Good client-side Gauge control? - ajax

Does anybody know of a good client-side gauge control? I've tried out ComponentArt's AJAX control, but it's client-side feature leaves a little to be desired. I'm not looking for a Silverlight or Flash gauge either. Currently, I'm playing around with Google's Visualization Gauge and it seems to work pretty well. However, I'd like the control to be more skinnable/customizable if possible.
Any recommendations?

assuming you're willing to write for HTML5 browsers...
Otherwise, make a DIV with a background image that contains another image that you use jQuery to rotate a-la


How to get all frames of an animated GIF using TWICImage?

I'm working with Embarcadero RAD Studio XE7. In this context, I'm interested to use the Windows Imaging Component (WIC) library to read and show the content of an animated GIF image.
I saw that the VCL provides a TWICImage component, which with I'm able to read easily the first frame of my animated GIF. Now I want to implement a timer to loop through all my frames and show them one by one, in order to show the complete GIF animation on my form.
Which properties the TWICImage provides to do that?
So, as the VCL TWICImage component seems strongly limited, and as I cannot reach my goals using it, I decided to write my own wrapper around the WIC library.
For those who would encounter the same difficulty, I also advise you to implement your own wrapper, it is not such a difficult task.
It's a shame for the TWICImage component, but unfortunately it seems to have been sloppy.
Thanks for all the above replies.

Bigcommerce product image customization with text change

Currently I am trying to build such customization of product in Bigcommerce Storefront that allows to display image with dynamic text, which was entered in Textbox. That means product image preview should be shown INSTANTLY with new image with written text.
so that the end user will know how the final product will looks like and also same image should go in shopping cart as well.
I know that there is an app on Shopify named as Product Builder.
Is this possible to do it on Bigcommerce?
Thanks in Advance
It's definitely possible with some fairly advanced client-side code. Unfortunately I don't know of any plug and play systems or apps for Bigcommerce that will achieve what you're looking for, but there are a couple ways to get a live updating product preview if you're willing to get your hands dirty.
Here's an example from my site. Click the button under "personalize this item", and you'll see a live preview image like you describe in the modal. Enter some text and change the monogram style and color, the preview image should update pretty quickly every time you change an option. A solution exactly like mine may not be feasible for you, since that site is using a pretty complex React/Redux implementation built on an extensively customized Stencil theme... it's far from a turnkey solution. That said, you could implement something similar without needing a totally custom app.
The image preview itself in the example above is powered by They offer a great service at a fantastic price. Basically my system translates the user-selected Bigcommerce option into a URL string per IMGIX's URL-based API. Displaying the live preview is then as simple as changing the image's src attribute to the corresponding IMGIX URL on every input change. I do this in a React component that consumes a Redux store, but something similar could definitely be done in the framework of your choice, or plain old vanilla JavaScript. Cloudinary offers a similar (maybe even a little bigger) feature set to IMGIX, but I found IMGIX to be a bit faster, and the pricing was considerably less for my usage.
You could also write something that uses the HTML5 canvas to overlay text and effects on an image, and thereby avoid using a third-party service. I found such a solution to be way more work and way more taxing on the client-side device, but it'd definitely be another way to skin the proverbial cat.
There may be other viable solutions out there, but the above has been my experience in implementing something similar to what you're looking for on Bigcommerce. I hope this is helpful!

Image maps and HTML5

This question is more philosophical than technical.
I've trained myself as a web developer back when web developers were called webmasters and my tool of choice was FrontPage, moving onto Evrsoft 1st Page 2000.
That was the last time I used an HTML image map.
Now it's HTML5, AJAX, vector canvasses, CSS 3D, jQuery, local storage, touchscreen Safari, you name it. The image map has faded into an obscurity where not even Google comes up with too many relevant results; a mandatory W3C Schools entry and some forum posts from 2004.
Obviously creating a website navigation or similar triviality using an image map was a bad idea back then and it certainly is inexcusable today.
But right now I have a task to create a polygon clickable area on top of a div with a background image.
I'd have no issue doing this in image map since it seems like it was designed for a use case exactly like this, and while I've done no tests, I couldn't imagine any browser dropping support for an element that worked beautifully for years. But I can't help but think that there must be a better way to do this today.
My web creation philosophy is to develop for IE5.5, and then design for Chrome edge. This means that the site first needs to work on a basic level on even the most antiquated browser, and then start adding JS & CSS to make it more beautiful, more usable, faster, simpler, friendlier and better.
As such, while I know I could do a canvas in Raphaƫl and add all kinds of snazzy hover effects and things, I think making functionality as simple as this shouldn't require a 89 kb (or X kb) JS library. Or even JS at all.
I don't know if CSS3 has capabilities to define polygonal areas, but while recognizing the great possibilities introduced by CSS3, I prefer keeping anything defined there as non-essential flair that would degrade gracefully.
So in today's webdev world, what would be the most cross-browser way to define a polygonal click area (preferably in a way that's grabbable by a jQuery .hover(), or at least a CSS :hover), that isn't dependent on JavaScript or CSS attributes available in a minority of browsers? Is image map really the only way to do it? What of mobile devices?
Why is using image maps for navigation inexcusable? It's a tool like any other; it has a time and place. Using imagemaps with javascript enhancements is backward compatible, degrades gracefully, and has 100% browser support. They don't need a plugin like flash.They've been supported practically since the dawn of the web browser. Just because something's old doesn't mean it isn't useful; quite the opposite, it means it's well supported.
I wrote a jquery plugin called ImageMapster to add effects to imagemaps so you could create interactive images without using flash. It would be easy to implement a tool that had the same functonality without Javascript support by replacing with a list in those cases. Personally, I think trying to write for the web without javascript is like trying to drive a car without tires. 99% of the web doesn't work without it any more. This isn't 1995. But if you really are concerned, the nice thing about imagemaps is the basic navigation functionality still works. There's no way to accomplish that just with CSS -- not even CSS3 if you have irregular shaped areas.

How i can NOT handle the selectionchange event in Panoramic View in WP7?

i have developed my own map control (similar Bing Maps control), but when i move this map to right or left, Panorama changes view, but when i move the same bing map, view doesn't change. How i can do the behaviour of my control similarly as in Bing maps
The issue is that your control is trying to handle gestures and so is the Panorama. This was a big issue for a lot of people in the early version of the tools. The standard response was always to avoid this situation as it has implications for usability. Unfortunately there are some situations where you really need this.
The NoDo update (March 2011) included a "fix" to work around this issue for the built in controls. That doesn't help you though.
Fortunately there is a work around.
When contact is made with your control you disable the "IsHitTestVisible" property on the container so that it doesn't also receive the gestures you are capturing. Be sure to set it abck afterwards though.
See for more details.

VB6 Focus Glow Effects

I have a form in VB6 with text fields and I would like to create a focus glow like you see in modern web browsers.
Is it possible to make a Glowing Effect in a Textbox using VB6.0?
Kindly give me some advice or way to accomplish this one! Thanks...
I've noticed you are asking other questions regarding modification of the visuals of your VB6 application, too, but you have to face it: VB6 is old, very old and many of the newer UI concepts are very hard to implement in VB6.
Your best shot to make your old VB6 look better is to use a set of more current controls than the original VB6 ones. (Although better look controls are no magic bullet, it's still possible to screw up the UI by making bad layout decisions, for example)
At work we have made good experiences using CodeJock to polish our UI, but even the latest version (15.0.2 at this time) doesn't have a glow effect for text boxes.
You can enable the text box "glow" in Vista/7 by using a manifest. This manifest creator will handle some of the dirty work for you. Note that the effect will only appear in your compiled app, not running from within the IDE.
