iOS4.2 and iOS4.1 on the same machine? - xcode

I'd like to start testing iOS4.2 so I downloaded xcode 3.2.5 and iOS4.2 beta SDK. Unfortunately, I think it installed over my previous xcode 3.2.4 and SDK 4.1. Short of downloading 3.2.4 and 4.1 and installing to another directory, is there a way to get the 4.1 SDK into 3.2.5 and compile both SDK versions?

Seems like with the release of iOS 4.2, Apple is going to want 4.2 to reign king. At least with Xcode 3.2.5 GM, the only SDK included is 4.2.
You can have two versions of Xcode installed though - when choosing what optional things you want to uninstall, uncheck everything and change the location Xcode installs to (it defaults to /Developer). I was able to get 3.2.5 (can compile against 4.2) and 3.2.4 (everything else) running and working on the same machine. This will allow you to have both the 4.2 and 4.1 SDKs on the same machine.
Good luck!


iOS Lion - Monotouch and Simulator 4.3

I have the following configuration on Mac OS X 10.7.4:
Mono 2.10.9
Xcode 4.3.3
Monotouch 5.2.12
I'd like to test my app developed in Monotouch, on iOS 4.3, because on iOS 5.0 works fine. To do that i've tried to install simulator 4.3 in Xcode but when i open Monotouch there is just Simulator 5.0.
I read some information on google and obviously, it advised to install SDK 4.3 but there is no version with this SDK for iOS Lion (the only one on Apple developers website is for Snow Leopard).
I would be interested to know how to install the simulator on my computer.
It's a bit hidden but you can still download of Xcode releases from:
Downloading Xcode 4.0 should give you the final SDK for iOS 4.3.
You can install 4.2 and 4.3 (.app) side-to-side on Lion (I have them). This should also work for 4.0 and 4.3 since they (like 4.2) ends up in different directories.
Note that you'll need to tell MonoDevelop to switch Apple SDK location (and restart MD).
The solution that worked for me was to install it through Xcode.
XCode > Preferences > Downloads
You should see installs available here. Click the Install button to get it.

how to fix old xcode installations on mac

I had xcode 3.2.something. and iwth ios sdks 3.0-3.1-....4.1 and 2 iphone simulator sdks.
Now i installed xcode 4.0 with ios sdk 4.3 something like that.
Now all my previous applications cannot be launched nor on device nor on simulator because there's not a single old sdk available.
so next i reinserted the original cds containing macosx and xcode and reinstalled the first xcode i used, but now there's not one ios sdk available at all.
i've been surfing the net for hours now, andi have a couple of questions:
1)have i had to uninstall the xcode 3.2.x before installing xcode 4?
2)how to uninstall applications on mac??? just to make sure that the answer i've found is the correct one.
3)how can erase the traces of all previous xcodes and their sdks in order to install the original one, now that i learned how to install different xcode versions side by side.
4) now what do you think i should to recover? do i have to back up everything and reinstall mac from the beginning?
thank you
So, your questions:
1. Have I got to uninstall XCode 3.2 before installing XCode 4? - No, you don't, but the XCode installer will overwrite your old copy by default. When installing the newer version of XCode and the iOS SDK you must specify a different install directory (eg, create a new folder in the root of your drive called 'Developer 4' for XCode 4.
2. How can I uninstall XCode? - Normally on a mac you would just drag your application to the trash, but it's a little more complicated with XCode. Refer to the instructions at this link:
3. How can I erase all traces of all previous XCodes? - see the answer above for question 2 :)
You can obtain old versions of the SDK from various unofficial online sources if you need to roll back to iOS 3 SDKs. However, it may not be all that much work to move your apps over to the 4.x SDKs.
ok it turned out that at the beginning i was using xcode 3.2.4 with ios sdk 4.1
The xcode that comes with mac osx only targets mac sdk. No iphone support
So i got xcode 3.2.4 setup from a backup (you can find it online) and installed and this should work
And now i have 3.2.5 using sdk 4.2 and targetting all till 3.0
and also xcode 4.0.2

Mandatory to use XCode SDK 4?

Well you know they just released this new XCode 4 version thing...... I am still using version 3.x.x.
Is it mandatory to use XCode 4 for my iPhone apps to be approved?
Not at all. You can still build, sign and submit iOS Apps using XCode 3.
No, but it is recommended. You can use XCode 4 with base SDK 4.3 and target an older iOS version.
You can download iOS SDK 4.3 with either Xcode 4 or Xcode 3.2.6 from Apple's iOS developer page. Remember that the Xcode version number is not the SDK version number.
You should always use the latest SDK, even if you're targeting an older iOS version. As I understand it, Apple will sometimes fix bugs in older OS versions. In order to get those fixes, though, you need to use the latest SDK.
unless you don't want to try Git integration you should be fine :) I'm struck with xcode 3.2.5 and shortcuts. And I hate iTunes like toolbar for no reason :(

Base SDK missing after a fresh install of XCode 3.2.5 which includes iOS SDK 4.2

I'm new to iPhone development. I just did a fresh install of XCode 3.2.5 with iOS SDK 4.2. No previous XCode or iOS versions have been installed before. However trying to compile some sample project from some books gives "Base SDK Missing". :( What to do? How can I use XCode 3.2.5 for older iPhones like 3GS if it only supports 4.2?
When I go to "Project/Edit Project Settings/Architecture/Base SDK/iOS SDK's" only iOS 4.2 is available to be selected.
Do I need to install older XCode first and then upgrade?
In the build settings, you can support older phones by setting "iOS Deployment Target" to something like 3.0. has more details on the difference between this and the Base SDK setting.
Set Project/Edit Project Settings/Architecture/Base SDK to the Latest OS version, then quit and restart Xcode. You can later set the Deployment target to a lower OS version.
I had the same problem for most of the afternoon. I did everything suggested and nothing worked UNTIL I cleaned and cleaned and saved and rebooted and re-built. Unfortunately that doesn't tell me what actually worked, but it does give everyone "just one more thing" to try.

iOS SDK migration

Recently i've installed Snow Leopard and xCode 3.2.5 with iOS SDK 4.2
And now i need to add previous sdk version (3.1.2) that was in my Leopard. I have mac-partition with old OS. What is the best way to do such migration? I have iphone_sdk_3.1.2_with_xcode_3.1.4_leopard_9m2809 image. When i launch it, it offers to install developer tools wich includes xCode of erlier version.
a little addition to my question. if I set iphone_sdk_3.1.2_with_xcode_3.1.4_leopard_9m2809 that does not give me an option NOT to install xCode 3.1, will I get an downgrade from xCode 3.2.5 to 3.1.2?
My guess is that the following link will help you in installing OLDER SDK (Device/Simulator) in order to test iphone apps on OLDER versions (for example my iPhone 2G works only up to 3.1.3)
