VS2010 Publish Project - visual-studio-2010

I am having trouble publishing to a Windows 2003 server in VS2010. In the past (with Vs2008) I just had to include the address of the server - now there are some new publish options such as "web deploy" and what not with some settings that I am not aware of. How do I get the publish working again?

Publish with web deploy stopped working with me also. My server is local so I use the publish method: "File System"
Then you simply have to type the target of your Windows 2003 Server into the "Target Location box.
i.e. \servername\wwwroot\project


How to deploy asp.net mvc 3 application to remote server msbuild command?

I am using
msbuild D:\SVN\QM\QMsln\QM.sln /p:DeployOnBuild=true;PublishProfile=Prof.pubxml
where publish prof Prof.pubxml deploys the web app in my local machine.
It works fine. But now I want to deploy it on remote server. I created a ftp server in my remote machine. And while I tried publishing using VS2012. It throws an error
FTP Passive mode is not available
I googled the issue and inserted
in the Prof.pubxml. But still the problem persists.
Also If I use msbuild it says
This specific web publishing is not yet supported on msbuild command line.
Any idea?

Publishing SharePoint Application Page to a remote server

I created a SharePoint Application Page. I chose Deploy as a Farm Solution and was able to make the application page work and get deployed on the local (development) SharePoint server. But apparently I cannot deploy (publish) a Farm Solution to a remote (users) server. My requirement is that I need to implement SharePoint Application Pages and deploy them to a remote server. But my problem is that if I choose Farm Solution, I can implement Application Pages but cannot publish to a remote server. But when I choose Sandbox solution I don't have the option to create application pages, the template says Application Page (Farm Solution only). What am I missing here? Why is the type of page related to the deployment target?
I am using Visual Studio 2012 and SharePoint 2013.
You likely need to package it up and deploy from the remote server using powershell: http://patrickboom.wordpress.com/2010/05/31/using-powershell-to-deploy-sharepoint-solutions-wsp-2/

How do I run (debug) WCF REST Service application on local IIS7 server

As the question says, I have a problem running the web app on local IIS.
Here is my situation:
WIndows over Oracle VM VirtualBox running on Linux Ubuntu.
Bridged Adapter so that Windows box gets local IP from my router.
Visual Studio 2010 + sp
WCF REST Service application plugin for project template
The application runs when using visual studio development server (on localhost).
Target framework is v4.0
What I need is that the application runs on IP instead on localhost (so I can consume it on remote computer in LAN), so I configured IIS7.
Here is IIS configuration:
I created a website with target framework v.4.0
I binded the site to my local IP on port 80
Path to the site is /inetpub/wwwroot iisstart.htm as default document
IIS runs ok. If I open "http://my_local_ip" I get the welcome logo.
The problem is in visual studio.
When I go to project properties "Web" section and select local IIS over vsd server is where I get lost. If I set "Project URL" to "http://my_local_ip/some_name" visual studio complains that it cannot find IIS server and so it was unable to create the virtual directory. I tried manually adding virtual directory in IIS manager, but no effect. If I use "http://localhost/some_name" as the "Project URL" the virtual directory gets created, but it makes no sense does it?
Could some one please enlighten me?
If I use "http://localhost/some_name" as the "Project URL" the virtual directory gets created, but it makes no sense does it?
I think you are mixing two different things here. When you ask VS to use localhost as the IIS Server for your project, it will connect to the local IIS to perform configuration tasks. If you ask VS to use "my_local_ip" you are telling VS that you IIS Server is remote, and therefore VS will use remote administration to configure IIS (VS can't know that my_local_ip is the local computer).
But remote IIS admin isn't enabled on a default WinServer box. Furthermore, it would require some additionnal network config. You should therefore tell vs to use the local server.
In fact, IIS site bindings and VS deployment parameters are too completely different things. So, deploy your site on http://localhost/your_site.
However, I don't really like the prospect of using VS debugging deploy to deploy a real app. The directory will contain all your project files... You should:
create your site on IIS manager and setup a virtual directory.
ask VS to publish the site to a directory (your virtual directory)
ask VS to publish a WebDeploy package, then ask IIS manager to import the package.

What's the easiest way to deploy an ASP.NET MVC 3 project to Windows Server 2003?

Is there some kind of deployment wizard I can run and have it install just the things it needs to run right onto the server end point? Do I have to build the project using VS2010 on the server? If I can't get this thing deployed today I am really going to be screwed.
IIS 6 is there and I think .NET 4 is installed (I tried installing it from Microsoft and they had me install a million things like VS2010 express and SQL Server and all this other crap, the install failed but .NET 4 does show up in IIS).
I achieved this by enabling an FTP site for the IIS server website and using this to deploy the web application within visual studio 2010 which will build and deploy just the changed files for each build. Works very well. You can even add a Publish toolbar to help deploy regularly more easily.
All you have to do is install the .NET Framework 4.0 (32 / 64 depending on build) and run aspnet_regiis.exe in the Framework folder.
For me this is located here:
Hope this helps!
You can also use the publish command from VS 2010 to save it to the filesystem and then copy the files into an IIS site on the target server. Just map a network drive to X: or something (for your sites root) and publish directly to the share.
You can take a look at Web Deployment projects or even the VS "Publish" feature
From the Build menu in VS2010, just click Publish [name of your web project] and enter the location on your web server where the site is going to be hosted.
VS2010 will publish the files required there.
It shouldn't be necessary to install VS2010 Express, just to deploy a site. But if .Net 4 and ASP.NET MVC 3 is installed, you should be able to deploy. Right click the web app in VS2010, and hit Publish.
Remember to set the configuration to Release!
But, with IIS 6 you could be in for a fight in regard to HTTP Modules, Handlers and other server configuration. Anything inside your Web.config's system.webServer section will always be ignored by IIS 6.

I want to keep my source protected on my development machine, how would I deploy ASP.NET MVC to the server?

I'm not exactly sure what to do, normally I do a commit to SVN and Cruise Control does all this stuff on the server to pull from the repo and deploy everything.
However I am just playing around for fun with my personal VPS and want to know how I can from Visual Studio 2010 (web express) on my local machine just make some kind of installer or DLL or whatever and how to deploy it to my VPS of Windows Server 2008.
Do I upload via FTP and run something or place some files in a certain location and configure through IIS? Or is there some way Visual Studio can just interface with my server and impregnate it with my beautiful code?
From the description given, I'd recommend 2 options:
check whether your server installation currently supports one-click publishing. It's likely an IIS configuration task(s) and/or ensuring your server supports MSDeploy/WebDeploy. See "One-Click Publishing - What's New". Publish Use Visual Studio 2010's Publish command to perform a Web Deploy of your solution.
setup an FTP server on your server. Use Visual Studio 2010's Publish command with the FTP option to push your built solution.
Would this MSDN article help?
The thing is there's capabilities in Visual studio that can publish a web application on a web server.
But you can always do an xcopy deployment as well. And since you've obviously never deployed a web application yet maybe it would be good to learn something and actually deploy it manually.
