How to automatically indent source code? - visual-studio-2010

How can I automatically indent source code in Visual Studio 2010?
I have used Ctrl + K, Ctrl + F, but it does not work; is there any other way/plugin to do this?

Ctrl+E, D - Format whole doc
Ctrl+K, Ctrl+F - Format selection
Also available in the menu via Edit|Advanced.
Ctrl+K, Ctrl+D - Format whole doc in VS 2010

In 2010 it is Ctrl+k, Ctrl+d. See image below.

In Visual Studio 2010
Ctrl +k +d indent the complete page.
Ctrl +k +f indent the selected Code.
For more help visit :
every thing is there.

In 2010 it is ctrl +k +d for indentation

Also, there's the handy little "increase indent" and "decrease indent" buttons. If you highlight a block of code and click those buttons the entire block will indent.

I have tried both ways, and from the Edit|Advanced menu, and they are not doing anything to my source code. Other options like line indent are working. What could be wrong? – Chucky Jul 12 '13 at 11:06
Sometimes if it doesnt work, try to select a couple lines above and below or the whole block of code (whole function, whole cycle, whole switch, etc.), so that it knows how to indent.
Like for example if you copy/paste something into a case statement of a switch and it has wrong indentation, you need to select the text + the line with the case statement above to get it to work.

It may be worth noting that auto-indent does not work if there are syntax errors in the document. Get rid of the red squigglies, and THEN try CTRL+K, CTRL+D, whatever...


How to indent my code in codeblocks?

What are the best code blocks short cuts ? Also is there some way we can directly indent all our code ? In addition how can we move through the active tabs in codeblocks ?
Tips about tab identation are helpful when you write your code from begining. But if you paste code in CodeBlocks from some external source, like PDF document, that code often will not have good identation.
In this case, you need to select code, right click on it, and choose Format use AStyle option.
This is a plugin for CodeBlocks for right text formatting.
I hope this will help someone!
You (these are the default settings I believe) can select a block of code and press the Tab key. This will indent the entire block.
So for indenting a whole file: Ctrl + A, then Tab.
In addition, you can use Shift + Tab on a selected block to "unindent"
You can move through the open tabs with Ctrl + Shift + Tab.
As for the best shortcuts:
I like Ctrl + D to duplicate a line and
Ctrl + L to copy it.
Anyway, you can set whatever shortkeys you like in the Editor menu (there you will also be able to find all shortkey currently set).
Add shortcut as you wish from Settings->Editor->Keyboard shortcuts->plugins->Source code formatters(Astyle) or use Plugins->Source code formatters(Astyle)
CTRL+A to select the code and TAB for alignment.
I have not had much luck with the code formatter in C::B. I like my code to look like this...
if (blah..) {
} else {
it allows more code to fit on a screen, and is still reasonably readable.
After trying to tweak the settings in Settings->Editor, then Source Formatter tab, when I went to format my code, it removed the if line entirely, and I have not been able to unset my tweaks to make it work.
Fornatually, ctrl-z still works.
The code formatter should never remove code, only play with white space.
Maybe there is a better plugin.
In addition in How to switch between tabs in codeblocks.
codebocks 20.03
Linux (KDE Neon)
To switch between tabs.
Activate this with CTRL+SHIFT+TAB, then you can use the know options:
CTRL+TAB , to switch to the right tab.
CTRL+SHIFT+TAB , to switch to the left tab.
Or this other option, but this is not in the keyboard shortcuts, this option doesn't work in a cycle mode, when your get the last right tab, it jump to the bottom tabs:
CTRL+ right-arrow-key , to switch to the right tab.
CTRL+ left-arrow-key , to switch to the left tab.
Remember to activate with CTRL+SHIFT+TAB.
After you land in the desire tab you can type TAB to begin to start writing code.

add try catch around highlighted code

I'm refactoring some code and there are tons of functions with no try catch statements that are causing problems.
Is there a keyboard shortcut in VS 2010 to allow me to select an entire function or highlighted code and add a try catch end try statement around it...with the highlighted code automatically ending up under try ?
Just looking for a shortcut
I'm not aware of a keyboard short-cut, but there's a right-click available.
Highlight the code for your try block.
Right click and select
"Surround with..." Scroll down the selection until you see the "try"
snippet label.
There you go!
Hope this helps!
I'll dig around to see if there's a keyboard short cut for this. There probably is -- there's hundreds of them.
UPDATE: Looks like the keyboard shortcut is Ctrl + K, Ctrl + S.
Download this free addon and then right click and surround with !
(Don't forget to give it 1+ )
It's not built in, but it is easy enough to roll your own.
Look into using the built in macro facility.
2023 Update
they added this functionality, but only for JS/TS... Let's hope they add this also for other languages like python soon!

Is there any shortcut to select the current line in Visual Studio?

I couldn't find such feature in VS's shortcut list. Is there anyway?
If you want to copy a line, simply place cursor somewhere in that line and hit CTRL+C
To cut an entire line CTRL+X
#Sean found what I was looking for:
To disable this default behavior remove the checkmark (or check to re-enable)
Apply cut or copy commands to blank lines when there is no selection
Accessed from the menu bar: Tools | Options | Text Editor | All languages
You can also enter copy into the options search box for quicker access
[Tested in VS2008, 2010, 2017]
Clicking the line 3 times does the trick
If you have ReSharper you could use
Ctrl + W
- Extend Selection
Sidenote: You may have to use it multiple times depending on the context of your present text cursor position.
If you click once on the row number the entire row will be selected.
If you want to select a line or lines you can use the combination of ctrl + E then U. This combination also works for uncommenting a complete line or lines. This combination looks somewhat strange to work with, but it will get habituated very soon :)
You can also use Ctrl + X to cut an entire line. Similarly, you can use Ctrl + C to copy an entire line.
As long as you don't have anything selected, these commands will work on the entire line.
Clicking anywhere on the line and (CRTL + C) will copy entire line.
Clicking three time in quick succession also selects entire line.
There is a simple way of doing it, simple use Home or End button to reach the start or end of line, and then use home + shift or end + Shift depending on where your cursor is. Hope it helps.
Use the following:
Shift + End If cursor is at beginning of line.
Shift + Home If cursor is at the end of the line.
Alternatively, if you use resharper, you can also use the following
Ctrl + w while the cursor is positioned on the line you want to select
This won't solve the problem for Visual Studio, but if you're using Visual Studio Code you can use CTRL+L to select the line your cursor is currently on.
(If you're using Visual Studio, this will cut the line you're currently on—which may also be useful, but wasn't the question.)
Other answers require either using a mouse or hitting more than one combination.
So I've created a macro for those who want a VSCode-like Ctrl+L behaviour. It can select multiple lines, and that's useful for moving blocks of code.
To use it, install Visual Commander extension for macros:
Then create a new command, select C# as a language and paste this code:
using EnvDTE;
using EnvDTE80;
public class C : VisualCommanderExt.ICommand
public void Run(EnvDTE80.DTE2 DTE, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Package package)
var ts = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection as EnvDTE.TextSelection;
if (!ts.ActivePoint.AtStartOfLine)
ts.LineDown(true, 1);
Now you can assign a desired shortcut in preferences:
Tested in VS 2022.
You can use CTRL + U . This shortcut is use also for uncomment.
You can change the shortcut on this feature. Go to Tools->Options->Environment->Keyboard->Edit.UncommentSelection and assign CTRL+W (same as Resharper) or you can use what shortcut do you want.
If you want to select full row Ctrl E + U
Just click in the left margin.
If you click in the margin just left of the Outline expansions [+][-]
it will select the row.
You can also just click and drag to select multiple lines.
Necvetanov eluded to this in his answer above about clicking on the line number.
This is right...but it just happens that the line number is in the margin.
Here is a whole list of the keyboard shortcuts Default keyboard shortcuts in Visual Studio
a work around for this:
ctrl+d = duplicate line
ctrl+l = copy line
ctrl+v = paste copied text
You can enter, home then shift + end as well. What it will do is take you to the beginning of line then select the whole line till end. Or alternatively first enter end then shift + home
You can set a bind to the Edit.ExpandSelection command:
In the options. Click the shortcut until it selects the whole line.
The screenshot above is from the Edit > Advanced menu in Visual Studio 2022. I set this Alt+E, E shortcut myself and I don't remember if it's originally set to something or not.
Simply by clicking on the line number that's being shown on the left in vs-code. just a single click and a line will get selected.
In Mac, it is ⌘+L.
But if you have some specific conflicting keybindings, this won't work. In my case the VSCode Live Server extension auto registered a couple of bindings for these keys. I removed them and it worked.
I assigned a shortcut key to the following functionality. I press the shortcut until it selects the whole current line:

Visual Studio 2010 Code snippet

i have managed to make a code snippet and its all good, the question is i dont want to use ctrl+k ctrl +S then click on the snippet , instead i want to use a combination of keys to just use the snippet right away , or at least pressing ctrl+k ctrl + S then another combination ?
is that possible ?
thanks in advance...
If you say you're pressing Ctrl+K, Ctrl+S is because the snippet you added was a Surround With snippet, isn't it?
I suggest you installing ReSharper for this purpose. You can easily add all kind of snippets (called templates in ReSharper), and of course, Surround-With snippets.
After adding a template, you can give it the number you want.
Then all you have to do is press: Ctrl+Alt+J and you will see the following:
And all you have to do is press the number of the snippet you want.
For example, if you want to surround some code with an if, you press: Ctrl+Alt+J, 1.
In this moment, I don't really remember if Ctrl+Alt+J is the keyboard shortcut by default, because I have changed many of them, but you can check it in ReSharper > Edit > Surround With Template...
Easier than typing a key-combination is just typing the name+[Tab]+[Tab]. Visual Studio is pretty good at remembering the last ones used to make it even easier.
"f+[tab]+[tab]" creates a for loop snippet.
In your code snippet file, you can set up a shortcut element. Your code snippets are located under(depending on language):
"\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Code
Snippets\Visual C#\My Code Snippets"
Under the CodeSnippet\Header\Shortcut section in the code snippet file, type a unique short relevant series of characters.
Typing these characters followed by tab in the code window will insert your code snippet.

Visual Studio 2010 Formatting

I have plenty of experience with Eclipse, and now I'm trying out Visual Studio 2010. I find its formatting somewhat counter-intuitive. Here are some things I'm trying to figure out:
Is there a way to select all text and format/indent it properly, like SHIFT+A SHIFT+I in Eclipse?
Why is it that when I type a line like if (n == 0) {, as soon as I type the opening brace, the text cursor is moved to the beginning of the line? Is this some productivity speedup I'm failing to see?
When I hit ENTER after the aforementioned line, I'd like the closing brace to be put in place automatically for me. How can I do this?
I've looked for hotkey documentation, and it's helped a bit, but this still feels clunky to me.
The Format Document shortcut key combination is Ctrl K, Ctrl D. Since this command is not supported in C++ ( Visual Studio 2010: Why aren't key combinations available?), the workaround for C++ files is to Select All then Format Selection: Ctrl A, Ctrl K, Ctrl F.
On your second and third question, see Creating and Using IntelliSense Code Snippets. Short version: for if, type "if {TAB} {TAB}". Again, this not supported for C++. So if you're in C++, what you're seeing is when you typed typed the { on the line after the if, what the editor did was move the { to the same indention level as the if (not necessarily the beginning of the line), because the coding style it's helping you achieve is
if (n == 0)
n = 1;
The formatting commands are by default bound to Ctrl+K Ctrl+??. Ctrl+K as the first keystoke, followed by another key stroke that determines the specific formatting option.
Look at the Advanced submenu of the Edit menu. It will show you that
"format selection" is Ctrl+k Ctrl+f
"comment selection" is Ctrl+k Ctrl+c
To format a document in visual studio the key combination is: ctrl-k ctrl-d
just FYI in eclipse it's: ctrl-a -> ctrl-i
not shift-a -> shift-i
I'm sure I'm the only one that actually tried that in eclipse.
