How does one do MVC2/EF4 EntityCollection validation w/ data annotations? - validation

I have finally gotten over one hurdle and can now successfully create new model data. Now there's another catch - validation. Most of the validation seems easy enough as a lot of my model data are scalar values. There is a many-to-many relationship I link to, however, so I'm not sure how to go about validating that. My model is (once again):
Game (only listing the relevant columns):
GameID - int (primary key, auto-incr)
PlatformID - int (primary key, auto-incr)
Name - string
GamePlatform (not a visible entity):
GameID - int (foreign key from Games)
PlatformID - int (foreign key from Platforms)
And my Create method (yes, I know it's sloppy and amateurish - I am an amateur and trying to learn. I'll definitely add error checking to it. I'm just trying to get the big picture of the view->controller->validation->persist-in-db/show errors process down):
public ActionResult CreateReview([Bind(prefix = "GameData")]Game newGame, int[] PlatformIDs)
foreach(int i in PlatformIDs)
Platform plat = _siteDB.Platforms.Single(p => p.PlatformID == i);
newGame.LastModified = Datetime.Now;
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View();
The array of PlatformIDs are supplied by a group of checkboxes within my view. For my Game to be valid, it must be associated with at least one Platform. I'm just not sure how to validate that with data annotations, or if it's even possible to do so. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

If I understand your question correctly, your int[] potentially contains ints associated with the ID of a Platform in your DB and you want to make sure your int[] contains at least one valid PlatformID, correct?
Immediately you could do just a simple check prior to going into your logic:
// If there aren't any IDs in Platform that are in PlatformIDs...
if (!_siteDB.Platforms.Any(p => PlatformIDs.Contains(p.PlatformID)))
Return RedirectToAction("Index");
// And probably tell the user to check a box, if they did,
// One of your checkboxes isn't matching up with your PlatformIDs
Ideally what you'd want to do is add the int[] to your model so you can check model validation. Since databased don't typically store int[], add it to your Game model. The EF probably put your DB Entities in your Models folder and if you look at them, you'll see they're partial classes. So add this in your Models folder:
public partial class Game
public Dictionary<int, bool> SupportedPlatforms { get; set; }// Edited
// Also add this which you'll see why below
public partial class Platform
public static bool IsValidPlatformID(int PlatformID)
using (SiteDBEntities _siteDB = new SiteDBEntities())
return _siteDB.Platforms.Any(p => p.PlatformID.Equals(PlatformID));
Then add a custom ValidationAttribute class:
public ContainsValidPlatformIDAttribute : ValidationAttribute
public ContainsValidPlatformIDAttribute() { }
public override bool IsValid(object value)
Dictionary<int, bool> supportedPlatforms = (Dictionary<int, bool>)value;
if (value == null)
return true;
foreach (int i in values)
if (supportedPlatforms.Values.Any(b => b.Equals(true)))// Edited
return false;
return true;
Now decorate your Property with it in the Game class:
[ContainsValidPlatformID(Error = "You did not select a valid Platform.")]
public Dictionary<int, bool> SupportedPlatforms { get; set; }// Edited
(Edited)Now instead of hard coding a checkbox for each platform, add this instead:
<%: Html.CheckboxFor(model => model.SupportedPlatforms[0]) %>
<%: Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.SupportedPlatforms[0]) %>
(Edited)Now your checkboxes are tied to the Model, you can validate the model in the controller, and you can remove the int[] argument from your Action method. This has all been coded from my head into this editor so you may need to tweak some things here and there but this is the direction you should be heading in when working with Models in Views.
Also, check out what Scott Guthrie has written on the topic of MVC Model Validation in his blog. Hopefully with my sample and Scott's blog, you'll be pointed in the right direction.


EF, POCO, DbContext and Validating Deletions

I'm fairly new to the world of MVC and EF, and I've come quite a ways on my own, but one thing I haven't been able to find online is how people validate for "do not delete" conditions.
I'm using EF4.1 database-first POCO classes generated with the DbContext T4 template. In my partial class files I've already decorated all of my classes with the "IValidatableObject" interface that gets called on changes for my business rules that go beyond the standard MetaData attribute type of validations.
What I need now is a validation that works via the same mechanism (and is, therefore, transparent to the UI and the controller) for checking if deletions are OK. My thought was to create an interface like so:
public interface IDeletionValidation
DbEntityValidationResult ValidateDeletion(DbEntityValidationResult validationResults);
...and then do this in an override to ValidateEntity in the DbContext...
public partial class MyEntityContext
protected override DbEntityValidationResult ValidateEntity(DbEntityEntry entityEntry, IDictionary<object, object> items)
DbEntityValidationResult val = base.ValidateEntity(entityEntry, items);
if (entityEntry.State == EntityState.Deleted)
IDeletionValidation delValidationEntity = entityEntry.Entity as IDeletionValidation;
if (delValidationEntity != null)
val = delValidationEntity.ValidateDeletion(val);
return val;
...and then I could implement the IDeletionValidation interface on those classes that need to have a validation done before they can be safely deleted.
An example (not working, see caveat in comments) of the ValidateDeletion code would be...
public partial class SalesOrder : IDeletionValidation, IValidatableObject
public DbEntityValidationResult ValidateDeletion(DbEntityValidationResult validations)
// A paid SalesOrder cannot be deleted, only voided
// NOTE: this code won't work, it's coming from my head and note from the actual source, I forget
// what class I'd need to add to the DbEntityValidationResult collection for this type of validation!
if (PaidAmount != 0)
validations.Add(new ValidationResult("A paid SalesOrder cannot be deleted, only voided"));
return validations;
public IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
List<ValidationResult> validations = new List<ValidationResult>();
// Verify that the exempt reason is filled in if the sales tax flag is blank
if (!IsTaxable && string.IsNullOrEmpty(TaxExemptReason))
validations.Add(new ValidationResult("The Tax Exempt Reason cannot be blank for non-taxable orders"));
return validations;
Am I on the right track? Is there a better way?
EDIT --- Summary of the one-interface method proposed by Pawel (below)
I think the one-interface way presented below and my way above is a little bit of a chocolate vs. vanilla argument in terms of how you want to do it. Performance should be about the same for large numbers of updates / deletes, and you may want to have your delete validation be a separate interface that doesn't apply to all of your validated classes, but if you want all of your validations in one place here it is...
Mod your DBContext
protected override bool ShouldValidateEntity(DbEntityEntry entityEntry)
return entityEntry.Sate == EntityState.Deleted ||
protected override DbEntityValidationResult ValidateEntity(DbEntityEntry entityEntry, IDictionary<object, object> items)
var myItems = new Dictionary<object, object>();
myItems.Add("IsDelete", (entityEntry.State == EntityState.Deleted));
// You could also pass the whole context to the validation routines if you need to, which might be helpful if the
// validations need to do additional lookups on other DbSets
// myItems.Add("Context", this);
return base.ValidateEntity(entityEntry, myItems);
Put the deletion-validation in your entity's Validate
public IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
List<ValidationResult> validations = new List<ValidationResult>();
bool isDelete = validationContext.Items.ContainsKey("IsDelete")
? (bool)validationContext.Items["IsDelete"]
: false;
if (isDelete)
if (PaidAmount != 0)
validations.Add(new ValidationResult("You cannot delete a paid Sales Order Line", new string[] { "PaidAmount" }));
return validations;
// Update / Add validations!!
// Verify that the exempt reason is filled in if the sales tax flag is blank
if (!IsTaxable && string.IsNullOrEmpty(TaxExemptReason))
validations.Add(new ValidationResult("The Tax Exempt Reason cannot be blank for non-taxable orders"));
return validations;
...and in the interest of brevity and only putting all of the check-if-delete code in one place, you could even create an extension method on the ValidationContext class (if you're into that sort of thing) like so...
public static class MyExtensions
public static bool IsDelete(this System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.ValidationContext validationContext)
return validationContext.Items.ContainsKey("IsDelete")
? (bool)validationContext.Items["IsDelete"]
: false;
...which gives us this for our validation code...
public IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
List<ValidationResult> validations = new List<ValidationResult>();
if (validationContext.IsDelete())
I am not really sure why you need a separate interface just for deleted entities. You could pass the entity state (or the EntityEntry object, or the context) to your IValidatableObject.Validate() method by using the items dictionary you pass to the base.ValidateEntity() method. Take a look at the "Custom Validation Sample: Uniqness" section in this blog post This way you could do everything using just one interface - IValidatableObject.
In addition to that - by default EF validates only Added and Modified entities. If you want to validate entities that are in the Deleted state you need to override DbContext.ShouldValidateEntity() method with something like this:
protected override bool ShouldValidateEntity(DbEntityEntry entityEntry)
return entityEntry.Sate == EntityState.Deleted ||

Checkboxfor not binding model

So I'm new to MVC and ASP.Net. I've been reading through the posts on here all afternoon and I just can't get this to work. I have tried this, this, and this and I just don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Condition Class
public class conditions
public string condName;
public bool condValue;
public conditions(string s)
condName = s;
Risk History Class
public class riskHistory
public List<conditions> results;
public riskHistory()
results = new List<conditions>();
results.Add(new conditions("History of Marfans Syndrome"));
results.Add(new conditions("Family history of aortic disease"));
results.Add(new conditions("Recent aortic manipulation"));
results.Add(new conditions("Known thorasic aorta aneurysm"));
Now there is a riskPain and riskFeatures class defined the same way. I needed to split this into 3 because each has to be handled differently. What I display over each class unique in the view.
View Model defined as
public class adViewModel
public riskFeatures rF;
public riskPain rP;
public riskHistory rH;
public adViewModel()
rF = new riskFeatures();
rH = new riskHistory();
rP = new riskPain();
And then I have this code in the view. It's strongly typed to adViewModel.
Does the patient have any of the following history?
#for (int x =0; x<Model.rH.results.Count; x++)
string n = Model.rH.results[x].condName.ToString();
<b>#Html.Label(n)</b> #Html.CheckBoxFor(m => m.rH.results[x].condValue)
Does the patient have any of the following features to their pain?
// continue on to the other classes
The view displays correctly but when I submit the form it doesn't bind (all condvalue's are false). If you are going to suggest an editor template then I have a second question. The question in the view code above the for loop "Does the patient have the following history?" that question has to be different for each set of checkboxes. How would that work?
Thanks a ton guys!
So, using the Html helpers like CheckBoxFor inside for loops caused problems for me because I didn't have control over the ids of the input tags that were generated. Check the final markup that is rendered and see what the ids of the controls it is making are. Writing out the html for the controls isn't really that much longer then calling the helper method anyway.

How to get value dynamically added textbox values in MVC 3

I want to get the values of dynamically added Textbox on submit button in MVC 3.
I am storing the values in hidden field and getting using FromCollection. Is there any better approach?
If you name your values something like
MyValues[x] where x is a zero based, continuously increasing integer, you can receive the string values as a list of strings named MyValues.
This trick also works for properties if the main model object, if needed.
You should check some articles about how to bind to collections In ASP mvc, they could give you some ideas.
For example
You could do something like this (written very quickly outside of editor, so may have typos/issues):
Make a view model:
public class DynamicTextBoxViewModel
public IList<string> DynamicTextBox { get; set; }
public int OtherStuffInViewModel { get; set; }
Then in your Get Action:
var model = new YourViewModel
DynamicTextBoxList =
new List<DynamicTextBox>
new DynamicTextBox
TextBoxText = string.Empty,
OtherStuffInViewModel = xxx,
return View(model)
Then in your Post Action:
You would bind everything where you wanted it.
The idea is to move all the data into a ViewModel and pass that around so you gain the benefits of the ViewModel instead of passing around FormCollection - which is sloppier and more error prone.

ASP.NET MVC 3 multiple Models to single Form using DB

I have a question.
My question actually extends from this one:
Shortly - what I want to get: 3 models, and 1 super model for this specific view. This super model fills(properly) IENumerable, IENumerable, IENumerable, to use them in View part. (as far as I understand it, at least...)
In this other topic Dan Revell proposed verry nice and elegant solution, but this solution does not fetch data from DB itself...
What must be done to get data in this model from DB, not from "new" instance constructors?
While using this approach tried to fetch data from DBContext. And got some problems in it ) I can't understand when (or how) to create my DBContext... Or how to access one that is created by application...
Tried to create it forcefully in Controller, like
using (var Db = new thetaskermvc.Models.TaskerDBContext())
var themodel = new thetaskermvc.Models.TotalView();
themodel.Jobberz = new Dictionary<int, thetaskermvc.Models.Jobbers>();
var jobbers = from Jobbers in Db.Jobbers.OrderBy(g => g.jobb_name) select Jobbers;
foreach (Models.Jobbers ad in jobbers)
new Models.Jobbers(ad.jobb_id, ad.jobb_name, ad.jobb_from, ad.jobb_carma, ad.jobb_status, ad.jobb_balance, ad.jobb_time));
if (themodel.Jobberz.Count == 0)
themodel.Jobberz.Add(-1, new Models.Jobbers(0, "NOTHING FOUND",DateTime.Now,0,"",0,0));
But as created that way Context stops it's existence (?) after passing data away from controller - I can't use it any other way but to get all data inside this controller, and fill data in model by direct add into collections in it (while use of IENumerable would fetch data on-demand, as far as I get it).
So.. If it ain't hard please enlighten me about - is it Ok to use such approach, or there is some other "common" way? Becaus beside it's clumsiness - this approach works...
PS I'm quite new to Asp, yet...
I have one view model per view with data from multiple tables (if required). On my view I have data that needs to be loaded from 2 different database tables. In my grant application controller I have the following:
private readonly IBankService bankService;
private readonly IAccountTypeService accountTypeService;
public GrantApplicationController(IBankService bankService, IAccountTypeService accountTypeService)
// Check incoming parameters for null values
this.bankService = bankService;
this.accountTypeService = accountTypeService;
In my Create action method I populate my banks and account types (to be used in drop downs) like this (different tables):
public ActionResult Create()
GrantApplicationCreateViewModel viewModel = new GrantApplicationCreateViewModel
Banks = bankService.FindAll(),
AccountTypes = accountTypeService.FindAll()
// Do what ever else you need to get done
return View(viewModel);
My partial view model would like this:
public class GrantApplicationCreateViewModel
public int BankId { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<Bank> Banks { get; set; }
public int AccountTypeId { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<AccountType> AccountTypes { get; set; }
// Other properties
In my repository class I would use the database context like this (I use Entity Framework code first):
public class BankRepository : IBankRepository
HefContext db = new HefContext
public IEnumerable<Bank> FindAll()
return db.Banks.OrderBy(x => x.Name);
In my database context class:
public class HefContext : DbContext
public DbSet<Bank> Banks { get; set; }
public DbSet<AccountType> AccountTypes { get; set; }
Doing it this way you can have one view model that has data from multiple sources. I hope this answers your question? If you need more explanation please let me know :)
You may want to have a look at this post, it explains (with a sample project) how an ideal MVC application architecture should be.
In your code sample above, your shouldn't have any references to DbContexts in a controller. Controller's job is to control the flow of requests not to connect to the DB and perform Model population.

ASP.NET MVC 3 nested lists

I'm new to the MVC world and need some guidance. I'm trying to create a vertical multi level menu for a website. The data for the menu is stored in a database table with the following structure:
ID, categoryName, parentID
How do I go about this with regular ADO.NET and MVC? As far as I can tell I need to make a MenuItem class with int ID, string name and List<MenuItem> Children properties. I then need to make and instance of this class representing the vertical menu and then I need to genereate the HTML for the view.
I have searched the net for an easy to follow example but I'm not finding anything I can understand. If there is anyone out there that can guide me through this it would be very much apprediated!
You should edit your question or split it up into more concrete questions.
I will answer the concrete question in your comment on how to load your MenuItems recursively.
You wrote you use regular ADO.NET. I was free to use dapper in my sample code which makes life a bit easier:
So here is you MenuItem class:
public class MenuItem
public int Id { get; set; }
public int? ParentId { get; set; }
public List<MenuItem> Children { get; set; }
Now we open a connection and load the whole MenuItems table into a single collection:
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("...");
IEnumerable<MenuItem> allItems = conn.Query<MenuItem>("SELECT * FROM MenuItems");
I pretend you will have a single MenuItem as the root item with ParentId = null. Lets find it:
MenuItem rootMenu = allItems.Single(m => m.ParentId == null);
The last thing we have to do is to rearrange the items in a hierachical tree. We do this with a function which works recursively:
loadChildren(rootMenu, allItems);
Here is the function. It simply looks up the children of the passed item and calls itself on all found childnodes:
private static void loadChildren(MenuItem currentItem,
IEnumerable<MenuItem> allItems)
currentItem.Children = allItems
.Where(m => m.ParentId == currentItem.Id).ToList();
foreach (var childItem in currentItem.Children)
loadChildren(childItem, allItems);
