Is it possible to use midiOutLongMsg to play a chord? (Win32 API) - winapi

This guys says yes:
Same with a really old book from 1998 (Maximum MIDI).
MSDN doesn't mention it.
I'm not getting any sound.
I fill a char buffer with status|note|velocity|status|note|velocity...
Set lpData, dwBufferLength, and dwFlags of a MIDIHDR struct
call midiOutPrepareHeader (MMSYSERR_NOERROR)
call midiOutLongMsg (MMSYSERR_NOERROR)
Still no sound! Spamming midiOutShortMsg is working but will that work for slower machines? Did they change the functionality?

I'm an idiot! I figured it out: Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth does NOT support sending multiple short messages in midiOutLongMsg. The MIDI Mapper DOES!

midiOutShortMsg should be plenty fast, even on slow machines. MIDI interfaces themselves (hardware that is, but some software will limit themselves) run at 31,250 baud. This of course is ignoring any slow code you may have wrapped around where you call midiOutShortMsg.
Anyway, technically you should also be able to get away with one status byte, if the following notes use the same status byte. So, if you want to do note on/off (using velocity 0 for off) and those notes are on the same channel, you could do this:
This is called running status.


How does FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING interact with handles opened to communication devices?

Just as the title says, I am writing a networking program where I open a handle to a network driver using CreateFile, and I have been experimenting with the NO_BUFFERING flag.
Most documentation won't even mention this being used with communication devices, and the ones that do (AKA the MSDN reference, etc), simply mention that you can.
Does anyone have any idea how this may affect communication with the device?
It is a device driver implementation detail, options you specify in the CreateFile() call are passed in the IRP_MJ_REQUEST request. The one I linked is the one for file systems, it is very fancy one. Click through the IrpSp->Parameters.Create.Options link to IoCreateFileSpecifyDeviceObjectHint()'s Options argument to see FILE_NO_INTERMEDIATE_BUFFERING.
The documentation for the IRP_MJ_REQUEST for serial ports is here. Very simple one, no arguments at all :) In general, the winapi to device driver interface for communication ports is a very straight-forward. There's an (almost) direct mapping between the documented winapi function and its underlying IOCTL. The winapi function doesn't do much beyond basic error checking, then quickly passes the job to the driver.
So there isn't any way to pass the FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING option you specify so it simply doesn't get used.
Otherwise the logical conclusion, serial port I/O is interrupt driven, the driver must buffer in order to not lose bytes and keep an acceptable transfer rate. You can technically tinker with the buffer sizes through SetupComm() but, as documented, it is only a recommendation with pretty high odds that the driver simply ignores very low values.

Is there a way to remove "getKey"'s input lag?

I've recently decided to try ti-basic programming, and while I was playing with getKey; I noticed that it had a 1s~ input lag after the first input. Is this built into the calculator, or can this be changed?
I recognize that "Quick Key" code above ;) (I'm the original author and very glad to see it spread around!).
Anyway, here is my low-level knowledge of the subject:
The operating system uses what is known as an interrupt in order to handle reading the keyboard, link port, USB port, and the run indicator among other things. The interrupt is just software code, nothing hardware implemented. So it is hardwired into the OS not the calculator.
The gist of the code TI uses is that once it reads that a key press occurred, it resets a counter to 50 and decrements it so long as the user holds down the key. Once the counter reaches zero, it tells getKey to recognize it as a new keypress and then it resets the counter to 10. This cause the initial delay to be longer than subsequent delays.
The TI-OS allows third party "hooks" to jump in and modify the getkey process and I used such a hook in another more complicated program (Speedy Keys). However, this hook is never called during BASIC program execution except at a Pause or Menu( command, where it isn't too helpful.
Instead what we can do is setup a parser hook that modifies the getkey counters. Alternatively, you can use the QuickKey code above, or you can use Hybrid BASIC which requires you to download a third-party App. A few of these apps (BatLib [by me], Celtic 3, DoorsCS7, and xLIB) offer a very fast getKey alternative as well as many other powerful functions.
The following is the code for setting up the parser hook. It works very well in my tests! See notes below:
#include "" ; ~~This column is the stuff for manually
_EnableParserHook = 5026h ; creating the code on calc. ~~
.db $BB,$6D ;AsmPrgm
.org $9D95 ;
ld hl,hookcode ;21A89D
ld de,appbackupscreen ;117298
ld bc,hookend-hookcode ;010A00
ldir ;EDB0
ld hl,appbackupscreen ;217298
ld a,l ;7D
ret ;C9
hookcode: ;
.db 83h ;83
push af ;F5
ld a,1 ;3E01
ld (8442h),a ;324284
pop af ;F1
cp a ;BF
ret ;C9
hookend: ;
Notes: other apps or programs may use parser hooks. Using this program will disable those hooks and you will need to reinstall them. This is pretty easy.
Finally, if you manually putting this on your calculator, use the right column code. Here is an animated .gif showing how to make such a program:
You will need to run the program once either on the homescreen or at the start of your main program. After this, all getKeys will have no delay.
I figured out this myself too when I was experimenting with my Ti-84 during the summer. This lag cannot be changed. This is built into the calculator. I think this is because of how the microchip used in ti-84 is a Intel Zilog Z80 microprocessor which was made in 1984.
This is unfortunately simply the inefficiency of the calculator. TI-basic is a fairly high-level language and meant to be easy to use and is thus not very efficient or fast. Especially with respect to input and output, i.e. printing messages and getting input.
Quick Key
This is a getKey routine that makes all keys repeat, not just arrows and there is no delay between repeats. The key codes are different, so you might need to experiment.

Is WSAGetLastError() just an alias for GetLastError()?

In my code, I have asynchronous I/O with I/O Completion Ports, and for the read/write completion callbacks, I get a HANDLE (that of course can be a socket, file handle, named pipe and so on).
So if something is wrong in such routine, I want to check the error, but how to know if its a "network" HANDLE (a SOCKET, so I should call WSAGetLastError()) or a "non-network" HANDLE (named pipes, files and so on, so I should call GetLastError())? I'm using a simple flag for that, but its ugly, and inconvenient.
If someone can confirm that WSAGetLastError() is just an alias for GetLastError(), I will use only the latter.
It seems so:
But can someone confirm that? MSDN is not much clear on this topic.
And would it be safe to use GetLastError() instead of WSAGetLastError()? I mean, if WSAGetLastError() is even an alias of GetLastError() since Windows95 as someone claim, I could assume that it will be true for the next version of Windows -- but we can't write good code on assuming things :)
It is just a wrapper to GetLastError if you reverse engineering ws2_32.dll, you'll find it.
Reason behind having two similar functions:
Why does the function WSASetLastError exist when there is already the perfectly good function SetLastError?
Actually, you know the answer too, if you sit down and think about it.
Winsock was originally developed to run on both 16-bit Windows and 32-bit Windows. Notice how the classic Winsock functions are based on window messages for asynchronous notifications. In the 16-bit world, there was no SetLastError function. Therefore, Winsock had to provide its own version for the 16-bit implementation. And since source code compatibility is important, there was a 32-bit version as well. Of course, the 32-bit version looks kind of stupid in retrospect if you aren't aware of the 16-bit version.

Linux UART driver - debugging time taken for __init call

I am a bit new to the Linux kernel and our team is trying to optimize the boot-up time for the device. It was observed that 8250 UART driver takes more than 1 second to complete the __init call. Using printk's and going by the generated console time-stamps prefixed to every log message, I was able to narrow down the function call which takes the extra time:
ret = platform_driver_register(&serial8250_isa_driver);
Being a novice, I was unsure about what more could I do from a debugging standpoint to track down the issue ? I am looking for pointers/suggestions from some of the experienced Kernel developers out there.. Just curious as to what other approach would the Kernel developers, use from their "Debugging Toolbox" ?
If I understand correct, the register function is doing stuff with that struct (maybe polling addresses or something). You would need to see if any of the functions defined within are being called by register.
To more answer your question, does the platform you're running on have an 8250 ISA UART? If not, that could well explain why it's taking so long to init (it's timing out).

How can I get a pulse in win32 Assembler (specifically nasm)?

I'm planning on making a clock. An actual clock, not something for Windows. However, I would like to be able to write most of the code now. I'll be using a PIC16F628A to drive the clock, and it has a timer I can access (actually, it has 3, in addition to the clock it has built in). Windows, however, does not appear to have this function. Which makes making a clock a bit hard, since I need to know how long it's been so I can update the current time. So I need to know how I can get a pulse (1Hz, 1KHz, doesn't really matter as long as I know how fast it is) in Windows.
There are many timer objects available in Windows. Probably the easiest to use for your purposes would be the Multimedia Timer, but that's been deprecated. It would still work, but Microsoft recommends using one of the new timer types.
I'd recommend using a threadpool timer if you know your application will be running under Windows Vista, Server 2008, or later. If you have to support Windows XP, use a Timer Queue timer.
There's a lot to those APIs, but general use is pretty simple. I showed how to use them (in C#) in my article Using the Windows Timer Queue API. The code is mostly API calls, so I figure you won't have trouble understanding and converting it.
The LARGE_INTEGER is just an 8-byte block of memory that's split into a high part and a low part. In assembly, you can define it as:
MyLargeInt equ $
MyLargeIntLow dd 0
MyLargeIntHigh dd 0
If you're looking to learn ASM, just do a Google search for [x86 assembly language tutorial]. That'll get you a whole lot of good information.
You could use a waitable timer object. Since Windows is not a real-time OS, you'll need to make sure you set the period long enough that you won't miss pulses. A tenth of a second should be safe most of the time.
The const LARGE_INTEGER you need to pass to SetWaitableTimer is easy to implement in NASM, it's just an eight byte constant:
period: dq 100 ; 100ms = ten times a second
Pass the address of period as the second argument to SetWaitableTimer.
