Algorithm to validate instruction execution order - algorithm

I'd like to write some simple code that helps to determine if some instructions have been executed in the intended order client-side. This is to make things difficult for anyone wishing to alter behaviour by editing byte code. For example, using a JMP so some instructions are never executed. I'm a bit short on ideas though.
To check if the last two instructions have been run in the correct order something simple like this could be used (pseudo code):
// Variables initialized by server
int lastInt;
// Monitored at regular intervals
// Saves using callback which could be tampered with
boolean bSomethingFishyHere;
int array[20]
execute( array[5], doStuff1() )
execute( array[6], doStuff2() )
// This could be tested remotely with all combinations of values possible
execute( int i, boolean b ){
if( lastInt >= i ){
bSomethingFishyHere = true;
lastInt = i;
I'm at a loss at to what approach could be used to verify if all instructions have been run in the correct order though. Maybe I could add an array and have it populated by the server with some randomly ascending numbers or use some sort checksum. What are your suggestions?

The problem is, that no matter what kind of book-keeping you do, a malicious user can always do the same book-keeping, but skip over the actual doing stuff. If you can do it, so can they. You can rely on external mechanisms, like code-signing to ensure that your executable hasn't been tampered with and CPU protections to prevent on-the-fly modification of the code in memory. But in that case you're only as secure as the platform you're running on.
I'm assuming this is some sort of copy-protection scheme. (If not, feel free to correct me, and you might get some better, more applicable advice). There isn't a fool-proof way to prevent someone from running your software, but you can license an existing scheme where the vendor has already put enough effort into it, that it's not worth it for an attacker to bother, for the most part.
The one way that is pretty much fool-proof, is if you control the code. Run the real meat of the code on your servers, and provide some sort of front end remote client.

This is just to patch some holes in an fps shooter. The designers of the game left some temporary variables that can be changed in the console. Some of them are harmless but others like Texture transparent=true are abusive. What I'm aiming for is to redesign an existing modification so most of the code is on the server as you suggest. The variables in question are set in the "world" that is mimicked by the client. Ultimately, I'm planning to extend some classes so they ignore them and just need to monitor values where this isn't possible.
If you do want a short-term patch, a more practical approach (than the one you are looking at) would to send encrypted bytecodes to the client and using a special classloader to decrypt them on the fly. Beware however that it wouldn't be that difficult for a hacker to reverse engineer the classloader, get hold of the client-side bytecodes, and modify them to install the cheats.
So my advice is that any client-side "patch" to stop users tampering with the bytecodes is never going to be hack-proof. Skip that idea, and go straight to your long term solution of rearchitecting the game so that it is not necessary to trust that the client-side code plays by the rules.


Extending functionality of existing program I don't have source for

I'm working on a third-party program that aggregates data from a bunch of different, existing Windows programs. Each program has a mechanism for exporting the data via the GUI. The most brain-dead approach would have me generate extracts by using AutoIt or some other GUI manipulation program to generate the extractions via the GUI. The problem with this is that people might be interacting with the computer when, suddenly, some automated program takes over. That's no good. What I really want to do is somehow have a program run once a day and silently (i.e. without popping up any GUIs) export the data from each program.
My research is telling me that I need to hook each application (assume these applications are always running) and inject a custom DLL to trigger each export. Am I remotely close to being on the right track? I'm a fairly experienced software dev, but I don't know a whole lot about reverse engineering or hooking. Any advice or direction would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: I'm trying to manage the availability of a certain type of professional. Their schedules are stored in proprietary systems. With their permission, I want to install an app on their system that extracts their schedule from whichever system they are using and uploads the information to a central server so that I can present that information to potential clients.
I am aware of four ways of extracting the information you want, both with their advantages and disadvantages. Before you do anything, you need to be aware that any solution you create is not guaranteed and in fact very unlikely to continue working should the target application ever update. The reason is that in each case, you are relying on an implementation detail instead of a pre-defined interface through which to export your data.
Hooking the GUI
The first way is to hook the GUI as you have suggested. What you are doing in this case is simply reading off from what an actual user would see. This is in general easier, since you are hooking the WinAPI which is clearly defined. One danger is that what the program displays is inconsistent or incomplete in comparison to the internal data it is supposed to be representing.
Typically, there are two common ways to perform WinAPI hooking:
DLL Injection. You create a DLL which you load into the other program's virtual address space. This means that you have read/write access (writable access can be gained with VirtualProtect) to the target's entire memory. From here you can trampoline the functions which are called to set UI information. For example, to check if a window has changed its text, you might trampoline the SetWindowText function. Note every control has different interfaces used to set what they are displaying. In this case, you are hooking the functions called by the code to set the display.
SetWindowsHookEx. Under the covers, this works similarly to DLL injection and in this case is really just another method for you to extend/subvert the control flow of messages received by controls. What you want to do in this case is hook the window procedures of each child control. For example, when an item is added to a ComboBox, it would receive a CB_ADDSTRING message. In this case, you are hooking the messages that are received when the display changes.
One caveat with this approach is that it will only work if the target is using or extending WinAPI controls.
Reading from the GUI
Instead of hooking the GUI, you can alternatively use WinAPI to read directly from the target windows. However, in some cases this may not be allowed. There is not much to do in this case but to try and see if it works. This may in fact be the easiest approach. Typically, you will send messages such as WM_GETTEXT to query the target window for what it is currently displaying. To do this, you will need to obtain the exact window hierarchy containing the control you are interested in. For example, say you want to read an edit control, you will need to see what parent window/s are above it in the window hierarchy in order to obtain its window handle.
Reading from memory (Advanced)
This approach is by far the most complicated but if you are able to fully reverse engineer the target program, it is the most likely to get you consistent data. This approach works by you reading the memory from the target process. This technique is very commonly used in game hacking to add 'functionality' and to observe the internal state of the game.
Consider that as well as storing information in the GUI, programs often hold their own internal model of all the data. This is especially true when the controls used are virtual and simply query subsets of the data to be displayed. This is an example of a situation where the first two approaches would not be of much use. This data is often held in some sort of abstract data type such as a list or perhaps even an array. The trick is to find this list in memory and read the values off directly. This can be done externally with ReadProcessMemory or internally through DLL injection again. The difficulty lies mainly in two prerequisites:
Firstly, you must be able to reliably locate these data structures. The problem with this is that code is not guaranteed to be in the same place, especially with features such as ASLR. Colloquially, this is sometimes referred to as code-shifting. ASLR can be defeated by using the offset from a module base and dynamically getting the module base address with functions such as GetModuleHandle. As well as ASLR, a reason that this occurs is due to dynamic memory allocation (e.g. through malloc). In such cases, you will need to find a heap address storing the pointer (which would for example be the return of malloc), dereference that and find your list. That pointer would be prone to ASLR and instead of a pointer, it might be a double-pointer, triple-pointer, etc.
The second problem you face is that it would be rare for each list item to be a primitive type. For example, instead of a list of character arrays (strings), it is likely that you will be faced with a list of objects. You would need to further reverse engineer each object type and understand internal layouts (at least be able to determine offsets of primitive values you are interested in in terms of its offset from the object base). More advanced methods revolve around actually reverse engineering the vtable of objects and calling their 'API'.
You might notice that I am not able to give information here which is specific. The reason is that by its nature, using this method requires an intimate understanding of the target's internals and as such, the specifics are defined only by how the target has been programmed. Unless you have knowledge and experience of reverse engineering, it is unlikely you would want to go down this route.
Hooking the target's internal API (Advanced)
As with the above solution, instead of digging for data structures, you dig for the internal API. I briefly covered this with when discussing vtables earlier. Instead of doing this, you would be attempting to find internal APIs that are called when the GUI is modified. Typically, when a view/UI is modified, instead of directly calling the WinAPI to update it, a program will have its own wrapper function which it calls which in turn calls the WinAPI. You simply need to find this function and hook it. Again this is possible, but requires reverse engineering skills. You may find that you discover functions which you want to call yourself. In this case, as well as being able to locate the location of the function, you have to reverse engineer the parameters it takes, its calling convention and you will need to ensure calling the function has no side effects.
I would consider this approach to be advanced. It can certainly be done and is another common technique used in game hacking to observe internal states and to manipulate a target's behaviour, but is difficult!
The first two methods are well suited for reading data from WinAPI programs and are by far easier. The two latter methods allow greater flexibility. With enough work, you are able to read anything and everything encapsulated by the target but requires a lot of skill.
Another point of concern which may or may not relate to your case is how easy it will be to update your solution to work should the target every be updated. With the first two methods, it is more likely no changes or small changes have to be made. With the second two methods, even a small change in source code can cause a relocation of the offsets you are relying upon. One method of dealing with this is to use byte signatures to dynamically generate the offsets. I wrote another answer some time ago which addresses how this is done.
What I have written is only a brief summary of the various techniques that can be used for what you want to achieve. I may have missed approaches, but these are the most common ones I know of and have experience with. Since these are large topics in themselves, I would advise you ask a new question if you want to obtain more detail about any particular one. Note that in all of the approaches I have discussed, none of them suffer from any interaction which is visible to the outside world so you would have no problem with anything popping up. It would be, as you describe, 'silent'.
This is relevant information about detouring/trampolining which I have lifted from a previous answer I wrote:
If you are looking for ways that programs detour execution of other
processes, it is usually through one of two means:
Dynamic (Runtime) Detouring - This is the more common method and is what is used by libraries such as Microsoft Detours. Here is a
relevant paper where the first few bytes of a function are overwritten
to unconditionally branch to the instrumentation.
(Static) Binary Rewriting - This is a much less common method for rootkits, but is used by research projects. It allows detouring to be
performed by statically analysing and overwriting a binary. An old
(not publicly available) package for Windows that performs this is
Etch. This paper gives a high-level view of how it works
Although Detours demonstrates one method of dynamic detouring, there
are countless methods used in the industry, especially in the reverse
engineering and hacking arenas. These include the IAT and breakpoint
methods I mentioned above. To 'point you in the right direction' for
these, you should look at 'research' performed in the fields of
research projects and reverse engineering.

Test Driven Development initial implementation

A common practice of TDD is that you make tiny steps. But one thing which is bugging me is something I've seen a few people do, where by they just hardcode values/options, and then refactor later to make it work properly. For example…
describe Calculator
it should multiply
assert Calculator.multiply(4, 2) == 8
Then you do the least possible to make it pass:
class Calculator
def self.multiply(a, b)
return 8
And it does!
Why do people do this? Is it to ensure they're actually implementing the method in the right class or something? Cause it just seems like a sure-fire way to introduce bugs and give false-confidence if you forget something. Is it a good practice?
This practice is known as "Fake it 'til you make it." In other words, put fake implementations in until such time as it becomes simpler to put in a real implementation. You ask why we do this.
I do this for a number of reasons. One is simply to ensure that my test is being run. It's possible to be configured wrong so that when I hit my magic "run tests" key I'm actually not running the tests I think I'm running. If I press the button and it's red, then put in the fake implementation and it's green, I know I'm really running my tests.
Another reason for this practice is to keep a quick red/green/refactor rhythm going. That is the heartbeat that drives TDD, and it's important that it have a quick cycle. Important so you feel the progress, important so you know where you're at. Some problems (not this one, obviously) can't be solved in a quick heartbeat, but we must advance on them in a heartbeat. Fake it 'til you make it is a way to ensure that timely progress. See also flow.
There is a school of thought, which can be useful in training programmers to use TDD, that says you should not have any lines of source code that were not originally part of a unit test. By first coding the algorithm that passes the test into the test, you verify that your core logic works. Then, you refactor it out into something your production code can use, and write integration tests to define the interaction and thus the object structure containing this logic.
Also, religious TDD adherence would tell you that there should be no logic coded that a requirement, verified by an assertion in a unit test, does not specifically state. Case in point; at this time, the only test for multiplication in the system is asserting that the answer must be 8. So, at this time, the answer is ALWAYS 8, because the requirements tell you nothing different.
This seems very strict, and in the context of a simple case like this, nonsensical; to verify correct functionality in the general case, you would need an infinite number of unit tests, when you as an intelligent human being "know" how multiplication is supposed to work and could easily set up a test that generated and tested a multiplication table up to some limit that would make you confident it would work in all necessary cases. However, in more complex scenarios with more involved algorithms, this becomes a useful study in the benefits of YAGNI. If the requirement states that you need to be able to save record A to the DB, and the ability to save record B is omitted, then you must conclude "you ain't gonna need" the ability to save record B, until a requirement comes in that states this. If you implement the ability to save record B before you know you need to, then if it turns out you never need to then you have wasted time and effort building that into the system; you have code with no business purpose, that regardless can still "break" your system and thus requires maintenance.
Even in the simpler cases, you may end up coding more than you need if you code beyond requirements that you "know" are too light or specific. Let's say you were implementing some sort of parser for string codes. The requirements state that the string code "AA" = 1, and "AB" = 2, and that's the limit of the requirements. But, you know the full library of codes in this system include 20 others, so you include logic and tests that parse the full library. You go back the the client, expecting your payment for time and materials, and the client says "we didn't ask for that; we only ever use the two codes we specified in the tests, so we're not paying you for the extra work". And they would be exactly right; you've technically tried to bilk them by charging for code they didn't ask for and don't need.

Should you code to protect your application from bad coders? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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It's no question that we should code our applications to protect themselves against malicious, curious, and/or careless users, but what about from current and/or future colleagues?
For example, I'm writing a web-based API that accepts parameters from the user. Some of these parameters may map to values in a configuration file. If the user messes with the URL and provides an invalid value for the parameter, my application would error out when trying to read from that section of the configuration file that doesn't exist. So of course, I scrub params before trying to read from the config file.
Now, what if down the road, another developer works on this application, adds another valid value for this parameter that would pass the scrubbing process, but doesn't add the corresponding section to the configuration file. Remember, I'm only protecting the app from bad users, not bad coders. My application would fail.
On one hand, I know that all changes should be tested before moving to production and something like this would undoubtedly come up in a decent testing session, but on the other hand, I try to build my applications to resist failure as best as possible. I just don't know if it's "right" to include modification of my code by colleagues in the list of potential points of failure.
For this project, I opted not to check if the relevant section of the config file existed. As the current developer, I wouldn't allow the user to specify a parameter value that would cause failure, so I would expect a future developer to not introduce behavior into a production environment that could cause failure... or at least eliminate such a case during testing.
What do you think?
Lazy... or philosophically sound?
"I just don't know if it's "right" to include modification of my code by colleagues in the list of potential points of failure."
It isn't right to prevent your colleagues from breaking things.
You don't know what new purposes your software will be put to. You don't know how it will be modified in the future.
Instead, do this.
Write simple correct software, put it into production, and stop worrying about somebody "breaking" something.
If your software is actually simple, other people can maintain it without breaking it.
If you make it too complex, they will (a) break it anyway, in spite of everything you do and (b) hate you for making it complex.
So, make it as simple as possible to do the job.
It sounds like you're taking reasonable steps to protect against incompetence by doing some scrubbing of the input. I don't believe that you're responsible for protecting against any possible misuse of your code or bad input. I'd go further than that and say that as long as your code explicitly documents what is and isn't an acceptable input then you've done enough, especially if the added "idiot error checking" code is bloated or (especially) slower.
A procedure that documents exactly what inputs are acceptable is reasonable for an inner api. That being said, I often code (over) defensively, but that's mostly due to the environment I'm in and my level of trust in the rest of the code.
Lazy... or philosophically sound?
Lazy... and arrogant. By coding in a way that makes mistakes show up quickly, you protect the app against your own mistakes just as much as against the mistakes of others. Everyone makes more mistakes than they think.
Of course, rather than adding more code to detect whether the config file and the parameter checking match, it would be much better if the parameter checking were based on the config file so that there's only one place where new values are added and an inconsistency is not possible.
I think it is the future developer's responsibility to ensure that she does not introduce bugs or failure points into your code. When you sign off from the project (if ever?!), then part of the signing process should at least be that the code has been presented as bug free as possible, this would then limit the liability you hold for future problems.
If your code is kept in a version control system, it would be trivial for you to create a tag which would mark the point at which you handed over your code, thus enabling you to compare the current codebase to your original should a bug arise which some one may be trying to blame on you (if this is the angle you're coming from!), therefore allowing you to prove that it is the changes that have been made to your original implementation which has caused these bugs. (Assuming of course that the implementations do cause unexpected behaviour and don't fix your "bug-free" code grin).
One method I have used in the past to ensure data integrity (and it isn't fool proof), is to check an input at specific offsets for specific values, ensuring that input wasn't tainted.
Hope that helps.
Both ways are fine, philosophically speaking. I would make the judgment based on how likely you think it is for this to happen. If you can be almost positive that somebody will break your code in that way, it might be polite for you to provide a check that will catch that when it happens.
If it doesn't seem particularly likely, then it's just part of their job to make sure they don't break the code.
In either event though, your technical notes (or other appropriate documentation) should clearly indicate that when the one change is made, the other change is also required.
I would use an inline comment for future developers, or for a developer like me who tends to forget what was going on in every part of the application after I haven't worked on it for months.
Don't worry about actually coding to foil future coders, that's impossible. Just add all the information someone needs to support or extend what you're doing within the source code context.
This is documentation, as Steve B. mentioned. I'd just make sure it's not external, as that has a tendency to get lost.

How "defensive" should my code be?

I was having a discussion with one of my colleagues about how defensive your code should be. I am all pro defensive programming but you have to know where to stop. We are working on a project that will be maintained by others, but this doesn't mean we have to check for ALL the crazy things a developer could do. Of course, you could do that but this will add a very big overhead to your code.
How do you know where to draw the line?
Anything a user enters directly or indirectly, you should always sanity-check. Beyond that, a few asserts here and there won't hurt, but you can't really do much about crazy programmers editing and breaking your code, anyway!-)
I tend to change the amount of defense I put in my code based on the language. Today I'm primarily working in C++ so my thoughts are drifting in that direction.
When working in C++ there cannot be enough defensive programming. I treat my code as if I'm guarding nuclear secrets and every other programmer is out to get them. Asserts, throws, compiler time error template hacks, argument validation, eliminating pointers, in depth code reviews and general paranoia are all fair game. C++ is an evil wonderful language that I both love and severely mistrust.
I'm not a fan of the term "defensive programming". To me it suggests code like this:
void MakePayment( Account * a, const Payment * p ) {
if ( a == 0 || p == 0 ) {
// payment logic here
This is wrong, wrong, wrong, but I must have seen it hundreds of times. The function should never have been called with null pointers in the first place, and it is utterly wrong to quietly accept them.
The correct approach here is debatable, but a minimal solution is to fail noisily, either by using an assert or by throwing an exception.
Edit: I disagree with some other answers and comments here - I do not think that all functions should check their parameters (for many functions this is simply impossible). Instead, I believe that all functions should document the values that are acceptable and state that other values will result in undefined behaviour. This is the approach taken by the most succesful and widely used libraries ever written - the C and C++ standard libraries.
And now let the downvotes begin...
I don't know that there's really any way to answer this. It's just something that you learn from experience. You just need to ask yourself how common a potential problem is likely to be and make a judgement call. Also consider that you don't necessarily have to always code defensively. Sometimes it's acceptable just to note any potential problems in your code's documentation.
Ultimately though, I think this is just something that a person has to follow their intuition on. There's no right or wrong way to do it.
If you're working on public APIs of a component then its worth doing a good amount of parameter validation. This led me to have a habit of doing validation everywhere. Thats a mistake. All that validation code never gets tested and potentially makes the system more complicated than it needs to be.
Now I prefer to validate by unit testing. Validation definitely happens for data coming from external sources, but not for calls from non-external developers.
I always Debug.Assert my assumptions.
My personal ideology: the defensiveness of a program should be proportional to the maximum naivety/ignorance of the potential user base.
Being defensive against developers consuming your API code is not that different from being defensive against regular users.
Check the parameters to make sure they are within appropriate bounds and of expected types
Verify that the number of API calls which could be made are within your Terms of Service. Generally called throttling it usually only applies to web services and password checking functions.
Beyond that there's not much else to do except make sure your app recovers well in the event of a problem and that you always give ample information to the developer so that they understand what's going on.
Defensive programming is only one way of hounouring a contract in a design-by-contract manner of coding.
The other two are
total programming and
nominal programming.
Of course you shouldnt defend yourself against every crazy thing a developer could do, but then you should state in wich context it will do what is expected to using preconditions.
//precondition : par is so and so and so
function doSth(par)
debug.assert(par is so and so and so )
//dostuf with par
return result
I think you have to bring in the question of whether you're creating tests as well. You should be defensive in your coding, but as pointed out by JaredPar -- I also believe it depends on the language you're using. If it's unmanaged code, then you should be extremely defensive. If it's managed, I believe you have a little bit of wiggleroom.
If you have tests, and some other developer tries to decimate your code, the tests will fail. But then again, it depends on test coverage on your code (if there is any).
I try to write code that is more than defensive, but down right hostile. If something goes wrong and I can fix it, I will. if not, throw or pass on the exception and make it someone elses problem. Anything that interacts with a physical device - file system, database connection, network connection should be considered unereliable and prone to failure. anticipating these failures and trapping them is critical
Once you have this mindset, the key is to be consistent in your approach. do you expect to hand back status codes to comminicate problems in the call chain or do you like exceptions. mixed models will kill you or at least drive you to drink. heavily. if you are using someone elses api, then isolate these things into mechanisms that trap/report in terms you use. use these wrapping interfaces.
If the discussion here is how to code defensively against future (possibly malevolent or incompetent) maintainers, there is a limit to what you can do. Enforcing contracts through test coverage and liberal use of asserting your assumptions is probably the best you can do, and it should be done in a way that ideally doesn't clutter the code and make the job harder for the future non-evil maintainers of the code. Asserts are easy to read and understand and make it clear what the assumptions of a given piece of code is, so they're usually a great idea.
Coding defensively against user actions is another issue entirely, and the approach that I use is to think that the user is out to get me. Every input is examined as carefully as I can manage, and I make every effort to have my code fail safe - try not to persist any state that isn't rigorously vetted, correct where you can, exit gracefully if you cannot, etc. If you just think about all the bozo things that could be perpetrated on your code by outside agents, it gets you in the right mindset.
Coding defensively against other code, such as your platform or other modules, is exactly the same as users: they're out to get you. The OS is always going to swap out your thread at an inopportune time, networks are always going to go away at the wrong time, and in general, evil abounds around every corner. You don't need to code against every potential problem out there - the cost in maintenance might not be worth the increase in safety - but it sure doesn't hurt to think about it. And it usually doesn't hurt to explicitly comment in the code if there's a scenario you thought of but regard as unimportant for some reason.
Systems should have well designed boundaries where defensive checking happens. There should be a decision about where user input is validated (at what boundary) and where other potential defensive issues require checking (for example, third party integration points, publicly available APIs, rules engine interaction, or different units coded by different teams of programmers). More defensive checking than that violates DRY in many cases, and just adds maintenance cost for very little benifit.
That being said, there are certain points where you cannot be too paranoid. Potential for buffer overflows, data corruption and similar issues should be very rigorously defended against.
I recently had scenario, in which user input data was propagated through remote facade interface, then local facade interface, then some other class, to finally get to the method where it was actually used. I was asking my self a question: When should be the value validated? I added validation code only to the final class, where the value was actually used. Adding other validation code snippets in classes laying on the propagation path would be too defensive programming for me. One exception could be the remote facade, but I skipped it too.
Good question, I've flip flopped between doing sanity checks and not doing them. Its a 50/50
situation, I'd probably take a middle ground where I would only "Bullet Proof" any routines that are:
(a) Called from more than one place in the project
(b) has logic that is LIKELY to change
(c) You can not use default values
(d) the routine can not be 'failed' gracefully


I'm about to start out my first TDD (test-driven development) program, and I (naturally) have a TDD mental I was wondering if someone could help guide me on where I should start a bit.
I'm creating a function that will read binary data from socket and parses its data into a class object.
As far as I see, there are 3 parts:
1) Logic to parse data
2) socket class
3) class object
What are the steps that I should take so that I could incrementally TDD? I definitely plan to first write the test before even implementing the function.
The issue in TDD is "design for testability"
First, you must have an interface against which to write tests.
To get there, you must have a rough idea of what your testable units are.
Some class, which is built by a function.
Some function, which reads from a socket and emits a class.
Second, given this rough interface, you formalize it into actual non-working class and function definitions.
Third, you start to write your tests -- knowing they'll compile but fail.
Part-way through this, you may start head-scratching about your function. How do you set up a socket for your function? That's a pain in the neck.
However, the interface you roughed out above isn't the law, it's just a good idea. What if your function took an array of bytes and created a class object? This is much, much easier to test.
So, revisit the steps, change the interface, write the non-working class and function, now write the tests.
Now you can fill in the class and the function until all your tests pass.
When you're done with this bit of testing, all you have to do is hook in a real socket. Do you trust the socket libraries? (Hint: you should) Not much to test here. If you don't trust the socket libraries, now you've got to provide a source for the data that you can run in a controlled fashion. That's a large pain.
Your split sounds reasonable. I would consider the two dependencies to be the input and output. Can you make them less dependent on concrete production code? For instance, can you make it read from a general stream of data instead of a socket? That would make it easier to pass in test data.
The creation of the return value could be harder to mock out, and may not be a problem anyway - is the logic used for the actual population of the resulting object reasonably straightforward (after the parsing)? For instance, is it basically just setting trivial properties? If so, I wouldn't bother trying to introduce a factory etc there - just feed in some test data and check the results.
First, start thinking "the testS", plural, rather than "the test", singular. You should expect to write more than one.
Second, if you have mental block, consider starting with a simpler challenge. Lower the difficulty until it's real easy to do, then move on to more substantial work.
For instance, assume you already have a byte array with the binary data, so you don't even need to think about sockets. All you need to write is something that takes in a byte[] and return an instance of your object. Can you write a test for that ?
If you still have mental block, lower it yet another notch. Assume your byte array is only going to contain default values anyway. So you don't even have to worry about the parsing, just about being able to return an instance of your object that has all values set to the defaults. Can you write a test for that ?
I imagine something like:
public void testFooReaderCanParseDefaultFoo() {
FooReader fr = new FooReader();
Foo myFoo = fr.buildFoo();
That's rock bottom, right ? You're only testing the Foo constructor. But you can then move up to the next level:
public void testFooReaderGivenBytesBuildsFoo() {
FooReader fr = new FooReader();
byte[] fooData = {1};
Foo myFoo = fr.buildFoo();
And so on...
'The best testing framework is the application itself'
I believe that a common misconception amongst developers is, they mistakenly make a strong association between testing frameworks and TDD principles. I would advise re-reading the official docs on TDD; bearing in mind that, there is no real relationship between testing frameworks and TDD. After all, TDD is a paradigm not a framework.
Upon reading the wiki on TDD (, I've come to realise that to an extent things are a little bit open to interpretation.
There are various personal styles of TDD mainly due to the fact that TDD principles are open to interpretation.
I'm not here to say anyone is wrong, but I would like to share my techniques with you and explain how they have served me well. Bear in mind that I have been programming for 36 years; making my programming habits very well evolved.
Code reuse is over rated. Reuse code too much and you'll end up with bad abstraction and it will become very difficult to fix or change something without it affecting something else. The obvious advantage being less code to manage.
Repeating too much code leads to code management problems and oversized code bases. However it does have the advantage of good separation of concerns (the ability to tweak, change and fix things without affecting other parts of the app).
Don't repeat/refactor too much, don't reuse too much. Code needs to be maintainable. It’s important to understand and respect the balance between code reuse and abstraction/separation of concerns.
When deciding whether to reuse code I base the decision on: .... Will the nature of this code change in context throughout the app codebase? If the answer is no, then I reuse it. If the answer is yes or I'm not sure, I repeat/refactor it. I will however revise my codebases from time to time and see if any of my repeated code can be merged without compromising separation of concerns/abstraction.
As far as my basic programming habits are concerned, I like to write the conditions (if then else switch case etc) first; test them, then fill the conditions with the code and test again. Keep in mind there's no rule that you have to do this in a unit test. I refer to this as the low level stuff.
Once my low level stuff is done, I'll either reuse the code or refactor it into another part of the app, but not after testing it very thoroughly. Problem with repeating/refactoring badly tested code is that, if it’s broken, you have to fix it in multiple places.
BDD To me is a natural follow on from TDD. Once my code base is well tested I can easily tweak behaviours by moving entire blocks of code around. Cool thing is about my programming habits is that sometimes I move code around and discover useful behaviours that I didn’t even intend. It can sometimes even be useful for rebranding stuff to seem like a completely different code base.
To this end my code bases tend to start out a bit slow and pick up momentum because as I advance toward the end of development I have more and more code to refactor from or reuse.
The advantages for me in the way that I code is that, I am able to take on very high levels of complexity as this is promoted by good separation of concerns. It’s also awesome for writing highly optimised code. However the well optimised code tends to be a bit bloated, but to my knowledge there is no way to write optimized code without a bit of bloating. If the app doesn't need high processor efficiency, there's nothing stopping me from de-bloating my code. I'm of the opinion that server side code should be optimised and most client side code normally doesn't require it.
Going back to the topic of testing frameworks, I use them to just save a bit of compiler time.
As far as following story boards is concerned, that comes naturally to me without actually considering it. I've noticed most devs develop in the natural order of story boards even when they are not available.
As a general separation of concerns strategy, in most apps I separate concerns based on UI forms. For example I’ll reuse code within a form and repeat/refactor across forms. This is only a generalistic rule. There are times when I have to think outside the box. Sometimes repeating code can serve well for making code processor efficient.
As a little addendum to my TDD habits; I do optimizations and fault tolerance last. I will try to avoid using try catch blocks as much as possible and write my code in such a way as to not need them. For example rather than catch a null, I will check for null, or rather than catch an index out of bounds, I will scrutinise my code so that it never happens. I find that error trapping too early in app development, leads to semantic errors (behavioural errors that don't crash the app). Semantic errors can be very hard to trace or even notice.
Well that’s my 10 cents. Hope it helps.
Test Driven Development ?
So, this means you should start with writing a test first.
Write a test which contains the code like 'how you want to use your class'. This class or method that you are going to test with this test, is not even there yet.
For instance, you could write a test first like this:
public void CanReadDataFromSocket()
SocketReader r = new SocketReader( ... ); // create a socketreader instance which takes a socket or a mock-socket in its constructor
byte[] data = r.Read();
Assert.IsTrue (data.Length > 0);
For instance; I'm just making up an example here.
Next, once you're able to read data from a socket, you can start thinking on how you'll parse it, and write a test in where you use the 'Parser' class which takes the data that you've read, and outputs an instance of your data class.
Knowing where to start writing tests and when to stop writing tests while using TDD, is a common problem when starting out.
I have found that it can sometimes help to write an integration test first. Doing so will help create some of the common objects you will be using. It will also allow you to focus your thoughts and tests, since you will need to start writing tests to make the integration test pass.
When I was starting with TDD, I read these 3 rules by Uncle Bob that really helped me out:
You are not allowed to write any production code unless it is to
make a failing unit test pass.
You are not allowed to write any more of a unit test than is sufficient to fail; and compilation failures are failures.
You are not allowed to write any more production code than is sufficient to pass the one failing unit test.
In a shorter version it would be:
Write only enough of a unit test to fail.
Write only enough production code to make the failing unit test pass.
as you can see, this is very simple.
