DataSet and Insert statements - visual-studio

I'm having some trouble with Visual Studio and the creation of DataSets from a database.
Whenever I create a new TableAdapter, the Insert-Methods parameters are, lets just say, it messes up.
The database is a MS Access 2000 Database file. If I create a new TabelAdapter, everything works just fine. I select to create DatabaseDirect Methods and it all goes through without errors.
Then, I look at the statements. All perfectly fine. But then, I check the Insert-Methods parameters and I see this:
Parameter List
All the parameters are set to default Strings with no name. I have to rename and define all of their types over again.
Interesting thing is, this does never affect the last parameter (As you see: Comment is not renamed etc) and it only happens to the Insert-Method. When I check the Update-Method (which also uses the exact same parameters), they are all correctly named and the type also fits the one in the databse.
Parameter list
Is this a known bug? Did I do something wrong when creating the TableAdapter?
You see, it's not that big an issue, I just can't understand why it works with every other method, just not the Insert and it is quite a fuss to rename and retype all of the parameters if you create a table adapter for a table that has significantly more fields than just the 12 I showed you.

It looks like at least one other person has had a similar problem. Although this post doesn't specifically mention Access, the symptoms seem to be the same as what you've seen.
Unfortunately, there wasn't a clear solution listed there. The OP only says that he was able to call the automatically-generated Insert command, rather than trying to create his own Insert query, and so he did not need to resolve his original issue.
Also, he mentions that everything seems to work fine with all of the other tables in his database, and that this happens with only one table. That may mean that it's not an Access-specific issue, but rather that the tables in your database have something in common with the table in this post, and that common factor is what is preventing the TableAdapter from working as it should.


Running code when a model is deleted via cascade/bulk deletion

I have a table that basically represents uploads, therefore, when an instance of the model representing this table is deleted, I want the file being represented to be deleted from my uploads folder.
The way I've gone about this thus far is basically overriding the delete method, so that, before the model instance is deleted, the file will be as well.
Problem: not only does this not work for cascade deletions, it also doesnt work if I delete a Collection....
I've looked at Events, like Model::deleting, but they suffer from exactly the same problem (namely they're not triggered by cascade deletions or bulk deletions).
I have also considered a SQL trigger, but it doesnt seem like I can delete files from SQL (inform me if I can, I'd love it! I'm using MySQL, btw).
Do I have an option that is classier than just making a separate query and iterating over it deleting the files every time I need to do a bulk deletion/cascade, or is this really it?
Take a look at
You need to define an event inside your model.

Correct SSIS executing tasks in random order

This is a repost from 8 years ago, since the solutions provided there didn't worked for me, maybe now there are more alternatives for me and the other people which had that problem and couldn't solve it as well.
I have six Data Flow Task as shown in the following screenshot:
They execute in a different order everytime I execute them, and even the first one executes twice. I've recreated the tasks, hoping it was SSIS executing them in creation order.
They run in a random order each time I execute the package despite the Precedence Constraints, so I decided to recreate the WHOLE package. Failed as well.
It simply feels like Microsoft is messing up with me, since I don't find another explanation.
Any help provided will be a relief for me if my post is not voted as Redundant.
/Edited in order to add info/
My real problem is SSIS not inserting data in a defined order. It just executes the data insert as it pleases. Because I do need data to be natively stored with a specified order. I've done it before, just don't get why this tiem is different. I could however run a ORDER BY to get the data as I want except it's not me the one who'll be accessing the data, hope the one who's gonna extract and print the data notice that.
The biggest issue however is SSIS executing twice a random task, as I can't have for any reason a duplicate of the data as it will be later used for summarizing as well.(I suspect this is connected to the random order execution since the guy who posted the original question had the exact same issue as me).
The real way to notice these issues is not looking at the SSIS processes, but looking at the data stored in the DB. Sorry if I was unclear about my problem.
The SSIS log doesn't show you the tasks in the order that they run in. In your screenshot above it looks like it put them in alphabetical order, in fact.
Just because Abril is above Enero in your execution log doesn't mean that Abril ran first and Enero ran second.
Addendum based on comments below:
You are under the misconception that if you INSERT data into a database in a certain order, that when you SELECT that data without specifying an ORDER BY, you will get the data in the order it was inserted. This turns out not to be the case. The ONLY guaranteed way to get data from a database in a certain order is to use an ORDER BY clause when you SELECT it.
Let me be perfectly clear about this. When you say "I get my data from March being listed first than my data from January, meaning it was inserted first", you are wrong.
As for why your January data seems be to getting inserted twice, we would need to see the details of all the working parts: the original source data, the destination data before insert, the destination data after insert, and the SSIS package that does the insert. Without enough information to reproduce the issue ourselves, there is no way we can help you understand why it is happening in your package.

Linq query will change often- how can I change it without recompiling app?

My application will be querying a database using Entity Framework. The problem is that the database table structure changes fairly often (a few times a year).
Back in the SQL days, we would store SQL queries in Resource files (.resx) and when any database changes occurred, we could just edit the one resource file and not have to edit any code in the app, recompile, etc.
Are there any good ways to do this with Linq-to-SQL?
Linq2SQL is innately code-based. If your schema is going to change, then the code will need to change.
The only way I can see around this, and still get some of the benefits of linq, is to write everything as Stored Procedures, which you can than add as method to the linq DataContext.
Then, as long as the Name, input parameters and output columns remain the same, you can change what the SP is doing on the database and the code can stay the same.

ADOX Rearrange Or Insert Columns Rather than Append them in Access Vb6, VB.Net or CSharp

I need to insert a field in the middle of current fields of a database table. I'm currently doing this in VB6 but may get the green light to do this in .net. Anyway I'm wondering since Access gives you the ability to "insert" fields in the table is there a way to do this in ADOX? If I had to I could step back and use DAO, but not sure how to do it there either.
If yor're wondering why I want to do this applications database has changed over time and I'm being asked to create Upgrade program for some of the installations with older versions.
Any help would be great.
This should not be necessary. Use the correct list of fields in your queries to retrieve them in the required order.
BUT, if you really need to do that, the only way i know is to create a new table with the fields in the required order, read the data from the old table into the new one, delete the old table and rename the new table as the old one.
I hear you: in Access the order of the fields is important.
If you need a comprehensive way to work with ADOX, your go to place is Allen Browne's website. I have used it to from my novice to pro in handling Access database changes. Here it is: Go to Access Tips then scroll down to ADOX Code.
That is also where I normally refer people with doubts about capabilities of Access as a database :)
In your case, you will juggle through creating a new table with the new field in the right position, copying data to the new table, applying properties to the fields, deleting original table, renaming the new table to the required (original) name.
That is the correct order. Do not apply field properties before copying the data. Some indexes and key properties may not be applied when the fields already have data.
Over time, I have automated this so I just run an application to do detect and implement the required changes for me. But that took A LOT of work-weeks.

Can a database be refactored in SQL Server?

We have a relatively new database project that we have been writing views and stored procedures for over the last 6 months or so.
The database works
The views work
The stored procedures work
However, the general scope of the project has grown considerably since this project was started, and now some of the table names and field names are a little off base.
For example, the main table in the database is called SheetMetalRequest, but the project has grown to where an actual Sheet Metal Request is now but one of the enumerable types of requests. So, the name on this table is misleading to people coming into the project.
In addition to this main table, there are various columns in other tables that need to be changed as well (think SheetMetalRequestID, for example).
The problem with making this change are the 10 different Views and 30 Stored Procedures that are now a part of this database. Naturally, if something gets changed and not everything is changed with it, our working pre production database could take several man hours to get back to a running state.
It would be GREAT if there were a Refactor ability somehow like what exists in Visual Studio.
SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('productversion'), SERVERPROPERTY('productlevel'), SERVERPROPERTY('edition')
productversion | productlevel | edition
10.0.1600.22 | RTM | Standard Edition (64-bit)
If a tool like SSDT does not work for you for whatever reason, you could do this manually at your own pace. Sometimes a "click one button and go home" approach is actually not what you want.
You could start with introducing synonyms, e.g.
CREATE SYNONYM dbo.Requests FOR dbo.SheetMetalRequest;
Now you can refactor your code in pieces, pointing each reference to the new name. When you are confident that you have captured all references (and this won't be easy even with a tool like SSDT, since it can't see code outside of the database - or even code in dynamic SQL inside the current database), you can drop the synonym and rename the table:
DROP SYNONYM dbo.Requests;
EXEC sp_rename 'dbo.SheetMetalRequest', 'Requests', 'OBJECT';
(You'll also want to update all of your modules with sp_refreshsqlmodule in a loop, twice, to make sure you've completely corrected dependencies.)
This would allow you to update different portions of your code (not just views / stored procedures but also middle-tier classes and even front end stuff) to reference the right names, and not have to do it all at once.
Red Gate's SQL Prompt has a 'smart rename' feature, which sounds like is what you are looking for. This will not only rename the object, but also any references to it in other objects. This is a commercial tool from the company I work for, but has a 14-day fully functional evaluation period.
