Send a MouseEvent to a NSView (WebView) from code - cocoa

i am trying to send mouseevent (MouseClick or RightMouseClick) to a NSView... in my case a WebView, that contains a loaded Website. I want to script some clicks on links etc. How is it possible to create a NSEvent and send it to the WebView to perform clicks?
Thanks a lot

This is a bit late; maybe you found it, maybe you didn't. I recently had to figure this out, though, so I'll document it here and hopefully help someone.
NSPoint where;
where.x = x;
where.y = y;
NSView* resp = [someView hitTest:where];
NSEventType evtType = NSLeftMouseDown;
NSEvent *mouseEvent = [NSEvent mouseEventWithType:evtType
context:[o->helper context]
[resp mouseDown:mouseEvent];


How to accept a mouse click for one portion and let click-though the rest of an NSWindow

I have the code below for a subclassed NSWindow, there is an animated view which can be scaled and I want to accept click when it is clicked at the right spot and reject (click through) if it is outside.
The code below works nice except the window does not let clicks through.
- (void)mouseDragged:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
if (allowDrag) {
NSRect screenVisibleFrame = [[NSScreen mainScreen] visibleFrame];
NSRect windowFrame = [self frame];
NSPoint newOrigin = windowFrame.origin;
// Get the mouse location in window coordinates.
NSPoint currentLocation = [theEvent locationInWindow];
// Update the origin with the difference between the new mouse location and the old mouse location.
newOrigin.x += (currentLocation.x - initialMouseLocation.x);
newOrigin.y += (currentLocation.y - initialMouseLocation.y);
if ((newOrigin.y + windowFrame.size.height) > (screenVisibleFrame.origin.y + screenVisibleFrame.size.height)) {
newOrigin.y = screenVisibleFrame.origin.y + (screenVisibleFrame.size.height - windowFrame.size.height);
// Move the window to the new location
[self setFrameOrigin:newOrigin];
- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
screenResolution = [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame];
initialMouseLocation = [theEvent locationInWindow];
float scale = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] floatForKey:#"widgetScale"]/100;
float pX = initialMouseLocation.x;
float pY = initialMouseLocation.y;
float fX = self.frame.size.width;
float fY = self.frame.size.height;
if (pX>(fX-fX*scale)/2 && pX<(fX+fX*scale)/2 && pY>(fY+fY*scale)/2) {
allowDrag = YES;
} else {
allowDrag = NO;
In Cocoa, you have two basic choices: 1) you can make a whole window pass clicks through with [window setIgnoresMouseEvents:YES], or 2) you can make parts of your window transparent and clicks will pass through by default.
The limitation is that the window server makes the decision about which app to deliver the event to once. After it has delivered the event to your app, there is no way to make it take the event back and deliver it to another app.
One possible solution might be to use Quartz Event Taps. The idea is that you make your window ignore mouse events, but set up an event tap that will see all events for the login session. If you want to make an event that's going through your window actually stop at your window, you process it manually and then discard it. You don't let the event continue on to the app it would otherwise reach. I expect that this would be very tricky to do right. For example, you don't want to intercept events for another app's window that is in front of yours.
If at all possible, I recommend that you use the Cocoa-supported techniques. I would think you would only want clicks to go through your window where it's transparent anyway, since otherwise how would the user know what they are clicking on?
Please invoke an transparent overlay CHILD WINDOW for accepting control and make the main window -setIgnoresMouseEvents:YES as Ken directed.
I used this tricky on my app named "Overlay".

In Xcode, how can I make one button change the image to different images in one UIImageView?

I have looked on google and stack flow, and although I have found similar responses, I am still no more wiser then before I set out my hunt for the solution to this problem.
I have one button, that each time pressed I want it to show the next image.
I believe I have to set up an array of all of the images I have in my project to do this, then maybe something like a counter for the button so it knows which image to show in the UIImageView.
So the project is something like this:
1 x view controller, with 1 x UIImageView, 1 x button, and say 5 images.
UIImageView takes up the whole screen, image 1 displayed in UIImageView, button pressed, displays image 2, button pressed again displays image 3, and so on until you get to image 5, once at image 5, if you press the button again, it will go back to the start (image 1).
I am so new that I would like some example code to help please, not to copy and paste but to study to see how it works, and how I can implement similar within my app.
I hope this makes sense. I'm not up with the lingo yet, so idiot proof advise would be good.
Ok I just whipped up some example for you here
Define in .h
UIButton *b;
UIImageView *i;
NSArray *a;
int count;
and write these in .m
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
b = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeRoundedRect];
b.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 100 ,100);
[b addTarget:self action:#selector(changeImage) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
[self.view addSubview:b];
i = [[UIImageView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 100, 100, 100)];
[self.view addSubview:i];
a = [NSArray array];
//init array with images what you have
count = 0;
[i setImage:[a objectAtIndex:count]];
-(void) changeImage{
count = ++count%5;
[i setImage:[a objectAtIndex:count]];
Do not follow my naming convention, it was an example. You should write it out nicely.
This should work once you put in the images. Let me know if you have a question but please do google before asking anything.

NSButton subclass that responds to right clicks

I have an NSButton subclass that I would like to make work with right mouse button clicks. Just overloading -rightMouseDown: won't cut it, as I would like the same kind of behaviour as for regular clicks (e.g. the button is pushed down, the user can cancel by leaving the button, the action is sent when the mouse is released, etc.).
What I have tried so far is overloading -rightMouse{Down,Up,Dragged}, changing the events to indicate the left mouse button clicks and then sending it to -mouse{Down,Up,Dragged}. Now this would clearly be a hack at best, and as it turns out Mac OS X did not like it all. I can click the button, but upon release, the button remains pushed in.
I could mimic the behaviour myself, which shouldn't be too complicated. However, I don't know how to make the button look pushed in.
Before you say "Don't! It's an unconventional Mac OS X behaviour and should be avoided": I have considered this and a right click could vastly improve the workflow. Basically the button cycles through 4 states, and I would like a right click to make it cycle in reverse. It's not an essential feature, but it would be nice. If you still feel like saying "Don't!", then let me know your thoughts. I appreciate it!
EDIT: This was my attempt of changing the event (you can't change the type, so I made a new one, copying all information across. I mean, I know this is the framework clearly telling me Don't Do This, but I gave it a go, as you do):
// I've contracted all three for brevity
- (void)rightMouse{Down,Up,Dragging}:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
NSEvent *event = [NSEvent mouseEventWithType:NSLeftMouse{Down,Up,Dragging} location:[theEvent locationInWindow] modifierFlags:[theEvent modifierFlags] timestamp:[theEvent timestamp] windowNumber:[theEvent windowNumber] context:[theEvent context] eventNumber:[theEvent eventNumber] clickCount:[theEvent clickCount] pressure:[theEvent pressure]];
[self mouse{Down,Up,Dragging}:event];
UPDATE: I noticed that -mouseUp: was never sent to NSButton, and if I changed it to an NSControl, it was. I couldn't figure out why this was, until Francis McGrew pointed out that it contains its own event handling loop. Now, this also made sense to why before I could reroute the -rightMouseDown:, but the button wouldn't go up on release. This is because it was fetching new events on its own, that I couldn't intercept and convert from right to left mouse button events.
NSButton is entering a mouse tracking loop. To change this you will have to subclass NSButton and create your own custom tracking loop. Try this code:
- (void) rightMouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
NSEvent *newEvent = theEvent;
BOOL mouseInBounds = NO;
while (YES)
mouseInBounds = NSPointInRect([newEvent locationInWindow], [self convertRect:[self frame] fromView:nil]);
[self highlight:mouseInBounds];
newEvent = [[self window] nextEventMatchingMask:NSRightMouseDraggedMask | NSRightMouseUpMask];
if (NSRightMouseUp == [newEvent type])
if (mouseInBounds) [self performClick:nil];
This is how I do it; Hopefully it will work for you.
I've turned a left mouse click-and-hold into a fake right mouse down on a path control. I'm not sure this will solve all your problems, but I found that the key difference when I did this was changing the timestamp:
NSEvent *event = [NSEvent mouseEventWithType:NSLeftMouseDown
location:[theEvent locationInWindow]
modifierFlags:[theEvent modifierFlags]
windowNumber:[theEvent windowNumber]
context:[theEvent context]
// I was surprised to find eventNumber didn't seem to need to be faked
eventNumber:[theEvent eventNumber]
clickCount:[theEvent clickCount]
pressure:[theEvent pressure]];
The other thing is that depending on your button type, its state may be the value that is making it appear pushed or not, so you might trying poking at that.
UPDATE: I think I've figured out why rightMouseUp: never gets called. Per the -[NSControl mouseDown:] docs, the button starts tracking the mouse when it gets a mouseDown event, and it doesn't stop tracking until it gets mouseUp. While it's tracking, it can't do anything else. I just tried, for example, at the end of a custom mouseDown::
[self performSelector:#selector(mouseUp:) withObject:myFakeMouseUpEvent afterDelay:1.0];
but this gets put off until a normal mouseUp: gets triggered some other way. So, if you've clicked the right mouse button, you can't (with the mouse) send a leftMouseUp, thus the button is still tracking, and won't accept a rightMouseUp event. I still don't know what the solution is, but I figured that would be useful information.
Not much to add to the answers above, but for those working in Swift, you may have trouble finding the constants for the event mask, buried deep in the documentation, and still more trouble finding a way to combine (OR) them in a way that the compiler accepts, so this may save you some time. Is there a neater way? This goes in your subclass -
var rightAction: Selector = nil
// add a new property, by analogy with action property
override func rightMouseDown(var theEvent: NSEvent!) {
var newEvent: NSEvent!
let maskUp = NSEventMask.RightMouseUpMask.rawValue
let maskDragged = NSEventMask.RightMouseDraggedMask.rawValue
let mask = Int( maskUp | maskDragged ) // cast from UInt
do {
newEvent = window!.nextEventMatchingMask(mask)
while newEvent.type == .RightMouseDragged
My loop has become a do..while, as it always has to execute at least once, and I never liked writing while true, and I don't need to do anything with the dragging events.
I had endless trouble getting meaningful results from convertRect(), perhaps because my controls were embedded in a table view. Thanks to Gustav Larsson above for my ending up with this for the last part -
let whereUp = newEvent.locationInWindow
let p = convertPoint(whereUp, fromView: nil)
let mouseInBounds = NSMouseInRect(p, bounds, flipped) // bounds, not frame
if mouseInBounds {
sendAction(rightAction, to: target)
// assuming rightAction and target have been allocated

Getting "global" mouse position in Mac OS X

How can I get in Mac OS X "global" mouse position - I mean how can I in cocoa/cf/whatever find out cursor position even if it's outside the window, and even if my window is inactive?
I know it's somehow possible (even without admin permissions), because I've seen something like that in Java - but I want to write it in ObjC
Sorry for my English - I hope you'll understand what I mean ;)
NSPoint mouseLoc;
mouseLoc = [NSEvent mouseLocation]; //get current mouse position
NSLog(#"Mouse location: %f %f", mouseLoc.x, mouseLoc.y);
If you want it to continuously get the coordinates then make sure you have an NSTimer or something similar
Matt S. is correct that if you can use the NSEvent API to get the mouse location. However, you don't have to poll in order to continuously get coordinates. You can use a CGEventTap instead:
- (void) startEventTap {
//eventTap is an ivar on this class of type CFMachPortRef
eventTap = CGEventTapCreate(kCGHIDEventTap, kCGHeadInsertEventTap, kCGEventTapOptionListenOnly, kCGEventMaskForAllEvents, myCGEventCallback, NULL);
CGEventTapEnable(eventTap, true);
CGEventRef myCGEventCallback(CGEventTapProxy proxy, CGEventType type, CGEventRef event, void *refcon) {
if (type == kCGEventMouseMoved) {
NSLog(#"%#", NSStringFromPoint([NSEvent mouseLocation]));
return event;
This way, your function myCGEventCallback will fire every time the mouse moves (regardless of whether your app is frontmost or not), without you having to poll for the information. Don't forget to CGEventTapEnable(eventTap, false) and CFRelease(eventTap) when you're done.
If you're not in cocoa land and an event tap is not appropriate for the situation,
CGEventRef event = CGEventCreate(nil);
CGPoint loc = CGEventGetLocation(event);
For a continuous update on the global cursor position, here is what the code looks like (Swift 4.0.3):
override func viewDidLoad()
NSEvent.addGlobalMonitorForEvents(matching: NSEvent.EventTypeMask.mouseMoved, handler: {(mouseEvent:NSEvent) in
let position = mouseEvent.locationInWindow
Note, the variable 'position' is an NSPoint object with x and y coordinates (among many other attributes). This will not return the coordinates if your application is in focus or when you are clicking and dragging. There are separate events for all of those: simply change the NSEvent.EventTypeMask.mouseMoved to a different EventTypeMask
Matt is correct, but in order to continuously get the coordinates, I believe the other option is to use event monitor provided by NSEvent. Try addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask:handler: and addLocalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask:handler:. Check NSEvent Class Reference for more detail.

Dynamic Results and Covering Data

Today I have a question that sprouted off of this one: Database Results in Cocoa. It's regarding using the data that was returned by a database to create a certain number of questions. I am using a form of the following code (this was posted in the question).
NSMutableDictionary * interfaceElements = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < numberOfTextFields; ++i) {
//this is just to make a frame that's indented 10px
//and has 10px between it and the previous NSTextField (or window edge)
NSRect frame = NSMakeRect(10, (i*22 + (i+1)*10), 100, 22);
NSTextField * newField = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:frame];
//configure newField appropriately
[[myWindow contentView] addSubview:newField];
[interfaceElements setObject:newField forKey:#"someUniqueIdentifier"];
[newField release];
However, now when I attempt to use IFVerticallyExpandingTextfield (from, or create any large amount of text, it simply goes over the other drawn content. I looked into using setAutosizingMask: on the object, but it has not worked so far.
Thanks for any help.
EDIT: What I want the effect to look like is called "Correct TextField" and what happens is called "StackOverflow Sample" -
EDIT 2: And if no one knows how to use this IFVerticallyExpandingTextfield class, would anyone know if there is another way to accomplish the effect?
Do you mean this?
Your question is not very clear to me but this might help ^^^.
Look at 'Modifying the Current Graphics State' on that page.
What about just exactly copying the code from the 'Correct textfield' example and use it in your application? Or start your application from the 'Correct texfield' example.
A comment on says:
Give it a try! You should be able to
throw this into a project, read the
files in Interface Builder, and use
the custom class pane to make an
NSTextField into an
IFVerticallyExpandingTextField. You'll
need to set the layout and
linebreaking attributes for word
wrapping for this to work.
Although expansion should work
properly when the textfield is
embedded in a subview, I'm having some
trouble dealing with NSScrollViews.
The field expands into the
scrollview's content view, but none of
the controls on the scrollbar appear.
Some help here would be appreciated.
