Does NHibernate support inline views using criterias? Google doesn't seem to return any relevant results. Here is the query I need to convert preferably using criterias.
SELECT COUNT (incident_count) AS incident_count,
SUM (total_customers) AS total_customers,
MAX (longest_etr) AS longest_etr,
COUNT (DISTINCT crew_count) AS crew_count
FROM (SELECT l.incident_id AS incident_count,
i.downstream_cust_qty_total AS total_customers,
TO_CHAR (MAX (l.etr_datetime),
'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:mi:ss'
) AS longest_etr,
ca.crew_no AS crew_count
FROM district d,
incident_device ID,
incident i,
crew_action ca
WHERE l.dist_no = d.dist_no
AND d.zone_id NOT IN (1008, 1010)
AND ID.location_id = l.location_id
AND ID.incident_id = i.incident_id
AND l.location_id = i.location_id
AND ca.incident_id = i.incident_id
AND ca.location_id = l.location_id
AND ID.call_type_cd IN ('ELEC', 'PLAN')
AND ID.clue_cd NOT IN (248, 258, 975)
AND l.fac_job_status_cd IN ('A', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'P', 'U', 'W')
AND z.zone_id = d.zone_id
AND ca.crew_action_id = l.crew_action_id
AND l.dist_no = 24
AND l.primary_loc_flg = 'T'
GROUP BY l.incident_id, i.downstream_cust_qty_total, ca.crew_no)
I already have everything converted in the where clause. That part was no problem. Which translates into something like.
GetSession().CreateCriteria(typeof (Incident), () => incidentAlias)
// Projection
.Add(LambdaProjection.Count<Incident>(i => incidentAlias.IncidentId).As(() => IncidentCount))
.Add(LambdaProjection.Sum<Incident>(i => incidentAlias.DownstreamCustQtyTotal).As(() => TotalCustomers))
.Add(LambdaProjection.Max<Location>(l => locationAlias.EtrDatetime).As(() => LongestEtr))
.Add(LambdaProjection.CountDistinct<CrewAction>(ca => crewActionAlias.CrewNo).As(() => CrewCount))
.Add(LambdaProjection.GroupProperty(() => incidentAlias.IncidentId))
.Add(LambdaProjection.GroupProperty(() => incidentAlias.DownstreamCustQtyTotal))
.Add(LambdaProjection.GroupProperty(() => crewActionAlias.CrewNo))
// Aliases
.CreateAlias(() => incidentAlias.Locations, () => locationAlias)
.CreateAlias(() => incidentAlias.IncidentDevices, () => incidentDeviceAlias)
.CreateAlias(() => incidentAlias.District, () => districtAlias)
.CreateAlias(() => districtAlias.Zone, () => zoneAlias)
.CreateAlias(() => locationAlias.CrewAction, () => crewActionAlias)
// Criterias
.Add(() => locationAlias.PrimaryLocFlg == "T")
.Add(() => locationAlias.DistNo == districtNumber)
.Add(() => zoneAlias.ZoneId != 1008)
.Add(() => zoneAlias.ZoneId != 1010)
.Add(SqlExpression.In(() => locationAlias.FacJobStatusCd, new[] { "A", "D", "F", "G", "P", "U", "W" }))
.Add(SqlExpression.In(() => incidentDeviceAlias.CallTypeCd, new [] { "ELEC", "PLAN" }))
.Add(() => incidentDeviceAlias.ClueCd != "248")
.Add(() => incidentDeviceAlias.ClueCd != "258")
.Add(() => incidentDeviceAlias.ClueCd != "975")
Note that I'm using the Lambda criteria extension. Alternatively, I suppose I could create an additional Dto to select all columns with no aggregate functions then use Linq to do the count/sum/max/count distinct.
I just tried it with HQL and it does not work (would be the same with the Criteria API). What does work, however, is the following:
(select count(*) from Table1 t1),
(select sum(*) from Table2 t2)
from DummyTable dt
where rownum <= 1
DummyTable is not doing anything other than being there so NHibernate doesn't cry about it, and rownum <= 1 is there to ensure NHibernate doesn't try to return a list of objects. ;-)
I want to sort this array by product price in ascending order. How can I do this?
[0] => stdClass Object
[product_id] => 16
[product_name] => Ferrari 4802
[product_details] => I know this car is good. Because I have driven this car 10 year.
[product_quantity] => 1
[product_price] => 2560
[shipping_cost] => 1000
[product_image] => ./admin_assets/image/uploads/product_image/ea28444f93d1fea413c95861bf306fbf.jpg
[product_details_image] => ./admin_assets/image/uploads/product_details/ea28444f93d1fea413c95861bf306fbf.jpg
[thumbnails_image] => ./admin_assets/image/uploads/thumbnails/ea28444f93d1fea413c95861bf306fbf.jpg
[slidder_image] => ./admin_assets/image/uploads/slidders/ea28444f93d1fea413c95861bf306fbf.jpg
[status] => 1
[slidder] =>
[category_id] => 4
[1] => stdClass Object
[product_id] => 15
[product_name] => Laborghini urus
[product_details] => I know this car is good. Because I have driven this car 10 year.
[product_quantity] => 2
[product_price] => 500
[shipping_cost] => 1000
[product_image] => ./admin_assets/image/uploads/product_image/68a7eb1c6bf5b3b43f0c3fd4ed143c68.jpg
[product_details_image] => ./admin_assets/image/uploads/product_details/68a7eb1c6bf5b3b43f0c3fd4ed143c68.jpg
[thumbnails_image] => ./admin_assets/image/uploads/thumbnails/68a7eb1c6bf5b3b43f0c3fd4ed143c68.jpg
[slidder_image] => ./admin_assets/image/uploads/slidders/68a7eb1c6bf5b3b43f0c3fd4ed143c68.jpg
[status] => 1
[slidder] =>
[category_id] => 4
[2] => stdClass Object
[product_id] => 14
[product_name] => Laborghini hurican023
[product_details] => I know this car is good. Because I have driven this car 10 year.
[product_quantity] => 4
[product_price] => 50
[shipping_cost] => 1000
[product_image] => ./admin_assets/image/uploads/product_image/65e660ef6e3ebcb0773d87c048c93e1b.png
[product_details_image] => ./admin_assets/image/uploads/product_details/65e660ef6e3ebcb0773d87c048c93e1b.png
[thumbnails_image] => ./admin_assets/image/uploads/thumbnails/65e660ef6e3ebcb0773d87c048c93e1b.png
[slidder_image] => ./admin_assets/image/uploads/slidders/65e660ef6e3ebcb0773d87c048c93e1b.png
[status] => 1
[slidder] =>
[category_id] => 4
Because the array is generated by a database query you can easily have the query do the sorting for you.
You don't show your model code but assuming you are using Query Builder (a.k.a. Active Record) you need the following in your model before you execute $this->db->get().
$this->db->order_by('product_price', 'ASC');
Here is some example code showing a full query. It assumes the table is named 'products', you want to select all the table's fields, and you want only a particular 'category_id'.
In the Model file:
public function product_by_category($category)
$query = $this->db
->where('category_id', $category)
->order_by('product_price', 'ASC')
//return all records or NULL if no records are found
return $query->num_rows() > 0 ? $query->result() : NULL;
I am showing a list of items ordered from all the orders from 'sales_flat_order_item table' in Magneto 1.9.2. I get the name, SKU, and all other values from the following collection.
protected function _prepareCollection() {
$collection = Mage::getModel('sales/order_item')->getCollection();
$collection->getSelect()->join(array('o' => 'sales_flat_order'), 'main_table.order_id = o.entity_id', array('increment_id','created_at'));
return $this;
Now I want to get the size and color of the item ordered. I am new to Magento, so I have no clue where I can get these values from.
You can access them in sales_flat_order_item table collection.
$data = $collection->getData();
$optionsData = unserialize($data['product_options']);
echo "<pre>";print_r($optionsData);
// check the [attributes_info] for the custom options
The data in product_options is serialized, so if you unserialize it you end up with something like below :
[info_buyRequest] => Array
[uenc] => aHR0cDovLzUwLjU2LjIxMy4xNTcvbWVuL3RlZXMta25pdHMtYW5kLXBvbG9zL2NoZWxzZWEtdGVlLTUxNC5odG1sP29wdGlvbnM9Y2FydA,,
[product] => 409
[related_product] =>
[super_attribute] => Array
[92] => 20
[180] => 80
[qty] => 6
[return_url] =>
[attributes_info] => Array
[0] => Array
[label] => Color
[value] => Black
[1] => Array
[label] => Size
[value] => S
[simple_name] => Chelsea Tee
[simple_sku] => mtk004
[product_calculations] => 1
[shipment_type] => 0
[giftcard_lifetime] =>
[giftcard_is_redeemable] => 0
[giftcard_email_template] =>
[giftcard_type] =>
I'm trying to get a list of orders using the Magento REST API.
The REST request we use is pretty basic:
The response shows the next error:
"messages": {
"error": [
"code": 0,
"message": "Item (Mage_Sales_Model_Order) with the same id \"54\" already exist"
Checking my exception log to see what's going on and got the next backtrace of the error:
2015-09-10T21:54:59+00:00 ERR (3):
exception 'Exception' with message 'Item (Mage_Sales_Model_Order) with the same id "54" already exist' in /path/to/site/lib/Varien/Data/Collection.php:373
Stack trace:
#0 /path/to/site/lib/Varien/Data/Collection/Db.php(576): Varien_Data_Collection->addItem(Object(Mage_Sales_Model_Order))
#1 /path/to/site/lib/Varien/Data/Collection.php(301): Varien_Data_Collection_Db->load()
#2 /path/to/site/app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Model/Api2/Order.php(302): Varien_Data_Collection->getItems()
#3 /path/to/site/app/code/core/Mage/Api2/Model/Resource.php(245): Mage_Sales_Model_Api2_Order->_retrieveCollection()
#4 /path/to/site/app/code/core/Mage/Api2/Model/Dispatcher.php(74): Mage_Api2_Model_Resource->dispatch()
#5 /path/to/site/app/code/core/Mage/Api2/Model/Server.php(239): Mage_Api2_Model_Dispatcher->dispatch(Object(Mage_Api2_Model_Request), Object(Mage_Api2_Model_Response))
#6 /path/to/site/app/code/core/Mage/Api2/Model/Server.php(107): Mage_Api2_Model_Server->_dispatch(Object(Mage_Api2_Model_Request), Object(Mage_Api2_Model_Response), Object(Mage_Api2_Model_Auth_User_Admin))
#7 /path/to/site/api.php(67): Mage_Api2_Model_Server->run()
#8 {main}
I modified the file app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Model/Api2/Order.php (function _retrieveCollection) and added a line to print some info on the logs:
That's part of the output:
[_parts:protected] => Array
[straightjoin] =>
[distinct] =>
[columns] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => main_table
[1] => *
[2] =>
[1] => Array
[0] => payment_method
[1] => method
[2] => payment_method
[2] => Array
[0] => gift_message
[1] => sender
[2] => gift_message_from
[3] => Array
[0] => gift_message
[1] => recipient
[2] => gift_message_to
[4] => Array
[0] => gift_message
[1] => message
[2] => gift_message_body
[5] => Array
[0] => order_tax
[1] => title
[2] => tax_name
[6] => Array
[0] => order_tax
[1] => percent
[2] => tax_rate
[union] => Array
[from] => Array
[main_table] => Array
[joinType] => from
[schema] =>
[tableName] => sales_flat_order
[joinCondition] =>
[payment_method] => Array
[joinType] => left join
[schema] =>
[tableName] => sales_flat_order_payment
[joinCondition] => main_table.entity_id = payment_method.parent_id
[gift_message] => Array
[joinType] => left join
[schema] =>
[tableName] => gift_message
[joinCondition] => main_table.gift_message_id = gift_message.gift_message_id
[order_tax] => Array
[joinType] => left join
[schema] =>
[tableName] => sales_order_tax
[joinCondition] => main_table.entity_id = order_tax.order_id
[where] => Array
[group] => Array
[having] => Array
[order] => Array
[limitcount] =>
[limitoffset] =>
[forupdate] =>
[_tableCols:protected] => Array
If I understood correctly that means that the SQL statement was something like:
payment_method.method AS method,
gift_message.sender AS gift_message_from,
gift_message.recipient AS gift_message_to,
gift_message.message AS gift_message_body,
order_tax.title AS tax_name,
order_tax.percent AS tax_rate
sales_flat_order AS main_table LEFT JOIN
sales_flat_order_payment AS payment_method ON main_table.entity_id = payment_method.parent_id LEFT JOIN
gift_message ON main_table.gift_message_id = gift_message.gift_message_id LEFT JOIN
sales_order_tax AS order_tax ON main_table.entity_id = order_tax.order_id
After manually running the previous query, it came up with more than one row with the same entity_id (sales_flat_order). These 'duplicated' entity_id rows seem to be the problem later on when using Varien_Data_Collection->addItem
The part of the query that is making the two rows with same entity_id to be on the resultset is the LEFT JOIN sales_order_tax. That table contains can contain N rows per each order placed, since every row contains a different tax rule applied.
For example in Canada we collect two different Tax Rules combined for
some areas. In British Columbia we collect GST 5% (country specific)
plus PST 7% (province specific).
Am I missing something obvious here, or did I run into a bug?
Any help is much appreciated, thanks for reading!
P.S. My issue is very close to the one described in here: Magento API V2 Sales Orders List Not Working
After a while playing around I think I found a solution, so I'm posting it here for future references.
We need to modify the query of the collection, to group by sales_flat_order.entity_id before it starts iterating the items in Mage_Sales_Model_Api2_Order::_retrieveCollection.
Since modifying core files it's not a good practice we can make a copy of the core class to the local code pool and modify it as desired. Magento will use the class under the local folder to override the core class.
Copy app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Model/Api2/Order.php to app/code/local/Mage/Sales/Model/Api2/Order.php
Modify the file under the local code pool folder (app/code/local/Mage/Sales/Model/Api2)
Look for the function _retrieveCollection (around line 288 in Magento 1.9.2)
After the line $this->_addTaxInfo($collection); you should add:
If we are updating Magento we want to compare our current version of the Mage_Sales_Model_Api2_Order class with the new version, and if we find differences we shall repeat the process of making a copy of the core file under the local code pool folder and perform the edition again.
In my field expiration_date from my filter, I want to change the range of year (to begin in 2013 and not in 2008) of the select box. How can I do this ?
Finally, I do this:
$years = range(date('Y') - 1, date('Y') + 6);
$this->widgetSchema['expiration_date'] = new
'from_date' => new sfWidgetFormDate(array('format' => '%day%-%month%-%year%','years' => array_combine($years, $years))),
'to_date' => new sfWidgetFormDate(array('format' => '%day%-%month%-%year%','years' => array_combine($years, $years))),
'with_empty' => false,
'template' =>'du %from_date% to %to_date%'));
So the date changes dynamically.
Send the years as options to the date widgeds (from_date and/or to_date). Something like this (not tested):
$this->widgetSchema['date'] = new sfWidgetFormFilterDate(
'from_date'=>new sfWidgetFormDate(array('years' => array('2013' => '2013', '2014' => '2014)),
'to_date' =>new sfWidgetFormDate(array('years' => array('2013' => '2013', '2014' => '2014)),
See more about sfWidgetFormDate here.
In my code below, is there any way I can use the results in the object 'WasteRecordsExcluded' to join with searchResults, essentially excluding the WasteId's I don't want.
If I debug to the last line I get the error :
base {System.SystemException} = {"The query contains references to items defined on a different data context."}
Or if joining is impossible then i could change bHazardous from TRUE to FALSE and FALSE to TRUE and do some kind of 'NOT IN' comparison.
Going bananas with this one, anyone help? Kind Regards :
var allWaste = _securityRepository.FindAllWaste(userId, SystemType.W);
var allWasteIndicatorItems = _securityRepository.FindAllWasteIndicatorItems();
// First get all WASTE RECORDS
var searchResults = (from s in allWaste
join x in allWasteIndicatorItems on s.WasteId equals x.WasteId
where (s.Description.Contains(searchText)
&& s.Site.SiteDescription.EndsWith(searchTextSite)
&& (s.CollectedDate >= startDate && s.CollectedDate <= endDate))
&& x.EWC.EndsWith(searchTextEWC)
select s).Distinct();
var results = searchResults;
if (hazardous != "-1")
// User has requested to filter on Hazardous or Non Hazardous only rather than Show All
var WasteRecordsExcluded = (from we in _db.WasteIndicatorItems
.Join(_db.WasteIndicators, wii => wii.WasteIndicatorId, wi => wi.WasteIndicatorId, (wii, wi) => new { wasteid = wii.WasteId, wasteindicatorid = wii.WasteIndicatorId, hazardtypeid = wi.HazardTypeId })
.Join(_db.HazardTypes, w => w.hazardtypeid, h => h.HazardTypeId, (w, h) => new { wasteid = w.wasteid, hazardous = h.Hazardous })
.GroupBy(g => new { g.wasteid, g.hazardous })
.Where(g => g.Key.hazardous == bHazardous && g.Count() >= 1)
select we);
// Now join the 2 object to eliminate all the keys that do not apply
results = results.Where(n => WasteRecordsExcluded.All(t2 => n.WasteId == t2.Key.wasteid));
return results;
Maybe something like this:
var results = searchResults.ToList();
.Where(g => g.Key.hazardous == bHazardous && g.Count() >= 1)
select we).ToList();