object DoSomething(string arg = null)
but it literally comes up with
public override object DoSomething(string arg = default(TType))
My initial thought is it is a VS2010 bug since optional params are new to c#, but can anybody tell me if there is perhaps a real reason why (reference types vs value types??) the IDE generates this code?
Just to clarify:
public abstract class Foo<TType>
public abstract object DoSomething(TType arg = default(TType));
public class BabyFoo : Foo<string>
// Expected:
public override object DoSomething(string arg = default(string))
// Actual:
public override object DoSomething(string arg = default(TType));
Unless there's something I'm missing, it's quite simply a bug in the Visual Studio IDE / code-gen. Changing the method signature to the "expected" one results in code that will compile, as the "actual" one refuses to compile thanks to being clearly invalid.
Having tried a few different types for TType as well as things like the where TType : new() constraint, I couldn't get VS to generate valid code with your DoSomething method.
Congratulations - you've (probably) found a bug in Visual Studio =)
There are always edge cases when it comes to code generation, I logged one for Visual Basic 2005/2008 a long time ago that was resolved WONT FIX as it was a really obscure one comparatively. Hopefully this one'll be fixed though!
