How do I disable the blue circle after each click on Windows Vista TouchSmart? - windows-vista

Every time I click (by touching the screen) on my HP TouchSmart with Windows Vista, it registers the click by showing a small blue circle where I clicked. This is interfering with a kiosk application I'm developing on it. Does anyone know how I can disable this?


How do I zoom out in Internet Explorer via Parallels?

I am using Parallels to test IE (IE11 for starters).
My IE browser is at a huge resolution. How can I 'zoom out'?
If I try and use the command +/- I get the magnifier application. Not what I want.
If I change the screen resolution thw indow and background change. But not the IE11 window.
There is no right-click zoom out when on IE11 (in Windows 8.1)
If I shrink down my parallels IE window so that text is similar to a firefox window I have to shrink it down to this (IE11 is the box on the top right):
The trick is to use IE's 'zoom' feature which available within IE under settings which is the small icon with a cog as shown here on the right:
A very useful way to zoom in most any program and any browser is to hold CTRL + MOUSEWHEEL+/- Which will zoom in or out depending on the direction which you scroll the Mousewheel.
This way is the most efficient and will work in a large variety of programs and IDE's.

How do I make a Window invisible while still having a taskbar icon?

For reasons involving stitching a two applications into a single application (with two processes), I need to make the initial Window invisible to the user, while continuing to have an Icon in in the taskbar (where I will use a Win7 API to paint a different preview).
I've tried turning it invisible, but this removes the icon from the taskbar.
The Windows manager prevents me from moving it off screen (unless I subclass and ignore Move).
Setting the opacity to zero and hittest to false removes the icon from the taskbar.
I've hit a brick wall. Any other suggestions on how to do this?

Windows Phone (7+8) how to get a Popup Flyout style?

I've seen a Windows Phone 7 app with a window/popup which shows, after a use choice, half covering the current window, sliding in from the left while it closes when the users taps outside that window. For Windows 8x Store apps, this is a PopUp Control in a Flyout. But this is not available for Windows Phone.The regular pop-up control doesn't slide in with
which does work in a page-to-page transition. I have not succeeded either in closing it when I tap outside the pop-up. I tried adding LostFocus="MyEndPopUp" but that method is never called and also tried to end it on a OnNavigateFrom. What do I miss here?
If anyone could e.g. point me to some sample code doing more or less what I want would be great.

KDE for Windows (7): non-resizable dialogs

the problem: I have to use win7 currently, but I want to use Umbrello UML. Now I have installed the KDE for Windows port and the tool is running. But if there high dialogs poping up or other windows that are not resizeable it could happen that I do not reach the bottom buttons because it is out of scree.
Even if I disabled the window snapping via mouse, I cannot move the window over the top border of the desktop to reach the bottom bar. It is always snapping back to the visible area.
Any ideas how to solve this problem?
Finally found a workaround: is working great. Now I am able to move the window like I want to.

Features in VB6 stop working on one of my multiple monitors

I have 3 monitors with the center monitor being the primary one. When I start VB6 everything works fine on the center and right monitor, but if I maximize the window on the left monitor my scroll wheel (which uses the VB6 mouse wheel fix) and Ctrl+F for the Find window stop working and continue to not work until I drag the window so most of it is on the center monitor. I have not had any issues with any other programs. Any fix for this?
I haven't personally seen the issues you have with a specific monitor not working, but for me (and my Logitech mouse), I have tried the VB6 mouse wheel fix you mentioned and it didn't work.
Instead, I had to use Wheeler. Check out the link for the full description, but the bottom line is it's the only thing that helps me use the mousewheel in the VB6 IDE on any monitor.
