What is $# in Bash? [duplicate] - bash

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What does $# mean in a shell script?
(8 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I reckon that the handle $# in a shell script is an array of all arguments given to the script. Is this true?
I ask because I normally use search engines to gather information, but I can't google for $# and I have grown too accustomed to easily getting served everything.

Yes. Please see the man page of Bash (the first thing you go to) under Special Parameters:
Special Parameters
The shell treats several parameters specially. These parameters may only be referenced; assignment to them is not allowed.
* Expands to the positional parameters, starting from one. When the expansion occurs within double quotes, it expands to a single word with the value of each parameter separated by the first character of the IFS special variable. That is, "$*" is equivalent to "$1c$2c...", where c is the first character of the value of the IFS variable. If IFS is unset, the parameters are separated by spaces. If IFS is null, the parameters are joined without intervening separators.
# Expands to the positional parameters, starting from one. When the expansion occurs within double quotes, each parameter expands to a separate word. That is, "$#" is equivalent to "$1" "$2" ... If the double-quoted expansion occurs within a word, the expansion of the first parameter is joined with the beginning part of the original word, and the expansion of the last parameter is joined with the last part of the original word. When there are no positional parameters, "$#" and $# expand to nothing (i.e., they are removed).

Just from reading that I would have never understood that "$#" expands into a list of separate parameters. Whereas, "$*" is one parameter consisting of all the parameters added together.
If it still makes no sense, do this.
Bash special parameters explained with four example shell scripts


Are quotes necessary in bash when declaring local variables based on the command line argument variable expansion? [duplicate]

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Quoting vs not quoting the variable on the RHS of a variable assignment
(5 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
Are the quotes in the below example necessary or superfluous. And why?
How do you explain the fact when $1 is 123 echo abc, the first assignment is not interpreted as:
arg1=123 echo abc
which is a normal command (echo) call with argument abc and an environment variable (arg) passed to the execution.
From section 2.9.1 of the POSIX shell syntax specification:
Each variable assignment shall be expanded for tilde expansion, parameter expansion, command substitution, arithmetic expansion, and quote removal prior to assigning the value.
String-splitting and globbing (the steps which double quotes suppress) are not in this list.
Thus, the quotes are superfluous -- not just for assignments where the right-and side refers to a positional parameter, but for all assignments barring those where (1) the behavior of single-quoted, not double-quoted, strings are desired; or (2) whitespace or other content in the value would be otherwise parsed as syntactic rather than literal.
(Note that the decision on how to parse a command -- thus, whether it is an assignment, a simple command, a compound command, or something else -- takes place before parameter expansions; thus, var=$1 is determined to be an assignment before the value of $1 is ever considered! Were this untrue, such that data could silently become syntax, it would be far more difficult -- if not impossible -- to write secure code handling untrusted data in bash).

Bash Function Space in single Argument [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Passing a string with spaces as a function argument in Bash
(8 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I am new to the console, and attempting to write a function that will create a directory with the name of the directory being the function argument. This is my function so far:
clidir() {
mkdir $1
Whenever I enter an argument with a space, it creates two directories. I have tried:
clidir "New Folder"
clidir New\ Folder
and they both create multiple directories.
Any help is welcome.
Double-quote your argument to avoid word-splitting by shell
clidir() {
mkdir "$1"
An excerpt from man bash page,
Word Splitting
The shell scans the results of parameter expansion, command substitution, and arithmetic expansion that did not occur within double quotes for word splitting. The shell treats each character of IFS as a delimiter, and splits the results of the other expansions into words using these characters as field terminators. If IFS is unset, or its value is exactly , the default, then sequences of , , and at the beginning and end of the results of the previous expansions are ignored, and any sequence of IFS characters not at the beginning or end serves to delimit words.

Bash - Why does $VAR1=FOO or 'VAR=FOO' (with quotes) return command not found?

For each of two examples below I'll try to explain what result I expected and what I got instead. I'm hoping for you to help me understand why I was wrong.
result: -bash: VAR2=FOO: command not found
In the second line, $VAR1 gets expanded to VAR2, but why does Bash interpret the resulting VAR2=FOO as a command name rather than a variable assignment?
result: -bash: VAR=FOO: command not found
Why do the quotes make Bash treat the variable assignment as a command name?
Could you please describe, step by step, how Bash processes my two examples?
How best to indirectly assign variables is adequately answered in other Q&A entries in this knowledgebase. Among those:
Indirect variable assignment in bash
Saving function output into a variable named in an argument
If that's what you actually intend to ask, then this question should be closed as a duplicate. I'm going to make a contrary assumption and focus on the literal question -- why your other approaches failed -- below.
What does the POSIX sh language specify as a valid assignment? Why does $var1=foo or 'var=foo' fail?
Background: On the POSIX sh specification
The POSIX shell command language specification is very specific about what constitutes an assignment, as quoted below:
4.21 Variable Assignment
In the shell command language, a word consisting of the following parts:
When used in a context where assignment is defined to occur and at no other time, the value (representing a word or field) shall be assigned as the value of the variable denoted by varname.
The varname and value parts shall meet the requirements for a name and a word, respectively, except that they are delimited by the embedded unquoted equals-sign, in addition to other delimiters.
Also, from section 2.9.1, on Simple Commands, with emphasis added:
The words that are recognized as variable assignments or redirections according to Shell Grammar Rules are saved for processing in steps 3 and 4.
The words that are not variable assignments or redirections shall be expanded. If any fields remain following their expansion, the first field shall be considered the command name and remaining fields are the arguments for the command.
Redirections shall be performed as described in Redirection.
Each variable assignment shall be expanded for tilde expansion, parameter expansion, command substitution, arithmetic expansion, and quote removal prior to assigning the value.
Also, from the grammar:
If all the characters preceding '=' form a valid name (see the Base Definitions volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, Section 3.230, Name), the token ASSIGNMENT_WORD shall be returned. (Quoted characters cannot participate in forming a valid name.)
Note from this:
The command must be recognized as an assignment at the very beginning of the parsing sequence, before any expansions (or quote removal!) have taken place.
The name must be a valid name. Literal quotes are not part of a valid variable name.
The equals sign must be unquoted. In your second example, the entire string was quoted.
Assignments are recognized before tilde expansion, parameter expansion, command substitution, etc.
Why $var1=foo fails to act as an assignment
As given in the grammar, all characters before the = in an assignment must be valid characters within a variable name for an assignment to be recognized. $ is not a valid character in a name. Because assignments are recognized in step 1 of simple command processing, before expansion takes place, the literal text $var1, not the value of that variable, is used for this matching.
Why 'var=foo' fails to act as an assignment
First, all characters before the = must be valid in variable names, and ' is not valid in a variable name.
Second, an assignment is only recognized if the = is not quoted.
You want to use a variable name contained in a variable for the assignment. Bash syntax does not allow this. However, there is an easy workaround :
declare "$VAR1"=FOO
It works with local and export too.
By using single quotes (double quotes would yield the same result), you are telling Bash that what is inside is a string and to treat it as a single entity. Since it is the first item on the line, Bash tries to find an alias, or shell builtin, or an executable file in its PATH, that would be named VAR=FOO. Not finding it, it tells you there is no such command.
An assignment is not a normal command. To perform an assignment contained in a quote, you would need to use eval, like so :
eval "$VAR1=FOO" # But please don't do that in real life
Most experienced bash programmers would probably tell you to avoid eval, as it has serious drawbacks, and I am giving it as an example just to recommend against its use : while in the example above it would not involve any security risk or error potential because the value of VAR1 is known and safe, there are many cases where an arbitrary (i.e. user-supplied) value could cause a crash or unexpected behavior. Quoting inside an eval statement is also more difficult and reduces readability.
You declare VAR2 earlier in the program, right?
If you are trying to assign the value of VAR2 to VAR1, then you need to make sure and use $ in front of VAR2, like so:
That will set the value of VAR2 equal to VAR1, because when you utilize the $, you are saying that value that is stored in the variable. Otherwise it doesn't recognize it as a variable.
Basically, a variable that doesn't have a $ in front of it will be interpreted as a command. Any word will. That's why we have the $ to clarify "hey this is a variable".

Why does field splitting not occur after parameter expansion in an assignment statement in shell?

Consider the following two assignments.
$ a="foo bar"
$ b=$a
$ b=foo bar
bash: bar: command not found
Why does the second assignment work fine? How is the second command any different from the third command?
I was hoping the second assignment to fail because
would expand to
b=foo bar
Since $a is not within double-quotes, foo bar is not quoted, therefore field-splitting should occur (as per my understanding) which would result in b=foo to be considered an assignment and bar to be a command that cannot be found.
Summary: I was expecting the 2nd command to fail for the same reason that caused the 3rd command to fail. Why does the 2nd command succeed?
I went through the POSIX but I am unable to find anything that specifies that field splitting won't occur after parameter expansion that occurs in an assignment.
I mean anywhere else field splitting would occur for an unquoted parameter after parameter expansion. For example,
$ a="foo bar"
$ printf "[%s] [%s]\n" $a
[foo] [bar]
See Section 2.6.5.
After parameter expansion (Parameter Expansion), command substitution (Command Substitution), and arithmetic expansion (Arithmetic Expansion), the shell shall scan the results of expansions and substitutions that did not occur in double-quotes for field splitting and multiple fields can result.
So which part of the POSIX standard prevents field splitting when parameter expansion occurs in an assignment statement?
In 2.9.1, "Simple Commands":
The words that are recognized as variable assignments or redirections according to Shell Grammar Rules are saved for processing in steps 3 and 4.
Step 2 -- which is explicitly skipped in this case per the above text -- reiterates that it ignores assignments when performing expansion and field splitting:
The words that are not variable assignments or redirections shall be expanded. If any fields remain following their expansion, the first field shall be considered the command name and remaining fields are the arguments for the command.
Thus, it's step 2 that determines the command to run (based on contents other than variable assignments and redirections), which addresses the b=$a case given in your question.
Step 4 performs other expansions -- "tilde expansion, parameter expansion, command substitution, arithmetic expansion, and quote removal" -- for assignments. Notably, field splitting is not a member of this set. Indeed, it's explicit in 2.6 that none of these create multiple words in and of themselves:
Tilde expansions, parameter expansions, command substitutions, arithmetic expansions, and quote removals that occur within a single word expand to a single field. It is only field splitting or pathname expansion that can create multiple fields from a single word. The single exception to this rule is the expansion of the special parameter '#' within double-quotes, as described in Special Parameters.

why doesn't bash IFS value split expansion argument?

>export FOOBAR=foobar; IFS=b echo ${FOOBAR}
I was expecting to see
foo ar
but I see
The IFS hasnt yet taken effect. add another ";":
FOOBAR=foobar IFS=b; echo ${FOOBAR}
you can read (abbreviated):
When a simple command is executed
The words that the parser has marked as variable assignments (those preceding the command name) are saved for later processing.
The words that are not variable assignments or redirections are expanded.
The text after the = in each variable assignment ... [are] assigned to the variable.
so the IFS=b is done after expanding $FOOBAR.
[edit]I removed the technically incorrect answer.
"This variable determines how Bash recognizes fields, or word boundaries, when it interprets character strings."
