Load a TPackage from the Grid - pascal

I have two Library Packages. Both are defined as process nodes in my main project. How do I use them? That is, how can I load my process node packages and create the windows on the Grid?

Just use CreateFromProcessNode constrcutor like this:
var p: TPackage;
p := TPackage.CreateFromProcessNode('YourLibName');
TPackage handles automatically the Grid traffic, and you can use your forms directly as if they were included in your project. For example:
BTW: A) TPackage is documented in the Quick Help and B) You would get a faster answer if you post your question in the Power++ Question forum at gridplusplus.com.


Is it possible to to create an auto complete feature using JS using the yfinance liberary?

I am creating a Flask web application for fun and learning, and I would like to see if I can create a search.html that on input of string will auto complete the ticker symbol and show it as a dropdown list.
I think that the most strightforward way of doing so is to have a varibale with all tickers for a specific exchange e.g. NYSE.
Is it possible to extract the tickers for a specific exchange using yfinance?
It is not possible to extract all the symbols from a stock exchange using yfinance. There are some threads about it, and a few libraries, check this link:

Which is the best way to implement datatable in angular 6

I need to implement Datatable in Angular 6 project. I need to know which is the best way to implement it with full features. As it is confusing as we have multiple options.
I have came across multiple npms. In which i will select this 3 npms as my last options.
1. angular-datatables, 2. angular-6-datatable, 3. datatables.
angular-datatables :- Well documented and many code samples is available, seems like i should go with this. But it is dependent to jquery and would it affect my angular project that is my major concern for this npm.
angular-6-datatable :- Not dependent on jquery, code samples are avialable but not that much.
datatables :- Looks like same as angular-datatables npm
Some one please suggest me the best way to go and why should i select that.
Thanks & Regards
use angular material table it will support all operations like sorting, filter, lazy loading etc..
for more info read
refer live example

Joomla - how can I count all active instances of specific module type?

As the title suggests my question is pretty simple.
Is there a way to count the total number of active module instances of a specific type/kind in Joomla (with a specific module name)?
I know how to count modules in a specific module position using JModuleHelper::getModules, but that is not what I want.
I simply need to count all active modules instances of a specific type/kind.
Does anyone know how to do this (without having to do a manual MySQL query)?
I do not know if there is an official joomla way, but you can do it by having an sql query looking at
Check out this table and you will find out how easy it is.
An example sql would be:
select count(id) from #__modules where module = 'mod_login'
As far as i know there is no joomla method for this. I would recommend (if it has to be done) either
using a crawler to go through all pages of the site counting the instances.
or using a script which goes through the template php files and the database to find all active instances.
Both these methods might not be 100% reliable due to unexpected circumstances (like module being included in article or module included only after a button is clicked on) but could work if you know your site well enough.
Unfortunately there does not seem to be such a function in Joomla.
In my case I needed this to tell me whether or not a instances of this module was > 0 or not.. and my alternative solution was to simply make a module-specific function and then in the module php file check if function is already loaded.

Implementing resource list in WP7

I am porting a JAVA game to WP7. We have lots of images in our game and for loading them in JAVA use a function something like this "Resources.getImage(IMG_BULLETS);" where IMG_BULLETS is ID(an int) of the image.
But in WP7 we have to pass the path(a string) of image in order to load that.
Now my question is :
How to achieve a int-String mapping? so that I dont have to manually change the Id into path.
One possible solution comes in my mind is to have a .txt file having image path and its Id and parse that. But I am sure their is much better solution for this.
Note : we also have a multi-level folder structure for images and other files.
If you really want to refer to resources by int, you are going to have to map them some how to their path. As far as I know, there is no way to crawl your assets, and even if you could, i some how doubt you will get the same index order and you would have to redo your enum.
There are going to be a few hurdles you hit with trying to port and code changes. Another one, (one you will still have even with a txt file work around) will be that the contentManager.Load takes a type, eg, contentManager.Load<Texture2D>('path') returning a Texture2D.
One option would be to create your own singleton 'Resources' class that has get methods that take int to get the appropriate asset, however you will still need a mapping via xml or txt file of somekind. However this will require all your assets being loaded from the start which are more problems of their own (90mb memory limit and really long load time).
My advice would be look at the game development section of the App Hub and have a look at the game state example to help you see how you might be able to structure your game to work well with XNA.

Changing Views in a Module pops me into the Admin Skin

This question has probably been the most covered question in all of DotNetNuke's lifetime but I'm going to ask it here in StackOverflow because I need an answer, a really good one that doesn't make me look the other way. Thanks in advance to all DNN experts.
I've researched many ways of making this work for me and i've seen Michael Washington's solutions (Panels, MultiViews, ...) and Will's (Strohl) blog post on DotNetNuke's personalization engine through setting SkinSrc which is useful, as well as reading through Default.aspx's code which has given me more insight, however, i'm still faced with the problem that calling EditUrl()/NavigateUrl() brings me to a page with a single module in admin skin or a page with nothing respectively.
The specific version is DotNetNuke 6.0.1 (DNN). This Module has 4 other views in addition to the main view which I desire to navigate through sequentially. e.g.
Begin Checkout -> Collection of Delivery Details -> Confim Order
Have you found a solution?
I want to achieve
1) Module loads with other modules around. No module isolation
2) Views in a module that don't Preload e.g. Page_Load in each view gets called when the Module loads up
Assuming you are asking this as the module developer, the solution is to not use DNN's mechanism for specifying a control. So, you can't use EditUrl or specify the ControlKey in the NavigateURL call (which both generate "ctl=mycontrol" in the URL). Instead you need to have your module display your various controls based on the Query String parameters. So, you'll generally have a control in your module who's primary purpose is to dynamically load other controls based on the query string. So, for instance:
You will start with your control that lists items. You'll have a "Buy Now" button for each item. The hyperlink for each item can be generated by calling
NavigateURL(TabID, "", "View=BeginCheckout", "itemid=" & id, "mid=" & mid)
2.) On the page load of the handler control, it looks to see if anything is specified for the "View" Querystring parameter. If not it displays the listing control, if so, it displays the corresponding control.
Dim controlPath As String
Dim path as String = "~/DesktopModules/MyModule/Controls"
Select Case Request("View")
Case "BeginCheckout"
ControlPath = path + "BeginCheckout.ascx"
Case "DeliveryDetails"
ControlPath = path + "DeliveryDetails.ascx"
Case "ConfirmOrder"
ControlPath = path + "ConfirmOrder.ascx"
Case Else
ControlPath = path + "ItemList.aspx"
End Select
If System.IO.File.Exists(Request.MapPath(controlPath)) Then
Throw New Exception("Unable to load selected template. Please go into module settings and select a list and details template.")
End If
Most of the advanced modules for DNN do something along these lines so there's plenty of sample code out there. I would guess some of the core modules do something similar. I adapted the code above from Efficon's Articles module for DotNetNuke.
