BSD Make and GNU Make compatible makefile - makefile

I have a BSDmakefile and GNUmakefile that are pretty much identical except for dependency management.
The GNUmakefile:
ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS), "clean")
-include $(dependencies)
The BSDmakefile:
.for i in $(dependencies)
.sinclude "${i}"
Is there a way to make it so that I can detect if I am running under gmake or bsdmake and then execute the appropriate include statements based off of that? I remember seeing someone take advantage of a quirk in both makefile processors so that they could achieve a similar effect.
Alternatively, if there is a better approach than this, I would like to know! (switching to SCons or CMake is not appropriate!)

You could put your GNU-specific stuff in GNUmakefile, your BSD-specific stuff in BSDmakefile, and your common stuff in a file named Makefile.common or similar. Then include Makefile.common at the very beginning of each of the other two. Downside is, now you have 3 makefiles instead of 2. Upside, you'll only be editing 1.


Symbols ($(bindir), $(sysconfdir),...) unknown in (sub) Makefiles

I'm working with autotools for the first time, for a tool that's written in perl (SQLTeX), so only installation is required, no compilation.
The toplevel contains a simple
SUBDIRS = src man doc
.PHONY: all-am
#echo "Done!"
If I create files in the sub-directories too, nothing seems to happen there so I just stick to Makefile. A snippet from src/Makefile (EDIT: this file is now renamed to
cat $^ | sed -e 's#{PERLDIR}#$(PL)#;s#{SYSCONFDIR}#$(sysconfdir)#' > $#
#chmod +x $#
The symbol PL is set as expect (defined in the same makefile), but sysconfdir is empty, although it is defined in the top-level Makefile generated by ./configure.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!
What am I doing wrong?
Although the Autotools support, with some caveats, recursing into directories where you provide pre-built makefiles, you cannot expect those pre-built makefiles to be able to rely on autotools-provided variables such as the standard directory variables bindir and sysconfdir. Thus, although it is allowed to rely on hand-written makefiles in subdirectories, this is probably a false trail for you.
I recommend going back to this:
If I create files in the sub-directories too, nothing seems to happen there
and working out what's wrong. The Autotools definitely support generating recursive build systems, and one per directory is part of the usual approach to that. If it didn't work for you then my first guess would be that you forgot to list the extra makefiles in your AC_CONFIG_FILES list.
As an alternative, just because you have multiple directories does not mean that you need to use recursive make. It is quite possible to build such a project with the support of a single makefile, and the Autotools can help with such a makefile.

GNU make with VPATH: target which appears circular, but really shouldn't be

I have a rule in my Makefile which is intended to create a symlink to a file in a different directory:
VPATH = ../source
foo: foo
ln -s $< $#
Even though I intend for the target to resolve to ./foo and the dependency to resolve to ../source/foo, I understand why make sees it as circular. Is there a way to express this rule in a way that is not circular?
Note that the link does not depend on the changes of the link target; it only needs to exist. Therefore, there is no ordinary prerequisite needed at all, and the simplest fragment to do what you want would be
ln -sf ../source/$#
However, this won't work correctly if you still need your VPATH for other purposes. If that is so, then it seems to me the simplest way would be to ignore VPATH for this rule by using absolute path:
VPATH := ../source
ln -sf ../source/$(#F)
Finally, if the file ../source/foo is also a target which is generated by Make, then maybe the best way would be:
VPATH := ../source
$(CURDIR)/foo: | ../source/$$(#F)
ln -sf $|
Note that we are not depending on the changes of the prerequisite here, only on the existence of it.
By the way, the reason why I am using -f option is because, Make should support -B option. That option will not work unless you use -f here.
I think what you're trying here falls under the category of "VPATH abuse".
My experience is repeatedly pointing me toward the mantra "explicit is better than implicit" and this is one of the reasons why. Contrary to the assertions in the GNU make Manual, my experience has led me to believe that in larger, more complex projects, you need to be more explicity, not less, because the size makes it more difficult to locate files, unless their path is explicit.
I also believe that a lot of the need to use VPATH stems from the use of recursive make, where you're not building complete dependency trees; write your build system properly and you just don't need VPATH at all.
On a related subject, I'm a firm believer in only specifying one or two -I directories: your top-level src/ and include/ directories and make all inclussions relative to these paths. Again, on larger, more complex projects, seing #include "my/really/cool/thing.h" is soooo much informative than simply #include "thing.h".
That said, I am open to the idea of using VPATH for libraries, especially system libraries, because you can use the -lfoo syntax, but I wouldn't want to use it as a general rule, because it could threaten build reproducibility.

find make target in makefile

I currently have this in my makefile:
ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean)
-include $(DEPS_debug)
-include $(DEPS_unittest)
-include $(DEPS_release)
The DEPS_ collections are all quite large since they are generated by gcc, so I'd like to only include those dependencies when absolutely necessary.
As it is now, any time I use this makefile to do anything other than cleanup, it incurs a two-second wait due to the loading of all the dependency files. Yes, it is probably unnecessarily checking a myriad of library headers for changes but I'll be damned if it doesn't work so well already that I don't want to screw with it.
I'd like to -include only $(DEPS_debug) when my make target is debug, etc.
Is there a better variable than MAKECMDGOALS I can make use of? An issue I forsee is that if I use MAKECMDGOALS to predicate the inclusion of my dependencies, if I later add an entry to the makefile foo: debug release and run make foo it won't load any of them!
How do you generate your dependencies?
gcc -M ... source.c
gcc -MM ... source.c
The former lists the headers from /usr/include; the latter doesn't.

makefile conditionals

Note: using MinGW's make (should be GNU make)
i have a couple of -include statements in my makefile to import dependencies which were generated using g++ -MM. However I would like to only do this when necessary. I have several different build targets and I don't want all of their respective dependency files to be included since this takes a while (suppose I'm running make clean: no need to include them in this case)
Here's the format of my makefile.
DEPS_debug = $(patsubst %.cpp,build_debug/%.d,$(SRC))
OBJ_debug = $(patsubst %.cpp,build_debug/%.o,$(SRC))
all: program_debug
-include $(DEPS_debug) #make: include: Command not found
program_debug: $(OBJ_debug)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OBJ_debug) -o $#
If you really don't want to include those files needlessly, you have a couple of options:
You can put in a conditional as Diego Sevilla suggests (but I would recommend using MAKECMDGOALS so that you can write a more flexible version, specific to targets, e.g. you'll include foo.d if and only if you're making foo.o).
You can use make recursively (heresy!), invoking $(MAKE) for each target object, using a makefile that includes that target's dependencies.
But actually including the file takes negligible time, it's the rebuilding of the file (automatic for any included file that's out of date) that takes time.
If needless rebuilding is what you want to avoid, you can use a very clever trick. When must foo.d be rebuilt? Only when something about foo has changed. But in that case foo.o must also be rebuilt. So don't have a seperate rule for foo.d, just rebuild it as a side effect of making foo.o. That way you can include all dependency files and not waste time rebuilding them if they aren't needed.
I'm astounded that merely including these files can add 2-3 seconds to make clean. My last paragraph is off the mark, so let me expand on the first two options.
If all is the only target for which these files should be included, and you make all from the command line (and not e.g. make all tests tarball install kitchenSink), then this will do it:
ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),all)
-include $(DEPS_debug)
Note that this will not include foo.d if you make foo.o. You can write a more sophisticated conditional, something like
$(foreach targ,$(MAKECMDGOALS),$(eval $(call include_deps $(targ)))...
but that's pretty advanced, so let's get a simple version working first.
If you'd rather avoid the conditional and use recursive Make, the simplest way is to split the makefile in two:
$(MAKE) -f makefile.all
rm whatever
...other rules
DEPS_debug = $(patsubst %.cpp,build_debug/%.d,$(SRC))
OBJ_debug = $(patsubst %.cpp,build_debug/%.o,$(SRC))
-include $(DEPS_debug)
all: program_debug
program_debug: $(OBJ_debug)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OBJ_debug) -o $#
Indenting a line by a TAB makes make think it's a command to be passed to the shell (as you found out). It doesn't work that way.
The - in front of include suppresses errors that might result from DEPS_debug not existing (e.g. when running clean or release without having had a dependency-file-generating call first). Since DEPS_debug is not a dependency of those rules (clean / release), your dependency files do not get generated when you call them, and everything is fine. I don't really see the problem you're having - you don't have to make the include conditional.
Perhaps you'd like to change your approach, though. Instead of having a seperate *.d target, with a seperate -M preprocessor pass, you might want to try something like -MMD -MP which generates the dependency files inline during code generation, in your standard *.c -> *.o pass.
(I know this sounds completely wrong at first, but when you think about it, it makes sense. Makefile logic is a bit backwards that way, unless you're familiar with functional programming.)
includes are independent of the rules, as they are makefile indications, not compilation indications. You can, however, use makefile conditionals based on special makefile variables such as MAKECMDGOALS, that is set to the default goal:
ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),all)
-include whatever
This is included when no default goal is specified. You can change the condition to specify the exact goal you want to check to include other sub-makefiles.

Separating objects and source with a makefile

I have been having troubles getting my makefiles to work the way I want. First off, I would like to say this is POSIX make, as in I am needing my build system to work with both BSDs and GNUs(Linux).
What I am wanting is a zero maintenance makefile. I want it to just compile all .c and .asm files in src/ and place the object files in objs/ and then to link everything in objs/ to a binary file.
I can do a lot, but I can't get it to separate the source and obj files.
I am ok if this requires a little built-in shell scripting (using POSIX defined /bin/sh), but I can just not get the dependencies to work right. I want it to only build the object file if the source file is newer.
My closest is this:
${C_OBJS}: ${HDRS} ${*:objs/%=src/%}.c
${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c ${*:objs/%=src/%}.c -o $*.o
This has the problem that I must still specify C_OBJS=objs/foo.o and such and also it is just barely not POSIX and therefore, compiles with BSD make but not GNU make.
The POSIX version of make does not explicitly support file names with slashes in them, nor does it make provision for separating source files in a different directory from the object files. And, as noted by #caskey, it does not support any notation using '%' characters, though it notes that such rules exist and recommends that they be reserved for use as metacharacters.
Consequently, you probably cannot do what you want with standard POSIX make.
In practice, you can often do what you seek with specific implementations of make, but the resulting makefile has limited portability.
Consider using a makefile generation systems of some sort - cmake or the auto-tools (autoconf, libtool, automake, etc). Or one of the many reworkings of the basic concepts of make:
...and a dozen I've forgotten or not heard of...
POSIX make doesn't support constructs like?
objs/%.o : src/%.c
${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c $< -o $#
Forgot the question mark at the end, hope that makes my comment more clear.
