Quova API anyone? it's a complete disaster, anyone knows better ip-geolocation-services? - ip-geolocation

i need a geolocation service and i wanted to try some of them before buying anything for my client.
i tried api.ipinfodb.com and is pretty good...
then i recently tried Quova APi, that as far as i remeber Quova was considered good...
well...i tried it and the result is really sloppy... the zipcode with ipinfodb.com was perfect, whereas Quova was quite distant...
also the XML of the first was good formatted, whereas Quova gives you all lowercase name..why? shouldn be the city name cpaitalize ? i know i can do it with php but with name syou have to be careful...sound sjust sloppy to me...
I wonder if the paid Quova service is the same..

I'm actually the product manager for Quova, so I hope I can help. Sorry you're having problems with the API.
To answer your first question about the zip code, no vendor can be right 100% of the time, and there will always be individual cases where we are wrong and someone else is right, or we are right and someone else is wrong. We do provide confidence factors to help you decide how confident we are in the assignments we make, which helps customers make better decisions about the data. Our customers stay with us because they know that the overall quality of our data outperforms the other vendors they've tried. If you respond with the actual IP addresses and ZIP codes that you think are wrong, I can have them investigated.
With regard to our data being all lowercase, we made that decision a long time ago to make the data predictable and to make comparisions with our data easier. I know there are use cases where having the correct capitalization of place names would be valuable, and lowercasing strings is easy enough if you have to do that, so we're considering how to provide capitalized names without impacting current customers who might be relying on the data in its current format. One thing you can do in the meantime is use the Lat/Long to lookup the place name with a service like geonames.org.
To answer your last question, yes, the data is also lowercase in the commercial service.


Limit output length of crypt or hash

I was wondering if there is a way to limit the output of an encrypted or hashed value.
The case I have is, that I provide links for customers, having the id to an entry in my db, which contains relevant information for the receiver. Sooo... to avoid accessing to entries which are for someone else I am encrypting the id and append its outcome to the link. Now I am faced with the problem, that those "final links" are extremely long and ugly as f%!# (I actually got a lot responses, that they look highly suspicious and some of the customers didn't clicked on it, because they were afraid of being redirected to a phishing site).
However, this made me think about the option of limiting or individually setting the length of the encryptions outcome, like force it to contain 8 to 16 characters instead of about 250(? not sure how long they actually are). I also want to avoid using something like a redirecting page and a "self-made" URL shortener, because of the extra step I don't need.
Currently I've spent more than two hours of googling and reading several discussions regarding this topic and yeah... I am not satisfied with the results. Most of them started about two years up to five years ago.
What else I did?
I looked into Laravels api, especially into Illuminate\Encryption\Encrypter, but still no solution found.
Sooooo... I hope anyone can help me out with a solution based on laravel. I don't want to use anything else like php_mbcrypt itself than laravels encrypt or Hash::make.
Thanks in advance!

How to make your more experienced and authoritative teammates not to create 'fast temporary solutions'?

I'm currently working on a small short-lived project. But despite the size it's complicated enough with very unclear logic. That's why it was started by more experienced developers. They work on it from time to time because it's not their main project.
They made some code drafts with numerous places which 'would be rewritten in the nearest future'. After that they added several another 'temporary pieces'. And then again..
So, now the project is a mess of 'half-working' pieces of code with some hardcoded values, like file names or some constants which 'will be replaced latter with working parts'. The API is awful (nobody thinks about it actually).
And it's really, really hard to do development now (for me it's the main and only project). I caught myself thinking that I spent about an hour every day just to understand again all that tricky 'temporary' things and API weaknesses. And after that hour my brain melts.
I can't just say "guys, your code smells like a trash dump". What's the correct way?
It seems like the ultimate problem is they are writing code and not taking responsibility for its quality.
If this goes against the culture of the organization, it's a matter of making the situation known others. If the developers don't know, and have a modicum of empathy, I would take the "I don't quite understand this. Could you spend a few minutes walking me through it?" with them. They should soon realize what they are doing to you, and good programmers will adjust their practices. This may also have to be done via the management hierarchy-- "In order to progress on project X, I need Y hours of the programmers' time to work with their code effectively." It should either happen or bring up a "Why" conversation that should lead to changes.
If this is the culture of the organization, that's unfortunate. It may mean that the programmers producing the code don't care, and nor do any of the management. This is a bit of a political question-- who is most capable and/or interested in seeing this change? Find allies and proceed best you can. A candid conversation with the developers may be the best choice, as they are the people capable of change and no one else is going to induce them to-- so just ask outright.
Hope this helps.
Push for implementation of a formal code review process. Then they won't dare write code like that in the first place. I recommend using a collaborative tool like SmartBear's Code Collaborator or the free ReviewBoard.
Just like people drive slower when they know the cops are watching, they write better code if they know someone is going to be looking at it.
Are these 'other developers' no longer working on the project? And if so, are you the main person working on it? If the answer to both of these is "yes" the the project is yours. Start to make incremental improvements to make it more readable.
You might also like to show the code to a more experienced developer who didn't work on the project. See if they agree that the code is hard to maintain. Suggest to your boss that you set some time aside to 'finish off' the temporary work and bring it to a point where it is maintainable.
Implementing a formal code review process is also a good idea if you want to prevent this happening again.
And remember it may not have been the other developers fault. Sometimes people are told to spend the minimum amount of time, or are told that the code will be thrown away.

How to break someone into testing?

OK. Our product works. Beta testers are actually getting their stuff done. Time for the next iteration. But how to ensure quality? We need a tester!
How do I get someone fresh off the street started in testing? I have no clue on how to do it myself (I'm a developer, not a tester)!
We are a tiny team:
2 architects (as in buildings, not software, they are the domain experts here) figuring out what to build
me building it
and a new guy to do some testing before we push releases out
None of us has a clue on how to do this professionally. So far we have:
a bunch of virtual machines spanning the configurations we would like to test
various versions of windows
german and english, the two languages likely to be in use by our customers
the host software we are writing for (Autodesk Revit Architecture 2010, we are building a plugin for energy calculations)
a text document describing some tests I did (installed release xyz, did this, did that, etc.)
a bug tracking system the tester can add all the bugs he finds
I expect we will need a test script. But how? Who? What? When?
Why are you looking for "someone off the street"? To me, it sounds kind of like asking "I want to hire a new programmer, how do I get someone off the street and get him up to speed programming my software?". Why would you want to do that, over hiring someone who is a programmer already?
In your situation, which is that you don't know much about testing, I'd definitely think about hiring someone with experience in the field.
Specifically, I'd probably look for:
Someone with some experience performing tests under his belt (since you're going to want him actually doing tests).
Someone with some experience writing test plans/etc.
Someone with some experience running a QA team.
The last point is optional, but hopefully your team will be growing as your software grows, so it might make sense to get someone who can grow in the role as well (not to mention having the experience to help you decide when and how to grow the QA team).
Well, are you looking to expand your team with a tester? Have you considered just hiring a test specialist from a consultancy firm?
Before you get somebody to test, make sure you meet the requirements for testing. At a minimum you need:
A specification: Some authoritative source on what the application is supposed to do. This could be an expert that can answer any and all questions on exactly what the app is supposed to do, but the more that is written down and the more formally defined it is the better.
Time: Testing takes time. You can't hand off an application to the tester 30 minutes before it's supposed to go live and expect any worthwhile results. If you're doing waterfall development, testing will require a lot of time at the end. Lots of other development models let testing run in parallel with development, which saves a lot of time, but regardless of the model you use, testing will require more time than not testing.
If you don't have these two things, quality assurance is just a pipe dream.
Now if you do have those met, and you're trying to train somebody to test, here's my crash course on testing.
Fundamentally, testing an application means that you are attempting to ensure two things:
The program does what it is supposed to do.
The program does not do what it is not supposed to do.
That's the core mindset that I use. Building from that I approach things in terms of actions and attempt to verify:
An expected action with expected preconditions produces an expected effect.
An expected action with unexpected preconditions produces no effect or is handled appropriately.
An unexpected action produces no effect or is handled appropriately.
No unexpected effects occur.
Item 1 comes directly from the spec: You make sure that the program does what it is supposed to do.
Items 2 and 3 are where the art of testing comes in. What unexpected actions and preconditions can I perform? I could try to enter the wrong password. I could try to directly type in the URL of a supposedly secured page. I could try to paste odd unicode characters into a text field. I could try to put SQL or javascript code into a text field.
Item 4 is the infinite no-man's land of testing, the part that makes complete testing impossible. (2 and 3 are also infinite, but not as depressing to think about.) That doesn't mean you ignore it. You always keep an eye out for anything unusual. Also, sometimes inspiration strikes and you think of a possible way to cause an unexpected effect: "What happens if I log in between 11:59:59PM and 12:00:00AM on the third tuesday of the month? Oh look, it made me an administrator." Technical knowledge and a peek inside the black box help with coming up with scenarios like that.
There is a whole lot more to say about testing, but that's the bare minimum I can think of: The technical requirements and the approach to the problem.
Ideally, you'll need to give the tester:
training to make sure he knows the product to be tested.
documentation on what the expected results are.
test plans - what needs to be tested and how
a test tracking system to track what is being tested, what passed the tests, what needs to be fixed, etc. That system does not have to be too sophisticated, depending on the size of the project, an Excel spreadsheet may suffice.
In their podcast #64, Jeff and Joel discuss (among other things) what skills a good tester should possess. Transcript also available (about halfway down the page)

Finding Websites From Company Name

I've got a list of 6,000 company names (along with their headquarters address) and I need to find the web address for each of them. I'm considering using the Google Web API (obviously this will take a few days as only 1,000 queries per day are allowed) to do this(search for "COMPANY_NAME CITY STATE") and then take the first result. However I'm not 100% sure this will work, and I feel like there's a better way. I can do this in any language I know really, C++, Java, PHP, Python. This only has to be run once.
How would I use WHOIS to do this? I know how I would do it if I already knew the URL, but not the other way around(name to URL). And what would I do if it were privately registered?
BTW, these are US businesses.
You can use WHOIS instead of Google API for it.
Use Amazons Mechanical Turk. It's perfect for these kinds of tasks which can be hard to automate and typically need a person to validate them. It will cost a little but it should be manageable, depending on how bad you want the results.

What is the name of this anti-pattern?

Surely some of you have dealt with this one. It tends to happen when programmers get a bit too taken by OO and forget about performance and having a database.
For an example, lets say we have an Email table and they need to be sent by this program. At start-up, it looks for anything that needs to be sent as follows:
Emails = find_every_damn_email_in_the_database();
FOR Email in Emails
IF !Email.IsSent() THEN Email.Send()
This is a good from a do-not-repeat-yourself perspective, but sometimes it's unavoidable and it should be:
Emails = find_unsent_emails();
FOR Email in Emails
Is there a name of this one?
I'll have a go at it and coin the name "the lazy filter (anti) pattern".
I saw that once. That programmer wasn't around too long.
We called that the "firehose method".
To me it's Joel Spolsky's leaky abstraction.
It's not exactly an anti-pattern, but whoever wrote this code, didn't really understand where Active Record pattern abstraction leaks.
I call that "The Shotgun Approach".
I'm not sure this is necessarily database related, since you could have a complex and expensive procedure (e.g., more than a flag) for applying a filter for a group.
I don't think there's a name to it, since the first design is simply not good, and it violates the one-responsibility-only principle. If you search, filter, and print the filtered you are doing multiple things, so you need to refactor it into "searched filtered" and print.
The only thing different than a simple refactoring here is that it also affects performance, in the same way that inner loops can be designed in ways that harm performance.
Appear to have derived from the following anti-patterns:
Standing On The Shoulders Of Midgets
If It Is Working Dont Change
The original developer would have possibly not been allowed to write the find_unsent_emails() implementation, and would therefore have reused the midget function. And then, why change it after development and testing?
This is frequently due to it being a lot easier to use an existing query and then filtering in code than getting a new SQL query added. Maybe because the DBAs control all queries and getting a new query approved takes days, or maybe because the ORM tool you're using makes it very difficult to define your own custom queries.
If I were to name it I'd call it the "Easy Way Out" (anti)pattern. Whether it's an antipattern or not really depends on the individual situation. If it will always be a fairly small number of items you need to retrieve, doing the filtering in code really isn't a big problem. But if the number of items is large and has the potential to continually grow, then obviously the filtering should be done on the server.
I've seen similar issues elsewhere, where instead of a simple array of things to do, there was a "transaction cluster" based on a "list cluster" based on a "collection cluster" based on a "memory cluster". Needless to say, the simplest thing turned into a great big freakin' deal.
I called it galloping generality.
Stoopid Amateurs.
Seriously, I've only seen this one in people with Computer Science degrees and no professional experience at all. When I was teaching at Duke, my advisor and I ran a "Large Scale Programming" class where we made people look at exactly these sorts of errors.
The performance of the first one can actually be fine, depending on the type of Emails. If it's just an iterator (think of std::vector::begin() in C++) then it's fine and better than storing all unsent e-mails in some container first.
This antipattern has several possible names.
"Don't-know-SQL" antipattern
"Fascist-DBA" antipattern
"What-does-'latency'-mean?" antipattern
There is a nice example at The Daily WTF.
Inspired partly by 1800's "the lazy filter (anti) pattern", how about "dysfunctional programming" (ie the opposite of functional programming)?
