Google Event Tracking on <p> clicks - events

I am looking to implement Google Event Tracking on a new website and couldn't find any documentation on this, but basically I just need to confirm that I add the standard 'onClick="_gaq.push([...' to a paragraph tag (which I have a jQuery event on already), the event tracking will still function as it would on an


Trouble with Google Tag Manager (GTM) New Event Listener Tags

I'm very excited about GTM introducing the Event Listener tag options, and have used them with success on some websites. With several of my company's clients, however, I am having this strange issue.
I can see, using the debugger software that the Link Click Listener tag is firing, and I can see that the Record Event tag is firing. However the Events never show up in Analytics.
Any advice?
Thanks in advance!
Even with the Link Click Listener and the Event Listener firing, you still need to add an additional Google Analytics tag OR Universal Analytics tag to utilize them within GTM. Remember, the only thing the listeners do is create new dataLayers for you to use.
To make events work in Analytics, add a NEW Google Analytics (or UA) tag to GTM.
Select the Track type as 'Event'
Category: Whatever you'd like the category to be (you can use macros here as well)
Action: Whatever the action is, download, click, etc. (macros are helpful here too!)
Label: Whatever you'd like it to be.
The key here is how you setup the rules. Your {{event}} needs to utilize the dataLayer -, then you need to specify an element you'd like to track.
For a fantastic tutorial, I recommend -

Load custom page between place-order-click and thank-you-page

I'm currently trying to integrate Econda tracking in the one page checkout process of a magento webshop with the special requirement that the tracking which is normaly done on the thank-you-page already is done once the customer clicks the place-order-button (between button click and redirect to payment provider or thank-you-page). The tracking code itself is dynamically created by an magento extension and injected as html into the phtml file of the thank-you-page. By loading that phtml the information is sent. Also the order in magento must exists before the tracking code can be injected (means place order button must already be clicked).
Currently I'm trying to create an "invisible" phtml, which is loaded once the customer clicks place-order-button and which contains the tracking code. This page should be shown for some seconds and then forward/redirect to either the payment provider or the thank-you-page. This is where I'm totally lost.
I have an observer on the event that is fired once the order is complete/saved. This observer calls an action within my model. But the model can not load/show a phtml.
How can I load a custom phtml-file once the customer clicks the place-order-button, show this phtml for some seconds, and then dynamically forward to either payment provider or thank-you-page?
The Cart Success page, by its very nature is the place that you should be putting any e-commerce tracking Javascript or markup.
It's the very first thing to be delivered to the browser once all the necessary order processing has gone on in the back end. Delivering them to an interim page for only a few seconds seems cumbersome and ultimately inefficient. It's possible, but it's bad practice.
Do you have any particular reason why the success page is insufficient? I can't seem to find that in your question.
Loading a new block into your success page is an easy process. Learn some more about Layouts and Templates (Maybe try Alan Storm's tutorial here) and use this method.
There would be two more options:
You could add your tracking to the on click event of your button
You could use server side tracking using the econda PHP SDK
Here's how you can add tracking to click events
<script type="text/javascript">
function trackIt() {
siteid: "",
content: "CONTENT-LABEL"
<tag onclick="trackIt();">content</tag>
Be careful using click event tracking in links, it will not work if your page unloads before the tracking event was send.
I could not find the english version of the econda PHP SDK documentation, so sorry, here are the German docs:
As already mentioned, your thank-you page is the best place to add tracking. An additional reason is, that normally you want to track if a customer really ordered or not. Payment pages are common problems, so it makes no sense to add "order successful" tracking calls before.

Suggestion for FullCalendar event removal UI

I have my fullCalendar functioning well, however, I need to allow the users to remove events from the calendar. I can use the clickEvent method to bring up a confirmation window with a "do you want to remove" message. But this seems kind of clunky. Is there a better UI way of removing events?
Google calendar uses a qTip on click that offers "edit event details" and "delete". At first I didn't like sending users to a different "event details page" but after thinking about this for awhile it is a really good way to go.
It is always safer to ask for a confirm before removing something.
Anyway you can customize the rendering of the event using the eventRender callback
In particular you can:
attach custom markup to render an X image that when clicked will ajax call a delete function
you can attach other jQuery plugins to reproduce exactly the qTip effect
Have a look at the link for more details. Hope it helps

Event handler for location.hash changing?

I have a Flash document viewer embedded in my page, where the user can view the preview version of the document, and then purchase the full version if they like. Is it possible to have a hyperlink in the document itself "BUY NOW" which would command the browser to do something on the current page without having to refresh?
I'm imagining something like: a link in the embedded document, which would in theory scroll to a position in the parent web page. Are there any mechanisms, maybe event handlers where I can run some js upon being directed to the "#buy" anchor?
EDIT: I just discovered Javascript has a
object that I can check, but I don't want to poll for it, the question remains if there are any mechanisms or events to detect it changing?

Google Website Optimizer: track AJAX

I am tracking AJAX goals in Google Analytics with no problems.
But I would like to use Google Website Optimizer to see what buttons or headlines get the most leads in our newsletter subscription form.
Since a new subscription only triggers AJAX/Javascript, I cannot add a separate success/thankyou.html page to track in Google Website Analyzer.
There is not much to find in Google's documentation about this.
Has anyone been able to do this?
Yes Google Website Optimizer can be used with goal conversions as links or buttons. The technique to use is to wrap the conversion code in a Javascript function and then to call this function from any link onclick or onsubmit event.
