Is there a way to limit the memory, ghci can have? - debugging

I'm used to debug my code using ghci. Often, something like this happens (not so obvious, of course):
ghci> let f#(_:x) = 0:1:zipWith(+)f x
ghci> length f
Then, nothing happens for some time, and if I don't react fast enough, ghci has eaten maybe 2 GB of RAM, causing my system to freeze. If it's too late, the only way to solve this problem is [ALT] + [PRINT] + [K].
My question: Is there an easy way to limit the memory, which can be consumed by ghci to, let's say 1 GB? If limit is exceed, the calculation should ve aborted or ghci should be killed.

A platform independant way to accomplish this is to supply the -M option as on option to the Haskell runtime like this
ghci +RTS -M1m
see the GHC documentation’s page on how to control the RTS (runtime system) for details.
The ghci output now looks like:
>ghci +RTS -M10m
GHCi, version 6.12.3: :? for help
Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Loading package ffi-1.0 ... linking ... done.
Prelude> let f#(_:x) = 0:1:zipWith(+)f x
Prelude> length f
Heap exhausted;
Current maximum heap size is 10485760 bytes (10 MB);
use `+RTS -M<size>' to increase it.

Running it under a shell with ulimit -m set is a fairly easy way. If you want to run with some limit on a regular basis, you can create a wrapper script that does ulimit before running ghci.


How to generate flamegraphs from macOS process samples?

Anyone have a clean process for converting samples on macOS to FlameGraphs?
After a bit of fiddling I thought I could perhaps use a tool such as flamegraph-sample, but it seems to give me some trouble and so I thought perhaps there may be other more up-to-date options that I'm missing insomuch that this tool gives an error:
$ sudo sample PID -file ~/tmp/sample.txt -fullPaths 1
Sampling process 198 for 1 second with 1 millisecond of run time between samples
Sampling completed, processing symbols...
Sample analysis of process 35264 written to file ~/tmp/sample.txt
$ python ~/tmp/sample.txt > ~/tmp/sample_collapsed.txt
$ ~/tmp/sample_collapsed.txt > ~/tmp/sample_collapsed_flamegraph.svg
Ignored 2335 lines with invalid format
ERROR: No stack counts found

IntMap traverseWithKey faster than mapWithKey?

I was reading this part of Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell, and found the sequential version of the program to be far slower than the parallel one with one core:
$ cabal run fwsparse -O2 --ghc-options="-rtsopts" -- 1000 800 +RTS -s
Total time 11.469s ( 11.529s elapsed)
$ cabal run fwsparse1 -O2 --ghc-options="-rtsopts -threaded" -- 1000 800 +RTS -s -N1
Total time 4.906s ( 4.988s elapsed)
According to the book, the sequential one should be slightly faster than the parallel one (if it runs on a single core).
The only difference in the two programs was this function:
update g k = Map.mapWithKey shortmap g
update g k = runPar $ do
m <- Map.traverseWithKey (\i jmap -> spawn (return (shortmap i jmap))) g
traverse get m
Since the spawn function uses deepseq, I initially though it had something to do with strictness but the use of force didn't change the performance of the sequential program.
Finally, I managed to get the sequential one work faster:
$ cabal run fwsparse -O2 --ghc-options="-rtsopts" -- 1000 800 +RTS -s
Total time 3.891s ( 3.901s elapsed)
by changing the update function to this:
update g k = runIdentity $ Map.traverseWithKey (\i jmap -> pure $ shortmap i jmap) g
Why does using traverseWithKey in the Identity monad speed up performance? I checked the IntMap source code but couldn't figure out the reason.
Is this a bug or the expected behaviour?
(Also, this is my first question on StackOverflow so please tell me if I'm doing anything wrong.)
As per Ismor's comment, I turned off optimization (using -O0) and the sequential program runs in 19.5 seconds with either traverseWithKey or mapWithKey, while the parallel one runs in 21.5 seconds.
Why is traverseWithKey optimized to be so much faster than mapWithKey?
Which function should I use in practice?

How to trace dynamic instruction in spike (on RISC-V)

I’m new for spike and RISC V. I’m trying to do some dynamic instruction trace with spike. These instructions are from a sample.c file. I have tried the following commands:
$ riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc simple.c -g -o simple.out
$ riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump -d --line-numbers -S simple.out
But these commands display the assembled instructions in an out file, which is not I want. I need to trace the dynamic executed instruction in runtime. I find only two relative commands in spike host option:
-g - track histogram of PCs
-l - generate a log of execution
I’m not sure if the result is what I expected as above.
Does anyone have an idea how to do the dynamic instruction trace in spike?
Thanks a lot!
Yes, you can call spike with -l to get a trace of all executed instructions.
$ spike -l --isa=RV64gc ~/riscv/pk/riscv64-unknown-elf/bin/pk ./hello 2> ins.log
Note that this trace also contains all instructions executed by the proxy-kernel - rather than just the trace of your user program.
The trace can still be useful, e.g. you can search for the start address of your code (i.e. look it up in the objdump output) and consume the trace from there.
Also, when your program invokes a syscall you see something like this in the trace:
[.. inside your program ..]
core 0: 0x0000000000010088 (0x00000073) ecall
core 0: exception trap_user_ecall, epc 0x0000000000010088
core 0: 0x0000000080001938 (0x14011173) csrrw sp, sscratch, sp
[.. inside the pk ..]
[.. inside your program ..]
That means you can skip to the sycall instruction (that are executed in the pk) by searching for the next sret.
Alternatively, you can call spike with -d to enter debug mode. Then you can set a breakpoint on the first instruction of interest in your program (until pc 0 YOURADDRESS - look up the address in the objdump output) and single step from there (by hitting return multiple times). See also the help screen by entering h at the spike prompt.

running subprocesses in parallel with Python

I am trying to understand how can I build a parallel computing pipeline for multiple subprocesses.
As I see, each subprocess block waits for the previous code block to run, whereas I have a pipeline which does not have a dependency for the previous run, and it can be handled in parallel. I want to understand whether this is possible, and if so, a sample syntax for showing how to do that would be a great help! Thanks in advance.
import sys
import os
import subprocess"python".split() +
[run_date, this_wk, last_wk, prev_wk], shell=True)"python".split() +
[run_date, this_wk, last_wk, prev_wk], shell=True)"python".split() +
[run_date, this_wk, last_wk, prev_wk], shell=True)
The MCVE as-is shows zero dependency on the python-interpreter, so the most efficient step for running a set of mutualy independent tasks ( not a pipeline, where one-step-after-another order of processing steps "forms" the "pipeline" ) is GNU parallel:
$ parallel python {} run_date this_wk last_wk prev_wk ::: \ \
This way you do not waste CPU / cache resources and escape from the blocking and GIL-lock re-introduced re-[SERIAL]-isation of the code-execution without any add-on overhead costs.
For all configurables available read respective details in man parallel

Diagnosing high CPU usage on Docker for Mac

How do I diagnose the cause of Docker on MacOS, specifically com.docker.hyperkit using 100% of CPU?
Docker stats
Docker stats shows all the running containers have low CPU, memory, net IO and block IO.
iosnoop shows that com.docker.hyperkit performs about 50 writes per second totaling 500KB per second to the file Docker.qcow2. According to What is Docker.qcow2?, Docker.qcow2 is a sparse file that's the persistent storage for all Docker containers.
In my case the file isn't that sparse. The physical size matches the logical size.
dtrace (dtruss)
dtruss sudo dtruss -p $DOCKER_PID shows a large number of psynch_cvsignal and psynch_cvwait calls.
psynch_cvsignal(0x7F9946002408, 0x4EA701004EA70200, 0x4EA70100) = 257 0
psynch_mutexdrop(0x7F9946002318, 0x5554700, 0x5554700) = 0 0
psynch_mutexwait(0x7F9946002318, 0x5554702, 0x5554600) = 89474819 0
psynch_cvsignal(0x10BF7B470, 0x4C8095004C809600, 0x4C809300) = 257 0
psynch_cvwait(0x10BF7B470, 0x4C8095014C809600, 0x4C809300) = 0 0
psynch_cvwait(0x10BF7B470, 0x4C8096014C809700, 0x4C809600) = -1 Err#316
psynch_cvsignal(0x7F9946002408, 0x4EA702004EA70300, 0x4EA70200) = 257 0
psynch_cvwait(0x7F9946002408, 0x4EA702014EA70300, 0x4EA70200) = 0 0
psynch_cvsignal(0x10BF7B470, 0x4C8097004C809800, 0x4C809600) = 257 0
psynch_cvwait(0x10BF7B470, 0x4C8097014C809800, 0x4C809600) = 0 0
psynch_cvwait(0x10BF7B470, 0x4C8098014C809900, 0x4C809800) = -1 Err#316
Update: top on Docker host
docker run -it --rm --pid host busybox top
The CPU usage on docker embedded host is ~3%. CPU usage on my MacBook was ~100%. So, the docker embedded host isn't causing the CPU usage spike.
Update: running dtrace scripts of most common stack traces
Stack traces from the dtrace scripts in the answer below:
These kernel stack traces look innocuous.
AppleIntelLpssGspi`AppleIntelLpssGspi::regRead(unsigned int)+0x1f
AppleIntelLpssGspi`AppleIntelLpssGspi::transferMmioDuplexMulti(void*, void*, unsigned long long, unsigned int)+0x91
AppleIntelLpssSpiController`AppleIntelLpssSpiController::transferDataMmioDuplexMulti(void*, void*, unsigned int, unsigned int)+0xb2
kernel`IOCommandGate::runAction(int (*)(OSObject*, void*, void*, void*, void*), void*, void*, void*, void*)+0x138
AppleIntelLpssSpiController`AppleIntelLpssSpiDevice::transferData(IOMemoryDescriptor*, void*, unsigned long long, unsigned long long, IOMemoryDescriptor*, void*, unsigned long long, unsigned long long, unsigned int, AppleIntelSPICompletion*)+0x151
AppleHSSPISupport`AppleHSSPIController::transferData(IOMemoryDescriptor*, void*, unsigned long long, unsigned long long, IOMemoryDescriptor*, void*, unsigned long long, unsigned long long, unsigned int, AppleIntelSPICompletion*)+0xcc
AppleHSSPISupport`AppleHSSPIController::doSPITransfer(bool, AppleHSSPITransferRetryReason*)+0x97
AppleHSSPISupport`AppleHSSPIController::InterruptOccurred(IOInterruptEventSource*, int)+0xf8
The most common stack traces in user space over 17 seconds clearly implicate com.docker.hyperkit. There 1365 stack traces in 17 seconds in which com.docker.hyperkit created threads which averages to 80 threads per second.
Related issues
Github - docker/for-mac: com.docker.hyperkit 100% cpu usage is back again #3499
. One comment suggests adding volume caching described here: I tried this and got a small ~10% reduction in CPU usage.
I have the same problem. My CPU % went back down to normal after I removed all my volumes.
docker system prune --volumes
I also manually removed some named volumes:
docker volume rm NameOfVolumeHere
That doesn't solve the overall issue of not being able to use volumes with Docker for mac. Right now I'm just being careful about the amount of volumes I use and closing Docker desktop when not in use.
My suspicion is that the issue is IO related. With MacOS volumes, this involves osxfs where there is some performance tuning you can perform. Mainly, if you can accept fewer consistency checks, you can set the volume mode to delegated for faster performance. See the docs for more details: However, if your image contains a large number of small files, performance will suffer, especially if you also have lots of image layers.
You can also try the following command to debug any process issues within the embedded VM that docker uses:
docker run -it --rm --pid host busybox top
(To exit, use <ctrl>-c)
To track down if it's IO, you can also try the following:
$ docker run -it --rm --pid host alpine /bin/sh
$ apk add sysstat
$ pidstat -d 5 12
That will run inside the alpine container running in the VM pid namespace, showing any IO happening from any process, whether or not that process is inside of a container. The stats are every 5 seconds for one minute (12 times) and then it will give you an average table per process. You can then <ctrl>-d to destroy the alpine container.
From the comments and edits, these stats may check out. A 4 core MBP has 8 threads, so full CPU utilization should be 800% if MacOS is reporting the same as other Unix based systems. Inside the VM there's over 100% load shown in the top command for the average in the past minute (though less from the 5 and 15 averages) which is roughly what you see for the hyperkit process on the host. The instantaneous usage is over 12% from top, not 3%, since you need to add the system and user percentages. And the IO numbers shown in pidstat align roughly with what you see written to the qcow2 image.
If the docker engine itself is thrashing (e.g. restarting containers, or running lots of healthchecks), then you can debug that by watching the output of:
docker events
EDIT: after a few weeks, my cpu issues have come back - so the below solutions probably aren't worth it
My CPU was always running crazy high, and it wasn't I/O, as determined using docker stats
I did a bunch of stuff, but had it suddenly decrease to reasonable levels and stay that way for over a week now, after doing the following:
Ensure you have the right # of CPU's set - not what you have, but HALF that amount. Mine was more than half, and I feel this was the real problem, in Preferences | Resources
decrease # of file shares if possible - Preferences | Resources, /private, /tmp/, /var/folders
disable use gRPC FUSE for file sharing - Preferences | Resources
Changing the volumes to use a delegated configuration worked for me and resulted in a drastic drop in CPU usage.
see the document:
how set in my docker-compose.yml:
version: "3"
image: python3.6
- "80:10000"
- ./code:/www/code:cached
For me this worked, macOS 10.15.5, Docker Desktop 2.3.0
This is a small dTrace script I use to find where the kernel is spending its time (it's from Solaris, and dates back to the early days of Solaris 10):
#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
#[ stack() ] = count();
It simply samples kernel stack traces and counts each one it encounters in the # aggregation.
Run it as root:
... # ./kernelhotspots.d > /tmp/kernel_hot_spots.txt
Let it run for a decent amount of time while you're having CPU issues, then hit CTRL-C to break the script. It will emit all the kernel stack traces it encountered, the most common last. If you need more (or less) stack frames from the default with
#[ stack( 15 ) ] = count();
That will show a stack frame 15 calls deep.
The last few stack traces will be where your kernel is spending most of its time. That may or may not be informative.
This script will do the same for user-space stack traces:
#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
#[ ustack() ] = count();
Run it similarly:
... # ./userspacehotspots.d > /tmp/userspace_hot_spots.txt
ustack() is a bit slower - to emit the actual function names, dTrace has to do a lot more work to get them from the address spaces of the appropriate processes.
Disabling System Integrity Protection might help you get better stack traces.
See DTrace Action Basics for some more details.
Had same issue with docker today in Big Sur (tried pruning images, changing to apple virtualization, nothing helped). However, disabling the docker desktop to startup in preferences and never opening the desktop gui seems to fix it for me. Docker now runs with only 10%cpu usage even after starting a few containers. However, once I open the desktop gui it slowly rises again to +90% cpu and keeps on hogging the cpu even after closing the DockerDesktop process. Docker version 20.10.13, build a224086.
The solution I found was to increase the resources given to Docker. I increased the Memory from 2GB to 8GB, the Swap from 1GB to 2GB, and the disk image size to 160GB. Completely solved the problem for me, and it's an easy one for readers to try.
to disable use gRPC FUSE for file sharing might not good idea. I found the feedback from another issue made by docker community. see bellow:
So we'll look into that. However,
osxfs will not be supported long term.
We can't maintain two solutions.
hier to docker issue thread
There is an open issue here
It seems there are a few bugs going on
For some people (me including) unchecking the "Open Docker Dashboard at startup" and manually restarting docker do the job.
For other people increasing resources like CPU and Memory works
