command prompt anywhere in Windows 7 (native functionality) - windows-7

I got this tip from a website that "shift + right click" on a folder in explorer in win7 will give us a context menu option by which I can open command prompt right there.
I am looking for a hack that can make this simpler so that whenever I "right click" on a folder in explorer, I always get that "shift + right click" effect.
I am not looking for any info on powertoys.
I need help on exactly what I said above; there has to be some registry hack that makes that "shift" default for every right click on the folder name.

Delete the registry key HKCR\Directory\shell\cmd\Extended. It works for me on the 64-bit version of Windows 7 Ultimate. says you also need to delete HKCR\Drive\shell\cmd\Extended if you want the same to apply for drives shown in Computer, and HKCR\Directory\Background\shell\cmd\Extended for the empty space inside a folder window.

I also had the same question about viewing the cmd prompt without the key combination recently. I am on Windows 8.1 and found that PleaseStand's solution works perfectly.
PleaseStand's solution mentioned worked great for me:
Delete the registry key HKCR\Directory\shell\cmd\Extended.
It works for me on the 64-bit version of Windows 7 Ultimate.
This says you also need to delete HKCR\Drive\shell\cmd\Extended if you want the same to apply for drives shown in Computer,
And HKCR\Directory\Background\shell\cmd\Extended for the empty space inside a folder window.
I might add to anyone who might wonder, HKCR means HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT


How do I change the Git Bash Here terminal from mingw to the standard cmd OR powershell on Windows 10?

I have started to absolutely HATE mingw as I seem to be unable to wrestle the right click option "Git bash here" away from mingw. I cant highlight anything in mingw and I cant copy paste. All I want is for the same functionality that cmd has on windows 10.
As such, how can I change my git bash to use system32/cmd.exe or powershell instead?
I have tried searching the registry, I have tried reinstalling.
You could edit the registry at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\git_shell\command and
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\git_shell\command to point to the shell you prefer, or better yet add your own parallel entries.
The default property on first of these controls the popup menu when you right click on a blank area (background) in a explorer window, and the second when you right click on a folder.
If you are trying to do it from PowerShell, remember you can use provider-paths like REGISTRY::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\git_shell\command with Get-Item and Set-Item. But if it's just a one-off, I'd use RegEdit so you won't have to deal with nested quotes.

Windows 10 installation

I installed windows 10 on my computer.
Every time I restart my computer, my all new files disappear
and my desktop is empty!!!
Is it a bug or setting issues?
How can I restore my files back
Thanks in advance!
You somehow corrupted your explorer.exe or changed a registry setting :
If you corrupted explorer.exe, best bet is to do a repair or system restore.
To check if explorer.exe is set to your shell:
Ctrl+Alt+Del to bring up task manager. Click File>Run new Task.
Type REGEDIT, click ok.
Click the plus sign (navigate through) entries:
Click the folder WINLOGON
in the box to your right, find the entry Shell.
If the data correspondig to it is not Explorer.exe, double click Shell and modify it to Explorer.exe.
Close the registry,
Ctrl+Alt+Del to bring up Task Manager.
File>New Task. Type explorer,
click ok.
I think something is gone wrong by the installation. You can look for the files in C:/users/"you username"/desktop if they arent show there you can try other users in the /user/ directory. Maybe you have a bit of luck and the files are stored by the wrong user by some weird reason.
In the most cases the best solution is to reinstal Windows 10. I think it is faster than looking for an solution. (when you havent install a lot of software)
How you can restore your windows (clean instal) it is explained in this video:
Make sure you have an backup from your data ;-)
(sorry for bad english, iam from holland ;-) )
yes it looks like the installation process has not been taken place properly without any interruptions.
The most convenient solution in my experience is:- locally 'recovery options'through windows 10 search icon on the left bottom corner "get started" button under "reset my pc". the option "keep my files".
then once you are safely back in windows 7, again start the process of updating to windows 10 in a fresh manner WITH the pc plugged in to power and with a stable internet connection.

Unable to set DefaultIcon in registry

I am attempting to update the Windows registry to add an icon for my custom file extension, and I have thus far been unsuccessful. My current version is closest to this stackoverflow question. Unfortunately, my file's icon is still one of the generic built-in Windows icons (see screenshot below).
At this point my best guess is perhaps there is something wrong with my .ICO file. I have shared it here on Dropbox
Here is the full registry update I'm making with regedit. As you can see, I am also associating my file extension with a .bat file for execution. That works great. Also the Type displayed in Windows Explorer is PartQuest Archive which is also great (see above screenshot). Alas, no dice with the last entry for the icon.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
#="PartQuest Archive"
#="\"C:\\MentorGraphics\\PartQuestTools\\SDD_HOME\\common\\win32\\scripts\\pqunzip.bat\" \"%1\""
I have also attempted adding a ,1 to the end of the file name since the .ICO file appears it may have two icons embedded in it. This is did not make a difference.
For good measure, I have been rebooting after each change. I'm not certain if this is necessary.
Any tips from the Windows experts around here will certainly be appreciated!
So I did a little reverse-engineering to figure out the issue based on 7Zip's file associations. It turns out that the DefaultIcon key entry should be a child of the application, not the file name. So in my case I need it associated with pqunzip rather than .pqz:
For maximal clarity, this is the entire contents of my .req file that works as expected:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
#="PartQuest Archive"
#="\"C:\\MentorGraphics\\PartQuestTools\\SDD_HOME\\common\\win32\\scripts\\pqunzip.bat\" \"%1\""

How can we make a ftp link open in windows explorer on Windows?

Been trying to find a way to do this for a while.
Opening a link in an windows explorer window instead of a browser.
For example using this link :
And opening it in Windows Explorer.
Is it possible to dictate how windows should react when clicking on that link in a email ?
Thank you Fabian H!
Your solution works fine for me :-)
I made just a small change to your code, infact I wrote:
#="C:\\Windows\explorer.exe" %1
Instead of:
#="C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe %1"
This second one didn't work for me :-(
But now I can finally enjoy using explorer.exe as the default FTP Client!!
Tested on WIndows 7
Save these lines in a file with a file name ending .reg and double klick the file:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
#="C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe %1"
Tested on WIndows 8.1 64bit.
Thanks to Perneel for his link.
The Windows registry keys shown before didn't work for me, but this works:
Use Web Based FTP = "yes"
Just change value to "no".
(Windows 7 Pro x64)
I was fumbling around looking for how to do this and I ultimately decided to go with the "Add Network Location" wizard method as described here by "nhinkle".
However after doing so, I got a link that generated this shortcut:
More what it actually looks like:
Then was prompted for my login credentials, and thats it. Does not open in Chrome and I just did Send To > Desktop (shortcut) and moved that shortcut to the folder I wanted it in. Now I can open the FTP location from explorer by hitting the link instead of typing the address into the address bar, and it is not opening up in any internet browsers.
I only have one ftp account, dont know much about any background magic that the wizard may have done regarding registry/etc, and I feel like deleting the shortcut wont really undo any of that if it did happen, so if someone could test this and confirm whether or not it works, that'd be great.
Just my 2c :)
Check it out, i got the above answer working by deleting this entry
For regularly used FTP sites, if you don't want to make registry edits, create a shortcut using the following format and your site will open in Windows Explorer.
%windir%\explorer.exe ftp://

Right Click in Windows Explorer

I have been trying to add context based right click in windows explorer for a file of extension L5X. I have tried HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\l5xfile\Shell\convert\command and set the (Default) key value to the program I want to have open the file. (I want it to say "Convert" on the context menu) My first issue seems to be that in .NET (even when running elevated) I cannot change the Default key's value. My other issue is changing that Default key value doesn't do anything to the context menu. I would really prefer a no reboot required solution.
Also, I really need this to work on WinXP all the way up to Win7 (including Server 2003, 2008 and 2008R2). If I need to detect OS and do things differently for different OSes, I will but I'm really stuck here.
PS, I tried the solution found here with no luck.
You need administrator rights to write to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT is a merged view of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes and HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes. If you want to install it for just the current user, write to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes
\l5xfile\Shell\convert\command might not be the correct path, when windows looks for context menu entries for a filetype, it first looks in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.EXT, then uses the default value it finds there: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\%defaultvaluefrom.EXT%\Shell\*
XP added a new key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SystemFileAssociations designed for non-primary actions where you don't care about the ProgId/Class (The l5xfile part)
MSDN documents all these registry paths and settings, see: File Types and Verbs and File Associations
