"Java EE module dependencies" options missing in Eclipse Helios - eclipse-3.6

I've just downloaded the eclipse helios IDE. I'm trying to create a dynamic web project. In eclipse galileo we had a option called "Java EE module dependencies" to add the dependency jars and other projects to the classpath on the server.
But this option is missing in helios, I've downloaded link text eclipse Java EE version of eclipse.
How should I add the referenced libraries to the classpath?

The preferences option called "Java EE module dependencies" is removed from eclipse helios and a new option called "Web Deployment Assembly" is added. Please see this link.
To add new jar references you can click on "Add' --> "Java Build Path Entries", then select the required jars then click on finish


Intellij IDE not downloading dependencies after pom update

I'm using Intellij IDE for Spring projects. Whenever I add a dependency in pom file, it's not downloading it. In the case of Eclipse IDE, it automatically downloads the dependency whenever a dependency is added in pom.xml file.
I added the highlighted dependencies in the pom.file but it's not downloading. How to configure the IDE for auto-download dependencies whenever the pom.xml is updated?
You can tick the checkbox "Import Maven Projects automatically"
under "settings" -> "Build, Execution, Deployment "
-> "Build Tools" -> "Maven" -> "Import Maven projects automatically"
Usually, if do some modification in pom.xml, the Intellij will give always suggest you to enable Auto Import in a small pop-up(). I think it might have suggested you already. Anyways, you can do the above.
In Eclipse project build automatically it that option is enabled as build automatically
but idea we can not load maven dependency just by adding it in pom.xml but we can build the project by
IntelliJ Idea - Preferences
Select “Build, Execution, Deployment -> Compiler” -- build Project automatically
Above will build the project but it will not download the dependency
We have to click reload all maven project icon under maven tool window which can be activated by view - Tools Windows - maven

run maven project with eclipse

I'm new to maven and eclipse. I added m2e-plugin in eclipse and I imported an example of a maven project that I've found in the net.
My problem is when I try to run the project in eclipse using the Run as item menu, I don't find the maven package menu as I learned in the different tutorials.
Is it a problem of installation?
Ok, lets go through this step by step to make sure you have everything you need to get going.
First of all make sure that you have Maven installed (and lets assume you have Java already). You can download it from http://maven.apache.org/download.cgi and installation instructions for Fedora (which I assume is what you are using from your tag) are further down the page.
To test that Maven is correctly installed and working type mvn --help in to the terminal. Eclipse and m2e pretty much just hop on to the terminal for everything Maven related so make sure this is working before proceeding.
Next download an appropriate version of Eclipse. For the sake of this example I've downloaded the Kepler version of the Java EE IDE. In this version of Eclipse m2e comes bundled and to check this you can go to Help > About Eclipse > Installation Details and on the plug-ins tab you should see the m2e connectors.
Now you can import your Maven project in to Eclipse. To do this go to File > Import and then choose Existing Maven Projects under the Maven section. Choose the directory with the example project that you've downloaded and then Finish.
Now, ensure that you have some file inside your example Maven project opened and when you go to Run As... you should now be able to see the maven options. Go to Run As > Maven build... and all you need to do is place the word package in the Goals field and you're ready to roll.
Convert your project to a maven project if you haven't done yet by right clicking on your project in the Eclipse Project/Package explorer. Then follow:
Configure -> Convert to Maven Project
After that you can just right click again on the project Run as and you will see all Maven possibilities to execute your project build/install/clean etc.

maven does not copy dependencies

I have Dynamic Web Application project in eclipse that was converted to maven project.
Problem is that all dependencies are copied to:
not <project>/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib
so when I run application from eclipse, there are no libs from maven and I get some errors.
I assume that application started from eclipse i.e on tomcat server gets it source from <project>/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib.
You should use m2e (Maven Plugin for Eclipse). It automatically adds Maven dependencies to the classpath, so you don´t need them in /WEB-INF/lib while running from Eclipse.

MyEclipse 8.5 creating 'maven-archetype-quickstart' has encountered a prob?

I use the built-in maven of MyEclipse 8.5 to create maven projects.
It shows the following error:
Image is here:pic
Sorry, because I'm new I can't post pictures here yet.
I did it twice on two computers (both are MyEclipse 8.5), but the error was the same.
I use a Eclipse to do the same job and it is successful.
But when using MyEclipse 8.5 to do the job if check "create a simple project (skip archetype selection)" during the process, the project can be created and no error happens, but there is no the folder "Maven Dependencies" in the project created in Package Explorer.
Is this a bug of this version of MyEclipse? Because Eclipse Indigo works fine on this.
If you create a simple project, the folder Maven Dependencies is missing simply because there are no Maven Dependencies in a simple project. Just add a dependency, and the folder Maven Dependencies should be created with your dependency in it.

How to prevent duplicate servlet jar using eclipse+m2eclipse

I'm using Eclipse + Maven + m2eclipse to build and test a web application in Apache Tomcat.
I've configured a Tomcat server inside Eclipse, and configured the deployment assembly for my web app, including "Maven Dependencies" (specialization of Java Build Path Entries).
When I deploy and start the server, Tomcat/Catalina always warns me:
INFO: validateJarFile(/projects/src/main/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0/wtpwebapps/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/servlet-api-2.5.jar) - jar not loaded. See Servlet Spec 2.3, section 9.7.2. Offending class: javax/servlet/Servlet.class
This is because m2eclipse sees servlet-api-2.5 as a dependency of my project, and considers it as part of "Maven Dependencies", and copies it as part of the deployment assembly, but the Tomcat servlet container has its own copy of this and doesn't like seeing 2 copies on the class path.
I've marked the dependency from my project to servlet-api-2.5 in my pom.xml with
which does prevent standalone Maven from packaging servlet-api-2.5 into my builds, but m2eclipse doesn't see it that way.
(This isn't a huge deal because the warning is harmless, I only see it during testing inside the IDE, and real customers won't see it, but I'd still like to know how to fix it because I like cleanliness and I like knowing how things work.)
Is there a correct way to tell m2eclipse not to deploy this file, or to tell Eclipse not to let m2eclipse have the final say on which dependencies are runtime dependencies?
I did find https://issues.sonatype.org/browse/MNGECLIPSE-1193 which mentions
the "Maven Dependencies" container reflects test compile time scope, so it is supposed to have dependencies with scope "provided"
Install extras for m2eclipse plugin ("Maven Integration for WTP") from update site http://m2eclipse.sonatype.org/sites/m2e-extras. After install, update the project configuration.
Normally there is a dependency in your project that is depending on servlet-apî.jar
The default behaviour of Maven is that i wiill try to import your dependency + the dependencies of the imported dependency.
If you want to exclude a specific "sub-dependency", you can give maven a configuration like this :
then maven will import YOUR_DEPENDENCY + all YOUR_DEPENDENCY dependencies, but will exclude servlet-api from the dependencies of YOUR_DEPENDENCY.
I have just had a similar problem, and believe I have got to the bottom of it.
If you go to your server configuration settings in Eclipse and select "Serve Modules without Publishing" then this should no longer occur.
Maven/M2Eclipse is building the WAR correctly - servlet-api-2.5.jar wont be in your target directories or WAR file.
But the problem is, when you deploy the application via eclipse on to your tomcat, Eclipse does not use your maven built WAR/target directories as default, it just uses the normal Eclipse "export" settings for your project. So it sees in your "Java EE Modules" (or "Deployment Assembly List" if you are using Helios) the list of all the jars in your Maven_Dependencies, but it does not respect the scope, and just deploys all the jars.
If you select serve without publishing option then Eclipst/Tomcat should just run the app straight off your target directory so will respect the maven scopes.
It won't ever affect your live deployments (unless you are deploying via eclipse!) as maven is doing the right thing, but it can sometimes cause problems locally as you can ave conflicting servlet/jsp jars which can cause classcastexceptions and general misery...
If you are using Indigo you can find the WTP plugin by clicking to "Window" -> "Preferences" -> "Maven" -> "Discovery" -> "Open Catalog".
One tip: after install "Maven Integration for WTP" and update the project configuration, check the directory /WEB-INF/lib and delete all JARs inside. Now, clean the Tomcat work dir and run again.
