Bash evironment variables cannot have values starting from a digit? - bash

I have an environment variable in bash and want to set its value to a string starting from a digit.
But in the shell you have to create the variables, and then export them so they go to the environment. Is there a way to put some value into shell's environment without touching variables, or maybe create a variable whose value starts with a digit?

The only way I could think of was by starting a new shell using env:
env 0FOO=BAR /usr/bin/bash
I tried this under Cygwin and it seemed to work.

The only valid beginning character types for bash variables are letters and underscores.

Why do you want to do this? You can do:
export _1="some value"
export a1="some value"
The reason that you can't do what you're asking is that a variable like "$1" would be confused with the positional parameter $1.

The processing required is fiddly and tedious and not dreadfully sensible, but (in outline, error checks on malloc() omitted):
char **env = environ;
while (*env != 0)
char **newenv = malloc((env - environ + 1) * sizeof(*newenv));
memcpy(newenv, environ, (env - environ) * sizeof(char *));
newenv[env - environ] = "386=pygmalion";
newenv[env - environ + 1] = 0;
char *args[] = { "modded-env-bash", 0 };
execve("/bin/bash", args, newenv);


Is there any way to pass variables from bash script to Jenkinsfile without using extra plugins

I'm trying to use variables declared in bash script in my Jenkinsfile (jenkins pipeline) without using extra plugins like EnvInject plugin
please help, any idea will be appreciated
you need to output those variables to a file like Property/Yaml file. Then use pipeline step readProperties / readYaml to read into Map in Jenkinsfile.
steps {
set > vars.prop
script {
vars = readProperties file: 'vars.prop'
env << vars // merge vars into env
echo 'AA='+ env['AA']
I have done it with something like this, you can store the variables inside Shell into a file inside workspace and then you are out of shell block, read the file in groovy to load the key value pair into your environment
Something like:
def env_file = "${WORKSPACE}/shell_env.txt"
echo ("INFO: envFileName = ${env_file}")
def read_env_file = readFile env_file
def lines = read_env_file.readLines()
lines.each { String line ->
def object = line.split("=")
env.object[0] = object[1]

The %procid% sometimes blank in rsyslog template

I'm trying to configure rsyslog to output in RFC5424 format. This means that the PROCID must be output in the syslog header. If there's no header, it should output a single dash (-) in its place. However, some of the events output have it just blank, and some have an actual value.
This is rsyslogd 5.8.10 running on Amazon Linux.
Here are the config lines:
$template CustomFormat,"<%PRI%>1 %timegenerated:1:23:date-rfc3339%-00:00 %HOSTNAME% %app-name% b%procid%b %msgid% %STRUCTURED-DATA%%msg:::sp-if-no-1st-sp%%msg:::drop-last-lf%\n"
$ActionFileDefaultTemplate CustomFormat
Note that I put a "b" on each side of %procid% to make it more visible (this part is not RFC5424-compliant). Here are two lines of sample output.
<87>1 2019-06-19T20:03:01.929-00:00 ip-10-90-0-15 crond b29408b - - pam_unix(crond:account): expired password for user root (password aged)
<85>1 2019-06-19T20:17:18.150-00:00 ip-10-90-0-15 sudo bb - - ssm-user : TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/vi /etc/rsyslog.conf
The first line is correct, but the second example should have "b-b" instead of "bb". What should I do to make the blank %procid% show up as a dash? It works fine for the %msgid% and %STRUCTURED-DATA%.
Is there a better way to get RFC5424 output? (I have to use -00:00 instead of Z.)
There may be a better way, but one thing you can try is to use a Rainer script variable in the template instead of the property, and set this variable to "-" if the procid is empty. For example,
$template CustomFormat,"<%PRI%>1 ... b%$.myprocid%b ..."
$ActionFileDefaultTemplate CustomFormat
if ($procid == "") then {
set $.myprocid = "-";
} else {
set $.myprocid = $procid;
*.* ./outputfile
Just make sure the if statement is before any action statements. Note, you cannot change the procid property itself with set.

Pro*C unable to read parameter passing from korn shell script

I have a korn shell script which will pass 4 parameters to a Pro*C file
The syntax of the korn shell script are below:
### $command_dir/proc_file_name / $deptid $txdate $pid
### I hardcode the values for testing
$command_dir/proc_file_name / 701 20170109 201701094444001
The syntax of the Pro*C file:
main(argc, argv)
int argc
char *argv[];
strncpy((char*)username.arr, argv[1],username.len);
strncpy((char*)deptid.arr, argv[1],deptid.len);
strncpy((char*)txdate.arr, argv[1],txdate.len);
printf("\n%s\n", username);
printf("\n%d\n", deptid);
printf("\n%d\n", txdate);
printf("\n%d\n", pid);
I found that the values of the parameters were not I put.
Please help...
Many Many thanks
You are using the same array index of 1 for username, deptid, and txdate. Correct that and you would be good.
Accessing argv[1] etc., without checking argc isn't a good practice. When invoked without arguments, your code will result in a core dump.
Also, I don't think your code has the right syntax. Can you please paste the code that compiles?

What's os.geteuid() do?

I was trying to debug a Python 2 script running on Raspbian (Raspberry Pi flavoured Debian Linux) which had code like
euid = os.geteuid()
if euid != 0:
print("you must be root!")
It seemed like, in the user's environment, euid would sometimes be nonzero even if the script was called with sudo.
To investigate whether this was actually the case, I tried to figure out what os.geteuid() is actually doing.
Since the os module is pretty OS-specific by its nature, the source doesn't actually have a clear definition for os.geteuid().
I also tried hg cloneing the source and compiling it, then using inspect.findsource(os.geteuid), but:
TypeError: <built-in function geteuid> is not a module, class, method, function, traceback, frame, or code object
It's... a builtin? Then "geteuid" in dir(__import__("__builtin__")) should be True, but it isn't.
Is geteuid's definition hidden because it could be spoofed into returning the wrong thing (and that would be bad)? Where can I see these sorts of functions' actual source?
ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI.
I did try full-text searching the source, but apparently I used the wrong command the first time and gave up.
$ grep -rnw '.' -e "geteuid"
./Misc/setuid-prog.c:129: uid_t euid = geteuid();
./Lib/ if hasattr(os, "getuid") and hasattr(os, "geteuid"):
./Lib/ if os.geteuid() != os.getuid():
./Lib/test/ #unittest.skipIf(hasattr(os, 'geteuid') and os.geteuid() == 0,
./Lib/test/ if == 'posix' and os.geteuid() != 0:
./Lib/test/, 'geteuid') and os.geteuid() == 0,
./Lib/test/, 'geteuid') and os.geteuid() == 0,
./Lib/test/ "getegid", "geteuid", "getgid", "getgroups",
./Lib/test/, 'geteuid') and os.geteuid() == 0,
Binary file ./Lib/ matches
./Lib/ 'getcwd', 'getuid', 'getgid', 'geteuid', 'getegid')
Binary file ./Modules/posixmodule.o matches
./Modules/posixmodule.c:4047:"geteuid() -> euid\n\n\
./Modules/posixmodule.c:4053: return _PyInt_FromUid(geteuid());
./Modules/posixmodule.c:8944: {"geteuid", posix_geteuid, METH_NOARGS, posix_geteuid__doc__},
./Doc/library/rexec.rst:234: 'times', 'uname', 'getpid', 'getppid', 'getcwd', 'getuid', 'getgid', 'geteuid',
./Doc/library/os.rst:136:.. function:: geteuid()
Binary file ./python matches
Binary file ./libpython2.7.a matches
./Modules/posixmodule.c:4053, indeed:
"geteuid() -> euid\n\n\
Return the current process's effective user id.");
static PyObject *
posix_geteuid(PyObject *self, PyObject *noargs)
return _PyInt_FromUid(geteuid());
I don't know what I expected, subprocess.check_output(["id"])?
It uses the C standard library, it's never wrong.

command line arguments in bash to Rscript

I have a bash script that creates a csv file and an R file that creates graphs from that.
At the end of the bash script I call Rscript Graphs.R 10
The response I get is as follows:
Error in is.vector(X) : subscript out of bounds
Calls: print ... <Anonymous> -> lapply -> FUN -> lapply -> is.vector
Execution halted
The first few lines of my Graphs.R are:
args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
CorrAns = args[1]
No idea what I am doing wrong? The advice on the net appears to me to say that this should work. Its very hard to make sense of commandArgs
With the following in args.R
and the following in
Rscript args.R 10
I get the following output from bash
[1] "10"
and no error. If necessary, convert to a numberic type using as.numeric(commandArgs(TRUE)[1]).
Just a guess, perhaps you need to convert CorrAns from character to numeric, since Value section of ?CommandArgs says:
A character vector containing the name
of the executable and the
user-supplied command line arguments.
UPDATE: It could be as easy as:
args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
(CorrAns = args[1])
(CorrAns = as.numeric(args[1]))
Reading the docs, it seems you might need to remove the TRUE from the call to commandArgs() as you don't call the script with --args. Either that, or you need to call Rscript Graphs.R --args 10.
commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
trailingOnly logical. Should only
arguments after --args be returned?
Rscript args.R 10 where 10 is the numeric value we want to pass to the R script.
print(as.numeric(commandArgs(TRUE)[1]) prints out the value which can then be assigned to a variable.
