Why Binary Search Trees? - data-structures

I was reading binary search tree and was thinking that why do we need BST at all? All the things as far as I know can also be achieve using simple sorted arrays. For e.g. - In order to build a BST having n elements, we requires n*O(log n) time i.e. O(nlog n) and lookup time is O(log n). But this thing can also be achieve using array. We can have a sorted array(requires O(nlog n) time), and lookup time in that is also O(log n) i.e. binary search algo. Then why do we need another data structure at all? Are there any other use/application of BST which make them so special?

Arrays are great if you're talking about write once, read many times type of interactions. It's when you get down to inserting, swapping, and deletion in which BST really start to shine compared to an array. Since they're node based, rather than based on a contiguous chunk of memory, the cost of moving an element either into the collection or out of the collection is fast while still maintaining the sorted nature of the collection.
Think of it as you would the difference in insertion between linked lists versus arrays. This is an oversimplification but it highlights an aspect of the advantage I've noted above.

Imagine you have an array with a million elements.
You want to insert an element at location 5.
So you insert at the end of the array and then sort.
Let's say the array is full; that's O(nlog n), which is 1,000,000 * 6 = 6,000,000 operations.
Imagine you have a balanced tree.
That's O(log n), plus a bit for balancing = 6 + a bit, call it 10 operations.
So, you've just spent 6,000,000 ops sorting your array. You then want to find that element. What do you do? binary search - O(log n) - which is exactly the same as what you're going to do when you search in the tree!
Now imagine you want to allocate -another- element.
Your array is full! what do you do? re-allocate the array with n extra elements and memcpy the lot? you really want to memcpy 4mbytes?
In a tree, you just add another element...

How about sorted insertion time?

In graphics programming if you have extended object(i.e. which represent an interval in each dimension and not just a point) you can add them to the smallest level of a binary tree(typically an octree) where they fit in entirely.
And if you don't pre-calculate the tree/sortedlist the O(n) random insertion time in a list can be prohibitively slow. Insertion time in a tree on the other hand is only O(log(n)).


Why "delete" operation is considered to be "slow" on a sorted array?

I am currently studying algorithms and data structures with the help of the famous Stanford course by Tim Roughgarden. In video 13-1 when explaining Balanced Binary Search Trees he compared them to sorted arrays and mentioned that we do not do deletion on sorted array because it is too slow (I believe he meant "slow in comparison with other operations, that we can run in constant [Select, Min/Max, Pred/Succ], O(log n) [Search, Rank] and O(n) [Output/print] time").
I cannot stop thinking about this statement. Namely I cannot wrap my mind around the following:
Let's say we are given an order statistic or a value of the item we
want to delete from a sorted (ascending) array.
We can most certainly find its position in array using Select or
Search in constant or O(n) time respectively.
We can then remove this item and iterate over the items to the right
of the deleted one, incrementing their indices by one, which will take
O(n) time. [this is me (possibly unsuccessfully) trying to describe
the 'move each of them 1 position to the left' operation]
The whole operation will take linear time - O(n) - in the worst case
Key question - Am I thinking in a wrong way? If not, why is it considered slow and undesirable?
You are correct: deleting from an array is slow because you have to move all elements after it one position to the left, so that you can cover the hole you created.
Whether O(n) is considered slow depends on the situation. Deleting from an array is most likely part of a larger, more complex algorithm, e.g. inside a loop. This then would add a factor of n to your final complexity, which is usually bad. Using a tree would only add a factor of log n, and O(n log n) is much better than O(n^2) (asymptotically).
The statement is relative to the specific data structure which is being used to hold the sorted values: A sorted array. This specific data structure would be selected for simplicity, for efficient storage, and for quick searches, but is slow for adding and removing elements from the data structure.
Other data structures which hold sorted values may be selected. For example, a binary tree, or a balanced binary tree, or a trie. Each has different characteristics in terms of operation performance and storage efficiency, and would be selected based on the intended usage.
A sorted array is slow for additions and removals because, on average, these operations require shifting half of the array to make room for a new element (or, respectively, to fill in an emptied cell).
However, on many architectures, the simplicity of the data structure and the speed of shifting means that the data structure is fine for "small" data sets.

Why do we sort via Heaps instead of Binary Search Trees?

A heap can be constructed from a list in O(n logn) time, because inserting an element into a heap takes O(logn) time and there are n elements.
Similarly, a binary search tree can be constructed from a list in O(n logn) time, because inserting an element into a BST takes on average logn time and there are n elements.
Traversing a heap from min-to-max takes O(n logn) time (because we have to pop n elements, and each pop requires an O(logn) sink operation). Traversing a BST from min-to-max takes O(n) time (literally just inorder traversal).
So, it appears to me that constructing both structures takes equal time, but BSTs are faster to iterate over. So, why do we use "Heapsort" instead of "BSTsort"?
Edit: Thank you to Tobias and lrlreon for your answers! In summary, below are the points why we use heaps instead of BSTs for sorting.
Construction of a heap can actually be done in O(n) time, not O(nlogn) time. This makes heap construction faster than BST construction.
Additionally, arrays can be easily transformed into heaps in-place, because heaps are always complete binary trees. BSTs can't be easily implemented as an array, since BSTs are not guaranteed to be complete binary trees. This means that BSTs require additional O(n) space allocation to sort, while Heaps require only O(1).
All operations on heaps are guaranteed to be O(logn) time. BSTs, unless balanced, may have O(n) operations. Heaps are dramatically simpler to implement than Balanced BSTs are.
If you need to modify a value after creating the heap, all you need to do is apply the sink or swim operations. Modifying a value in a BST is much more conceptually difficult.
There are multiple reasons I can imagine you would want to prefer a (binary) heap over a search tree:
Construction: A binary heap can actually be constructed in O(n) time by applying the heapify operations bottom-up from the smallest to the largest subtrees.
Modification: All operations of the binary heap are rather straightforward:
Inserted an element at the end? Sift it up until the heap condition holds
Swapped the last element to the beginning? Swift it down until the heap condition holds
Changed the key of an entry? Sift it up or down depending on the direction of the change
Conceptual simplicity: Due to its implicit array representation, a binary heap can be implemented by anyone who knows the basic indexing scheme (2i+1, 2i+2 are the children of i) without considering many difficult special cases.
If you look at these operations in a binary search tree, in theory
they are also quite simple, but the tree has to be stored explicitly, e.g. using pointers, and most of the operations require the tree to be
rebalanced to preserve the O(log n) height, which requires complicated rotations (red black-trees) or splitting/merging
nodes (B-trees)
EDIT: Storage: As Irleon pointed out, to store a BST you also need more storage, as at least two child pointers need to be stored for every entry in addition to the value itself, which can be a large storage overhead especially for small value types. At the same time, the heap needs no additional pointers.
To answer your question about sorting: A BST takes O(n) time to traverse in-order, the construction process takes O(n log n) operations which, as mentioned before, are much more complex.
At the same time Heapsort can actually be implemented in-place by building a max-heap from the input array in O(n) time and and then repeatedly swapping the maximum element to tbe back and shrinking the heap. You can think of Heapsort as Insertion sort with a helpful data structure that lets you find the next maximum in O(log n) time.
If the sorting method consists of storing the elements in a data structure and after extracting in a sorted way, then, although both approaches (heap and bst) have the same asymptotic complexity O(n log n), the heap tends to be faster. The reason is the heap always is a perfectly balanced tree and its operations always are O(log n), in a determistic way, not on average. With bst's, depending on the approah for balancing, insertion and deletion tend to take more time than the heap, no matter which balancing approach is used. In addition, a heap is usually implemented with an array storing the level traversal of the tree, without the need of storing any kind of pointers. Thus, if you know the number of elements, which usually is the case, the extra storage required for a heap is less than the used for a bst.
In the case of sorting an array, there is a very important reason which it would rather be preferable a heap than a bst: you can use the same array for storing the heap; no need to use additional memory.

Data structure with O(1) insertion and O(log(n)) search complexity?

Is there any data structure available that would provide O(1) -- i.e. constant -- insertion complexity and O(log(n)) search complexity even in the worst case?
A sorted vector can do a O(log(n)) search but insertion would take O(n) (taken the fact that I am not always inserting the elements either at the front or the back). Whereas a list would do O(1) insertion but would fall short of providing O(log(n)) lookup.
I wonder whether such a data structure can even be implemented.
Yes, but you would have to bend the rules a bit in two ways:
1) You could use a structure that has O(1) insertion and O(1) search (such as the CritBit tree, also called bitwise trie) and add artificial cost to turn search into O(log n).
A critbit tree is like a binary radix tree for bits. It stores keys by walking along the bits of a key (say 32bits) and use the bit to decide whether to navigate left ('0') or right ('1') at every node. The maximum complexity for search and insertion is both O(32), which becomes O(1).
2) I'm not sure that this is O(1) in a strict theoretical sense, because O(1) works only if we limit the value range (to, say, 32 bit or 64 bit), but for practical purposes, this seems a reasonable limitation.
Note that the perceived performance will be O(log n) until a significant part of the possible key permutations are inserted. For example, for 16 bit keys you probably have to insert a significant part of 2^16 = 65563 keys.
No (at least in a model where the elements stored in the data structure can be compared for order only; hashing does not help for worst-case time bounds because there can be one big collision).
Let's suppose that every insertion requires at most c comparisons. (Heck, let's make the weaker assumption that n insertions require at most c*n comparisons.) Consider an adversary that inserts n elements and then looks up one. I'll describe an adversarial strategy that, during the insertion phase, forces the data structure to have Omega(n) elements that, given the comparisons made so far, could be ordered any which way. Then the data structure can be forced to search these elements, which amount to an unsorted list. The result is that the lookup has worst-case running time Omega(n).
The adversary's goal is to give away as little information as possible. Elements are sorted into three groups: winners, losers, and unknown. Initially, all elements are in the unknown group. When the algorithm compares two unknown elements, one chosen arbitrarily becomes a winner and the other becomes a loser. The winner is deemed greater than the loser. Similarly, unknown-loser, unknown-winner, and loser-winner comparisons are resolved by designating one of the elements a winner and the other a loser, without changing existing designations. The remaining cases are loser-loser and winner-winner comparisons, which are handled recursively (so the winners' group has a winner-unknown subgroup, a winner-winners subgroup, and a winner-losers subgroup). By an averaging argument, since at least n/2 elements are compared at most 2*c times, there exists a subsub...subgroup of size at least n/2 / 3^(2*c) = Omega(n). It can be verified that none of these elements are ordered by previous comparisons.
I wonder whether such a data structure can even be implemented.
I am afraid the answer is no.
Searching OK, Insertion NOT
When we look at the data structures like Binary search tree, B-tree, Red-black tree and AVL tree, they have average search complexity of O(log N), but at the same time the average insertion complexity is same as O(log N). Reason is obvious, the search will follow (or navigate through) the same pattern in which the insertion happens.
Insertion OK, Searching NOT
Data structures like Singly linked list, Doubly linked list have average insertion complexity of O(1), but again the searching in Singly and Doubly LL is painful O(N), just because they don't have any indexing based element access support.
Answer to your question lies in the Skiplist implementation, which is a linked list, still it needs O(log N) on average for insertion (when lists are expected to do insertion in O(1)).
On closing notes, Hashmap comes very close to meet the speedy search and speedy insertion requirement with the cost of huge space, but if horribly implemented, it can result into a complexity of O(N) for both insertion and searching.

For faser searching, shouldn't one apply merge sort on the data before doing binary search or just jump straight to linear search?

I'm learning about algorithms and have doubts about their application in certain situations. There is the divide and conquer merge sort, and the binary search. Both faster than linear growth algos.
Let's say I want to search for some value in a large list of data. I don't know whether the data is sorted or not. How about instead of doing a linear search, why not first do merge sort and then do binary search. Would that be faster? Or the process of applying merge sort and then binary search combined would slow it down even more than linear search? Why? Would it depend on the size of the data?
There's a flaw in the premise of your question. Merge Sort has O(N logN) complexity, which is the best any comparison-based sorting algorithm can be, but that's still a lot slower than a single linear scan. Note that log2(1000) ~= 10. (Obviously, the constant-factors matter a lot, esp. for smallish problem sizes. Linear search of an array is one of the most efficient things a CPU can do. Copying stuff around for MergeSort is not bad, because the loads and stores are from sequential addresses (so caches and prefetching are effective), but it's still a ton more work than 10 reads through the array.)
If you need to support a mix of insert/delete and query operations, all with good time complexity, pick the right data structure for the task. A binary search tree is probably appropriate (or a Red-Black tree or some other variant that does some kind of rebalancing to prevent O(n) worst-case behaviour). That'll give you O(log n) query, and O(log n) insert/delete.
sorted array gives you O(n) insert/delete (because you have to shuffle the remaining elements over to make or close gaps), but O(log n) query (with lower time and space overhead than a tree).
unsorted array: O(n) query (linear search), O(1) insert (append to the end), O(n) delete (O(n) query, then shuffle elements to close the gap). Efficient deletion of elements near the end.
linked list, sorted or unsorted: few advantages other than simplicity.
hash table: insert/delete: O(1) average (amortized). query for present/not-present: O(1). Query for which two elements a non-present value is between: O(n) linear scan keeping track of the min element greater than x, and max element less than x.
If your inserts/deletes happen in large chunks, then sorting the new batch and doing a merge-sort is much more efficient than adding elements one at a time to a sorted array. (i.e. InsertionSort). Adding a chunk at the end and doing QuickSort is also an option, and might modify less memory.
So the best choice depends on the access pattern you're optimizing for.
If the list is of size n, then
TimeOfMergeSort(list) + TimeOfBinarySearch(list) = O(n log n) + O(log n) = O(n log n)
TimeOfLinearSearch(list) = O(n)
O(n) < O(n log n)
TimeOfLinearSearch(list) < TimeOfMergeSort(list) + TimeOfBinarySearch(list)
Of course, as mentioned in the comments frequency of sorting and frequency of searching play a huge role in amortized cost.

Fastest data structure for inserting/sorting

I need a data structure that can insert elements and sort itself as quickly as possible. I will be inserting a lot more than sorting. Deleting is not much of a concern and nethier is space. My specific implementation will additionally store nodes in an array, so lookup will be O(1), i.e. you don't have to worry about it.
If you're inserting a lot more than sorting, then it may be best to use an unsorted list/vector, and quicksort it when you need it sorted. This keeps inserts very fast. The one1 drawback is that sorting is a comparatively lengthy operation, since it's not amortized over the many inserts. If you depend on relatively constant time, this can be bad.
1 Come to think of it, there's a second drawback. If you underestimate your sort frequency, this could quickly end up being overall slower than a tree or a sorted list. If you sort after every insert, for instance, then the insert+quicksort cycle would be a bad idea.
Just use one of the self-balanced binary search trees, such as red-black tree.
Use any of the Balanced binary trees like AVL trees. It should give O(lg N) time complexity for both of the operations you are looking for.
If you don't need random access into the array, you could use a Heap.
Worst and average time complexity:
O(log N) insertion
O(1) read largest value
O(log N) to remove the largest value
Can be reconfigured to give smallest value instead of largest. By repeatedly removing the largest/smallest value you get a sorted list in O(N log N).
If you can do a lot of inserts before each sort then obviously you should just append the items and sort no sooner than you need to. My favorite is merge sort. That is O(N*Log(N)), is well behaved, and has a minimum of storage manipulation (new, malloc, tree balancing, etc.)
HOWEVER, if the values in the collection are integers and reasonably dense, you can use an O(N) sort, where you just use each value as an index into a big-enough array, and set a boolean TRUE at that index. Then you just scan the whole array and collect the indices that are TRUE.
You say you're storing items in an array where lookup is O(1). Unless you're using a hash table, that suggests your items may be dense integers, so I'm not sure if you even have a problem.
Regardless, memory allocating/deleting is expensive, and you should avoid it by pre-allocating or pooling if you can.
I had some good experience for that kind of task using a Skip List
At least in my case it was about 5 times faster compared to adding everything to a list first and then running a sort over it at the end.
