Ruby 1.9 regex encoding - ruby

I am parsing this feed with nokogiri and then running some regex on the contents of some tags. The content is UTF-8 mostly, but is occasionally corrupt. However, for my case I don't really care and just need to pass the right parts of the content through, so I'm happy to treat the data as binary/ASCII-8BIT. The problem is that no matter what I do, regexes in my script are treated as either UTF-8 or ASCII. No matter what I set the encoding comment to, or what I do to create the regex.
Is there a solution to this? Can I force the regex to binary? Can I do a gsub without a regex easily? (I am just replacing & with &)

You need to encode the initial string and use the FIXEDENCODING option.
1.9.3-head :018 > r ="chars".force_encoding("binary"), Regexp::FIXEDENCODING)
=> /chars/
1.9.3-head :019 > r.encoding
=> #<Encoding:ASCII-8BIT>

Strings have a property of encoding. Try to use method String#force_encoding before applying regex.
UPD: To make your regexp be ascii, look on accepted answer here: Ruby 1.9: Regular Expressions with unknown input encoding
def get_regex(pattern, encoding='ASCII', options=0),options)


Ruby URI.extract returns empty array or ArgumentError: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8

I'm trying to get a list of files from url like this:
require 'uri'
require 'open-uri'
url = ''
html = open(url).read
puts URI.extract(html).select{ |link| link[/(PL)/]}
This code returns ArgumentError: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 in line with URI.extract (even though html.encoding returns utf-8)
I've found some solutions to encoding problems, but when I'm changing the code to
html.encode('UTF-8', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: '?')
URI.extract returns empty string, even when I'm not calling the select method on it. Any suggestions?
The character encoding of the website might be ISO-8859-1 or a related one. We can't tell for sure since there are only two occurrences of the same non-US-ASCII-character and it doesn't really matter anyway.
html.each_char.reject(&:ascii_only?) # => ["\xDC", "\xDC"]
Finding the actual encoding is done by guessing. The age of HTML 3.2 or the used language/s might be a clue. And in this case especially the content of the PDF file is helpful (it contains SPRÜH-EX and the file has the name TI_DE_SPR%dcH_EX.pdf). Then we only need to find the encoding for which "\xDC" and "Ü" are equal. Either by knowing it or writing some Ruby: { |e| "Ü" == "\xDC".encode!(Encoding::UTF_8, e) rescue next }.map(&:name)
Of course, letting a program do the guessing is an option too. There is the libguess library. The web browser can do it too. However you you need to download the file though unless the server might tell the browser it's UTF-8 even if it isn't (like in this case). Any decent text editor will also try to detect the file encoding: e.g. ST3 thinks it's Windows 1252 which is a superset of ISO-8859-1 (like UTF-8 is of US-ASCII).
Possible solutions are manually setting the string encoding to ISO-8859-1:
Or (preferably) transcoding the string from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8:
html.encode!(Encoding::UTF_8, Encoding::ISO_8859_1)
To answer the other question: URI.extract isn't the method you're looking for. Apparently it's obsolete and more importantly, it doesn't extract relative URI.
A simple alternative is using a regular expression with String#scan. It works with this site but it might not with other ones. You have to use a HTML parser for the best reliability (there might be also a gem). Here's an example that should do what you want:
html.scan(/href="(.*?PL.*?)"/).flatten # => ["SI_PL_ACTIV_bicompact.pdf", ...]

Rails 3.2.21 / ruby 1.9.3 how can I \u encode unicode chars within a string

I need to sanitize some text sent to an email service provider (Sendgrid) that does not support unicode in the recipient name unless it is \u escaped.
When the UTF-8 string s = "Pablö" how can I "\u escape" any unicode inside the string so I get "Pabl\u00f6" ?
Converting to JSON also escapes the quotes (which I don't want):
=> "\"Pabl\\u00f6\""
What I'm looking for is something just like .force_encoding('binary') except for Unicode. Inspecting Encoding.aliases.values.uniq I don't see anything like 'unicode'.
I'm going to assume that everything is UTF-8 because we're not cavemen banging rocks together.
to_json isn't escaping quotes, it is adding quotes inside the string (because JSON requires strings to be quoted) and then inspect escapes them (and the backslash).
These quotes from to_json should always be there so you could just strip them off:
"Pablö".to_json[1..-2] # Lots of ways to do this...
=> "Pabl\\u00f6"
Keep in mind, however, that the behavior of to_json and UTF-8 depends on which JSON library you're using and possibly other things. For example, in my stock Ruby 2.2, the standard JSON library leaves UTF-8 alone; the JSON specification is quite happy with UTF-8 so why bother encoding it? So you might want to do it yourself with something like: { |c| c.ord > 127 ? '\u%.4x' % c.ord : c }.join
Anything above 127 is out of ASCII range so that simple ord test takes care of anything like ö, ñ, µ, ... You'll want to adjust the map block if you need to encode other characters (such as \n).

Ruby 1.9.3 add unsafe characters to URI.escape

I am using Sinatra and get parameters from the url using the get '/foo/:bar' {} method. Unfortunately, the value in :bar can contain nasty things like / which leads to an 404, since no route matches /foo/:bar/baz/. I use URI.escape to escape the URL paramter, but it considers / valid a valid character. As it is mentioned here this is because the default Regexp to check against does not differentiate between unsafe and reserved characters. I would like to change this and did this:
URI.escape("foo_<_>_&_3_#_/_+_%_bar", Regexp.union(URI::REGEXP::UNSAFE, '/'))
just to test it.
URI::REGEXP::UNSAFE is the default regexp to match against according to the Ruby 1.9.3 Documentaton:
URI.escape(str [, unsafe])
String to replaces in.
Regexp that matches all symbols that must be replaced with
codes. By default uses REGEXP::UNSAFE. When this argument is
a String, it represents a character set.
Escapes the string, replacing all unsafe characters with codes.
Unfortunatelly I get this error:
uninitialized constant URI::REGEXP::UNSAFE
And as this GitHub Issue suggests, this Regexp was removed from Ruby with 1.9.3. Unfortunately, the URI modules documentation is generally kind of bad, but I really cannot figure this out. Any hints?
Thanks in advance!
URI#escape is not what you are looking for. You want CGI#escape:
require 'cgi'
# => "foo_%3C_%3E_%26_3_%23_%2F_%2B_%25_bar"
This will properly encode it to allow Sinatra to retrieve it.
Perhaps you would have better luck with CGI.escape?
>> require 'uri'; URI.escape("foo_<_>_&_3_#_/_+_%_bar")
=> "foo_%3C_%3E_&_3_%23_/_+_%25_bar"
>> require 'cgi'; CGI.escape("foo_<_>_&_3_#_/_+_%_bar")
=> "foo_%3C_%3E_%26_3_%23_%2F_%2B_%25_bar"

Convert Ruby string to *nix filename-compatible string

In Ruby I have an arbitrary string, and I'd like to convert it to something that is a valid Unix/Linux filename. It doesn't matter what it looks like in its final form, as long as it is visually recognizable as the string it started as. Some possible examples:
"Here's my string!" => "Heres_my_string"
"* is an asterisk, you see" => "is_an_asterisk_you_see"
Is there anything built-in (maybe in the file libraries) that will accomplish this (or close to this)?
By your specifications, you could accomplish this with a regex replacement. This regex will match all characters other than basic letters and digits:
This will remove any extra whitespace in between words, as shown in your examples:
And lastly, replace the remaining spaces with underscores:
Here it is in Ruby:
def friendly_filename(filename)
filename.gsub(/[^\w\s_-]+/, '')
.gsub(/(^|\b\s)\s+($|\s?\b)/, '\\1\\2')
.gsub(/\s+/, '_')
First, I see that it was asked purely in ruby, and second that it's not the same purpose (*nix filename compatible), but if you are using Rails, there is a method called parameterize that should help.
In rails console:
"Here's my string!".parameterize => "here-s-my-string"
"* is an asterisk, you see".parameterize => "is-an-asterisk-you-see"
I think that parameterize, as being compliant with URL specifications, may work as well with filenames :)
You can see more about here:
There's also a whole lot of another helpful methods.

Ruby 1.9: Regular Expressions with unknown input encoding

Is there an accepted way to deal with regular expressions in Ruby 1.9 for which the encoding of the input is unknown? Let's say my input happens to be UTF-16 encoded:
x = "foo<p>bar</p>baz"
y = x.encode('UTF-16LE')
re = /<p>(.*)<\/p>/
=> #<MatchData "<p>bar</p>" 1:"bar">
Encoding::CompatibilityError: incompatible encoding regexp match (US-ASCII regexp with UTF-16LE string)
My current approach is to use UTF-8 internally and re-encode (a copy of) the input if necessary:
if y.methods.include?(:encode) # Ruby 1.8 compatibility
if != 'UTF-8'
y = y.encode('UTF-8')
=> #<MatchData "<p>bar</p>" 1:"bar">
However, this feels a little awkward to me, and I wanted to ask if there's a better way to do it.
As far as I am aware, there is no better method to use. However, might I suggest a slight alteration?
Rather than changing the encoding of the input, why not change the encoding of the regex? Translating one regex string every time you meet a new encoding is a lot less work than translating hundreds or thousands of lines of input to match the encoding of your regex.
# Utility function to make transcoding the regex simpler.
def get_regex(pattern, encoding='ASCII', options=0),options)
# Inside code looping through lines of input.
# The variables 'regex' and 'line_encoding' should be initialized previously, to
# persist across loops.
if line.methods.include?(:encoding) # Ruby 1.8 compatibility
if line.encoding != last_encoding
regex = get_regex('<p>(.*)<\/p>',line.encoding,16) # //u = 00010000 option bit set = 16
last_encoding = line.encoding
In the pathological case (where the input encoding changes every line) this would be just as slow, since you're re-encoding the regex every single time through the loop. But in 99.9% of situations where the encoding is constant for an entire file of hundreds or thousands of lines, this will result in a vast reduction in re-encoding.
Follow the advice of this page: and add
# encoding: utf-8
to the top of your rb file.
