preventing a window from deminiaturizing from dock - cocoa

How to prevent a window to deminiaturizing when a user click on the dock tile of the window?
In one part of my application , I am miniaturizing the window and then have to ensure that user cannot deminiaturize it for a specified time .The application has more than one window.
Please suggest how to do this in cocoa.

This is against Apple's Human Interface Guidelines (see section 'Minimizing and Expanding Windows') and as a result there is almost certainly no way to do this.

You cannot. That is something the OS is doing and you can't influence it. You need to adapt your design so it's no problem if the user unhides the window.


How can I add custom menu item to window system menu under X?

I would like to add my custom command, to a window system menu (the one usually on the left top on titlebar, usually containing Minimize, Maximize and so on), and respond to it in my application.
In ms windows one can do
HMENU hMenu = GetSystemMenu(hwnd, false);
AppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING, ...)
Is something like this possible under X11? If not a general method maybe a solution for some specific window manager?
Ok, after your last edit, what I understand is that you want to add your custom menu to the menu that's on the window decoration, which is controlled by the Window Manager.
I don't think that's possible, although I'm not sure. I believe you should read the ICCCM and the EWMH to find if this is possible or not:
Or you can send an email to wm-spec-list asking:
Also, adding an option there makes it quite hidden, doesn't it? I guess most people don't ever click that menu... I don't even think that menu exists on all the possible Window Managers. You should really try to put your menu inside your application's Window instead of the Window Manager's decoration. Some environments don't even have Window Managers: what would your users do in this case?
Note that some applications (like the Chromium browser) don't use the Window Manager decorations: they implement their own decoration, they implement their own close/maximize/minimize buttons. This way, they have complete control over all the decoration buttons and menus, but their decoration doesn't have the same "look and feel" of the rest of the desktop. You could think about doing this, but I wouldn't encourage that... You should probably put your menu somewhere else (where it's not that hidden...).
You mean you want to add your app to the system menu?
I believe most modern desktop environments implement the XDG Menu Standard:
You'll have to learn other standards too probably:
They're all somehow short, so they won't consume more than some hours to read and learn.

Show a popup menu in another application's window

How can a Delphi XE application show a popup menu inside another application's window? The idea is for a helper-type app, running in the background. On a registered hotkey the application needs to display a popup menu near the text caret or mouse cursor.
Applications that do that are common, here's a menu created by AutoHotkey and displayed in a text editor:
I guess what I'm asking is: how can I display a popup menu at an arbitrary screen location, without it being attached to a Delphi control?
Create a TPopupMenu with the appropriate menu items. When you need to show it simply call Popup passing the top left position in screen coordinates.
PopupMenu1.Popup(X, Y);
#DavidHeffernan answered your question, but you might not have asked the right question.
Let's take the example you gave: the user is running some arbirary application, and you want to be able to detect a hotkey, display a menu, and then take some action based on the menu item chosen (and maybe even the user's context, such as the word under the cursor). This is more complicated than simply displaying a menu at arbitrary screen coordinates.
My recommendation is to use AutoHotKey instead of trying to replicate this in some other programming language. In case you're not aware of this, it is possible for your code to run AutoHotKey scripts. IIRC, you can compile AHK scripts, so you wouldn't need to install AHK, just the compiled scripts. AHK may not be the most elegant of solutions, but it has depth and maturity.
If this is not possible, then I suggest you research Windows Hooks and DLL Injection. Unless you can find some preexisting code or framework, this will entail quite a bit of work.
The reason for this complexity? To augment another program smoothly (without running into problems with focus, etc.) you want to have your code run as part of that other program. The mechanics of this can be done via DLL injection. However, that's only the first step. Once your code is running in the right context, then your code has to inter-operate with the "host" program. This can be tricky (it helps if you have deep experience with Windows messaging and the Windows API). If you want this to work smoothly with any arbitrary program, it gets even harder.

Observe any Window if it Moved on OSX

I want to observe any window on OSX if it is moved. I don't own the windows so i can't get to it directly so I think I have to use the Accessibility APIs. I found a solution for the current active Application here: How can my app detect a change to another app's window? but I can't figure out how I have to modify this that it works for any window which is open. I hope anybody could give me a hint in which direction I have to look.
As I mentioned in the comments, people usually only want to detect window-move events on focused windows. (As unfocused windows seldom move.) If you want to detect application switches, you can poke into this sample project by Apple that shows how to update iChat status with the frontmost application’s name. And as you said, there’s already a solution for an active window.

Is there a way to make changes to the titlebar with GTK2?

I have a desktop application written in Ruby that is using GTK2. It's just a small test application to play with GTK2, but I'm having problems achieving what I want to do. Is there any way using GTK2 to get at the titlebar (apart from setting the title), specifically to either add a button to it (beside the min/max/etc, B in the below diagram) or to add an option to the menu that pops up when you click the icon on the titlebar (A in the below diagram)?
I'm thinking there might not be because GTK is meant to work with many many different window managers, but I just wondered if there was. As a side question, what event does clicking the 'cross' button fire? At the moment if the user clicks that the window disappears but the program doesn't end - I need to capture that event and quit the program.
Thanks for any help, including hitting me over the head and telling me how silly I am.
Note that this is possible in GTK 3.10 and up, by using gtk_window_set_titlebar(). It replaces the window manager's title bar with a custom one. GtkHeaderBar is a good custom title bar class to use.
You can't, however, make it look just like the window manager would, because you won't know which window manager the user is running.
No, the title bar is owned by the window manager and you will typically not have direct access to it.
When the user tries to close the window by clicking the window manager's button, the window will receive the delete event.

How to reparent a Cocoa window?

I need to host my window upon a window of another application.
How to enumerate windows of another Cocoa application? Is it possible to control
If no: how can I draw upon a window of another application?
How to enumerate windows of another Cocoa application?
You can enumerate the windows of another application using the Accessibility API. It doesn't matter whether that application is Cocoa or not.
Is it possible to control them?
Here, it does matter, indirectly, whether the application is Cocoa (or Carbon using standard controls). More precisely, it matters whether the application is accessible.
It usually is possible to move another window, resize it, or do simple things with controls in it (such as press buttons).
It is not possible to tape one of your windows to a window in another application. You will have to observe its location and move your window when the other moves. Following a live drag this way is not possible.
If no: how can I draw upon a window of another application?
You can't. You can only draw in your own windows.
You can make a transparent overlay window and draw on that, but that gets you back to the problem of taping one of your windows to a window in another application.
You should probably ask a broader question about whatever it is you hope to achieve by taping one of your windows to a window in another application or by drawing into a window in another application.
Checkout CGWindow.h
CGWindowListCreateDescriptionFromArray() is probably what you're looking for.
Cocoa does not support reparenting of another application window, or drawing on it.
But, there're two ways to get windows attributes for all the applications, like position, size, z-order, etc.
Accessibility API (also allows to control a foreign application window: move, resize, press buttons on it, etc.). If a foreign application does not support Accessibility API, then...
Quartz Window Services and a sample code for them, called "Son of Grab".
