Updating multiple projects using svn:externals - visual-studio

I am using VisualSVN in Visual Studio, VisualSVN Server on Windows, and of course, TortoiseSVN. I wanted to know what the best method of sharing multiple projects over multiple solutions was, and if there was a better method.
My Repository kind of looks like this (not their real names):
To create a new site that contains common projects:
Create Repository in SVN-Server, e.g. "Customer3.Site"
Create Web site using Visual Studio 2008, named "Customer3.Site", VisualSVN used to commit to the repository created in step (1).
Edit properties of Customer3.Site and specify the necessary projects as svn:externals, e.g. "Library.Common", "Library.DB", etc.
Perform an update, to get these external projects, and add them to my solution in Visual Studio, add the necessary references to the Customer3.Site web project and hit build.
So far so good.
The Problem
All this works fine, I am happy that if I have to modify any of the core Library projects I can do so right in the same environment and commit them to the repository. As more and more customer sites are built, I will then have to keep track of what I've done and remember to SVN Update and rebuild those sites which seems quite a long-winded task.
Is there a better way of doing this, a more best-practice solution? Am I breaking any fundamental SVN laws by doing it this way? I want to find a good solution that doesn't cost too much time and isn't overly complex either.

I've been facing a similar issue ... I am setting up a base install package for WordPress, something we would use to quickly get a site setup, it contains the core of wordpress + a set of baseline plugins, both third party and custom ones we've created. Everything pretty much comes from SVN.
Different plugins have different versions/tags and to setup an svn external pointing to a specific tagged version per project would be a nightmare ... only to then have to go into each and every project and do a property adjustment and then an update.
What going to be implementing is a vendor branch with specific versions as needed. All I should then have to do is update the client sites, since they will always be pointing to the latest versions (under my control in the vendor branches).
As to your problem, and also in my case: I would probably write a commit script to update all projects automatically when something in the vendor branch is updated.


Least-impact solution to binary references in VCS

We are using TeamCity 2017.1 and have been using it for years with great joy. A long time ago, someone decided that all third-party binaires should be put into Subversion (our VCS of choice).
This has worked fine, but over time this repos has grown quite large, and combined with our being better and better at using TeamCity, we now have dozens of build configurations which all uses third-party binaries.
Our third-party folder is called Department and is around 2.6 GB in size. As such this is not so bad, but remember that this folder is used by pretty much every single project on the build server!
Now, I will agree with everyone that says that we should use Nugets, network shares etc., and that would work great with new projects. However, we have a lot of history and we cannot begin to change every single solution and branch.
A co-worker came up with the idea, that IF we made a single build project that in reality did nothing but keep a single folder updated with our Department stuff. Then we just need to find a way to reference this, without have to change all our projects and solutions.
My initial though is using Snapshot dependencies and then create a symbolic link as the first build step and remove it as the last, in order to achieve the same relative levels.
But is there a better way? What do other people do?
And keep in mind, that replacing with nugets or something else is not an option.
Let me follow the idea of your colleague and improve it. There would be a build configuration that monitors the Subversion repository and copies packages to a network share. That network share will be used by development teams as nuget repository. Projects that will convert their dependencies from Binary reference to nuget reference will enjoy faster build. When all the teams will use nuget repositories you may kill that Subversion.

Publish a specific revision using CruiseControl.Net

I am setting up a CruiseControl.Net server. So far, it only builds a project (.Net website), and I kind-of know how to set up unit testing, code coverage, etc in the future.
What I will need to have soon is this:
The developers commit changes to SVN continually, thus CCNet builds often.
CCNet will publish the latest version to the development server, as soon as a commit is validated (with unit tests etc).
The project manager validates a specific version, in order to publish it to the pre-production server, and create a SVN tag from this revision.
The last point is where my problem lies: how exactly can I set up things so the project manager can, for instance, browse to the CCNet web dashboard, select a previous specific build, and says "this is the build I want to publish" ?
I believe that my thinking is flawed somewhere, but I can't put my finger on it. Maybe CCNet is not the right place to do these manipulations ?
In my mind, I can create a SVN tag using CCNet, and mostly work from the trunk, but maybe I can't ? Maybe it's the other way around, and I should add a CCNet project every time a tag is created under SVN ?
The final goal is that I want to automate the publication process: zip creation (for archiving), web.config modification (using Nant for instance), and website publication (using FTP).
In all these steps, I want to limit the manual intervention to the maximum. If I can avoid to add a new project to CCNet every time a tag or branch is created in SVN, that would be awesome.
Thanks for your help, and sorry if it's not very easy to read, but it's not very clear in my head either...
Since you can create any task, you should be able to achieve the goal, though unfortunately not out-of-the-box.
Since you use SVN, it all depends actually on revision. I think I'd create a separate project for your third scenario and added a parameter where PM would provide revision number. Then based on that I'd tag sources etc. in my own task.
Regarding the other points, I think this is similar. Recently for web projects we started using MSDeploy, and in each stage build the MSDeploy package was created. Then there was a separate build called Deploy, that when forced allows us to select which package we want to deploy using MSDeploy.
Having several environments, however, started a little bit like overkill for managing with CCNet, and I'll be looking into kwakee at some time.

What is the recommended way to setup projects like this?

We are working on a large project. The project has multiple external sites and multiple internal sites all stored in Subversion.
The external sites allow a customer to make requests of various things we provide, pay utility bills and more. We decided to break many of these functions apart because most work completely different than the others. So this is one Visual Studio solution with the WebUI and the database layer broken into two projects each. For instance, utility billing has a Utility.WebUI project and a Utility.Domain project. All DB/business logic is kept in the domain project.
The internal sites bridge the gap between the back-office system (IBM i) and the web database. Also will replace/enhance some of our older RPG programs. In theory they should use the exact same database logic that the external sites use because they access the same database right? What is the best way to reference these projects from a different solution? Should I just add a reference to the dll or should I import that project from the external application solution into the internal application solution?
This comes down to that we have two developers working on this project. Myself, I do most of the back-end coding. The other developer does most of the GUI coding. So we need to make sure that this project works on multiple workstations.
Does this make sense? Any thoughts?
Use the svn:externals property to reference the shared project into your project(s).
You have to choose between 1) referencing the directory containing the shared project's source code (i.e. where the csproj and cs files are located) or 2) referencing the directory containing the shared project's build output (assembly / dll).
I normally prefer method 1) since it makes modifications to the shared project's source code easier (you can make changes without having to open the shared project's solution in a second instance of Visual Studio). If you don't intend to make changes to the shared project often then method 2) might be better. It reduces compile time and prevents accidental modifications of the shared project's source code. Both methods are fine - matter of taste.
It is recommended for both methods that you version your shared project. i.e. create tags with version numbers and reference the tags, not the trunk. When a new version of the shared project comes out you can update the svn:externals property of your other project(s) with the new version number, run "svn update" to download the new version of the shared project, and recompile. This works especially well if you have a build server for the shared project that does the tagging for you automatically.
I think you can use a sort of "commons" solution that contains the common projects and then refer to these projects in you main solutions using SVN external pointing to the project folder in the SVN trunk.
Commons SVN repository must follow the suggested repository structure (trunk, branches, tags) to have always stable commons projects.
In this scenario you can consider to use a dependency management tool, such as NPanday or NDepend, where you must declare to which version of which assemblies every project depends on; using these tools you can have a local repository (such as Artifactory or Nexus) of binary assemblies to refer to, or choose to use SVN externals to refer directly to source code.

How to deal with Git Submodules in Visual Studio solutions with different layout?

We develop with Visual Studio 2010 (in C#) and migrated a while ago from SVN to GIT. Now we try to split up our repository (which is quite big - ~30.000 files) to many git repositories - one for each solution.
The solutions share some projects, mostly libraries we develop in-house and like to add to from all the solutions.
The new repositories have a flat layout. One subdirectory for each project (shared projects are submodules).
In the big old repo, the projects are in a tree structure.
The Problem occurs with external references in the submodules. In the new repos, the path to a referenced project may be "......libs\someproject", while in the new layout the correct path would be "..\someproject".
We already had some edit wars concerning this and are not keen on more.
Half-baked Solutions I could think of:
use "Reference Paths" in ...csproj.user and exclude this file from version control (has to be redone for each developer and after each reopsitory cleanup)
use branches for each situation and try to teach everyone where "real" commits should go and where "environment-change" commits should go (submodules are already not the simplest concept...)
embed binaries instead of the submodules (but what about developing changes to the submodules? what about different log4net versions?)
Does anyone know of a sane solution?
Since you are asking for a sane solution, I can only advise you to look into setting up your own NuGet service (look at http://www.MyGet.org for inspiration)
IF you go down the route of package management, consider OpenWrap. However, embedding the package management artefacts in source code is a bad idea. You can use such tools to update what is actually stored in submodules, but don't rely on them at build time. Expect the binaries to be there from the point of view of your build scripts.
So if I understand you correctly, the problem is with Visual Studio and not with Git? If that's the case, use the old tree structure that worked with Visual Studio. Make your submodules structure a tree structure too. So the top of the tree would be one super repo whose sub modules (the branches) would have submodules of their own, until you get down to the leaves of your tree. It would be a pain to setup at first, but it should just work.
Use one submodule to house all "common libraries". Just one level. But you should move the common libraries as services with well defined contracts. This way you can incrementally rollout new versions with no down time. This way you only have a submodule in each that holds the contracts. These could be interfaces or messages.
I have a similar problem using VS 2013.
I want to use git-svn instead of SVN directly. SVN has a gigantic set of directories. I could not create a single git-repository that would contain all of our trunk folder. Git-always exited with an error and the repository was corrupted. I worked around the problem by doing as follows:
Using git-svn, I cloned the subset of folders off SVN/trunk that I needed by creating one git-repository per folder.
Created a local parent git repository that contains all my git-svn-cloned folders.
Each git-repository was added as a sub-module to the parent git-repository.
The problem with Visual Studio is that it does not recognize the multiple projects outside the main project where I opened the solution. This solution is in a folder that contains the only files recognized by Visual Studio as being under git-source control.
I tried setting the git-preferences to use the upper level parent directory as the location of the git-repostitory without noticing any difference.

Migrating from SVN to TFS (what to do about externals)

So we are trying out TFS right, for the most part you can pretty much figure it out, we created a test project and added it etc. All went well. The thing I haven't really grokked is what to do about externals, we have two large projects and they both reference a shared core project, and then some of the other parts of those two solutions are separate projects themselves which of course are externals as well.
We don't care about the history (we are at a point where we can make a clean break) so I was planning to go the route of 1) create new TFS 2) add projects exported from SVN.
Again my question is how to handle the externals - If someone coule point me in the right direction that would be great.
Unlike Subversion, TFS branches exist in "path space." So, you could check in your "externals" and create a branch for each distinct version of them you want to reference. Then, you can configure your workspace to reference the appropriate version from the corresponding branch path. Alternatively, you could consider managing these components via NuGet, setting up a private NuGet feed (can be as simple as a UNC path).
