How to clear a queue in Oracle AQ - oracle

I've been testing Oracle AQ for the first time. I have managed to create 2000 rows of test inserts into the queue I created.
Now, I'd like to clear those out. As I was teaching myself, I set the expiry time to be a month. I can't wait that long. And I don't think I should just delete them from the queue table.
What's the best way to do this?

You can use the DBMS_aqadm.purge_queue_table procedure.
The SQL looks something like this :
-- purge queue
dbms_aqadm.purge_queue_table('MY_QUEUE_TABLE', NULL, po_t);

Just do a delete on the queue table.
Never mind, just did a check and that's not right:
Oracle Streams AQ does not support data manipulation language (DML) operations on queue tables or associated index-organized tables (IOTs), if any. The only supported means of modifying queue tables is through the supplied APIs. Queue tables and IOTs can become inconsistent and therefore effectively ruined, if DML operations are performed on them.
So, you'll have to create a little PL/SQL routine to pull the items off.
Use the dbms_aq package. Check the example from the documentation: Dequeuing Messages.
Scroll down a little bit and there's a complete example.


PL/SQL - retrieve output

Is there a way to retrieve output from PL/SQL continuously rather than wait until the SP completes its execution. Continuously mean as when it executes the execute immediate.
Any other mechanism to retrieve pl/sql output?
As per Oracle docs
Output that you create using PUT or PUT_LINE is buffered in the SGA. The output cannot be retrieved until the PL/SQL program unit from which it was buffered returns to its caller. So, for example, Enterprise Manager or SQL*Plus do not display DBMS_OUTPUT messages until the PL/SQL program completes.
As far as I know, there is a way, but not with DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE. Technique I use is:
create a log table which will accept values you'd normally display using DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE. Columns I use are
ID (a sequence, to be able to sort data)
Date (to know what happened when; might not be enough for sorting purposes because operations that take very short time to finish might have the same timestamp)
Message (a VARCHAR2 column, large enough to accept the whole information)
create a logging procedure which will be inserting values into that table. It should be an autonomous transaction so that you could COMMIT within (and be able to access data from other sessions), without affecting the main transaction
Doing so, you'd
start your PL/SQL procedure
call the logging procedure whenever appropriate (basically, where you'd put the DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE call)
in another session, periodically query the log table as select * from log_table order by ID desc
Additionally, you could write a simple Apex application with one report page which selects from the logging table and refreshes periodically (for example, every 10 seconds or so) and view the main PL/SQL procedure's execution.
The approach that Littlefoot has provided is what I normally use as well.
However, there is another approach that you can try for a specific use case. Let's say you have a long-running batch job (like a payroll process for example). You do not wish to be tied down in front of the screen monitoring the progress. But you want to know as soon as the processing of any of the rows of data hits an error so that you can take action or inform a relevant team. In this case, you could add code to send out emails with all the information from the database as soon as the processing of a row hits an error (or meets any condition you specify).
You can do this using the functions and procedures provided in the 'UTL_MAIL' package. UTL_MAIL Documentation from Oracle
For monitoring progress without the overhead of logging to tables and autonomous transactions. I use:
and then monitor in v$session.client_infofor your session. It's all in memory and won't persist of course but it is a quick and easy ~zero cost way of posting progress.
Another option (Linux/UNIX) for centralised logging that is persistent and again avoids logging in the database more generally viewable that I like is interfacing to syslog and having Splunk or similar pick these up. If you have Splunk or similar then this makes the monitoring viewable without having to connect to the database query directly. See this post here for how to do this.

Detect if data in Oracle table has changed

I'm looking for a best performance solution to detect if data in an Oracle table has changed. This will be used to kick start a calculation that uses lots of data from the same tables. It would be too expensive to poll the data to track changes. The changes happen rarely.
I have analyzed the following solutions to the problem.
ORA_ROWSCN : Too slow, will do a full table scan.
Oracle Audit : Not possible to set up in my environment.
DBMS_ALERT : Writers are not able to signal.
Then I came up with the following simple idea. Add a trigger to the tables that increments a sequence on insert, update or delete. I know this will be materialized if rolled back but I can afford some false positives. My calculations service then polls the sequence current value to detect possible changes (= very cheap query)
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER trg_change_tracker
before insert or update or delete on mytable
dummy number;
select seq_event_seqno.nextval into dummy from dual;
How does this sound? Any pitfalls?
EDIT: Yes there is a major pitfall: When the writer holds back the commit, and the reader sees the new sequence value and query for changes before the writer has committed.
I can suggest you some addition to your trigger soulution:
When your polling see changes of the sequence, you can check opened transactions on interested table, if it exists, then skip current recalc.
Also, you can save min SCN of opened transactions, and in case of frequently table changes you will not freeze
It is some heuristic improvement, not full problem solution. If you will skip recal every time when you see opened transaction, then you can freeze much time in case of frequently (and may be long) DML on table.
I mean, when seq is changed and the polling see opened transactions on your table, you can store min(start_scn) from v$transaction, and when the polling see opened transactions at next time you can compare current min(start_scn) with sotred min(start_scn), if current is greater then it is some chance that it is time to recalc.
You can use ( for particular XTABLE ):
SELECT * FROM dba_tab_modifications WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'XTABLE';
it will allow you ( among other data ) to see:
43,708 1,845 0
.. there are issues ( bugs in some Oracle versions ), but if you will test thoroughly in your environment - you may find this useful.
.. as this question is pretty old - it would be nice to know how you implemented the change detection mechanism.

Find number of times the procedure is called using another procedure

I have two procedures A and B. Procedure A performs certain tasks. Procedure B has to monitor how many times procedure A is called in a day.
How to achieve this?
Add a statement to the procedure:
update statistics_table
set proc_a_count = proc_a_count + 1;
Of course, you'll have to create a suitable table to hold the count and initialize it with a zero in the field.
insert a row into a log table.
Oracle does not track this sort of thing by default but if you just want to record some simple information then switch on the built-in AUDIT functionality:
You can view the accesses in the view dba_audit_trail. Find out more.
If for some reason you don't want to use the audit trail - say you want to capture more information - then you will need to use your own logging mechanism. This is a good use for the AUTONOMOUS TRANSACTION pragma. Just be careful that writing the log records doesn't have an undue impact on the performance of your application.
The role of procedure B in your question is entirely superfluous: either the database records how often procedure A runs or else A writes its own trace records. Unless B is a packaged query on the log (however implemented)?

Oracle: How to execute an insert trigger without delaying the insert response?

The trigger below is delaying my insert response. How can I prevent this?
create or replace
-- The inserted data is transfered via HTTP to a remote location
EDIT People are telling me to do batch jobs, but I would rather have the data earlier than having 100% consistency. The advantage of the trigger is that it happens as soon as the data arrives, but I can't afford the insert response delay.
One approach is to have the trigger create a dbms_job that runs once (each) time to perform the http transfer. The dbms_job creation is relatively quick and you can think of this as effectively spawning a new thread in parallel.
See for further info - his example deals with sending email, but the idea is the same.
There is a perfect solution for this exact situation called Database Change Notification.
You can think of it almost exactly like an async trigger.
You use the DBMS_Change_Notification package to tell oracle which tables to watch and what to do when a change occurs. You can monitor for DML and DDL, you can have Oracle batch the changes (i.e. wait for 10 changes to occur before firing). It will call a sproc with an object containing all the rowids of the changed rows... you can decide how to handle, including calling HTTP. It will not have to finish for the insert to commit.
Documentation for 10gR2
Maybe you could create a local table that store the info do you have to transfer, and create a job that executes every X minutes. The job read from the table, transfer all the data and delete the transfered data from the table.
Isn't it possible to use the Oracle replication options? You send your inserted data via http to a remote location in an after or before statement trigger. What will happen when there is a rollback? Your hhtp send message will not be rollbacked so you have inconsistent data.
well obviously, you could prevent the delay by removing the Trigger....
Else, the trigger will ALWAYS be executed before your insert, thats what the TRIGGER BEFORE INSERT is made for.
Or maybe you could give us more details on what you need exactly?
If you are getting to this question after 2020, look at DBMS_CQ_NOTIFICATION:

How to find out when an Oracle table was updated the last time

Can I find out when the last INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement was performed on a table in an Oracle database and if so, how?
A little background: The Oracle version is 10g. I have a batch application that runs regularly, reads data from a single Oracle table and writes it into a file. I would like to skip this if the data hasn't changed since the last time the job ran.
The application is written in C++ and communicates with Oracle via OCI. It logs into Oracle with a "normal" user, so I can't use any special admin stuff.
Edit: Okay, "Special Admin Stuff" wasn't exactly a good description. What I mean is: I can't do anything besides SELECTing from tables and calling stored procedures. Changing anything about the database itself (like adding triggers), is sadly not an option if want to get it done before 2010.
I'm really late to this party but here's how I did it:
SELECT SCN_TO_TIMESTAMP(MAX(ora_rowscn)) from myTable;
It's close enough for my purposes.
Since you are on 10g, you could potentially use the ORA_ROWSCN pseudocolumn. That gives you an upper bound of the last SCN (system change number) that caused a change in the row. Since this is an increasing sequence, you could store off the maximum ORA_ROWSCN that you've seen and then look only for data with an SCN greater than that.
By default, ORA_ROWSCN is actually maintained at the block level, so a change to any row in a block will change the ORA_ROWSCN for all rows in the block. This is probably quite sufficient if the intention is to minimize the number of rows you process multiple times with no changes if we're talking about "normal" data access patterns. You can rebuild the table with ROWDEPENDENCIES which will cause the ORA_ROWSCN to be tracked at the row level, which gives you more granular information but requires a one-time effort to rebuild the table.
Another option would be to configure something like Change Data Capture (CDC) and to make your OCI application a subscriber to changes to the table, but that also requires a one-time effort to configure CDC.
Ask your DBA about auditing. He can start an audit with a simple command like :
AUDIT INSERT ON user.table
Then you can query the table USER_AUDIT_OBJECT to determine if there has been an insert on your table since the last export.
google for Oracle auditing for more info...
SELECT * FROM all_tab_modifications;
Could you run a checksum of some sort on the result and store that locally? Then when your application queries the database, you can compare its checksum and determine if you should import it?
It looks like you may be able to use the ORA_HASH function to accomplish this.
Update: Another good resource: 10g’s ORA_HASH function to determine if two Oracle tables’ data are equal
Oracle can watch tables for changes and when a change occurs can execute a callback function in PL/SQL or OCI. The callback gets an object that's a collection of tables which changed, and that has a collection of rowid which changed, and the type of action, Ins, upd, del.
So you don't even go to the table, you sit and wait to be called. You'll only go if there are changes to write.
It's called Database Change Notification. It's much simpler than CDC as Justin mentioned, but both require some fancy admin stuff. The good part is that neither of these require changes to the APPLICATION.
The caveat is that CDC is fine for high volume tables, DCN is not.
If the auditing is enabled on the server, just simply use
You would need to add a trigger on insert, update, delete that sets a value in another table to sysdate.
When you run application, it would read the value and save it somewhere so that the next time it is run it has a reference to compare.
Would you consider that "Special Admin Stuff"?
It would be better to describe what you're actually doing so you get clearer answers.
How long does the batch process take to write the file? It may be easiest to let it go ahead and then compare the file against a copy of the file from the previous run to see if they are identical.
If any one is still looking for an answer they can use Oracle Database Change Notification feature coming with Oracle 10g. It requires CHANGE NOTIFICATION system privilege. You can register listeners when to trigger a notification back to the application.
Please use the below statement
select * from all_objects ao where ao.OBJECT_TYPE = 'TABLE' and ao.OWNER = 'YOUR_SCHEMA_NAME'
