Upgrade OpenSSH, OpenSSL, PHP, Apache on Ubuntu 7.10 LTS Hardy Heron - apt

I'm trying to upgrade my versions of the above packages to meet PCI compliance.
I ran apt-get upgrade and almost all of them upgraded but the version numbers stayed the same. Ubuntu 7.10 is Long Term Support so I assume there are these newer patched version available but I can't find them in the official repos.

Probably you have Hardy desktop edition and the LTS is for server edition only
edit: and I agree with Pointy that this is not a programming question and should be on Super User I guess

Looks like LTS doesn't mean they support newer code. I had to upgrade.


Is pytorch 1.7 officially enabled for cuda 10.0?

I had to stay on CUDA 10.0 for personal projects.
Rather than installing Pytorch with versions appropriate for CUDA 10.0, I accidentally installed Pytorch 1.7 supported with CUDA 10.1. In particular, I installed by
pip install torch==1.7.1+cu101 torchvision==0.8.2+cu101 torchaudio==0.7.2 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
Surprisingly, everything works fine so far although the CUDA versions do not match.
To verify my installation, I've run the code given in collect_env.py, and it was fine.
I am just wondering few things.
Did Pytorch team officially comment Pytorch 1.7 is compatible with CUDA 10.0?
Would there be more rigorous ways to verify my Pytorch installation?
Surprisingly, everything works fine so far although the CUDA versions
do not match.
Changes between minor versions should work (mismatch like this worked in my case), although there is no promise of compatibility in 10.x release (source), only since 11.x there will be binary compatibility.
Did Pytorch team officially commented Pytorch 1.7 is compatible with
CUDA 10.0?
Not that I'm aware of, but listed wheels do not include 10.0 CUDA and PyTorch 1.7.0 (latest with 10.0 support seems to be 1.4.0).
Would there be more rigorous way to verify my Pytorch installation?
As above, maybe cloning PyTorch's github repo, reverting to tagged release and running tests (folder here, one of cuda test files here), but for personal projects might be excessive.
The Pytorch Previous Version Log offers installations for CUDA versions 9.2, 10.1, 10.2 and 11. Therefore, CUDA 10 is probably not officially supported.

Updating IBM Websphere and Java 1.7 on windows 2008 Server

I have a task to update web sphere to on a windows 2008 server. I have java 1.7 already installed (and java 6 as well) and all the profiles uses it.
How ever when i try to apply fix patch using IBM installation manager, by default it's installing Java 8 which is not supported on windows 2008.
Is there a way where i can by pass java 8 and install only the fix patch ( from installation manager.
Any pointer/help would be really appreciated. Thanks.
Installation Manager Screenshot:
No, WebSphere requires Java 8, and Java 8 is not supported on Windows 2008 Server. If you must stay with Windows 2008 you can't update WebSphere past More detail here: IBM WebSphere SDK Java Technology Edition 8.0 Minimum Supported Operating Systems
This is what IBM documentation ( https://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27045339 ) says, I did some shortcuts to make key points easier to notice in a long article:
In and later, it is planned that (Java8) SDK will be required for all new installations and all updates (fixpacks).
In (...) prior operating system releases (such as Windows 2008 (...) ) will no longer be supported.
So unfortunately what you are trying to do is not supported:
Although Java7 is still fine as a runtime environment for your servers, for example if your business application is not yet Java8 compatible, you need to have Java8 installed as a default JVM for Websphere "internal" requirements.
You cant have IBM's Java8 installed in Windows2008, which is mandatory for Websphere, that means you cant install Websphere
In the end, I would like to remind you, that you can upgrade to a previous release: Version is 11 fixpacks newer than what you already have, maybe it will suffice for your needs.
Bottom line - upgrade windows to a current version that's not 11 years old. Or, better yet, put it on Linux. WAS is great on Linux! Red Hat, Suse, OpenSuse, Fedora, CentOS are good flavors.

Ubuntu version for laravel

Does Ubuntu 16.04 is the best version to use for Laravel? , There was a time that I was searching for best server for laravel and I across several sites that telling they are using Ubuntu 16.04.
It is not any differences for laravel. But for server I personally prefer Debian.
It's an LTS so thats good because you'll get support until April 2021. You'll need to update your server to PHP 7.1 though.
Ubuntu 17.10 support PHP 7.1 so thats nice. But you'll get security updates and stuff until July 2018.
I'm using 16.04 but if you have a time until 26 of april, I'd wait for the 18.04 LTS stable release

Can i have multiple versions of VMWare PowerCLI in single machine?

In Single Windows Machine, can i have multiple versions of PowerCli installed?
Stay for example. I like to have one version for 5.1 and another version of powercli for 5.5.
Not officially, PowerCLI will automatically upgrade older versions of itself.

Is current ankhsvn version compatible with current svn? version

Running on Windows Server 2008 R2 with Windows 7 client.
I downloaded and installed VisualSVN Server 2.5.2 without a problem. The page here indicates that this is built against Subversion 1.7.2.
I downloaded and installed TortoiseSVN 1.7.3 without a problem. The page here indicates that this is built against Subversion 1.7.2.
Now I would like to install ankhsvn for use with Visual Studio 2010. The latest version is 2.3.10509 and the page here indicates that this is built against Subversion 1.7.1.
Does anyone know if this will run correctly against my SVN server? Or do I need to wait until ankhsvn release a version built agains SVN 1.7.2? If I need to wait, how promptly do ankhsvn releases usually appear?
Source control is obviously critical so I don't want to risk losing any data by "just trying it".
Subversion versioning requires clients to have the same minor version. So any 1.7.X client should be compitable with every other 1.7.Y client.
For the server, any 1.X client will work with any 1.Y client.
Of course it's a good idea to keep things as up-to-date as possible, but you're not risking anything by combining 1.7.1 and 1.7.2.
The release of AnkhSVN based on 1.7.2 will be out in the coming days, the daily builds are already using this.
From what I'm aware of, we had to upgrade SVN on our servers to be compatible with the latest version of ankhsvn. It was a big deal, for the leads let us know we couldn't use ankh until we updated.
We are also using Tortoise.
Hope that helps.
