Writing VB script under HP's QTP-11 - vbscript

I'm still a novice at QTP (still learning even the GUI) and I need to write this VB script under it:
Write a QTP script that:
Browse to Yahoo mailbox
Perform registration process to Yahoo if this is a new user
Perform log in to yahoo mailbox if it is existing user
Send new mail to valid Mailbox
Use English version for the yahoo mailbox.
Use only one action and Implement the code with public sub
procedure and unique Data table
for the test (don't use default
QTP Data table)
Any directions and/or suggestions will be gladley accepted.

Well simple Record action did the trick, but there is no use of public sub procedure and unique Data table.
Is that called a valid test ? Is the only VBS code of this action is the code in the Expert view ?


Power Automate: Send eMail mit Sharepoint attachement

I have a problem creating a flow. All files for the flow are in a sharepoint. In an Excel list, I call up various information such as name, surname, e-mail and also the file name of the e-mail attachment. The e-mail attachment is also stored on the Sharepoint in a different underlying folder. How do I include the attachment in the flow?
The whole flow works fine. However, when I let the attach file be selected dynamically like,
the flow runs into an error:
Without a dynamic attachment (hard coded) it runs through without error:
Here the eMail result - hard coded attachement:
Any idea how to select the attachment dynamicaly?
Thank you very much for your help.
Kind regards
You'll want to use this specific action ...
... there are two and the one I have shown is the one you'll need to use.

Is it possible to get another person's UI in Google Apps Script?

In Google Apps Script when you use the property: DocumentApp.getUi(), it gets the UI of the person who is using it. If you used DocumentApp.getUi().alert(), then it would send an alert to the person who is using the script. I am wondering if there is maybe a way to alert another person's UI in Google Apps Script and not the person who is using the script. Here is a sample of my code:
.alert("Your access is being removed.")
Now it would be wonderful and imagine all the possibilities if that were possible! Someone please help!
It is not possible to access the UI of any browser except the one which invoked the function. This is also why time driven triggers cannot display UI modals (they are executing nonlocally).

TFS Alert when label is created

Can I configure an alert when a TFS Label is created ? I don't find that option in the current predefined alerts. These are the ones I found:
And I want when a label is created:
Send an email notification.
No, this is not possible using the standard Alert features.
I created my own solution! I don't know how much access you have to your on-premise TFS instance, but you need to be able to execute t-sql scripts against the TFS mssql database. My solution is here: https://github.com/Antebios/tfs-label-notification
And when anyone creates a TFSVC label I get an email alert that looks like this:
Basically, I created a database trigger to populate a table. I query that table and send an email out, then mark the label as sent. I also have a trigger to delete form that table just in case the label gets deleted. I wrote the service in .NET Core just in case anyone wants to convert it to run within a container. Let me know if this helps or not.

vbscript to get email address and subject of sender in excel

I am very new to vbscript. My task is to create an excel sheet whenever the new mail comes in . I just want new excel and it should have only 2 fields Subject and Sender. That too only the most recent record .
Any help in this direction is really appreciated
To handle new mail items you can handle the NewMailEx event of the Application class or just create a rule and then assign a macro sub to run when the rule is triggered. The VBA macro should look like the following one:
public sub test(mail as MailItem)
' do whatever you need
end sub
Then you can automate Excel to get the job done. I'd suggest starting from the Getting Started with VBA in Outlook 2010 article in MSDN.

Windows SendTo from script

I'm writing an application where I have to send an email with an attachment using the default mail application.
Before the email is sent, I want the user to be able to edit the text, i.e. the application should just open the mail client with pre-filled recipient and attachment and give the user the opportunity to send it.
At very minimum I need the same effect I'd got if I selected "SendTo/Mail Recipient" from the context menu of the file.
Solutions based on the "mailto:" trick won't work as there are mail clients that do not support the "attachment=" part.
The most complete solution I've found is this one:
but it seems a lot of code for something so simple! (and also crashes when compiled with VS2008)
Is there any other option? It would be ok even if it was an external tool or script (e.g. a .vbs script to be launched with cscript).
I would advise you to use MAPI (Messaging Application Program Interface).
If dotNet can be part of the solution, here's a ready-to-use class in C# : Class for creating MAPI Mail Messages. It would give you something like this:
MapiMailMessage message = new MapiMailMessage("Test Message", "Test Body");
Otherwise, you can always do it in C++ if you feel confortable with it, like this answer suggest.
Then, you will be able to ShellExecute the binary executable and pass it some parameters.
Hope this helps :-)
