Navigate To (CTRL + comma) in Visual Studio does not work - visual-studio

The "Navigate To" function (CTRL + comma) does not work on my solution. It gets stuck on "Found 0 matching results" while the little progress bar stays there but is empty.
I searched for some kind of IntelliSense cache file next to the .sln, but all I found was a .suo file which I deleted but it did not help.
Why is it not working?

I had the same problem. I went to Tools > Options... > Environment > Keyboard and clicked Reset. Yes, it will reset any customizations you had, but I figured that was the problem for me (I had an add-in take over Ctrl-, and even when I disabled the add-in it wasn't working). Resetting the keyboard shortcut customizations did the trick.

The command is not "Navigate-To" but actually Edit-GotoAll and it has the keyboard shortcuts of Ctrl-T and the more known one of Ctrl-, (comma).
Reference Default keyboard shortcuts in Visual Studio
💡 Solution 💡
Here are the steps to resolve
Verify it is working by trying the opposite keyboard shortcut. If both shortcuts do not work type in "Edit Goto All" in the command search/execute box of Visual Studio.
Does the command work? If it does not work then do a reset via Visual Studio Options:
Then verify or add the keyboard command to the command in the mapping after the reset.
Type in "Edit.Goto" in the Window commands containing
Then selected Edit.Goto.All:
If you do not see the mapping (#3)
Add the keystroke in the box where bubble 4 is above and click Assign.
Set OK as shown on bubble step 5.

This is for Chinese user only. This is because of the Sogou Pinyin (搜狗输入法)occupy this shortcut system wide. And it won't release if you just uninstall it.
Go to here to disable it: Language->Advanced settings->Change language bar hot keys
Uninstall it is not working, you need disable that setting then uninstall it.

The Navigate To Feature does not use an on disk cache so that shouldn't be the issue.
The only thing I can think of that would cause this behavior is a bad Visual Studio install. I hate making this suggestion but have you tried repairing the install?

Tools > Options... > Environment > Keyboard and clicked Reset.That will work.If you installed the latest version/framework or re-sharper of visual studio then it may happens...

I just got the same problem and solve it by following the instruction I found here:

For Chinese users, if you are using Sogou Pinyin, you can turn off Ctrl + Comma thru this.

Use spyxx_amd64.exe in this answer should work for most cases.
However, this didn't work for me... For my case, which is caused by language keyboard hotkey setting in Windows. By Sougou Pinyin though I have uninstalled it..
You can unset this in Control Panal (Windows 10):
Region&Language -> Advanced keyboard settings -> Language bar options ->Advanced Key settings panel
Unset all hotkeys you wont use!

For traditional Chinese users, you muse use the old version of new Cangjie.


key bindings visual studio 2013 to switch tabs

I was wondering if there are any hotkeys by default key bindings I can add to Visual Studio 2013 to switch tabs. I know you can ctrl+tab and shift+ctrl+tab to go forward and backwards in VS13's list of open tabs, but I prefer i Xcode or sublime text where you can just cmd+shift+] or cmd+shift+[ to go to the right tab or left tab respectively. Does anyone know if there is a way for this? I can't seem to find one. Thanks.
I guess you can do it. I don't know why I couldn't find this before:
Keyboard shortcuts in VS can be configured in Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard. You can find commands either by searching for their name ("Show commands containing:") or by pressing a known shortcut and seeing which commands it's mapped to ("Press shortcut keys:").
It looks like you need to set Window.NextDocumentNav and Window.PreviousDocumentNav.

Only can type letters in Visual Studio 2008

In my VS2008, suddenly, I can use just letters, no enter, space, delete, backspace, or any other keys.
Any advice how to fix this?
Keyboard is working perfectly in other applications.
I was having this problem several times a day. Make sure the Language setting is set to "Same as Microsoft Windows" under Tools -> Options -> Environment.
ReSharper Options - Environment - General - Clear Caches solved problem.
Close the document that you are working on and reopen it. It works for me when my keyboard seems to be not functioning and i can't type into the current form.
For me the only thing that worked is this solution in this link =>
Just go to tools -> options -> Environment -> Keyboard and click on reset button on the top right corner
Try to remember line number (better ;) ), close the file you want to modify, then re open it.
It happening sometimes to me and that "hack" works perfectly.
It is realy strange behaviour, in my case even the restart of windows was not helpful. the trick was for me to open the project using "File" menu in VS and then open the .csproj not
.sln file.
Disabling Productivity Power Tools and restarting the IDE worked for me.
Should not that it was very shortly after installing Resharper that the problem occurred, having never experienced it before.
It happens to me when I'm close to run out of RAM. Closing processes (not VS) makes keyboard usable again.
I work under a Virtual Machine, On my case I had to close and open the VS again.
Have you been comparing changes before a push/commit? Check if you have any modal windows open. Had the same problem and when I tried to close VS17, it warned me, that I had a modal window that prevented some user inputs. I pressed "ok" to the window, restarted VS and I could again do inputs. I had the exact same error as you - could insert letters, but couldnt fx delete, "end", "home" etc.
I had the same issue with Visual Studio 2017. I was not able to remove code after typing. I just close the Visual Studio and run as administrator. Its working fine for me.
Set another keyword mapping scheme in the
Tools - Options - Environment - Keyboard
Look at your keyboard shortcuts and make sure there isn't anything set to any of the keys you're trying to use. This happened with me when I installed an extension and messed with some keyboard shortcuts and inadvertently set settings sync to 'c' no matter where it was input.
Close vertical or horizontal group.

Enter., Backspace and the navigation keys not responding in Visual Studio 2010 w/ Powertools/Resharper

I have this very annoying problem that in Razor Views the Enter, Backspace and the navigation keys frequently do not respond. I have to restart VS to get it back to normal again. Am I missing something?
I had the same problem and solved it by saving the razor file (Ctrl + S). Once I did this I could use the Enter, Backspace and Navigation keys again.
I believe that Alt + Enter may also work.
I don't often get into this state and the above solution does not solve the underlying problem. I believe that it may have something to do with ReSharper but have not figured out if this assumption is true or not.
There are a number of pages that discuss this type of problem:
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Please try deleting the hidden '.suo' config from the solution folder.
I know this thread was created some time ago, but this may be an useful tip for someone.
This was happening to me in VS 2010, despite not using R#. After digging through those links #Ryan Spears put in his post I have come across a permanent solution Source. (Note that #Maffelu's solution did work for me, but it can switch back if I accidentally hit Left Alt + Shift).
This is also weird because Left Alt + Shift doesn't seem to change it back, so you have to go to the source: a key binding buried in the Windows Control Panel:
Control Panel > Region and Language > Keyboards and Languages > Change Keyboards > Advanced Key Settings > Change Key Sequence > Select "Not Assigned" for both Switching Input Language and Switch Keyboard Layout.
I've seen the same in Visual Studio 2013 and 2015 CTP.
None of the above solutions worked, but restarting Visual Studio did (after displaying the below warning).
I don't use ReSharper and this still happened. Pressing Control + Tab twice worked for me.
Something that worked for me:
Try Tools > Import and Export Settings... then only select Keyboard.
Search for Bkspce and see if it is being used for anything.
I accidentally had something Global bound to Bkspce, Bkspce which caused a very strange problem.
This happened to me when I installed ReSharper to a Visual Studio that has VsVim installed, and I fixed it by doing the following:
Uninstall VsVim
Reset the keyboard mapping to default in Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard
Set the ReSharper keyboard shortcut mapping in ReSharper options. (I use ReSharper 2.x or IntelliJ IDEA), and make sure Enter, Backspace, etc work.
Install VsVim and configure its keyboard options.
This issue occurred for me (in VS 2019) after installing a visual studio extension. So try removing any recently installed extensions.
The extension I used was File Nesting.
Note: System reboot didn't fix the problem.
Resharper could be the reason.None of the solutions above worked for me.
First check if Resharper is the problem.
Simply navigate to Tools > Options > ReSharper > General > Click suspend Resharper.
After taking steps above, if it works now as expected,then your problem could be caused by cache.
Clear cache following by the navigation below.
Resharper > Options > General > Clear caches or erase them manually
Or problem can be caused by not matching script tags in the cshtml.(Weird but it was the case that causes my problem)
If you have too many files open in Visual Studio 2010 then Enter or Backspace key will stop working intermittently. Try closing some files and Enter and Backspace key will start working.

How do I fix this Visual Studio keyboard mapping problem?

Something (who knows, possibly even me, though certainly not intentionally) has changed the keyboard mapping in Visual Studio 2008, and I cannot figure out how to get it back to the default.
The symptom that I see as the problem is that when I type the name of a class which is not in a namespace listed in the using statements at the top of the file, the shortcut to add that namespace to the file (expand tooltip), which is, by default, Ctrl + . (period) has been changed to Shift + Alt + F10. There are probably other key settings changed, but this is one that is really annoying me at the moment.
Ways I have already tried to fix the problem which have not worked
Tools, Options, Environment, Keyboard, press Reset button. (The additional mapping scheme is set to Default, but I have also tried VC #2005; neither fixed the problem.)
Tools, Import and Export Settings, re-import C# developer settings
devenv /reset
Using "repair" from the installer.
I know that I could probably fix just this one key binding by customizing it, but I don't want to do that. I want to reset all of the key binding spec to their default settings.
I figured out the problem: Ctrl + . was remapped by FSI when I installed F#. That's why resetting the key mappings didn't fix the issue: I still had F#. And the answer to which other mappings I've lost is, "Those mapped by FSI" (type FSI in keyboard mappings; there are only two).
I came across the same problem, (Tools-Options->Keyboard) View.ShowSmartTag is the field where you can re-assign the shortcut manually to Ctrl + .
I know it's a few months post date, but that should do the trick.
Do you have a "working" visual studio around? You can export the setting (keyboard only settings) from that machine and import it into your machine.
In the default Visual Studio 2008 C# key bindings, both Ctrl + . and Shift + Alt + F10 map to Show Smart Tag.
You can download Visual C# 2008 Keybinding Reference Poster here.
something that happen to me ...
make sure that "F lock" key on the keyboard (if you one of this) is on.. i didn't sew that i turn it off, and nothing work normal. (F5 - open the open dialog, F10 switch to split mode!)
Did you do something like install ReSharper?
If you did, you can fix this by going through your options for Visual Studio and/or the options for ReSharper (Can't remember now) and simply setting them up to continue using Visual Studio Layouts as opposed to that of the Add-in.

F6 for compiling?

I have become accustomed to using F6 to compile the current document. A third-party install appears to have turned this function off. (F6 no longer does anything.)
Can anyone tell me how to get it back?
I'm using VS2008
Tools > Options > Keybord
This dialog lets you bind keyboard shortcuts to your heart's content. BTW this is how you bind keyboard shortcuts to custom IDE macros as well.
Thanks. The dialog: Tools > Options > Keybord
Allowed me to set the keyboard back to Visual C# 2005. So far, this seems to be what I wanted.
VMware's integrated debugging tool did this to me too. You can change this back to whatever you want, but every time you restart Visual Studio your keyboard shortcuts will be changed again.
The only way I could fix this was to remove the VMware debugging tools.
Its become a habit for me to use Ctrl + Shift + B to build my solutions. I know this doesnt answer your question, but I thought I would point it out.
Another keyboard shortcut is use constantly is Alt + Shift + F10. It opens the drop menu from the little red square under a change (the autocorrect type thing, I'm not sure what its called, also works for autocorrect in all the MS apps)
