Custom "Next" Buttons for Spring MVC AbstractWizardFormController - spring

Currently, a spring application I am working on has several wizards that it is using with Spring's AbstractWizardFormController. During the early stages of development(pre-design phase), the type of "next" button did not matter.
Just to refresh, the Next and Back button are submit buttons with target attributes. So a next button on the first page of a wizard would look like the following.
<input type="submit" name="_target1" value="Next"/>
This is the standard way Spring does wizards on the view. This works fine, given that you want your Next button to be a standard HTML submit button. Otherwise, in my case, If I want a custom button, I am not sure how to do this. I know it is possible, but haven't found any documentation.
I imagine I will need to do a javascript submit, but I am not sure how to set the name of the button, of if something else needs to be done.
I just need to know how I can still extend AbstractWizardFormController, and use custom buttons.

When clicked, HTML submit button submits a form with additional parameter {name}={value}, that is _target1=Next. I guess the value doesn't matter here, controller looks at the name. So, if you want to emulate this with Javascript, you may, for example, dynamically add a hidden field with name = "_target1" before submit.


ajax button in cakephp 1.2

I'm trying to make something like this:
an html form with 5 button (each one with a differn value). if you click one of this button will be dispayed an text input (with a default value depending to the clicked button value, so the buttons call an ajax/javscript function to generate the default value) and a submit button.
I'm unable to create this type of form. have any suggestion for me ? Thx in advance.
I wouldn't use CakePHP's AJAX features, just write it yourself. Cake's features are useful in limited situations (e.g. pagination) but as soon as you need flexibility, it becomes a limiting factor. I believe the JsHelper is actually being removed in future versions.
To get this done without Cake, take a look at It's not a complete working example (e.g. there is no <form> tag), but it should show you enough to get started on your own.

Can I create quiz GUI with Django-Forms?

I'm new to django, and I'm working on a quiz project. The idea is to create something similar to this ( Basically, there will be a question on each page and the user clicks on an image with the answer. I was planning on using a django form with a radio select input type, however, I'd like the image to act as the radio button (ie, be clickable) and also a click on the image will take you to the next question (instead of having to click submit after each). Is this possible with django, or do I need java?
it's perfectly possible - if you just want a series of images, and clicking on them to take you to the next question you might achieve that by:
Having multiple input fields of type "image" which all submit the form. If you go down that route you'll have to template the forms out yourself or make your own widget.
Using javascript to replace radio buttons with images dynamically. If you do that, it'd be a good idea to make it fall back to a straight list selection for people who don't have javascript.
Ignoring forms altogether and just using a view with a parameter of what the choice is.
Yes, it's completely possible. My suggestion is if you want to save the result in the db use model and model form in django. So, my next suggestion is you can customize model field for combine radio button functionality and image together. But actually you must programming and use a little jquery and javascript to do it.
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Different validation rules for different actions JSF

i'm trying to implement an edit/add profile page which looks the following:
image upload component (Tomahawk t:inputFileUpload) with upload button
several input text fields
cancel and save button
As said, this form is used for adding a new profile as well as editing existing ones. At first, i used two elements, one for the text input, one for the upload component. The problem with this is, since the upload componenet does not support ajax/ partial rendering, the whole page is reloaded and any changes on the text inputs is lost. When i use one unified , the validation is triggered on the textfields when the upload button is pressed and the user is forced to fill out all the inputs first, before it is possible to upload an image.
My desired behaviour would be, that if the textinputs are unchanged, i can still upload the picture while changes are being applied to the backing bean and validated. Validation on unchanged/empty fields should only be triggered, when the final submit button is pressed. How can this be done? Any standard scenario/best practice methods for this or do i have to implement a valueChange Listener? Thank you guys in advance and kind regards!
Solved the problem, i wrote a custom validator and checked for the action that triggered the submission of the form using this:
Where ctx is the current instance of FacesContext. Maybe this helps someone, it is a workaround however it does the job.

ASP.NET MVC 3.0 - User Hammering Submit Button

Even using the Post/Redirect/Get method, and including javascript to disable a button after it has been clicked, I am having a problem with users being able to just rapidly hammer a submit button and get multiple form posts in before server side validation can stop it.
Is there any way to stop this? I've even tried this method : how to implment click-once submit button in mvc 2?
And I've tried outright blocking the UI with jquery blockUI. I have BOTH client side and server side validation in place, and they work perfectly - but a user smashing the submit button twenty times in under a second just seems to keep breaking it.
Use javascript to wire the onclick event to disable the button.
If you are already doing that and you can still get multiple form posts, then the problem is a delay between the clicking of the button and the button being disabled, and you must be submitting the form multiple times during this delay.
To fix this, make the onclick event first make a call to stopPropagation() to stop the submit event. Then validate that the form is not in submission-blocked state. You can do this by creating a page-scoped javascript variable with a boolean value like can_submit. Test for can_submit being true before submitting the form. Set the can_submit = false when the button is disabled, so even if the button is not disabled fast enough, the form will not submit if the value has already been set to false.
In most cases I'd say that this isn't worth fixing - if a user is going to do something as silly as clicking submit 20 times they should expect to get an error.
The only real fix for this is to set up your action to only accept the same form once - add a hidden field that is set to a random value when the form is loaded. When the form is posted, save that value somewhere temporarily and if it is already there you have a duplicate request that shouldn't do anything.

How to create an AJAXified form within the Zend Framework

I'm trying to create a contact form. However at the top of the form the user can select using radio buttons whether he's contacting the technical department or the marketing department. Depending on which he selects, the entire form changes.
How would this be implemented within the Zend Framework? I'm already extending Zend_Form to make my forms. Also I'm working within the MVC style and would rather not break out of it.
Right now I simply do
echo $this->form;
in the view to render the form. I'm guessing that when the visitor clicks on one of the radio buttons, the controller will need to set a different form, but I'm not too sure how to go about that without re-rendering the entire page.
I'm now thinking just setting something like this in the controller:
$this->view->contactFormTechDep = $formTechDep;
$this->view->contactFormMarketingDep = $formMarketingDep;
and render both, but hiding one all using Javascript.
I think you just need to show/hide the content of the form with JavaScript, not with php.
(with jQuery this can easyli be done)
But you'll have to keep in mind to be unobtrusive for users without javascript enabled
