In menus for "...", should one use ellipsis sign or just three dots? - user-interface

Microsoft's reference doesn't say anything, but it seems that currentle everyone uses three dots (...) and not the unicode sign (…).
Is it OK, or maybe there are some guidelines I'm not aware of that recommend using the unicode sign?

I think it's safer to use three dots, because some fonts/systems might not interpret correctly the '...' single character.


Right single apostrophe vs. apostrophe?

Right single quotation mark (U+2019)
Apostrophe (U+0027)
What is the difference between these two characters?
I ran into this issue where I use CAtlString to load a string from a resource file, and on some Windows installations, the LoadString fails when trying to load a string that contains U+2019, but it works on some other Windows installations. The U+2019 character appears in strings in my resource file that I copied from Word, and U+0027 appears in stirngs that I hand coded. Why does LoadString (sometimes) choke on this?
What is the difference between these two characters?
Going by the names, one would imagine that the curly ‹’› is only for use as a quotation mark, and that the straight ‹'› is only for use as a real apostrophe, an indicator of omitted letters.
However traditional typesetting practice in English is always to use a curly ‹’› to render an apostrophe. Personally—and I may be alone here—I don't like this. It can make for more ambiguous reading:
“He said, ‘It’s fish ’n’ chips’...”
with the apostrophes being straight it's (marginally) clearer where the quotation ends:
“He said, ‘It's fish 'n' chips’...”
and the apostrophe being ‘straight’ makes more sense to me because its purpose of indicating omitted letters has no inherent directionality, whereas quotation marks are clearly asymmetrical in purpose.
In traditional ASCII, of course, there are no smart quotes, so the apostrophe is always used for both...
on some Windows installations, the LoadString fails when trying to load a string that contains U+2019, but it works on some other Windows installations.
Here you are meeting the horror of the ‘ANSI’ code page. This is a default character encoding that is different across different Windows install locales. So on a machine in the Western region, you get different results when you read a resource to when you read it on a Japanese Windows.
It is highly unfortunate that Windows has varying default code pages instead of using a single global encoding like UTF-8, but it's too late to fix now. If you compile your whole application as a Unicode app (so you'll be using LoadStringW rather than LoadStringA) then you can cope with non-ASCII characters like the smart quotes much better.
If you can't move to a Unicode application you're a bit stuck. You won't be able to handle non-ASCII characters like the smart quotes globally, so stick with ASCII characters like the straight apostrophe ‹'› alone.
The U+2019 character appears in strings in my resource file that I copied from Word
Yes, Word has an annoying AutoCorrect feature that replaces all apostrophes you type with smart quotes. This is especially undesirable when you are dealing with code, where ‹’› will break the program; but it's also wrong even for plain old English, as it's not possible to correctly guess the desired direction of the quote. (It'll get one of the apostrophes in “fish 'n' chips” the wrong way round, for example.)
I suggest turning off the automatic-replace-with-smart-quotes feature. If you want the smart quotes, it's better to type them deliberately. Unfortunately they are inconvenient to type on most keyboard layouts, often requiring obscure Alt+numpad sequences. Personally I use this one to drop them onto Alt+[] keys.
Historically, single-quote and double-quote come in pairs, left (open) and right (close).
For many years the character sets of computers were limited, having a single form of each.
Now, with the advent of Unicode, the full forms are available, but support for them is still limited. Programming languages still use the simple forms, and the full forms can still cause problems.

dashes vs underscores in URL

In URL rewriting, i am quite confused that should i use underscore (_) OR hyphen (-) to replace spaces. According to this and this, hyphen should be used.
But wikipedia uses underscores like so which should be used?
use dashes
read from the matt's blog
You can use whatever you want. It doesn't matter (from a technical point of view; there may be other reasons to choose one over the other).

Regex to strip symbols but not foreign characters in Ruby

Does anyone have a good regex for stripping all symbols (';.,_\$#!% the carriage return etc) from a string, without damaging any foreign characters (é 多 فا etc)? Non-regex would be even better, I suppose, but I don't see any Ruby or Rails methods that do this.
What is a symbol? This seems like a fuzzy requirement. Is & a symbol, even though it's just shorthand for the word "and"? Is ! a symbol, even though it's used as an alphabetic character in transliterating some African languages? If $ is a symbol, does that mean 円 is as well? I think answering this question will go a long way to suggesting a course of action.
I think the closest you are likely to get with a regexp is /[^\w\s]/. Ruby 1.9's Regexp engine is meant to understand foreign languages well enough to correctly know which are "word" characters, so this will leave those and spaces. In my tests, this correctly removes punctuation from English, Japanese and German sentences while leaving the surrounding characters. But dollars to doughnuts there will be edge cases that trip up just about any solution — dealing with the huge variety of languages in the world (some of which don't even have words as we know them) is an incredibly complex task.
The good way to do this would be to use the new(ish) unicode character classes in regex, such as \P{L} to match anything that is not a letter (in any language) according to unicode. Unfortunately, it seems that Ruby doesn't support this, even in 1.9.
Perhaps the 1.9 regex parser is smart enough to not match the bytes that make up special symbols in unicode characters, so simple enumerating all the characters to strip can work, though. That assumes you really can enumerate all characters you wish to filter out, which might be a lot more than the symbols in ASCII, like logical not, aeroplane, etc...

What is the best character to use as a delimiter in a custom batch syntax?

I've written a little program to download images to different folders from the web. I want to create a quick and dirty batch file syntax and was wondering what the best delimiter would be for the different variables.
The variables might include urls, folder paths, filenames and some custom messages.
So are there any characters that cannot be used for the first three? That would be the obvious choice to use as a delimiter. How about the good old comma?
You can use either:
A Control character: Control characters don't appear in files. Tab (\t) is probably the best choice here.
Some combination of characters which is unlikely to occur in your files. For e.g. #s# etc.
Tab is the generally preferred choice though.
Why not just use something that exists already? There are one or two choices, perl, python, ruby, bash, sh, csh, Groovy, ECMAscript, heavens for forbid windows scripting files.
I can't see what you'd gain by writing yet another batch file syntax.
Tabs. And then expand or compress any tabs found in the text.
Choose a delimiter that has the least chance of collision with the names of any variable that you may have (which precludes #, /, : etc). The comma (,) looks good to me (unless your custom message has a few) or < and > (subject to previous condition).
However, you may also need to 'escape' delimiter characters occurring as part of the variables you want to delimit.
This sounds like a really bad idea. There is no need to create yet another (data-representation) language, there are plenty ones which might fit your needs. In addition to Ruby, Perl, etc., you may want to consider YAML.
Designing good syntax for these sort of this is difficult and fraught with peril. Does reinventing the wheel ring a bell?
I would use '|'
It's one of the rarest characters.
How about String.fromCharCode(1) ?

Should tags use comma or space

What is your opinion on whether a tagging user interface widget should require commas or spaces as the delimiter? For example, this site uses spaces, requiring multi-word tags to use a hyphen. I assumed this was some design suggestion from Joel; but then I realized that Facebook and Wordpress use commas.
So what should it be? Or does it not matter much? Let's suppose the users of this widget are generally computer literate but not terribly so.
I would try to think about the domain of the tags and figure out what is the likelihood that potential tags would contain spaces.
For example, most things on this site are single word or acronyms, so it's not difficult to use spaces.
On the other hand, when tagging facebook photos, for example, an average tag is something like "spring break", "frat party", "random hookup", "secretary of state", etc. So dealing with space interpretation or with quotes is more difficult, hence commas make more sense.
I'm not familiar with a specific rule.
If you're thinking of tag clouds though, spaces make less sense.
Be fault-tolerant, if possible. For example, would it work to use whatever is provided? The following two inputs could result in the same, if parsed nicely:
foo bar "hello world"
foo, bar, hello world
Both would result in three obvious tags.
I realize that this would it make hard to parse the following input unambiguously:
hello world
In that case, I'd probably read two distinct tags.
commas. it is more natural. you can use words that include spaces more easily. other solutions seem to complicated for human beings (maybe not for programmers but they think different - remember the "u" in gui stands for "user")
i would go for a comma as it is more natural to separate multiple word tags by commas then use hyphens or other less usable replacement techniques
I don't think it matters. I think for a programming site, most of your tags will not be multi-word so it makes to use a space delimiter. But I think you could make a very compelling argument either way and it really just comes down to personal choice.
