How to list all WMI classes having methods using VBScript? - vbscript

Using VBScript, how can I list all WMI classes that have methods?

Run a SELECT schema query to get a list of all classes in a namespace, and then check each class's Methods_.Count:
strComputer = "."
strNamespace = "root\cimv2"
Set oWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\" & strNamespace)
Set colClasses = oWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM meta_class")
For Each oClass in colClasses
If oClass.Methods_.Count > 0 Then
WScript.Echo oClass.Path_.Class
End If
You may want to limit the results to dynamic and static classes only, like WMI Code Creator does. To do this, add an additional check for the corresponding class qualifiers.
For Each oClass in colClasses
For Each oQualifier In oClass.Qualifiers_
strQualName = LCase(oQualifier.Name)
If strQualName = "dynamic" OR strQualName = "static" Then
If oClass.Methods_.Count > 0 Then
WScript.Echo oClass.Path_.Class
End If
End If
I also suggest that you read the WMI Scripting Primer: Part 2 article. It explains the WMI concepts and infrastructure in detail and with examples, and may already hold answers to your future questions. :)


VBScript to copy/move file by lowest value in filename

I'm fairly new to scripting and am in need of some help. I have come across a unique situation for a Non-Profit client of ours that requires us to compare two or more files in a specific folder and move the file with the lowest numerical value in the filename.
This organization runs a non-profit radio station which has content submitted from hundreds of volunteers that name their files (when they record more than one) with various numbers at the end that either represent the date or the order in which the files are to be aired.
Essentially I am looking to create a vbscript (because I think it can be done this way) that will run with windows task scheduler 30 minutes prior to the first air date of the content and move the file with the lowest value (if more than one file exists) to a folder where it will be automatically processed by the radio automation software.
Examples of files in a folder might look something like these:
Folder1: (in this instance, "news.mp3" is the lowest value)
Honestly, on this one, I'm not even sure where to start. I've found several scripts that can look at file date or a specific numerical or date format in the filename, but none that can parse numbers from a filename and move/copy a file based on the numerical value. I'm hoping there is someone out there smarter than me that can point me in the right direction. Thanks for looking at my problem!
One script I've been playing with (from the scripting guy) looks at specific years in a filename:
strComputer = “.”
Set objWMIService = GetObject(“winmgmts:\\” & strComputer & “\root\cimv2”)
Set colFiles = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
(“ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_Directory.Name=’C:\Test’} Where ” _
& “ResultClass = CIM_DataFile”)
Set objRegEx = CreateObject(“VBScript.RegExp”)
For Each objFile in colFiles
objRegEx.Global = True
objRegEx.Pattern = “\d{4}”
strSearchString = objFile.FileName
Set colMatches = objRegEx.Execute(strSearchString)
strYear = colMatches(0).Value
strNewFile = “C:\Test\” & strYear & “\” & objFile.FileName & _
“.” & objFile.Extension
...but I can't seem to make the leap to regular numbers and then take a lowest value...
You can use FileSystemObject to Work with Drives, Folders and Files.
Also i used GETNUM function to get number.
Try my way :
sFolder = "C:\Test\"
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
For Each objFile in oFSO.GetFolder(sFolder).Files
strNewFile = sFolder & Number & "\" & objFile.Name
If NOT (oFSO.FolderExists(sFolder & Number)) Then
oFSO.CreateFolder(sFolder & Number)
End If
oFSO.MoveFile objFile, strNewFile
Function GETNUM(Str)
For i=1 To Len(Str)
if IsNumeric(Mid(Str,i,1)) Then
End if
End Function
For understanding the used code and how they work, open these sites and read all pages very carefully.
MoveFile method
Vbs Script to check if a folder exist

Reading and writing an INI file

I have been toying with the below script to be able to read settings for use with my HTA (creating a game launcher).
Here is my current HTA:
It doesn't quite work, it complains of the WScript object being required. While I understand Echo will not work like that in a HTA I am having trouble modifying the code so it will work. Even just removing all Echo references it still has an issue with objOrgIni on line 200 of the below code (with the WScript references removed):
I don't even need that level of error checking as the INI will exist etc, I just need a simple way to read from and write to an INI in my scripting. Any help you guys can give me in achieving that would be great, it's a little advanced for me just yet, but I'd love an explanation as to why it fails.
There is no easy way to use INI files with VBScript. You'd have to write the functionality yourself or find some existing code that does it.
But do you really need an INI specifically or just a way to save settings? You could just keep all of your settings in a Dictionary object and serialize it as needed.
For example, here are two functions -- LoadSettings and SaveSettings -- that do just that.
Public Function LoadSettings(strFile)
Set LoadSettings = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Dim strLine, a
With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not .FileExists(strFile) Then Exit Function
With .OpenTextFile(strFile)
Do Until .AtEndOfStream
strLine = Trim(.ReadLine())
If InStr(strLine, "=") > 0 Then
a = Split(strLine, "=")
LoadSettings.Add a(0), a(1)
End If
End With
End With
End Function
Sub SaveSettings(d, strFile)
With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").CreateTextFile(strFile, True)
Dim k
For Each k In d
.WriteLine k & "=" & d(k)
End With
End Sub
Imagine you had the following settings file saved at c:\settings.txt:
You'd use the functions above like this:
Const SETTINGS_FILE = "c:\settings.txt"
Dim Settings
Set Settings = LoadSettings(SETTINGS_FILE)
' Show all settings...
WScript.Echo Join(Settings.Keys, ", ") ' => Count, Name
' Query a setting...
WScript.Echo Settings("Count") ' => 2
' Update a setting...
Settings("Count") = Settings("Count") + 1
' Add a setting...
Settings("New") = 1
' Save settings...
SaveSettings Settings, SETTINGS_FILE

How to tell if Win32_NTLogEvent InsertionString exists?

I have created a VBScript to diplay my System Log contents. I want to also include the InsertionString, if it exists. However, I can't seem to determine whether there is an InsertionString or not. Here is the beginning of my script:
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
Set rs = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_NTLogEvent Where Logfile = 'System' and SourceName = 'mysource'")
For Each objEvent in rs
If objEvent.InsertionString exists....
I have tried several variations to determine if there is an InsertionString, but without success, including:
If Not IsNull(objEvent.InsertionString) Then
If objEvent.InsertionString.Length > 0 Then
If GetLength(objEvent.InsertionString(1)) > 0 Then
If objEvent.InsertionString(1).Length > 0 Then
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
You are misspelling in the property name InsertionString should be InsertionStrings.
So this code will work fine
If not IsNull(objEvent.InsertionStrings) Then
Note : The InsertionStrings property is an array of strings, so you can iterate over that property using a For Each loop or the UBound and LBound functions.

VBScript to export all members of multiple Active Directory groups?

Is there a way of exporting all the members of multiple Active Directory groups at once using a VBScript? Preferably the output would be the usernames listed under the group they are a member of.
I have the following which allows me to export the members of 1 AD Group at a time, but I am at a loss as to how to modify it to look at multiple groups.
On Error Resume Next
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set outfile = fso.CreateTextFile("Members.csv")
Set objGroup = GetObject("LDAP://cn=*GROUPNAME*,OU=Groups,DC=domain,DC=local")
arrMembersOf = objGroup.GetEx("member")
For Each GetObject in ObjGroup
outfile.WriteLine objGroup.Name
For Each strMember in arrMembersOf
outfile.WriteLine strMember
Any ideas?
Yeah, this is possible, but I think you might need to change your approach slightly. You need to write an LDAP query to query two groups at once, rather than just setting your scope to a particular group.
So, try reworking your script like this:
Set objRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")
strDNSDomain = objRootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext")
Set objRootDSE = Nothing
Set ad = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set adoConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
adoConnection.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
adoConnection.Open "Active Directory Provider"
ad.ActiveConnection = adoConnection
'Put the distinguishedname of your two groups here:
strFilter = "(|(memberof=CN=Group Name,OU=....)(memberof=CN=Group Name 2,OU=....))"
'Chose what you want to return here:
strAttributes = "samaccountname,cn"
strQuery = "<LDAP://" & strDNSDomain & ">" & ";" & strFilter & ";" & strAttributes & ";subtree"
ad.CommandText = strQuery
ad.Properties("SearchScope") = 2
ad.Properties("Page Size") = 1000
ad.Properties("Cache Results") = False
Set objRS = ad.Execute
Now you've got all the results in a recordset, you can work your way through them writing each one to a file or whatever you want to do. So something like:
Do Until objRS.EOF
'Do something with each value
Any use? I'm assuming here you know a little bit about writing LDAP queries
The best place to find scripts for Active Directory is Microsoft's Script Center Repository.
You can find a script listing all groups and all group members here ("List all groups in the domain and all members of the groups").

Call out to script to stop with attribute in wWWHomePage

I'm gettinga n error message in line 8 when I try to call out the script to stop when it finds teh attribute in the Web page: field in AD.
Set objSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
strUserDN = objSysInfo.UserName
Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & strUserDN)
strwWWHomePage = objItem.Get("wWWHomePage")
If wWWHomePage 6 Then
Set ppt = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
ppt.Visible = True
ppt.Presentations.Open "\\abngan01\tracking\ppt.pptx"
End If
You have:
If wWWHomePage 6 Then
I'm assuming you want it to say:
If wWWHomePage = 6 Then
Since the missing "=" will cause an error, but since that code really doesn't do anything anyway, other than just abort the script, you could simplify your code by only taking action if that value is not set, for example:
If objItem.Get("wWWHomePage") <> 6 Then
Set ppt = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
ppt.Visible = True
ppt.Presentations.Open "\\abngan01\tracking\ppt.pptx"
End If
I'm also assuming "6" is some sort of flag you've set yourself, you might want to use something a little more descriptive like "PPTSTATUS006", or something along those lines.
