using software metrics for measuring productivity of pair programming - metrics

what are the software metrics that can be used to measuring the performance of pair programming ?
to be clear
is there any metrics used to measure pair programming specifically and does not use to measure the individual programmer ? what are the parameters used for measuring ?
for example:if we want to measure the cost for both individual and pair programming
let's assume that for the individual programming Cost = x so for the pair will be Cost = 2* x
and the same for the time for individual Time = t while for pair Time = 2* t
so if I would like to use Lines of code for measuring the product size , is there any different between individual and pair by using this metric?
any idea

Sorry to spoil your party, but lines of code is one of the worst metrics possible, especially if people know their assessment or bonus is in any way tied to the metric. It actively encourages cut and paste programming and other attrocities. It's more effort, but why don't you categorise the workload in terms of expected effort for one person, based on your historical data? Or, get some programmers to agree to do a few projects redundantly, rotating between pair-programming and individual, so you can see how the same programmers go at each. As one good programmer can be more productive than two average programmers (I vaguely remember an old IBM study concluding someone in the top percentile was 27x more productive than median), it's useful to see the same programmers doing it both ways. If objectively discovering the right process through such an experiment is too costly in terms of lost short-term productivity, then you're better off not bothering with the LOC metrics anyway... good programmers knowing their work arrangements are being based on such will probably be highly unimpressed.
Remember that there are also intangibles involved... pair programming - IMHO - forces people to keep focused, and to make design decisions that are more rounded and professional. Just the social contact can help relieve boredom, though it may stress some people too. My suspicion is that - whether or not it's faster to begin with - it makes for better, more maintainable results. It also ensures skill and knowledge transfer. You should factor in such intangible aspects as best you can - maybe doing interviews or anonymous surveys with the trial participants.

I guess what you try to ask, is how to measure efficiency of the team that uses pair programming. If yes, then answer is the measurement of efficiency doesn't depend on method or proccess of work team is using. You should try to evaluate the quality of their product releases, with metrics like number of issues identified post release. Probably the velocity.
and, please, don't use lines of code for efficiency measurement. It doesn't make sense. Lines of code is a measure of product size and not developer efficiency. It's like using height or weight to judge how smart you are. There is no correlation between amount of code and individual efficiency.
if you are interested in more software metrics, take a look at


making algorithm for getting programmer efficiency

I have some data about programmer actions inside an ide. From this data I am trying to make a good algorithm to calculate a programmers efficiency.
If we consider
efficiency = useful energy out / energy in
I made this rough equation:
energy in = active time(run events x code editing time)
Basically its the the time where stuff is actually being done by the programmer multiplied by run events like
debugging,build etc x the time where the programmer is actually editing code.
useful energy out = energy in - (#unsuccessfulbuilds + abortedtestruns
+ debuggerusetime)
Useful energy out is basically energy in minus things that I consider to be inefficient.
Can anyone see how to improve this, particularly from a mathematical point of view. Maths isn't my strong point and am not sure if I should use some sort of weighting for the equations and how to do this correctly. Also, I'm thinking of how to make it that whats minused from energy in in the useful energy out equation cant end up as less than 0. Can anyone give a hand with these questions ?
Your "algorithm" is completely arbitrary, making judgement of value over things that are inocuous to whatever you called "efficient/inneficient", and will endup with a completely incoherent final value after being calculated. Compilation time? So the first compilation of a C++ plugin that takes 30+ minutes is good? Debugging time is both efficient and inefficient in your proposal.
A programmer that codes for 10 minutes and make 6 consecutive builds with close to no changes will have the same output as the guy that code for 60 minutes.
I suggest you look firts to what is a good use of a programmers time, how other programs contabilize programmers efficiency. Etc.
Just on a side note, to create a model of efficiency of work of a highly technical and creative field, you must understand quite well math, statistics and project management. Thats why good scrum masters are so sought after.
Anyway, what you propose is not an algorithm, but a scoring system, usually algorithms do make use of scoring systems to help their internal rules work out the best solution based on the scoring. The scoring is just a value, while the algorithm is a process to an end.

Estimating a project with many unknowns

I'm working on a project with many unknowns like moving the app from one platform to another.
My original estimations are way off and there is no way I can really know for sure when this will end.
How can i deal with the inability to estimate such a project. It's not that I'm adding a button to a screen or designing a web site, or creating and app or even fixing bugs. These are not methods with bugs, these are assumptions made in the overall code, which are not correct anymore and are found step by step and each analyzed and mitigated with many more unknowns.
I happened to write a master thesis about software-estimation and there are lessons I've learned:
-1st Count, 2nd compute, 3rd judge - this means: first try to identify items in your work which are countable e.g files, classes, LOCs, UIs, etc. Then calculate using this data the effort (in person/days). Use judgement as the last ressort.
-Document your estimation! Show numbers. This minimizes your risk, thus you will present results not as your opinion, but as more or less objective figures. (In general, the more paper the cleaner the backside)
-Estimation is not a commitment. Commitment is one number, estimation is always a range - so give your estimation as a range ( use cone of uncertainty to select the range properly )
-Devide: Use WBS, devide your work in small pieces and estimate them separately. The granulity depents on the entire length, but at most a working-package soultn't be bigger than 10% of entire effort.
-Estimate effort first, then schedule, then costs.
-Consider estimation as support for planing, reestimate on each project phase (s. cone of uncertainty).
I would suggest the book which deals all these points, in particular how to deal with bosses, who try to pull a commitment from you.
Valentin Heinitz
There's no really right answer for coming up with an accurate estimation, because there's no way to know it.
as for estimating the work itself, think about how each step can be divided into separate sub-steps, and break those down even smaller, until you can get a fair picture of as much of the work as you can, with chunks small and discreet enough to give sound estimates for. If you can, come up with both an expected time and a worst-case time, to get a range of where you could land.
Another way to approach this is to ignore the old system. It sounds like a headache. Make an estimate of scraping the old system and implementing a new one from scratch, or integrating a 3rd party, off the shelf solution. If there's a case to be made for this, it is worth at least investigating it.
Sounds like a post for postsecret not SO. :)
I would tell him that it will be done when its done, and if thats not good enough, he can learn to program and help you. Then again, I think that you might get fired, but hey that sounds like it might be better.
Tell him more or less what you told us. The project is too volatile too give an accurate estimate and the best you can do is give an estimate for a given task. As long as the number of tasks is unknown so will be the estimate. If he is at all worth his salary he would rather hear this than some made up number. This is not uncommon when dealing with a large legacy code base.
It's not that I'm adding a button to a screen or designing a web site,
or creating and app or even fixing bugs.
That is a real problem. You can not estimate what you don't have experience in. The only thing you can do is pad your estimate until you think it is a reasonable amount of time. The more unknowns you think there are the more you pad. The less you know about it the more you pad.
I read the below book and it spoke at length about accuracy vs precision. Basically you can be accurate but have a very large range. For instance you can be certain the task will be between 1 day and 1 year to complete. That is not very precise but it is really accurate.
Software Estimation Demystifying...
Some tips for estimating

Initial Genetic Programming Parameters

I did a little GP (note:very little) work in college and have been playing around with it recently. My question is in regards to the intial run settings (population size, number of generations, min/max depth of trees, min/max depth of initial trees, percentages to use for different reproduction operations, etc.). What is the normal practice for setting these parameters? What papers/sites do people use as a good guide?
You'll find that this depends very much on your problem domain - in particular the nature of the fitness function, your implementation DSL etc.
Some personal experience:
Large population sizes seem to work
better when you have a noisy fitness
function, I think this is because the growth
of sub-groups in the population over successive generations acts
to give more sampling of
the fitness function. I typically use
100 for less noisy/deterministic functions, 1000+
for noisy.
For number of generations it is best to measure improvements in the
fitness function and stop when it
meets your target criteria. I normally run a few hundred generations and see what kind of answers are coming out, if it is showing no improvement then you probably have an issue elsewhere.
Tree depth requirements are really dependent on your DSL. I sometimes try to do an
implementation without explicit
limits but penalise or eliminate
programs that run too long (which is probably
what you really care about....). I've also found total node counts of ~1000 to be quite useful hard limits.
Percentages for different mutation / recombination operators don't seem
to matter all that much. As long as
you have a comprehensive set of mutations, any reasonably balanced
distribution will usually work. I think the reason for this is that you are basically doing a search for favourable improvements so the main objective is just to make sure the trial improvements are reasonably well distributed across all the possibilities.
Why don't you try using a genetic algorithm to optimise these parameters for you? :)
Any problem in computer science can be
solved with another layer of
indirection (except for too many
layers of indirection.)
-David J. Wheeler
When I started looking into Genetic Algorithms I had the same question.
I wanted to collect data variating parameters on a very simple problem and link given operators and parameters values (such as mutation rates, etc) to given results in function of population size etc.
Once I started getting into GA a bit more I then realized that given the enormous number of variables this is a huge task, and generalization is extremely difficult.
talking from my (limited) experience, if you decide to simplify the problem and use a fixed way to implement crossover, selection, and just play with population size and mutation rate (implemented in a given way) trying to come up with general results you'll soon realize that too many variables are still into play because at the end of the day the number of generations after which statistically you will get a decent result (whatever way you wanna define decent) still obviously depend primarily on the problem you're solving and consequently on the genome size (representing the same problem in different ways will obviously lead to different results in terms of effect of given GA parameters!).
It is certainly possible to draft a set of guidelines - as the (rare but good) literature proves - but you will be able to generalize the results effectively in statistical terms only when the problem at hand can be encoded in the exact same way and the fitness is evaluated in a somehow an equivalent way (which more often than not means you're ealing with a very similar problem).
Take a look at Koza's voluminous tomes on these matters.
There are very different schools of thought even within the GP community -
Some regard populations in the (low) thousands as sufficient whereas Koza and others often don't deem if worthy to start a GP run with less than a million individuals in the GP population ;-)
As mentioned before it depends on your personal taste and experiences, resources and probably the GP system used!

What is better: set up underestimated or overestimated deadlines? [closed]

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Suppose you are a project manager. You can estimate an effort in days for specific task for specific developer. After performing estimation you obtain some min and max values.
After this you delegate a task to developer. Actually you also set up deadline.
Which estimation is better to use when set up deadline: min or max?
As I see min estimation can result in stress for developer, max estimation can result in using all the time which is allocated to developer even if task can be complete faster (so called Student syndrome).
Which other pros and cons of two approaches?
Small clarification: I speak about setting up deadlines for subordinates when delegating the task, NOT for reporting to my boss.
To add one more clarification: I can keep in mind my real estimation, provide to boss slightly larger estimation, to subordinates - slightly smaller.
And this questions touches the following thing: is it good idea to provide to developer underestimation to make him working harder?
You should use the best guess which is a function of the min and max estimates* - not just the simple average -
best_guess = (min * min_weighting + max * max_weighting) / divisor*
* Tom Neyland suggests it should be (min_weighting + max_weighting). Actually I'm not sure whether that is correct, but it's probably more correct than my original divisor of 2.0.
The weighting you give to the min and max values will depend on the complexity of the task, the risks associated with the task, the likelihood of the risks occuring, the skill of the developer, etc. and will vary from organisation to organisation and from project to project. If you keep a record of your previous estimates and the actual time each took you'll be able to refine these estimates over time.
You should also use these values, plus a confidence value, when talking to senior management and customers. While giving the max and delivering early is not the same as giving the min and delivering late, it still shows that you don't have control over your development.
Giving the confidence value and an idea of the risks will also help manage expectations so if there are problems they're not unexpected.
* These min and max estimates will be got by various means - asking the developers, past experience etc. If polling developers then the actual min and max values should be treated as outliers and either discarded or modified in some way. What I mean here are the values you get from phrases like "it'll take 2 weeks if all goes well or a month if we hit some snags". So the values you plug into the formula are not the raw numbers.
Use neither min nor max but something in between.
Erring on the side of overestimation is better. It has much nicer cost behavior in the long term.
To overcome the stress due to underestimation, people may take shortcuts that are not beneficial in the long term. For example, taking extra technical debt thast has to be paid back eventually, and it comes back with an interest. The costs grow exponentially.
The extra cost from inefficiency due to student's syndrome behaves linearly.
Estimates and targets are different. You (or your managers and customers) set the targets you need to achieve. Estimates tell you how likely you are to meet those targets. Deadline is one sort of target. The deadline you choose depends on what kind of confidence level (risk of not meeting the deadline) you are willing to accept. P50 (0.5 probability of meeting the deadline) is commonplace. Sometimes you may want to schedule with P80 or some other confidence level. Note that the probability curve is a long-tailed one and the more confidence you want, the longer you will need to allocate time for the project.
Overall, I wouldn't spend too much time tracking individual tasks. With P50 targets half of them will be late in any case. What matters most is how the aggregate behaves. When composing individual tasks estimates into an aggregate, neither min or max is sensible. It's extremely unlikely that either all tasks complete with minimum time (most likely something like P10 time) or maximum time (e.g. P90 time): for n P10/P90 tasks the probability is 0.1^n.
PERT has some techniques for coming up with reasonable task duration probability distributions and aggregating them to larger wholes. I won't go into the math here. Here's some pointer for further reading:
Steve McConnell: Software Estimation - Demystifying the Black Art. It's quite readable and pragmatic but at least the 1st edition I have has some quirks in its math and otherwise.
Richard D. Stutzke: Estimating Software-Intensive Systems - Projects, Products and Processes. It's a little more academic, harder read but for example explains the math better.
Ask for best, likely and worst case scenario estimates instead. Then use Program Evaluation and Review Technique. However you may want to take a look at some PERT critique first.
For individual tasks or tasks making up the critical path it’s simply not prudent to go for the best case estimates. It’s like saying that the project is absolutely free of any risk and uncertainty. If the actual job turns out to be anything but the best case scenario you’ll end up blowing the schedule. It’s better to end up with some extra time on your hands and fill the time by implementing some nice-to-haves as opposed to having to work nights and weekends.
On the other hand if managers mostly went for the worst case estimates and in software world they can easily be an order of magnitude greater than the best case figures most projects would never make it past the feasibility and planning stage. Not all of the risks going to materialise.
Going for the best case estimate won't help fighting student syndrome. Include interim milestones and deliverables instead, beside being helpful at combating the student syndrome they're pre-requisite for having a trustworthy data on the project progress and uncovering early any potential issues.
If the difference between min and max are big rather than using some black magic formula I think it the best thing to do would be to go back to the developers and ask them to do a finer breakdown and prototyping, which will lead to better estimates where the gap between min and max is not that big.
Note to the question: In my opinion, the estimates should be done by the developers/architects since they have the best technical knowledge to be able to break down into tasks and estimate those tasks.
If you are estimating for a specific developer, and you know your estimates are generally accurate for that developer, then the min value is the logical deadline (initially). In the course of the project you will adjust deadlines according to circumstance.
If you have little experience with a specific developer, one of my fondly regarded previous managers would ask the developer himself to do the estimate and set the initial deadline a third of the distance between that developer's min and max, challenging the developer to beat it.
Something which has been missing in many of these answers (perhaps because it's slightly off-topic) is frequent updates. With younger/newer developers this is even more important - read the code they commit, and/or check in daily to ask them for specific, detailed reports.
This also allows you to set tight deadlines for developers without giving them too much stress, because they will know you're around to help adjust deadlines when needed.
Frequent updates give you the most important tool in setting customer/management expectations - early warning of issues which might delay things, and I prefer having that over any formula.
Is the developer going back into a cave to develop this or is there a good chance of changing requirements over the course of the project? I would think most projects will have a good chance that something won't go smoothly and thus it may be better to try to get the prototype up sooner rather than later.
As for the initial question, I think I'd break this out into a few different outcomes and consider each:
Gross underestimation -> This leads to the problem that there is still a lot of work to do and the manager appears unable to make reasonable estimations.
Minor underestimation -> In this case, either there is an extension, scope gets cut or some bugs are in the release, but this is better than the previous case.
Made the deadline, on time and on budget with quality -> While this may seem optimal as everything worked out, I don't think this is the best result possible.
Minor overestimation -> In this case, there is some breathing room that means either things finish early or some extra work is added. A point here is that this may seem to deliver a slightly better result than the previous case like how some companies will try to beat the earnings estimate by a small amount to do better than expected.
Gross overestimation -> I think this would be the worst case outcome though it is similar to the first in terms of someone being way out of their league in being able to provide a reasonable estimation.
That's just my opinion on each and others may have a different take on it than me.
If you're trying to hold developers to their minimum estimate, that's foolish. No one, in any industry, consistently hits their minimum time estimate for getting something done. Eventually, they'll just learn to pad their minimum estimates significantly, and then they'll never hit the old minimums, because all estimates will be above that.
In Agile/Scrum, you don't set firm deadlines, but set "how many hours left on this task". Every day, you update the amount of time left. You do not track hours spent, but do track estimated hours remaining, and you try and stay honest about it.
If you have lazy developers, this is bad, because they can easily game that system. If you have developers that are worth their salt, this is great. They get better at estimation pretty quickly, and you - as a project manager - learn how reliable their estimates are, and you'll have a much better feel for what estimates to pass up the chain based on the individual developer estimates.
Go slightly towards Agile, fire the bad developers as you discover which are which, reward the good developers for actually giving a damn, and have a more productive, happier team while being able to report more accurate expectations to your superiors.
If in doubt under promise and over deliver: you want to be the person who is delivering more than they were expecting, not less. Based on this always go with the higher of any estimate.
Slightly more complex:
For a given potential delivery, if you plot the delivery times against the chances of them being happening, you're going to get a curve which is a variation of a normal distribution, and you can assume that a developers minimum estimates are going to be somewhere towards the left of the curve and their maximum towards the right.
The area under the curve to the left of the single number you select as your estimate represents the probability of you successfully delivering on or before that estimate. So if you give a number at the very left hand side your chance of hitting is effectively zero, if you give a number at the very right hand side your chance is effectively 100%.
What is less commonly realised is if you give the mean value (assuming your min and max averaged out give something approximating the actual mean) you'll only hit that deadline 50% of the time. Effectively if you use the mean you're going to miss the deadline half the time. I don't know about you but I don't like being seen as the guy whose misses half his deadlines.
So you want a number which is going to give you something you hit, say, 90% of the time. Conveniently 95% represents the mean + two standard deviations but if you can't be arsed to calculate that (and most of us probably don't have the data) my experience says that:
(3 x max + 1 x min) / 4
gives a reasonable result.
Incidentally, what you tell the developer is the deadline is another question entirely. Personally I'd give him somewhere around ((2 x max + 1 x min) / 3) and have the rest as contingency.
What are you using the estimates for? Specifically, why will the developer feel stressed if you normally underestimate?
If you're trying to schedule how long something is likely to take, you go for an intermediate value. Probably on the long side, since people normally underestimate. In any case, you shouldn't be using these estimates as firm objectives for developers, and so they shouldn't be overly stressful.
If you're using these estimates to set up commitments, you need to err on the side of overestimating. Giving developers insufficient time leads to burnout, unmaintainable buggy code that doesn't do quite what the user wants, and low morale and high turnover. Set the commitments to be reachable, and encourage the developers to finish early.
This depends on project.
Some projects may require fast development and there's no alternatives if deadline is already set and there's no good chance to prolong development. Typical issue: marketing campaign resulting in new service. Such deadline can be enough for normal development, but in some organizations it is so close, that developers work in stress and make many errors that are fixed during production stage. That's a kind of project when developers have to work with topmost effectiveness and they'd better get good reward on success.
Some projects are accurately planned and here you can use all analytics you have: history data, some developer's time metrics on subtasks, calculating risks, etc.
But anyway MAX time shouldn't be used: its the most inaccurate measure that usually leads to even more time taken. And here's a simple reason: when developer just gives away this MAX, he almost doesn't measure. He just gives away his intuition that has very little info at the time. But if he'll spend at least half an hour he'll understand specifics of his tasks, he even may split it into subtask and increase his accuracy. So you can give developer some bias like "hey, guys, just think in what time you would provide stable code here" but send him measure himself. It is good for a job, it is good for a programmer himself.
The first mistake most estimators use when setting the deadline is assuming that the dev will be full-time every day on that task which is a disastrous mistake. This can result in not meeting the deadline even when you use the over estimate to figure out the deadline. Being under the hours but past the deadline you told the client is a big problem. People take leave, get sick, have jury duty, have to go to required meetings on some new HR policy, get called over to help on another project when someone is stuck, have to load software on a new computer when their old one breaks, have to research a production problem on code they recently deployed, etc. If you are estimating more than 6 hours a day on the project per person, you are already in trouble on the deadline before the project starts. When I did manpower studies, we used a figure that equated to just slightly more than 6 hours a day of direct work when calculating out how many people were needed for any job. And we did a lot of statistical analysis as the basis for the figure we used.
I think you have to decide which of these to use on a case by case basis. We have some projects that we know the max estimate is still probably a little low (usually when someone in management couldn't face the client with the real estimate), we have others where we are doing something new where we know the estimates are more likely to be off, in these kinds of cases go with the max. But for work you've done before that is well-defined and you know the dev assigned won't be learning new skills, then go closer to the min (but never actually use the min, there are alawys unexpected bumps in the road). ALso the shorter the project, the more likely you will be able to meet the min, it is far easier to get a good estimate for a week-long project than a year-long one.
More importantly is changing the estimate and deadline every time the circumstances change. If the client adds work, the extend the deadline and estimate, don't just do it. If your best dev quits and you have to put someone new on the project, extend the deadline becasue that person has to have time to get up to speed (you may have to eat the hours though, the client may not agree to pay for that time. Critical to this is telling the client right away. They tend to be better about moving a deadline (although not happy) than they are about missing one or making the dealine but the product doesn't work as they expect it to. Too many project managers just like to wish a problem is going away and the won't have to face that conversation with the client. But usually when they do finally have to tell him it is a much worse conversation than the difficult one they tried to avoid.

How to get scientific results from non-experimental data (datamining?)

I want to obtain maximum performance out of a process with many variables, many of which cannot be controlled.
I cannot run thousands of experiments, so it'd be nice if I could run hundreds of experiments and
vary many controllable parameters
collect data on many parameters indicating performance
'correct,' as much as possible, for those parameters I couldn't control
Tease out the 'best' values for those things I can control, and start all over again
It feels like this would be called data mining, where you're going through tons of data which doesn't immediately appear to relate, but does show correlation after some effort.
So... Where do I start looking at algorithms, concepts, theory of this sort of thing? Even related terms for purposes of search would be useful.
Background: I like to do ultra-marathon cycling, and keep logs of each ride. I'd like to keep more data, and after hundreds of rides be able to pull out information about how I perform.
However, everything varies - routes, environment (temp, pres., hum., sun load, wind, precip., etc), fuel, attitude, weight, water load, etc, etc, etc. I can control a few things, but running the same route 20 times to test out a new fuel regime would just be depressing, and take years to perform all the experiments that I'd like to do. I can, however, record all these things and more(telemetry on bicycle FTW).
It sounds like you want to do some regression analysis. You certainly have plenty of data!
Regression analysis is an extremely common modeling technique in statistics and science. (It could be argued that statistics is the art and science of regression analysis.) There are many statistics packages out there to do the computation you'll need. (I'd recommend one, but I'm years out of date.)
Data mining has gotten a bad name because far too often people assume correlation equals causation. I found that a good technique is to start with variables you know have an influence and build a statistical model around them first. So you know that wind, weight and climb have an influence on how fast you can travel and statistical software can take your dataset and calculate what the correlation between those factors are. That will give you a statistical model or linear equation:
speed = x*weight + y*wind + z*climb + constant
When you explore new variables, you will be able to see if the model is improved or not by comparing a goodness of fit metric like R-squared. So you might check if temperature or time of day adds anything to the model.
You may want to apply a transformation to you data. For instance, you might find that you perform better on colder days. But really cold days and really hot days might hurt performance. In that case, you could assign temperatures to bins or segments: < 0°C; 0°C to 40°C; > 40°C, or some such. The key is to transform the data in a way that matches a rational model of what is going on in the real world, not just the data itself.
In case someone thinks this is not a programming related topic, notice that you can use these same techniques to analyze system performance.
With that many variables you have too many dimensions and you may want to look at Principal Component Analysis. It takes some of the "art" out of regression analysis and lets the data speak for itself. Some software to do that sort of analysis is shown at the bottom of the link.
I have used the Perl module Statistics::Regression for somewhat similar problems in the past. Be warned, however, that regression analysis is definitely an art. As the warning in the Perl module says, it won't make sense to you if you haven't learned the appropriate math.
